

1. IFEval数据集提出的问题

随着大语言模型(如GPT-4、PaLM 2等)在自然语言任务中的广泛应用,模型的指令遵循能力(Instruction Following)成为一个重要评估指标。

  1. 人工评估耗时高、成本大且存在主观偏差,影响可复现性;
  2. 基于模型的评估依赖评估器模型的准确性,但评估器自身可能存在缺陷,导致误导性结果;
  3. 量化基准虽然标准化,但缺乏对生成任务(如指令遵循)的精细评估。



2. IFEval方法:严格与宽松指标


  1. Strict指标:通过简单的规则匹配验证模型输出是否完全符合指令要求。
    i s . f o l l o w e d ( r e s p , i n s t ) = { True 指令被遵循 False 否则 is.followed(resp, inst) = \begin{cases} \text{True} & \text{指令被遵循} \\ \text{False} & \text{否则} \end{cases} is.followed(resp,inst)={TrueFalse指令被遵循否则

    • 这种方法直接匹配结果与指令的字符串内容,易于实现,但容易因细微差异导致误判。
  2. Loose指标:通过对输出结果进行多种变换后,再判断指令遵循情况,以减少误判。
    i s . f o l l o w e d loose ( r e s p , i n s t ) = Any ( i s . f o l l o w e d ( t r a n s f o r m t ( r e s p ) , i n s t ) for  t = 1 , 2 , … ) is.followed_{\text{loose}}(resp, inst) = \text{Any} \left( is.followed(transform_t(resp), inst) \text{ for } t = 1, 2, \dots \right) is.followedloose(resp,inst)=Any(is.followed(transformt(resp),inst) for t=1,2,)

    • 变换包括:
      • 删除Markdown修饰符(如***
      • 跳过输出的首行或末行,去除无关引导语
      • 其他格式变换,例如JSON格式转换等。

这种结合严格与宽松标准的方法,有效减少了因格式问题引发的假负例(False Negative)问题。

3. 数据集格式

paper:Instruction-Following Evaluation for Large Language Models

IFEval25种可验证的指令:The list of 25 verifiable instructions, with brief descriptions.

  • 指令类型(Instruction Type):例如“Length Constraints”“Detectable Format”“Keywords”等,详见25种指令类型表格。
  • 任务指令(Instruction):具体要求,如“Include keywords {keyword} in your response”。
  • 说明(Description):对任务的详细描述,如要求生成特定格式、段落数、关键词等。



{"request_type": "generate_until","doc": {"prompt": "Write a 300+ word summary...","instruction_id_list": ["punctuation:no_comma", "detectable_format:number_highlighted_sections"],"kwargs": [{"num_highlights": 3, "relation": "at least", "num_words": 300}]},"label": null


  • punctuation:no_comma:生成内容不能使用逗号。
  • detectable_format:number_highlighted_sections:生成内容需包含至少3个高亮部分。
  • length_constraints:number_words:输出至少300词。

具体使用可以参考源码: https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/instruction_following_eval 和hf上的数据集详情 https://huggingface.co/datasets/google/IFEval

4. IFEval的意义
  • 评估细化:提供多维度指标,检测模型对具体指令的遵循能力。
  • 容错性:通过宽松变换减少不必要的误判,更适合实际应用。
  • 可扩展性:指令模板可轻松扩展到新的任务。


  • 对输出格式有要求:如必须输出JSON、包含标题等。
  • 对语言约束:如要求全小写或避免使用逗号。

5. 其他类似数据集及区别


  1. HELLOT(Human Evaluation for Language Outputs and Tasks)

    • 主要依赖人工标注来评估任务完成度。
  2. OpenAI’s InstructGPT Benchmarks

    • 强调指令调优模型的对齐能力。
  3. AlpacaEval

    • 自动评估模型的响应质量,侧重与人类偏好对齐。


  • IFEval通过自动化评估,结合严格与宽松两种标准,强调指令执行的可验证性
  • 其他数据集更注重主观质量评估,或依赖人工标注。




Introduction to the IFEval Dataset: Evaluating Instruction-Following in LLMs

1. The Problem IFEval Addresses

As large language models (e.g., GPT-4, PaLM 2) become widely adopted, their instruction-following capability emerges as a critical evaluation metric.
IFEval addresses limitations in current evaluation methods:

