

  • FPGA实现Cordic算法——向量模式
    • 1.cordic算法基本原理
    • 2.FPGA实现cordic算法向量模式
      • i、FPGA串行实现cordic
      • ii、FPGA流水线实现cordic
      • iii、实验结果





  如上图所示,若已知点矢量终点A 0 _0 0 (x 0 _0 0,y 0 _0 0) ,若将该矢量逆时针旋转 θ \theta θ 可以根据三角运算得到B 0 _0 0 (x 1 _1 1,y 1 _1 1)点坐标:
{ x 0 = l ∗ c o s ψ y 0 = l ∗ s i n ψ { x 1 = l ∗ c o s ( θ + ψ ) = l ∗ ( c o s θ c o s ψ − s i n θ s i n ψ ) = x 0 c o s θ − y 0 s i n θ y 1 = l ∗ s i n ( θ + ψ ) = l ∗ ( s i n θ c o s ψ + c o s θ s i n ψ ) = x 0 s i n θ + y 0 c o s θ \begin{cases} x_0 = l*cos\psi \\ y_0 = l*sin\psi \\ \end{cases} \\ \begin{cases} x_1 = l*cos(\theta+\psi)=l*(cos\theta cos\psi -sin\theta sin\psi) = x_0 cos\theta - y_0 sin\theta\\ y_1 = l*sin(\theta+\psi)=l*(sin\theta cos\psi +cos\theta sin\psi) = x_0 sin\theta + y_0 cos\theta\\ \end{cases} {x0=lcosψy0=lsinψ{x1=lcos(θ+ψ)=l(cosθcosψsinθsinψ)=x0cosθy0sinθy1=lsin(θ+ψ)=l(sinθcosψ+cosθsinψ)=x0sinθ+y0cosθ
  令 θ 1 = − θ \theta_1 = -\theta θ1=θ,即顺时针旋转 θ \theta θ 角度,则:
{ x 0 c o s θ 1 − y 0 s i n θ 1 = x 0 c o s θ + y 0 s i n θ x 0 s i n θ 1 + y 0 c o s θ 1 = y 0 c o s θ − x 0 s i n θ \\ \begin{cases} x_0 cos\theta_1 - y_0 sin\theta_1 = x_0 cos\theta + y_0 sin\theta \\ x_0 sin\theta_1 + y_0 cos\theta_1 = y_0 cos\theta - x_0 sin\theta \\ \end{cases} {x0cosθ1y0sinθ1=x0cosθ+y0sinθx0sinθ1+y0cosθ1=y0cosθx0sinθ
  联立上述两个式子,引入常数$ d (d=-1,+1)$ ,因此可得:
{ x 0 c o s θ − d y 0 s i n θ = c o s θ ( x 0 − d y 0 t a n θ ) y 0 c o s θ + d x 0 s i n θ = c o s θ ( y 0 + d x 0 t a n θ ) \\ \begin{cases} x_0 cos\theta - dy_0 sin\theta = cos\theta(x_0 - dy_0 tan\theta) \\ y_0 cos\theta + dx_0 sin\theta = cos\theta(y_0 + dx_0 tan\theta) \\ \end{cases} {x0cosθdy0sinθ=cosθ(x0dy0tanθ)y0cosθ+dx0sinθ=cosθ(y0+dx0tanθ)
  这个算法的核心在于将一系列已知的 t a n θ tan\theta tanθ作为表格键值进行存储,而 t a n θ tan\theta tanθ可以约等于 1 2 n \frac{1}{2^n} 2n1并且。 1 2 n \frac{1}{2^n} 2n1在FPGA中可以通过右移进行快速运算。 t a n θ tan\theta tanθ各个已知存储值如下:

i i i θ \theta θ t a n θ tan\theta tanθ c o s θ cos\theta cosθ ∏ c o s θ \prod cos\theta cosθ

  而多次旋转过程中,每次旋转的 c o s θ cos\theta cosθ需要连续相乘,而多次相乘极限也趋近与0.607252这一个常数,因此也可做近似处理。那么现在还有最后一个问题,这一系列角度能够通过多次旋转得到任意的角度吗?可以看到每个角度是不断降低减半的,呈递减的分布,从宏观上观察大致是可以进行趋近到某一个常数的。


  1)向量模式,已知点坐标(x0,y0),可以求得该向量的角度即arctan(y0/x0)。这种可以理解为需要通过多次旋转,将该向量旋转至x轴上,即y0 = 0,此时旋转过的角度即为向量角度,x最终坐标即为向量的长度。

