A. 最少胜利题数
n1 = len(set(input()))
n2 = len(set(input()))if n1 < n2:n1, n2 = n2, n1print (-1 if n1 == 6 else n1 - n2 + 1)
B. 最少操作次数
思路: 分类讨论
特判 0+1+, 1+0+
n = int(input())
s = input()# 枚举
from collections import Countercnt = Counter(s)if cnt['0'] == cnt['1']:if s[0:(n//2)] == "0" * (n//2) or s[0:(n//2)] == "1" * (n//2):print (-1)else:print (2)
elif cnt['0'] == n or cnt['1'] == n:print (0)
else:print (1)
C. 最多数组数量
思路: 双指针
n = int(input())arr = list(map(int, input().split()))# 双指针
res = 0
j = 0
s1, s2 = 0, 0
s = sum(arr)
for i in range(n - 2):s1 += arr[i]while j <= i:s2 += arr[j]j += 1while (j < n and (s2 - s1 <= s1 or s2 - s1 <= s - s1 - (s2 - s1))):s2 += arr[j]j += 1if j < n:res += (n - j)print (res)
D. 最小连通代价
思路: 分类讨论
- 完全图
- 树形图
t = int(input())def solve():n, a, b = list(map(int, input().split()))arr = list(map(int, input().split()))n1 = sum([1 for v in arr if v % 2 == 0])n2 = sum([1 for v in arr if v % 2 != 0])res = 0if a <= 0 and b <= 0:res += n1 * (n1 - 1) // 2 * ares += n2 * (n2 - 1) // 2 * ares += n1 * n2 * belif a <= 0:res += n1 * (n1 - 1) // 2 * ares += n2 * (n2 - 1) // 2 * aif n1 > 0 and n2 > 0:res += belif b <= 0:if n1 > 0 and n2 > 0:res = n1 * n2 * belif n1 > 0:res = (n1 - 1) * aelif n2 > 0:res = (n2 - 1) * aelse:if b <= a:if n1 > 0 and n2 > 0:res = (n1 + n2 - 1) * belif n1 > 0:res = (n1 - 1) * aelif n2 > 0:res = (n2 - 1) * aelse:if n1 > 0:res += (n1 - 1) * aif n2 > 0:res += (n2 - 1) * aif n1 > 0 and n2 > 0:res += bprint (res)for _ in range(t):solve()
E. 最大稳定数值
思路: 树上DFS + 名次树(离散化+数状数组/动态开点的线段树)
- 祖先节点前缀和大于等于该节点
- 该节点大于子树节点和
删边会影响祖先节点集的子树和,能否快速统计影响个数呢? 删边会影响祖先节点集的子树和,能否快速统计影响个数呢? 删边会影响祖先节点集的子树和,能否快速统计影响个数呢?
或者说挪动某个范围,统计满足条件的个数 或者说挪动某个范围,统计满足条件的个数 或者说挪动某个范围,统计满足条件的个数
- 自底向上DFS,统计子树和和祖先前缀和
- 自顶向下DFS,利用名次树统计变更节点数
这样两次DFS即可,时间复杂度为 O ( n ) O(n) O(n)
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.util.*;public class Main {static class BIT {int n;int[] arr;public BIT(int n) {this.n = n;this.arr = new int[n + 1];}int query(int p) {int res = 0;while (p > 0) {res += arr[p];p -= p & -p;}return res;}void update(int p, int d) {while (p <= n) {this.arr[p] += d;p += p & -p;}}}staticpublic class Solution {int n;int[] arr;List<Integer>[]g;long[] up;long[] down;int[] cs;Map<Long, Integer> idMap = new HashMap<>();BIT bit;public int solve(int n, int[] arr, int[] pa) {this.n = n;this.arr = arr;this.up = new long[n];this.down = new long[n];this.cs = new int[n];this.g = new List[n];Arrays.setAll(g, x->new ArrayList<>());for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (pa[i] != -1) {g[pa[i]].add(i);}}dfs(0, -1, 0);TreeSet<Long> ids = new TreeSet<>();for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (up[i] - arr[i] >= arr[i] && down[i] - arr[i] > arr[i]) {ids.add(down[i] - 