  1. Human evaluation: Expensive, time-consuming, and subject to biases, reducing reproducibility.
  2. Model-based evaluation: Heavily relies on evaluator models, which may introduce errors.
  3. Quantitative benchmarks: Standardized but insufficient for fine-grained generative tasks.

IFEval focuses on verifiable instructions (e.g., length constraints, JSON formatting), offering automated and objective evaluation. It helps identify instruction-following weaknesses and enables comparative analysis across models.

2. IFEval Method: Strict vs. Loose Metrics

IFEval introduces two evaluation metrics:

  1. Strict Metric: Matches output to instructions using simple rule-based checks.
    i s . f o l l o w e d ( r e s p , i n s t ) = { True if instructions are followed False otherwise is.followed(resp, inst) = \begin{cases} \text{True} & \text{if instructions are followed} \\ \text{False} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} is.followed(resp,inst)={TrueFalseif instructions are followedotherwise

    • Advantage: Easy to implement.
    • Limitation: Minor format mismatches may trigger false negatives.
  2. Loose Metric: Applies multiple transformations to outputs (e.g., removing Markdown symbols, ignoring guide phrases, reformatting JSON) to reduce false negatives.
    i s . f o l l o w e d loose ( r e s p , i n s t ) = Any ( i s . f o l l o w e d ( t r a n s f o r m t ( r e s p ) , i n s t ) for  t = 1 , 2 , … ) is.followed_{\text{loose}}(resp, inst) = \text{Any} \left( is.followed(transform_t(resp), inst) \text{ for } t = 1, 2, \dots \right) is.followedloose(resp,inst)=Any(is.followed(transformt(resp),inst) for t=1,2,)

By balancing strict and loose evaluations, IFEval improves robustness against formatting inconsistencies.

3. Dataset Structure

IFEval contains 25 categories of verifiable instructions (e.g., “Length Constraints”, “Detectable Format”, “Keywords”).

Example Data Format:

{"request_type": "generate_until","doc": {"prompt": "Write a 300+ word summary...","instruction_id_list": ["punctuation:no_comma", "detectable_format:number_highlighted_sections"],"kwargs": [{"num_highlights": 3, "relation": "at least", "num_words": 300}]},"label": null
  • instruction_id_list: Defines directives, e.g., no commas, highlight sections.
  • kwargs: Specifies additional constraints, e.g., word count.

4. Significance of IFEval
  1. Refined Evaluation: Multi-dimensional metrics measure instruction adherence more accurately.
  2. Error Tolerance: Loose metrics reduce false negatives caused by formatting inconsistencies.
  3. Scalability: Flexible instruction templates can adapt to new tasks.

Examples of instructions include:

  • Format requirements: “Output in JSON” or “Include a title in [[title]]”.
  • Language constraints: “Avoid commas” or “Use lowercase only”.

5. Comparison to Similar Datasets
  • HELLOT: Focuses on human-annotated task completion.
  • InstructGPT Benchmarks: Evaluates alignment with human preferences.
  • AlpacaEval: Measures response quality, prioritizing subjective alignment.

Key Difference:
IFEval emphasizes automated and verifiable evaluation, combining strict and loose metrics to improve objectivity and reduce errors.


The IFEval dataset provides a systematic, fine-grained evaluation framework for instruction-following in large language models. By incorporating strict and loose metrics, it mitigates false negatives, ensuring robust assessments. Its extensible design, covering multiple instruction types, makes it an essential tool for instruction-following evaluation. Compared to other benchmarks, IFEval uniquely focuses on the verifiability of directives, making it highly practical for real-world applications.







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