NLP-分词器:SentencePiece【参考Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca在通用中文语料上训练的20K中文词表并与原版LLaMA模型的32K词表进行合并的代码】_sentencepiece 中文训练-CSDN博客
【OpenLLM 008】大模型基础组件之分词器-万字长文全面解读LLM中的分词算法与分词器(tokenization & tokenizers):BPE/WordPiece/ULM & beyond - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
Byte Pair Encoding
import re, collectionsdef get_vocab(filename):vocab = collections.defaultdict(int) # 对于 defaultdict(int) 创建的字典来说,任何不存在的键在访问时都会自动被赋值为 0with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fhand:for line in fhand:words = line.strip().split()for word in words:vocab[' '.join(list(word)) + ' </w>'] += 1return vocabdef get_stats(vocab):pairs = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():symbols = word.split()for i in range(len(symbols)-1):pairs[symbols[i],symbols[i+1]] += freqreturn pairsdef merge_vocab(pair, v_in):v_out = {}bigram = re.escape(' '.join(pair)) # re.escape确保特殊字符被转义,以便在正则表达式中按照字面意义进行匹配p = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)' + bigram + r'(?!\S)') # ?!负向前瞻断言,表示匹配位置前(<)或后面不是某种模式。\S: 表示任何非空白字符for word in v_in:w_out = p.sub(''.join(pair), word) # 替换结合字符对,保留原来字符串中的其他部分v_out[w_out] = v_in[word] # 将处理后的字符串 w_out 作为 v_out 字典的键,并将 v_in 字典中对应 word 的值赋给 v_out 字典中这个键return v_outdef get_tokens(vocab):tokens = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():word_tokens = word.split()for token in word_tokens:tokens[token] += freqreturn tokens# vocab = {'l o w </w>': 5, 'l o w e r </w>': 2, 'n e w e s t </w>': 6, 'w i d e s t </w>': 3}# Get free book from Gutenberg
# wget http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/16457/pg16457.txt
vocab = get_vocab('pg16457.txt')print('==========')
print('Tokens Before BPE')
tokens = get_tokens(vocab)
print('Tokens: {}'.format(tokens))
print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens)))
print('==========')num_merges = 1000
for i in range(num_merges):pairs = get_stats(vocab)if not pairs:breakbest = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)vocab = merge_vocab(best, vocab)print('Iter: {}'.format(i))print('Best pair: {}'.format(best))tokens = get_tokens(vocab)print('Tokens: {}'.format(tokens))print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens)))print('==========')
Tokens Before BPE
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'T': 1607, 'h': 26103, 'e': 59190, '</w>': 101849, 'P': 780, 'r': 29562, 'o': 35007, 'j': 858, 'c': 13900, 't': 44238, 'G': 300, 'u': 13723, 'n': 32498, 'b': 7426, 'g': 8752, 'B': 1162, 'k': 2732, 'f': 10463, 'A': 1379, 'l': 20619, 'd': 17581, 'M': 1204, 'i': 31414, 's': 28311, 'a': 36695, 'y': 8828, 'w': 8155, 'U': 178, 'S': 865, 'm': 9751, 'p': 8030, 'v': 4878, '.': 4061, 'Y': 250, ',': 8065, '-': 1063, 'L': 426, 'I': 1428, ':': 201, 'J': 78, 'V': 102, 'E': 895, 'R': 369, '6': 73, '2': 160, '0': 402, '5': 124, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 291, '4': 99, '7': 60, ']': 32, 'D': 322, 'C': 862, 'K': 41, 'O': 510, '/': 31, '*': 22, 'F': 419, 'H': 688, 'N': 793, '"': 4064, '!': 1214, 'W': 576, '3': 104, "'": 1236, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 73, '9': 36, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 364, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 53, ')': 53, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '—': 2, '™': 57, '“': 11, '”': 11, '•': 4, '%': 1, '‘': 1, '’': 6, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 103
Iter: 0
