create table if not exists liuliang_detail
(user_id string comment '',record_time string comment 'yyyymmdd hh:mi:ss'
comment '流量明细表'
# 按照用户的访问时间进行排序
create table if not exists liuliang_partition as
select a.user_id,a.record_time,row_number() over(partition by user_id order by record_time) rn_asc--,row_number() over(partition by user_id order by recordtime desc) rn_des
from liuliang_detail a
where date(record_time) >= '2021-01-01' -- 最好根据产品上线时间确定,要不然流量表太大,影响运行效率
;# 计算整段时间范围内,以每天为基准的的留存率select recorddate,count(distinct user_id) total_uv,count(distinct case when rn_asc = 1 then user_id else null end) new_uv -- 首次访问uv,round(100*count(distinct case when rn_asc = 1 then user_id else null end)/count(distinct user_id), 1) new_uv_ratio -- 首次访问uv占比,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 1 then user_id else null end) lastday_uv -- 次日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 2 then user_id else null end) last2day_uv -- 2日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 3 then user_id else null end) last3day_uv -- 3日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 4 then user_id else null end) last4day_uv -- 4日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 5 then user_id else null end) last5day_uv -- 5日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 6 then user_id else null end) last6day_uv -- 6日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 7 then user_id else null end) last7day_uv -- 7日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 14 then user_id else null end) last14day_uv -- 14日留存,count(distinct case when rn_asc <> 1 and diff_days = 30 then user_id else null end) last30day_uv -- 30日留存from(select a.*,date(record_time) recorddate,datediff(cast(a.record_time as date), cast(b.record_time as date)) diff_days -- 留存天数from liuliang_partition aleft join liuliang_partition b on a.user_id = b.user_id and a.rn_asc = b.rn_asc+1) xgroup by recorddate;
-- 计算次日留存率
WITH FirstLogin AS (-- 找出每个用户的首次登录时间SELECTuser_id,MIN(record_time) AS first_record_timeFROMuser_logGROUP BYuser_id
RetentionUsers AS (-- 找出次日登录的用户SELECTa.user_id,a.record_time,DATE_ADD(b.first_record_time, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS expected_next_dayFROMuser_log aJOINFirstLogin b ON a.user_id = b.user_idWHEREDATE(a.record_time) = DATE(expected_next_day)
-- 计算留存率
SELECTCOUNT(DISTINCT RetentionUsers.user_id) AS next_day_retention_users,COUNT(DISTINCT FirstLogin.user_id) AS initial_users,ROUND(COUNT(DISTINCT RetentionUsers.user_id) / COUNT(DISTINCT FirstLogin.user_id) * 100, 2) AS next_day_retention_rate
LEFT JOINRetentionUsers ON FirstLogin.user_id = RetentionUsers.user_id;