  2)旋转模式,已知角度 θ \theta θ ,求 s i n θ sin\theta sinθ c o s θ cos\theta cosθ
{ x 0 c o s θ − d y 0 s i n θ = c o s θ ( x 0 − d y 0 t a n θ ) y 0 c o s θ + d x 0 s i n θ = c o s θ ( y 0 + d x 0 t a n θ ) \\ \begin{cases} x_0 cos\theta - dy_0 sin\theta = cos\theta(x_0 - dy_0 tan\theta) \\ y_0 cos\theta + dx_0 sin\theta = cos\theta(y_0 + dx_0 tan\theta) \\ \end{cases} {x0cosθdy0sinθ=cosθ(x0dy0tanθ)y0cosθ+dx0sinθ=cosθ(y0+dx0tanθ)

令y0 = 0

{ c o s θ ( x 0 − d y 0 t a n θ ) = c o s θ x 0 c o s θ ( y 0 + d x 0 t a n θ ) = s i n θ y 0 \begin{cases} cos\theta(x_0 - dy_0 tan\theta) = cos\theta x_0\\ cos\theta(y_0 + dx_0 tan\theta) = sin\theta y_0\\ \end{cases} {cosθ(x0dy0tanθ)=cosθx0cosθ(y0+dx0tanθ)=sinθy0

{ x 1 = c o s ( θ ) y 1 = s i n ( θ ) \begin{cases} x_1 = cos(\theta)\\ y_1 = sin(\theta) \end{cases} {x1=cos(θ)y1=sin(θ)
  但是因为这个旋转变换是伪旋转变换,需要乘以一个 c o s θ cos\theta cosθ的系数。



function [len,theta] = cordic_theat(x_in,y_in)
clear x y z;z_ref=[ 45,...26.56505113840103,...14.036243438720703,...7.1250163316726685,...3.5763343572616577,...1.7899105548858643,...0.8951736688613892,...0.4476141333580017,...0.22381049394607544,...0.11190563440322876,...0.05595284700393677,...0.027976393699645996,...0.013988196849822998,...0.006994098424911499,... 0.0034970492124557495,...0.00174852460622787475].*2^(24);times = 16;%迭代次数
x = zeros(times+1,1);
y = zeros(times+1,1);
z = zeros(times+1,1);
d = 1;y(1,1) = abs(y_in)*2^(12);
x(1,1) = abs(x_in)*2^(12);
z(1,1) = 0;for i = 1: timesif( y(i,1) < 0 )
%         d = 1;x(i+1,1) = x(i,1) - d/2^(i-1)*y(i,1);y(i+1,1) = y(i,1) + d/2^(i-1)*x(i,1);z(i+1,1) = z(i,1) - d*( z_ref(i) );else
%         d = -1;x(i+1,1) = x(i,1) + d/2^(i-1)*y(i,1);y(i+1,1) = y(i,1) - d/2^(i-1)*x(i,1);z(i+1,1) = z(i,1) + d*( z_ref(i) );endendmy_z = z(times+1,1)/2^(24);
my_x = x(times+1,1)/2^(12) * 0.607253;len = my_x;if( x_in >= 0 && y_in>=0)theta = my_z;
elseif (x_in <= 0 && y_in >=0)theta = 180 - my_z; 
elseif (x_in <= 0 && y_in <=0)theta = 180 + my_z; 
elseif (x_in>= 0 && y_in<= 0)theta = 360 - my_z;    


t = 0:0.01:2*pi;
len = zeros( 1,length(t));
theta = zeros(1,length(t));for i = 1:length(t)[len(i),theta(i)] = cordic_theat( x(i),y(i) );
endplot( abs(theta-t/pi*180) );
axis([0 640 -0.5e-3 2e-3]);