Best pair: ('e', '</w>')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'T': 1607, 'h': 26103, 'e</w>': 17758, 'P': 780, 'r': 29562, 'o': 35007, 'j': 858, 'e': 41432, 'c': 13900, 't': 44238, '</w>': 84091, 'G': 300, 'u': 13723, 'n': 32498, 'b': 7426, 'g': 8752, 'B': 1162, 'k': 2732, 'f': 10463, 'A': 1379, 'l': 20619, 'd': 17581, 'M': 1204, 'i': 31414, 's': 28311, 'a': 36695, 'y': 8828, 'w': 8155, 'U': 178, 'S': 865, 'm': 9751, 'p': 8030, 'v': 4878, '.': 4061, 'Y': 250, ',': 8065, '-': 1063, 'L': 426, 'I': 1428, ':': 201, 'J': 78, 'V': 102, 'E': 895, 'R': 369, '6': 73, '2': 160, '0': 402, '5': 124, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 291, '4': 99, '7': 60, ']': 32, 'D': 322, 'C': 862, 'K': 41, 'O': 510, '/': 31, '*': 22, 'F': 419, 'H': 688, 'N': 793, '"': 4064, '!': 1214, 'W': 576, '3': 104, "'": 1236, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 73, '9': 36, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 364, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 53, ')': 53, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '—': 2, '™': 57, '“': 11, '”': 11, '•': 4, '%': 1, '‘': 1, '’': 6, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 104
Iter: 1
Best pair: ('t', 'h')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'T': 1607, 'h': 12062, 'e</w>': 17758, 'P': 780, 'r': 29562, 'o': 35007, 'j': 858, 'e': 41432, 'c': 13900, 't': 30197, '</w>': 84091, 'G': 300, 'u': 13723, 'n': 32498, 'b': 7426, 'g': 8752, 'B': 1162, 'k': 2732, 'f': 10463, 'A': 1379, 'l': 20619, 'd': 17581, 'th': 14041, 'M': 1204, 'i': 31414, 's': 28311, 'a': 36695, 'y': 8828, 'w': 8155, 'U': 178, 'S': 865, 'm': 9751, 'p': 8030, 'v': 4878, '.': 4061, 'Y': 250, ',': 8065, '-': 1063, 'L': 426, 'I': 1428, ':': 201, 'J': 78, 'V': 102, 'E': 895, 'R': 369, '6': 73, '2': 160, '0': 402, '5': 124, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 291, '4': 99, '7': 60, ']': 32, 'D': 322, 'C': 862, 'K': 41, 'O': 510, '/': 31, '*': 22, 'F': 419, 'H': 688, 'N': 793, '"': 4064, '!': 1214, 'W': 576, '3': 104, "'": 1236, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 73, '9': 36, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 364, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 53, ')': 53, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '—': 2, '™': 57, '“': 11, '”': 11, '•': 4, '%': 1, '‘': 1, '’': 6, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 105
Iter: 2
Best pair: ('t', '</w>')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'T': 1607, 'h': 12062, 'e</w>': 17758, 'P': 780, 'r': 29562, 'o': 35007, 'j': 858, 'e': 41432, 'c': 13900, 't</w>': 9280, 'G': 300, 'u': 13723, 't': 20917, 'n': 32498, 'b': 7426, 'g': 8752, '</w>': 74811, 'B': 1162, 'k': 2732, 'f': 10463, 'A': 1379, 'l': 20619, 'd': 17581, 'th': 14041, 'M': 1204, 'i': 31414, 's': 28311, 'a': 36695, 'y': 8828, 'w': 8155, 'U': 178, 'S': 865, 'm': 9751, 'p': 8030, 'v': 4878, '.': 4061, 'Y': 250, ',': 8065, '-': 1063, 'L': 426, 'I': 1428, ':': 201, 'J': 78, 'V': 102, 'E': 895, 'R': 369, '6': 73, '2': 160, '0': 402, '5': 124, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 291, '4': 99, '7': 60, ']': 32, 'D': 322, 'C': 862, 'K': 41, 'O': 510, '/': 31, '*': 22, 'F': 419, 'H': 688, 'N': 793, '"': 4064, '!': 1214, 'W': 576, '3': 104, "'": 1236, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 73, '9': 36, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 364, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 53, ')': 53, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '—': 2, '™': 57, '“': 11, '”': 11, '•': 4, '%': 1, '‘': 1, '’': 6, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 106
import re, collectionsdef get_vocab(filename):vocab = collections.defaultdict(int)with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fhand:for line in fhand:words = line.strip().split()for word in words:vocab[' '.join(list(word)) + ' </w>'] += 1return vocabdef get_stats(vocab):pairs = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():symbols = word.split()for i in range(len(symbols) - 1):pairs[symbols[i], symbols[i + 1]] += freqreturn pairsdef merge_vocab(pair, v_in):v_out = {}bigram = re.escape(' '.join(pair))p = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)' + bigram + r'(?!