链路追踪系列-01.mac m1 安装zipkin

jelex@jelexxudeMacBook-Pro zipkin-server % pwd

可能需要先删除 /Users/jelex/dockerV/es/plugins 目录下的.DS_Store
jelex@jelexxudeMacBook-Pro zipkin-server % java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.0-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch --ES_HOSTS=localhost:9200 &


jelex@jelexxudeMacBook-Pro zipkin-server % pwd
jelex@jelexxudeMacBook-Pro zipkin-server % java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.0-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch --ES_HOSTS=localhost:9200 &

当es使用了用户名和密码时: 其中es使用x-pack认证:

jelex@bogon ~ % cd /Users/jelex/Documents/work/zipkin-server
jelex@bogon zipkin-server % java -jar zipkin-server-2.24.0-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch \
--ES_HOSTS=101.43.xxx.xx:80 --ES_USERNAME=elastic --ES_PASSWORD=xxxx &
[1] 1914

Environment Variables
zipkin-server is a drop-in replacement for the scala query service.
yaml configuration binds the following environment variables from zipkin-scala:

  • QUERY_PORT: Listen port for the http api and web ui; Defaults to 9411
  • QUERY_ENABLED: false disables the query api and UI assets. Search may also be disabled for the storage backend if it is not needed; Defaults to true
  • SEARCH_ENABLED: false disables trace search requests on the storage backend. Does not disable trace by ID or dependency queries. Disable this when you use another service (such as logs) to find trace IDs; Defaults to true
  • QUERY_LOG_LEVEL: Log level written to the console; Defaults to INFO
  • QUERY_LOOKBACK: How many milliseconds queries can look back from endTs; Defaults to 24 hours (two daily buckets: one for today and one for yesterday)
  • STORAGE_TYPE: SpanStore implementation: one of mem, mysql, cassandra, elasticsearch
  • COLLECTOR_SAMPLE_RATE: Percentage of traces to retain, defaults to always sample (1.0).
    Cassandra Storage
    Zipkin’s Cassandra storage component supports version 3.11+ and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to cassandra3:
  • CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE: The keyspace to use. Defaults to “zipkin2”
  • CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS: Comma separated list of host addresses part of Cassandra cluster. You can also specify a custom port with ‘host:port’. Defaults to localhost on port 9042.
  • CASSANDRA_LOCAL_DC: Name of the datacenter that will be considered “local” for latency load balancing. When unset, load-balancing is round-robin.
  • CASSANDRA_ENSURE_SCHEMA: Ensuring cassandra has the latest schema. If enabled tries to execute scripts in the classpath prefixed with cassandra-schema-cql3. Defaults to true
  • CASSANDRA_USERNAME and CASSANDRA_PASSWORD: Cassandra authentication. Will throw an exception on startup if authentication fails. No default
  • CASSANDRA_USE_SSL: Requires javax.net.ssl.trustStore and javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword, defaults to false.
    Elasticsearch Storage
    Zipkin’s Elasticsearch storage component supports versions 2-6.x and applies when STORAGE_TYPE is set to elasticsearch
    The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to elasticsearch:
  • ES_HOSTS: A comma separated list of elasticsearch base urls to connect to ex. http://host:9200.
    Defaults to “http://localhost:9200”.
  • ES_PIPELINE: Indicates the ingest pipeline used before spans are indexed. No default.
  • ES_TIMEOUT: Controls the connect, read and write socket timeouts (in milliseconds) for
    Elasticsearch API. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds)
  • ES_INDEX: The index prefix to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to zipkin.
  • ES_DATE_SEPARATOR: The date separator to use when generating daily index names. Defaults to ‘-’.
  • ES_INDEX_SHARDS: The number of shards to split the index into. Each shard and its replicas
    are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the number of shards
    and machines in the cluster will improve read and write performance. Number
    of shards cannot be changed for existing indices, but new daily indices
    will pick up changes to the setting. Defaults to 5.
  • ES_INDEX_REPLICAS: The number of replica copies of each shard in the index. Each shard and
    its replicas are assigned to a machine in the cluster. Increasing the
    number of replicas and machines in the cluster will improve read
    performance, but not write performance. Number of replicas can be changed
    for existing indices. Defaults to 1. It is highly discouraged to set this
    to 0 as it would mean a machine failure results in data loss.
  • ES_ENSURE_TEMPLATES: Installs Zipkin index templates when missing. Setting this to false can
    lead to corrupted data when index templates mismatch expectations. If
    you set this to false, you choose to troubleshoot your own data or
    migration problems as opposed to relying on the community for this.
    Defaults to true.
  • ES_USERNAME and ES_PASSWORD: Elasticsearch basic authentication, which defaults to empty string.
    Use when X-Pack security (formerly Shield) is in place.
  • ES_CREDENTIALS_FILE: The location of a file containing Elasticsearch basic authentication
    credentials, as properties. The username property is
    zipkin.storage.elasticsearch.username, password zipkin.storage.elasticsearch.password.
    This file is reloaded periodically, using ES_CREDENTIALS_REFRESH_INTERVAL
    as the interval. This parameter takes precedence over ES_USERNAME and
    ES_PASSWORD when specified.
  • ES_CREDENTIALS_REFRESH_INTERVAL: Credentials refresh interval in seconds, which defaults to
    1 second. This is the maximum amount of time spans will drop due to stale
    credentials. Any errors reading the credentials file occur in logs at this rate.
  • ES_HTTP_LOGGING: When set, controls the volume of HTTP logging of the Elasticsearch API.
    Options are BASIC, HEADERS, BODY
  • ES_SSL_NO_VERIFY: When true, disables the verification of server’s key certificate chain.
    This is not appropriate for production. Defaults to false.
  • ES_TEMPLATE_PRIORITY: The priority value of the composable index templates. This is only applicable
    for ES version 7.8 or above. Must be set, even to 0, to use composable template
    MySQL Storage
    The following apply when STORAGE_TYPE is set to mysql:
  • MYSQL_DB: The database to use. Defaults to “zipkin”.
  • MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASS: MySQL authentication, which defaults to empty string.
  • MYSQL_HOST: Defaults to localhost
  • MYSQL_TCP_PORT: Defaults to 3306
  • MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS: Maximum concurrent connections, defaults to 10
  • MYSQL_USE_SSL: Requires javax.net.ssl.trustStore and javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword, defaults to false.





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