2.1 第一个脚本,修改token
import requests
import sys
import json
import subprocess# 修改为你的token
token = "请修改我"
# WARNING: replace 41184 with your joplin web clipper port
port = 41184
# 修改为你的python路径
python_exe_path = r'C:\Users\realw\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python.exe'
# 修改为你的第二个脚本路径
second_script_path = r'D:\app\Typora\job\typora-windows-2.py'# collect args for typora-windows-2.py
args = []
for arg in sys.argv:# the first arg is .py file, ignore itif(".py" in arg):continue# the second arg is the current editing file passed by Typoraif(".md" in arg):args.append(arg)continue# other arg is the local Typora-Image path passed by Typoraurl = "" + str(port) + "/resources/?token=" + tokenpayload = {'props': '{}'}files = [('data', ('typora.png', open(arg, 'rb'), 'image/png'))]headers = {}# upload your images to joplin resources using joplin web clipper APIresponse = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)newFilePath = "" + str(port) + "/resources/" + json.loads(response.text)["id"] + "/file?token=" + token# print newFilePath, so Typora can replace the local-typora-image path with the joplin web clipper url.# We cannot directly use "resources/" + json.loads(response.text)["id"] + ".png" since Typora thinks it is an illegal URL,# and a warning will show up.print(newFilePath)args.append(newFilePath)args.append("resources/" + json.loads(response.text)["id"] + ".png")# first arg is .py file, second arg is .md file, then newFilePath and "resources/" + json.loads(response.text)["id"] + ".png" appear in order
# We use subprocess because Typora will wait for the result of the first script and then replace the Typora_local_path with newFilePath.
# If we don't use subprocess, our replacement will be ahead of Typora's, and covered by Typora, which makes newFilePath as the final result link.
# This is not what we want, we want "resources/" + json.loads(response.text)["id"] + ".png" as the result.
subprocess.Popen([python_exe_path, second_script_path] + args, creationflags=subprocess.DETACHED_PROCESS, shell=False)sys.exit()
2.1 准备第二个脚本,按需修改delay时间
import sys
import time# We need to wait Typora's replacement happens first
delay_time = 5# Typora 将 typora-local-image-link 替换为 web-clipper-link 后,
# 而您没有按“ctrl + s”保存,您的内容不会“提交”到当前文件,
# 这使得 python 无法检测到 web-clipper-link 并将其替换为 joplin-resources-link。
# 因此我们至少重试该函数 10 次以等待您的保存。(如果您在 50 秒内没有按“ctrl + s”保存,则替换将失败)
retry_times = 10
time.sleep(delay_time)for i in range(retry_times):try:with open(sys.argv[1], 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as file:file_content = file.read()file_content_copy = file_contentfor index, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):if ((".png" in arg) or (".md" in arg) or (".py" in arg)):continue# replace newFilePath with "resources/{id}.png"file_content = file_content.replace(sys.argv[index], sys.argv[index + 1])file.seek(0)file.write(file_content)file.truncate()time.sleep(delay_time)except Exception as e:print(f"An error occurred: {e}")time.sleep(delay_time)
3. 修改Typora配置
python D:\app\Typora\job\typora-windows.py ${filepath}
4 在编辑器内测试
在编辑器内粘贴图片,按下ctrl+s 保存,等待几秒后自动替换为内部连接,大公告成