\S)')for word in v_in:w_out = p.sub(''.join(pair), word)v_out[w_out] = v_in[word]return v_outdef get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab):tokens_frequencies = collections.defaultdict(int)vocab_tokenization = {}for word, freq in vocab.items():word_tokens = word.split()for token in word_tokens:tokens_frequencies[token] += freqvocab_tokenization[''.join(word_tokens)] = word_tokensreturn tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenizationdef measure_token_length(token):if token[-4:] == '</w>':return len(token[:-4]) + 1else:return len(token)def tokenize_word(string, sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'):if string == '':return []if sorted_tokens == []:return [unknown_token]string_tokens = []for i in range(len(sorted_tokens)):token = sorted_tokens[i]token_reg = re.escape(token.replace('.', '[.]'))matched_positions = [(m.start(0), m.end(0)) for m in re.finditer(token_reg, string)]if len(matched_positions) == 0:continuesubstring_end_positions = [matched_position[0] for matched_position in matched_positions]substring_start_position = 0for substring_end_position in substring_end_positions:substring = string[substring_start_position:substring_end_position]string_tokens += tokenize_word(string=substring, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens[i + 1:],unknown_token=unknown_token)string_tokens += [token]substring_start_position = substring_end_position + len(token)remaining_substring = string[substring_start_position:]string_tokens += tokenize_word(string=remaining_substring, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens[i + 1:],unknown_token=unknown_token)breakreturn string_tokens# vocab = {'l o w </w>': 5, 'l o w e r </w>': 2, 'n e w e s t </w>': 6, 'w i d e s t </w>': 3}vocab = get_vocab('pg16457.txt')print('==========')
print('Tokens Before BPE')
tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenization = get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab)
print('All tokens: {}'.format(tokens_frequencies.keys()))
print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens_frequencies.keys())))
print('==========')num_merges = 100
for i in range(num_merges):pairs = get_stats(vocab)if not pairs:breakbest = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)vocab = merge_vocab(best, vocab)print('Iter: {}'.format(i))print('Best pair: {}'.format(best))tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenization = get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab)print('All tokens: {}'.format(tokens_frequencies.keys()))print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens_frequencies.keys())))print('==========')# Let's check how tokenization will be for a known word
word_given_known = 'mountains</w>'
word_given_unknown = 'Ilikeeatingapples!</w>'sorted_tokens_tuple = sorted(tokens_frequencies.items(), key=lambda item: (measure_token_length(item[0]), item[1]),reverse=True) # 根据 measure_token_length(item[0]) 排序,如果长度相同,则按 item[1](值)排序。reverse=True 降序排序
sorted_tokens = [token for (token, freq) in sorted_tokens_tuple]print(sorted_tokens)word_given = word_given_knownprint('Tokenizing word: {}...'.format(word_given))
if word_given in vocab_tokenization:print('Tokenization of the known word:')print(vocab_tokenization[word_given])print('Tokenization treating the known word as unknown:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))
else:print('Tokenizating of the unknown word:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))word_given = word_given_unknownprint('Tokenizing word: {}...'.format(word_given))
if word_given in vocab_tokenization:print('Tokenization of the known word:')print(vocab_tokenization[word_given])print('Tokenization treating the known word as unknown:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))
else:print('Tokenizating of the unknown word:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))
字节对编码 - 毛雷日志 (leimao.github.io)
彻底搞懂BPE(Byte Pair Encode)原理(附代码实现)_bpe实现-CSDN博客