module cordic_serial(input               sys_clk,input               sys_rst_n,input               user_data_valid,input      [31:0]   user_x,input      [31:0]   user_y,output reg          user_data_out_valid,output reg [31:0]   user_theat,output     [31:0]   user_len 
);//输入为有符号数(定点数) 高12位[整数] 低12位[小数] 即放大2^(12) - 整数部分最大为 2 ^12 -1 [最高位为符号位]
//角度标幺 按 高8位[整数] 低24位[小数] 即放大2^(24) 进行标幺
wire [31:0] ang_p [15:0];
wire [31:0] ang_n [15:0];
localparam  K = 32'h9b74ee;    //K=0.607253*2^24,32'h9b74ee,assign ang_p[0]  = 32'b0_0101101_000000000000000000000000; //2D00 0000 45
assign ang_p[1]  = 32'b0_0011010_100100001010011100110001; //1A90 A731 26.56505113840103  445,687,601
assign ang_p[2]  = 32'b0_0001110_000010010100011101000000; //0E09 4740 14.036243438720703
assign ang_p[3]  = 32'b0_0000111_001000000000000100010010; //0720 0112 7.1250163316726685
assign ang_p[4]  = 32'b0_0000011_100100111000101010100110; //0393 8AA6 3.5763343572616577
assign ang_p[5]  = 32'b0_0000001_110010100011011110010100; //01CA 3794 1.7899105548858643
assign ang_p[6]  = 32'b0_0000000_111001010010101000011010; //00E5 2A1A 0.8951736688613892
assign ang_p[7]  = 32'b0_0000000_011100101001011011010111; //0072 96D7 0.4476141333580017
assign ang_p[8]  = 32'b0_0000000_001110010100101110100101; //0039 4BA5 0.22381049394607544
assign ang_p[9]  = 32'b0_0000000_000111001010010111011001; //001C A5D9 0.11190563440322876
assign ang_p[10] = 32'b0_0000000_000011100101001011101101; //000E 52ED 0.05595284700393677
assign ang_p[11] = 32'b0_0000000_000001110010100101110110; //0007 2976 0.027976393699645996
assign ang_p[12] = 32'b0_0000000_000000111001010010111011; //0003 94BB 0.013988196849822998
assign ang_p[13] = 32'b0_0000000_000000011100101001011101; //0001 CA5D 0.006994098424911499
assign ang_p[14] = 32'b0_0000000_000000001110010100101110; //0000 E52E 0.0034970492124557495
assign ang_p[15] = 32'b0_0000000_000000000111001010010111; //0000 7297 0.00174852460622787475assign ang_n[0] =  32'b1_1010011_000000000000000000000000; //complement code -45
assign ang_n[1] =  32'b1_1100101_011011110101100011001111; //complement code -26.56505113840103
assign ang_n[2] =  32'b1_1110001_111101101011100011000000; //complement code -14.036243438720703
assign ang_n[3] =  32'b1_1111000_110111111111111011101110; //complement code -7.1250163316726685
assign ang_n[4] =  32'b1_1111100_011011000111010101011010; //complement code -3.5763343572616577
assign ang_n[5] =  32'b1_1111110_001101011100100001101100; //complement code -1.7899105548858643
assign ang_n[6] =  32'b1_1111111_000110101101010111100110; //complement code -0.8951736688613892
assign ang_n[7] =  32'b1_1111111_100011010110100100101001; //complement code -0.4476141333580017
assign ang_n[8] =  32'b1_1111111_110001101011010001011011; //complement code -0.22381049394607544
assign ang_n[9] =  32'b1_1111111_111000110101101000100111; //complement code -0.11190563440322876
assign ang_n[10] = 32'b1_1111111_111100011010110100010011; //complement code -0.05595284700393677
assign ang_n[11] = 32'b1_1111111_111110001101011010001010; //complement code -0.027976393699645996
assign ang_n[12] = 32'b1_1111111_111111000110101101000101; //complement code -0.013988196849822998
assign ang_n[13] = 32'b1_1111111_111111100011010110100011; //complement code -0.006994098424911499
assign ang_n[14] = 32'b1_1111111_111111110001101011010010; //complement code -0.0034970492124557495
assign ang_n[15] = 32'b1_1111111_111111111000110101101001; //complement code -0.00174852460622787475localparam  ang_180_p = 32'b0_1011_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_000; //+180  - Q23
//localparam  ang_180_n = 32'b ; //-180reg [31:0] z_theat;
reg [4:0]  iterate_times; //迭代次数最大16次数
reg        cordic_start_flag;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_y;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_z;always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_start_flag <= 1'd0;end else if(iterate_times == 5'd15) begincordic_start_flag <= 1'd0;end else if(user_data_valid == 1'b1) begincordic_start_flag <= 1'd1;end
endalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginiterate_times <= 5'd0;end if(user_data_out_valid == 1'b1)beginiterate_times <= 5'd0;end if(cordic_start_flag == 1'b1)beginiterate_times <= iterate_times + 5'd1;end
endreg [1:0] quadrant; //象限判断标志 I-00 II-10 III-11 IV-01 
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginquadrant <= 2'd0;end else if( user_data_valid == 1'b1 && iterate_times == 5'd0)beginquadrant <= {user_x[31],user_y[31]};end
endalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x <= 32'd0;cordic_y <= 32'd0;cordic_z <= 32'd0;end else if( user_data_valid == 1'b1 && iterate_times == 5'd0)begincase ({user_x[31],user_y[31]})2'b00: {cordic_x,cordic_y} <= {user_x, user_y};2'b10: {cordic_x,cordic_y} <= {{1'b0,~user_x[30:0]}+1'b1, user_y};2'b11: {cordic_x,cordic_y} <= {{1'b0,~user_x[30:0]}+1'b1, {1'b0,~user_y[30:0]}+1'b1};2'b01: {cordic_x,cordic_y} <= {user_x, {1'b0,~user_y[30:0]}+1'b1};endcasecordic_z <= 32'd0;end else if( cordic_start_flag == 1'b1 && cordic_y[31] == 1 ) begincordic_x <= cordic_x - ({{cordic_y >>> iterate_times}});cordic_y <= cordic_y + ({{cordic_x >>> iterate_times}});cordic_z <= cordic_z + ang_n[iterate_times];end else if( cordic_start_flag == 1'b1 && cordic_y[31] == 0 ) begincordic_x <= cordic_x + ({{cordic_y >>> iterate_times}});cordic_y <= cordic_y - ({{cordic_x >>> iterate_times}});cordic_z <= cordic_z + ang_p[iterate_times];endendalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b0;end else if(iterate_times == 5'd15)beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b1;end else beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b0;end
endalways @(*) beginif(user_data_out_valid == 1'b1)begincase (quadrant)2'b00 : user_theat  = (cordic_z >>>24);2'b10 : user_theat  = (ang_180_p - (cordic_z >>>1)) >>> 23;2'b11 : user_theat  = (ang_180_p + (cordic_z >>>1)) >>> 23;2'b01 : user_theat  = (~(cordic_z>>>24)) + 1'b1 ;endcaseendend//输出*0.607253
assign user_len    =(user_data_out_valid == 1'b1)? ( (cordic_x >>> 1) + (cordic_x >>> 4) + (cordic_x >>> 5) +(cordic_x >>> 7) + (cordic_x >>> 8) + (cordic_x >>> 10)+(cordic_x >>> 11) + (cordic_x >>> 12)):32'd0; endmodule