2l * arr[i]);}ids.add(down[i]);}int ptr = 1;for (long k: ids) {idMap.put(k, ptr++);}this.bit = new BIT(ids.size());dfs3(0, -1);return gAns + cs[0];}int gAns = 0;void dfs3(int u, int fa) {int idx = idMap.get(down[u]);int r = bit.query(idx);r -= cs[u];if (r > gAns) {gAns = r;}if (up[u] - arr[u] >= arr[u] && down[u] - arr[u] > arr[u]) {bit.update(idMap.get(down[u] - arr[u] * 2l), 1);}for (int v: g[u]) {if (v == fa) continue;dfs3(v, u);}if (up[u] - arr[u] >= arr[u] && down[u] - arr[u] > arr[u]) {bit.update(idMap.get(down[u] - arr[u] * 2l), -1);}}void dfs(int u, int fa, long pre) {up[u] = pre + arr[u];down[u] += arr[u];for (int v: g[u]) {if (v == fa) continue;dfs(v, u, up[u]);down[u] += down[v];cs[u] += cs[v];}if (up[u] - arr[u] >= arr[u] && down[u] - arr[u] <= arr[u]) {cs[u] += 1;}}}public static void main(String[] args) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(new BufferedInputStream(System.in));int n = sc.nextInt();int[] arr = new int[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {arr[i] = sc.nextInt();}int[] pa = new int[n];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {pa[i] = sc.nextInt() - 1;}Solution solution =new Solution();System.out.println(solution.solve(n, arr, pa));}}
F. 最少逆序对数
- 求一个固定长度的数组,其逆序对最小为多少
- 如何解决数组递增的问题
f ( a i ) 为数组中大于 a i 的个数 f(a_i)为数组中大于a_i的个数 f(ai)为数组中大于ai的个数
g ( a i ) 为数组中小于 a i 的个数 g(a_i)为数组中小于a_i的个数 g(ai)为数组中小于ai的个数
h ( a 0 ) = f ( a 0 ) − g ( a 0 ) h(a_0) = f(a_0) - g(a_0) h(a0)=f(a0)−g(a0)
S ( a ) = m i n ∑ i = 0 i = j h ( a i ) , 0 ≤ j < n S(a) = min \sum_{i=0}^{i=j} h(a_i), 0\le j \lt n S(a)=mini=0∑i=jh(ai),0≤j<n
如何快速的求解 f ( a i ) , g ( a i ) 如何快速的求解f(a_i), g(a_i) 如何快速的求解f(ai),g(ai)
假设 a r r [ 0 : i ] 子数组,其每个元素的 f i ( a j ) , g i ( a j ) 已维护,那尾巴新增一个元素 a r r [ i + 1 ] ,此时会变化什么呢? arr[0:i]子数组,其每个元素的f_i(a_j), g_i(a_j)已维护,那尾巴新增一个元素arr[i+1],此时会变化什么呢? arr[0:i]子数组,其每个元素的fi(aj),gi(aj)已维护,那尾巴新增一个元素arr[i+1],此时会变化什么呢?,
f i + 1 ( a j ) , g i + 1 ( a j ) 的更新只需要 O ( 1 ) 代价 f_{i+1}(a_j), g_{i+1}(a_j)的更新只需要O(1)代价 fi+1(aj),gi+1(aj)的更新只需要O(1)代价
进而 a r r [ 0 : i + 1 ] 的 h i + 1 序列重建,只需要 O ( n ) 的代价 进而{arr[0:i+1]的h_{i+1}序列重建,只需要O(n)的代价} 进而arr[0:i+1]的hi+1序列重建,只需要O(n)的代价
a r r [ 0 : i + 1 ] 的最小逆序也可以 O ( n ) 求解 arr[0:i+1]的最小逆序也可以O(n)求解 arr[0:i+1]的最小逆序也可以O(n)求解
这样n长度的数组,只需要 O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2)求解得最终的解
n = int(input())
arr = list(map(int, input().split()))f = [0] * n
g = [0] * nacc = 0
res = []
for i in range(n):for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):if arr[j] < arr[i]:f[j] += 1g[i] += 1elif arr[j] > arr[i]:g[j] += 1f[i] += 1acc += f[i]ans = acctmp = 0for j in range(i):tmp = tmp + f[j] - g[j]ans = min(ans, acc + tmp)res.append(ans)print (*res)