encode一个句子"linear algebra", 那么存在的划分方法有以下几种:
linear = li + near 或者 li + n + ea + r
algebra = al + ge + bra 或者 al + g + e + bra
在这个具体的case中,每个单词都有两种拆分方法, 那么整个句子就有4中拆分方法。
WordPiece和BPE的区别就在每次merge的过程中, BPE是通过合并最高频次的字节对,WordPiece选择能够提升语言模型概率最大的相邻子词加入词表
选择让似然概率最大的值,具体的计算使用合并后的概率值,除以合并前的概率值,举个例子, 在考虑将"e"和"s"合并的时候除了会考虑"es"的概率值,还会考虑"e"和"s"的概率值。或者说,"es"的合并是通过考虑合并带来的价值。
corpus = ["This is the Hugging Face course.","This chapter is about tokenization.","This section shows several tokenizer algorithms.","Hopefully, you will be able to understand how they are trained and generate tokens.",
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from collections import defaultdict
# 在進行預標記化時計算語料庫中每個單詞的頻率:
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(r"G:\llm_model\bert-base-chinese")word_freqs = defaultdict(int)
for text in corpus:words_with_offsets = tokenizer.backend_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer.pre_tokenize_str(text)new_words = [word for word, offset in words_with_offsets]for word in new_words:word_freqs[word] += 1print(word_freqs)
# 字母表是由單詞的所有第一個字母組成的唯一集合,以及出現在前綴為 ## 的其他字母:
alphabet = []
for word in word_freqs.keys():if word[0] not in alphabet:alphabet.append(word[0])for letter in word[1:]:if f"##{letter}" not in alphabet:alphabet.append(f"##{letter}")alphabet.sort()
# alphabet
# 在該詞彙表的開頭添加了模型使用的特殊標記。在使用 BERT 的情況下,它是列表 ["[PAD]", "[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[MASK]"]:
vocab = ["[PAD]", "[UNK]", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[MASK]"] + alphabet.copy()
# 需要拆分每個單詞, 所有不是第一個字母的字母都以 ## 為前綴:
splits = {word: [c if i == 0 else f"##{c}" for i, c in enumerate(word)]for word in word_freqs.keys()
}# 計算每對的分數
def compute_pair_scores(splits):letter_freqs = defaultdict(int)pair_freqs = defaultdict(int)for word, freq in word_freqs.items():split = splits[word]if len(split) == 1:letter_freqs[split[0]] += freqcontinuefor i in range(len(split) - 1):pair = (split[i], split[i + 1])letter_freqs[split[i]] += freqpair_freqs[pair] += freqletter_freqs[split[-1]] += freqscores = {pair: freq / (letter_freqs[pair[0]] * letter_freqs[pair[1]])for pair, freq in pair_freqs.items()}return scorespair_scores = compute_pair_scores(splits)
for i, key in enumerate(pair_scores.keys()):print(f"{key}: {pair_scores[key]}")if i >= 5:breakbest_pair = ""
max_score = None
for pair, score in pair_scores.items():if max_score is None or max_score < score:best_pair = pairmax_score = scoreprint(best_pair, max_score)
# 第一個要學習的合併是 ('a', '##b') -> 'ab', 並且我們添加 'ab' 到詞彙表中:
vocab.append("ab")def merge_pair(a, b, splits):for word in word_freqs:split = splits[word]if len(split) == 1:continuei = 0while i < len(split) - 1:if split[i] == a and split[i + 1] == b:merge = a + b[2:] if b.startswith("##") else a + bsplit = split[:i] + [merge] + split[i + 2:]else:i += 1splits[word] = splitreturn splitssplits = merge_pair("a", "##b", splits)
print(splits["about"])vocab_size = 70
while len(vocab) < vocab_size:scores = compute_pair_scores(splits)best_pair, max_score = "", Nonefor pair, score in scores.items():if max_score is None or max_score < score:best_pair = pairmax_score = scoresplits = merge_pair(*best_pair, splits)new_token = (best_pair[0] + best_pair[1][2:]if best_pair[1].startswith("##")else best_pair[0] + best_pair[1])vocab.append(new_token)
print(vocab)def encode_word(word):tokens = []while len(word) > 0:i = len(word)while i > 0 and word[:i] not in vocab:i -= 1if i == 0:return ["[UNK]"]tokens.append(word[:i])word = word[i:]if len(word) > 0:word = f"##{word}"return tokensprint(encode_word("Hugging"))
print(encode_word("HOgging"))def tokenize(text):pre_tokenize_result = tokenizer._tokenizer.pre_tokenizer.pre_tokenize_str(text)pre_tokenized_text = [word for word, offset in pre_tokenize_result]encoded_words = [encode_word(word) for word in pre_tokenized_text]return sum(encoded_words, [])tokenize("This is the Hugging Face course!")
