



3.List.cpp 文件

 3.1 newnode()函数讲解

3.2 init() 函数 初始化

3.3 pushback()函数 尾插

3.4 pushfront()函数 头插

3.5 popback() 尾删

3.6 popfront() 函数 头删

3.7 insert()函数 在pos之后插入

3.8 popback()函数 删除

3.9 find() 函数 查找

3.10 print()函数 打印

4.test.cpp 文件





#pragma once
using namespace std;typedef int type;struct List
{type val;struct List* pre;struct List* next;
};typedef struct List List;void init(List** st);
List* newnode(type x);
void pushback(List* st, type x);
void print(List* st);
void pushfront(List* st, type x);
void popback(List* st);
void popfront(List* st);
void insert(List* pos, type x);
void erase(List* pos);
List* find(List* st, type x);
void destory(List* st);
void menu();


3.List.cpp 文件


#include"Sqlist.h"void menu()
{printf("******************************\n");printf("***1.init        2.pushback***\n");printf("***3.pushfront      4.print***\n");printf("***5.popback     6.popfront***\n");printf("***7.insert         8.erase***\n");printf("***9.destory         0.exit***\n");printf("******************************\n");
}void init(List** st)
{*st = newnode(-1);
List* newnode(type x)
{List* nnee = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));if (nnee == NULL){perror("malloc");exit(0);}nnee->val = x;nnee->next = nnee->pre = nnee;return nnee;
void pushback(List* st, type x)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = st;nnee->pre = st->pre;st->pre->next = nnee;st->pre = nnee;}void print(List* st)
{List* cur = st->next;while (cur != st){cout << cur->val << ' ';cur = cur->next;}cout << endl;return;
}void pushfront(List* st, type x)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = st->next;nnee->pre = st;st->next->pre = nnee;st->next = nnee;}void popback(List* st)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}if (st->next == st){printf("st is empty\n");return;}List* cur = st->pre;cur->pre->next = st;st->pre = cur->pre;free(cur);cur = NULL;}
void popfront(List* st)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}if (st->next == st){printf("st is empty\n");return;}List* del = st->next;st->next = del->next;del->next->pre = st;free(del);del = NULL;}void insert(List* pos, type x)//之后
{if (pos == NULL){printf("NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = pos->next;nnee->pre = pos;pos->next->pre = nnee;pos->next = nnee;
void erase(List* pos)
{if (pos == NULL){printf("pos is NULL\n");return;}pos->pre->next = pos->next;pos->next->pre = pos->pre;free(pos);pos = NULL;
List* find(List* st, type x)
{List* cur = st->next;while (cur != st){if (cur->val == x){return cur;}cur = cur->next;}return NULL;
}void destory(List* st)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}List* cur = st->next;while (cur != st){List* ne = cur->next;free(cur);cur = ne;}free(st);st = NULL;cur = NULL;}


 3.1 newnode()函数讲解


List* newnode(type x)
{List* nnee = (List*)malloc(sizeof(List));if (nnee == NULL){perror("malloc");exit(0);}nnee->val = x;nnee->next = nnee->pre = nnee;return nnee;



3.2 init() 函数 初始化

void init(List** st)
{*st = newnode(-1);


3.3 pushback()函数 尾插

void pushback(List* st, type x)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = st;nnee->pre = st->pre;st->pre->next = nnee;st->pre = nnee;





3.4 pushfront()函数 头插

void pushfront(List* st, type x)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = st->next;nnee->pre = st;st->next->pre = nnee;st->next = nnee;}




3.5 popback() 尾删

void popback(List* st)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}if (st->next == st){printf("st is empty\n");return;}List* cur = st->pre;cur->pre->next = st;st->pre = cur->pre;free(cur);cur = NULL;}

(1).首先判断链表是否有头结点,还要判断链表是否已经为空,为空则 st->next == st,头结点自己指向自己时


3.6 popfront() 函数 头删

void popfront(List* st)
{if (st == NULL){printf("st is NULL\n");return;}if (st->next == st){printf("st is empty\n");return;}List* del = st->next;st->next = del->next;del->next->pre = st;free(del);del = NULL;}

(1).首先判断链表是否有头结点,还要判断链表是否已经为空,为空则 st->next == st,头结点自己指向自己时


3.7 insert()函数 在pos之后插入

void insert(List* pos, type x)//之后
{if (pos == NULL){printf("NULL\n");return;}List* nnee = newnode(x);nnee->next = pos->next;nnee->pre = pos;pos->next->pre = nnee;pos->next = nnee;




3.8 popback()函数 删除

void erase(List* pos)
{if (pos == NULL){printf("pos is NULL\n");return;}pos->pre->next = pos->next;pos->next->pre = pos->pre;free(pos);pos = NULL;





3.9 find() 函数 查找

List* find(List* st, type x)
{List* cur = st->next;while (cur != st){if (cur->val == x){return cur;}cur = cur->next;}return NULL;



3.10 print()函数 打印

void print(List* st)
{List* cur = st->next;while (cur != st){cout << cur->val << ' ';cur = cur->next;}cout << endl;return;


4.test.cpp 文件


#include"Sqlist.h"int main()
{List* head;List* pos=NULL;type x;int op;int n;type y;init(&head);do{menu();printf("input optio\n");cin >> op;switch (op){case 1:init(&head);break;case 2:printf("input you want push number\n");cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){cin >> x;pushback(head, x);}break;case 3:printf("input you want push number\n");cin >> n;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){cin >> x;pushfront(head, x);}break;case 4:print(head);break;case 5:popback(head);break;case 6:popfront(head);break;case 7:printf("input you pos and val\n");cin >> y >> x;pos = find(head,y);if (pos == NULL){printf("pos is not save\n");}else{insert(pos, x);}break;case 8:printf("input you pos \n");cin >> y;pos = find(head, y);if (pos == NULL){printf("pos is not save\n");}else{erase(pos);}break;case 9:destory(head);break;case 0:break;default:printf("piease input correct option\n");break;}} while (op);}





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