package com.levi;/*** @Description:* @Author: Levi* @Date: 2024/4/8 18:44*/import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;// 预热注解,修改为只预热一轮,每轮只跑一秒,默认是5,5这里改为1,1
@Warmup(iterations = 1,time = 1)
// 测试执行注解,修改为只执行一轮,每轮只跑一秒,默认是5,5这里改为1,1
@Measurement(iterations = 1,time = 1)
public class JMHSample_03_01_States {/** Most of the time, you need to maintain some state while the benchmark is* running. Since JMH is heavily used to build concurrent benchmarks, we* opted for an explicit notion of state-bearing objects.* 在 JMH(Java 微基准测试工具)中,执行基准测试过程中需要维护状态是很重要的,特别是对于并发基准测试。* JMH 提供了显式的状态对象概念来处理这一点。** Below are two state objects. Their class names are not essential, it* matters they are marked with @State. These objects will be instantiated* on demand, and reused during the entire benchmark trial.* 在您提供的代码片段中,有两个使用 @State 注解标记的状态对象。具体的类名并不重要,但 @State 注解是关键。* 这些对象将根据需要进行实例化,并在整个基准测试试验过程中重复使用。基准测试可以访问@State标注类的声明的变量** The important property is that state is always instantiated by one of* those benchmark threads which will then have the access to that state.* That means you can initialize the fields as if you do that in worker* threads (ThreadLocals are yours, etc).* 关键点是每个状态对象都是由其中一个基准测试线程实例化的。这确保了每个基准测试线程都可以访问自己的状态对象实例。* 因此,您可以像在工作线程中那样初始化状态对象的字段。这意味着您可以在状态对象中使用 ThreadLocal 或任何其他线程特定的构造。* 就是本地变量,线程安全。*/@State(Scope.Benchmark)public static class BenchmarkState {volatile double x = Math.PI;}@State(Scope.Thread)public static class ThreadState {volatile double x = Math.PI;}/** Benchmark methods can reference the states, and JMH will inject the* appropriate states while calling these methods. You can have no states at* all, or have only one state, or have multiple states referenced. This* makes building multi-threaded benchmark a breeze.* 基准方法可以引用这些状态,并且在调用这些方法时,JMH将注入适当的状态。您可以完全没有状态,或者只有一个状态,或者引用多个状态。* 这使得构建多线程基准测试变得非常简单。** For this exercise, we have two methods.* 对于这个练习,我们有两个方法。*/@Benchmarkpublic void measureUnshared(ThreadState state) {// All benchmark threads will call in this method.// 所有的测试线程都会调用这个方法// However, since ThreadState is the Scope.Thread, each thread,will have it's own copy of the state,// and this benchmark will measure unshared case.// 然而,由于ThreadState的作用域是Scope.Thread,每个线程将拥有自己的状态副本,因此这个基准将测量不共享状态的情况。// 也就是各自操作的对象是复制了一份,不是操作的共享变量,也就是线程安全。Scope.Thread作用域是在线程本地。// 换言之就是四个线程每个线程来调用的时候,都会自己创建一个ThreadState,不共享state.x++;}@Benchmarkpublic void measureShared(BenchmarkState state) {// All benchmark threads will call in this method.//所有基准线程都将调用此方法。// Since BenchmarkState is the Scope.Benchmark, all threads will share the state instance,// and we will end up measuring shared case.// 由于BenchmarkState的作用域是Scope.Benchmark,所有线程将共享状态实例,并且我们最终将测量共享情况。// 也就是测试启动的多个线程,是操作这个共享变量的Scope.Benchmark这个作用域是再所有的Benchmark方法的state.x++;}/** You are expected to see the drastic difference in shared and unshared cases,* because you either contend for single memory location, or not. This effect* is more articulated on large machines.* 预计会看到共享和非共享情况之间的显著差异,因为您要么竞争共享内存位置,也就是共享的时候存在并发竞争,不共享的不存在。* 这种效应在大型机器上更为显著。*/public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {Options opt = new OptionsBuilder().include(JMHSample_03_01_States.class.getSimpleName()).threads(4) // 启动四个线程进行基准测试.forks(1).build();new Runner(opt).run();}}
public static class BenchmarkState {volatile double x = Math.PI;
public static class ThreadState {volatile double x = Math.PI;
这里声明了两个类,一个是BenchmarkState ,他的注解是@State(Scope.Benchmark),他的作用范围是所有的Benchmark方法。
另一个是ThreadState ,他的注解是@State(Scope.Thread),他的作用范围是每个线程自己的。
public void measureUnshared(ThreadState state)
public void measureShared(BenchmarkState state)
public static class BenchmarkState {
volatile double x = Math.PI;
public static class ThreadState {
volatile double x = Math.PI;
而且你会注意,他的每个变量x,都是加着volatile 的,他还要保证可见性在共享并发操作的时候。
package com.levi;/*** @Description:* @Author: Levi* @Date: 2024/4/8 19:23*/import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;/** Fortunately, in many cases you just need a single state object.* In that case, we can mark the benchmark instance itself to be* the @State. Then, we can reference its own fields as any* Java program does.* 幸运的是,在许多情况下,您只需要一个单独的状态对象。在这种情况下,我们可以将基准测试实例本身标记为 @State。* 然后,我们可以像任何 Java 程序那样引用它自己的字段。其实就是把原来单独声明变量的类,现在是放在自己本身里面当成一个变量。这里也可以搞多个,你可以再写个y,不是只能写一个x。* */@State(Scope.Thread)// 这里也可以标记,表示这个状态值是线程独享,也就是每个线程都创建
public class JMHSample_04_01_DefaultState {double x = Math.PI;/**这里就等价于下面,只是没有这个语法而已。@Benchmarkpublic void measure(JMHSample_04_01_DefaultState state) {state.x++;}*/@Benchmarkpublic void measure() {x++;}public static void main(String[] args) throws RunnerException {Options opt = new OptionsBuilder().include(JMHSample_04_01_DefaultState.class.getSimpleName()).forks(1).build();new Runner(opt).run();}}