跟《经济学人》学英文:2024年6月15日这期 Chinese electric vehicles (EVs)

The EU hits China’s carmakers with hefty new tariffs

Duties will only hold them back for a while


hit: 对xxx施加

在句子"The EU hits China’s carmakers with hefty new tariffs"中,“hits”的意思是“对……施加”或“强行实施”。这句话的意思是,欧盟对中国的汽车制造商实施了沉重的新关税。这里的“hits”传达了欧盟对这些汽车制造商采取了强有力且具有影响力的措施。

hefty:美 [ˈhefti] 大的;重的;粗壮的;有力的;

hefty fine:巨额罚款

tariffs:美 [ˈterəfs] 关税;关税表;(tariff的复数)注意发音


One satisfaction of buying a new car is the distinctive aroma within. The

smell that emanates from the Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) that are increasingly common on Europe’s roads is, for the European Commission,

that of a rat. On June 12th, after an eight-month probe, the

EU’s executive arm accused China of unfairly subsidising its industry with tax breaks, cheap

loans and the like. It fears that cut-price imports pose a “clearly foreseeable

and imminent injury” to European carmakers. Provisional tariffs of between

26% and 48%, compared with 10% for other imported cars, will be imposed

from July on Chinese EVs. The precise duty will depend on each firm’s

willingness to assist the investigation.



aroma:美 [əˈroʊmə] 芳香;香味;香气;气氛

distinctive aroma:独特的香味

electric vehicle (EV):电动汽车

emanate:美 [ˈeməneɪt] 散发;来源;产生;

probe:美 [proʊb] 探针;探头;探查

EU’s executive arm: 欧盟的执行机构


unfairly subsidising its industry: 不公平地补贴

tax break:税收减免

cheap loans: 低息贷款

imminent:美 [ˈɪmɪnənt] 即将发生的;迫近的;迫在眉睫的

foreseeable and imminent injury: 可预见的即将发生的伤害

provisional:美 [prəˈvɪʒənl] 临时的,暂时的

In the short term, it is hard to sniff out a winner. Car buyers hoping to inhale

the intoxicating new-car odour will certainly suffer if the prices of imported

cars rise and competitive pressures on European firms ease. But Europe’s

carmakers are not taking a victory lap, either. They did not ask for the probe,

which was launched under pressure from France’s government. German

companies such as Volkswagen and BMW, which make lots of cars in China

and export plenty there, have been particularly vocal opponents. Now they

fear retaliation from Beijing, which looks inevitable.



sniff out:发现,找出,嗅到

intoxicating:美 [ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪtɪŋ] 醉人的; 令人陶醉的; 含酒精的; 令人头脑迷糊的

intoxicating odour:令人陶醉的气味

the prices rise: 价格上升

competitive pressures ease:压力减少

take a victory lap:获胜

make cars:制造汽车


opponent:对手; 反对者;

retaliation:美 [rɪˌtæliˈeɪʃn] 报复


China has hinted at raising its tariffs on large-engine (in other words,

German) vehicles from 15% to 25%. It could also make life harder for

foreign carmakers in China with more onerous regulations and spread the

net of tariffs wider to agricultural goods or aviation. In January it fired a

warning shot at France by initiating an anti-dumping investigation of cognac

and other European brandies.



raise tariffs:提高关税

onerous: 美 [ˈoʊnərəs] 繁重的;费力的;困难的;义务沉重的

onerous regulations: 严格的监管

aviation: 航空业



initiate an investigation:发起调查

Europe’s tariffs will hit not only Chinese firms. Foreign companies that

make cars in China for export back to Europe will be subject to duties of

31% on average. Tesla, the American

EV pioneer, is by far the most exposed.

But Europe’s mass-market carmakers, which face the greatest threat from

cheap Chinese electric runarounds, are also in the firing line.





在这段话中,“runaround” 指的是小型且经济实惠的电动汽车(通常是用于日常通勤的车辆)。所以,这里的 “cheap Chinese electric runarounds” 意思是便宜的中国小型电动汽车。整个句子的意思是,欧洲的主流汽车制造商面临着来自便宜的中国小型电动汽车的最大威胁。

Carlos Tavares, chief executive of Stellantis, which counts Citroën and

Peugeot among its many brands (and whose largest shareholder part-owns

The Economist’s parent company), once seemed to favour tariffs. He has

become less keen since a deal last October with Leapmotor, a Chinese

startup, to make cheap EVs in China for the European market. Renault has not

explicitly called for tariffs but rather a “level playing-field”, and a more

supportive European industrial policy. It also sends

EVs to Europe from China under its Dacia brand.





Renault: 雷诺

level playing-field:公平的竞争环境

As for Chinese carmakers, higher duties may temporarily slow their progress

and give the Europeans the opportunity to catch up by launching a new

generation of more competitive vehicles. But the tariff barrier is unlikely to

stop all the Chinese in their tracks. Having set prices in Europe a little lower

than for competing European models, they have scope to cut. BYD,

which will now be subject to an extra 17% tariff, sells its Seal

EV for around $24,000 in China and double that in Europe, suggesting that it could absorb the new

duties and still make a profit. Rhodium, a research firm, reckons that tariffs

of 40-50% would apply the brakes more fully.

SAIC, which will be hit with a 48% tariff on its popular

MG marque, may have more problems, unless its

starts to help with the investigation.

对于中国汽车制造商来说,更高的关税可能会暂时减缓他们的进步,并给欧洲人一个机会,通过推出新一代更具竞争力的汽车来迎头赶上。但是关税壁垒不太可能阻止所有中国人的脚步。他们在欧洲设定的价格比欧洲竞争车型略低,因此有降价空间。比亚迪现在将被征收17%的额外关税,其Seal EV在中国的售价约为24,000美元,在欧洲的售价是这一价格的两倍,这表明它可以吸收新的关税,并仍有利润。研究公司Rhodium认为,40-50%的关税会更充分地踩刹车。SAIC,其受欢迎的MG品牌将被征收48%的关税,可能会有更多的问题,除非它开始帮助调查。


higher duties:更高的关税

tariff barrier:关税壁垒

they have scope to cut:有降价空间

make a profit:盈利

Indeed, in the long run the tariffs could even hasten China’s conquest of the

European car market. To become significant forces on the continent, the

Chinese companies were always going to have to produce their

EVs locally. BYD, which aims to become the region’s top EV-maker by 2030, will build a

factory in Hungary and is soon expected to announce another in Spain.

Chery signed a deal in April also to make cars in Spain. Others are

reportedly knocking on the door of big European contract manufacturers,

according to Matthias Schmidt, a consultant.



in the long run:从长远来看

conquest:美 [ˈkɑːŋkwest]征服;攻占;战胜;

become significant forces:变成重要力量

produce cars locally: 在当地生产汽车

Chery: 奇瑞汽车

knock on the door:敲门

Chinese carmakers, in other words, aren’t going anywhere. In a sign of the

times, BYD has taken over from Volkswagen as the main sponsor of the

European football championship, which kicks off on June 14th in Germany.

Even if EU member states vote later in the year to make the tariffs permanent,

it will do little to put Chinese noses out of joint.



main sponsor:主要赞助商

out of joint:脱臼, 脱位






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