标准化和预标记化 - Hugging Face NLP Course
defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'This': 3, 'is': 2, 'the': 1, 'Hugging': 1, 'Face': 1, 'course': 1, '.': 4, 'chapter': 1, 'about': 1, 'tokenization': 1, 'section': 1, 'shows': 1, 'several': 1, 'tokenizer': 1, 'algorithms': 1, 'Hopefully': 1, ',': 1, 'you': 1, 'will': 1, 'be': 1, 'able': 1, 'to': 1, 'understand': 1, 'how': 1, 'they': 1, 'are': 1, 'trained': 1, 'and': 1, 'generate': 1, 'tokens': 1})
['##a', '##b', '##c', '##d', '##e', '##f', '##g', '##h', '##i', '##k', '##l', '##m', '##n', '##o', '##p', '##r', '##s', '##t', '##u', '##v', '##w', '##y', '##z', ',', '.', 'F', 'H', 'T', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'g', 'h', 'i', 's', 't', 'u', 'w', 'y']
('T', '##h'): 0.125
('##h', '##i'): 0.03409090909090909
('##i', '##s'): 0.02727272727272727
('i', '##s'): 0.1
('t', '##h'): 0.03571428571428571
('##h', '##e'): 0.011904761904761904
('a', '##b') 0.2
['ab', '##o', '##u', '##t']
['[PAD]', '[UNK]', '[CLS]', '[SEP]', '[MASK]', '##a', '##b', '##c', '##d', '##e', '##f', '##g', '##h', '##i', '##k', '##l', '##m', '##n', '##o', '##p', '##r', '##s', '##t', '##u', '##v', '##w', '##y', '##z', ',', '.', 'F', 'H', 'T', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'g', 'h', 'i', 's', 't', 'u', 'w', 'y', 'ab', '##fu', 'Fa', 'Fac', '##ct', '##ful', '##full', '##fully', 'Th', '##hm', '##thm', 'Hu', 'Hug', 'Hugg', 'ch', 'cha', 'chap', 'chapt', 'sh', 'th', 'is', '##thms', '##za', '##zat', '##ut', '##ta']
['Hugg', '##i', '##n', '##g']
['Th', '##i', '##s', 'is', 'th', '##e', 'Hugg', '##i', '##n', '##g', 'Fac', '##e', 'c', '##o', '##u', '##r', '##s', '##e', '[UNK]']
Unigram Language Model(ULM)
与 BPE 和 WordPiece 相比,Unigram 在另一个方向上工作:它从一个较大的词汇表开始,然后从中删除标记,直到达到所需的词汇表大小。请注意,从不删除基本字符,以确保可以标记任何单词。
在训练的每一步,Unigram 算法都会在给定当前词汇的情况下计算语料库的损失。然后,遍历词汇表中的每个分词,分别计算如果删除该分词,整体损失会增加多少。寻找损失增加最少的分词,这些分词对语料库的整体损失影响较小,因此从某种意义上说,它们“不太需要”并且是移除的最佳候选者。
给定分词的概率是它在原始语料库中的频率(我们找到它的次数),除以词汇表中所有分词的所有频率的总和(以确保概率总和为 1)。例如, "ug"
在 "hug"
、 "pug"
以及 "hugs"
中,所以它在我们的语料库中的频率为 20。所有频率之和为210, 并且子词 "ug"
出现的概率是 20/210
的标记化 ["p", "u", "g"]
标记化 ["pu", "g"]
按照hu g分割为最优分割
计算整体loss的变化值=hugs单词个数*(- (-log(0.071428)) + (-log(0.006802))) = 23.5