module cordic_parallel(input               sys_clk   ,input               sys_rst_n ,input               user_data_valid,input      [31:0]   user_x,input      [31:0]   user_y,output reg          user_data_out_valid,output reg [31:0]   user_theat,output     [31:0]   user_len);//输入为有符号数(定点数) 高12位[整数] 低12位[小数] 即放大2^(12) - 整数部分最大为 2 ^12 -1 [最高位为符号位]
//角度标幺 按 高8位[整数] 低24位[小数] 即放大2^(24) 进行标幺
wire [31:0] ang_p [15:0];
wire [31:0] ang_n [15:0];
localparam  K = 32'h9b74ee;    //K=0.607253*2^24,32'h9b74ee,assign ang_p[0]  = 32'b0_0101101_000000000000000000000000; //2D00 0000 45
assign ang_p[1]  = 32'b0_0011010_100100001010011100110001; //1A90 A731 26.56505113840103  445,687,601
assign ang_p[2]  = 32'b0_0001110_000010010100011101000000; //0E09 4740 14.036243438720703
assign ang_p[3]  = 32'b0_0000111_001000000000000100010010; //0720 0112 7.1250163316726685
assign ang_p[4]  = 32'b0_0000011_100100111000101010100110; //0393 8AA6 3.5763343572616577
assign ang_p[5]  = 32'b0_0000001_110010100011011110010100; //01CA 3794 1.7899105548858643
assign ang_p[6]  = 32'b0_0000000_111001010010101000011010; //00E5 2A1A 0.8951736688613892
assign ang_p[7]  = 32'b0_0000000_011100101001011011010111; //0072 96D7 0.4476141333580017
assign ang_p[8]  = 32'b0_0000000_001110010100101110100101; //0039 4BA5 0.22381049394607544
assign ang_p[9]  = 32'b0_0000000_000111001010010111011001; //001C A5D9 0.11190563440322876
assign ang_p[10] = 32'b0_0000000_000011100101001011101101; //000E 52ED 0.05595284700393677
assign ang_p[11] = 32'b0_0000000_000001110010100101110110; //0007 2976 0.027976393699645996
assign ang_p[12] = 32'b0_0000000_000000111001010010111011; //0003 94BB 0.013988196849822998
assign ang_p[13] = 32'b0_0000000_000000011100101001011101; //0001 CA5D 0.006994098424911499
assign ang_p[14] = 32'b0_0000000_000000001110010100101110; //0000 E52E 0.0034970492124557495
assign ang_p[15] = 32'b0_0000000_000000000111001010010111; //0000 7297 0.00174852460622787475assign ang_n[0] =  32'b1_1010011_000000000000000000000000; //complement code -45
assign ang_n[1] =  32'b1_1100101_011011110101100011001111; //complement code -26.56505113840103
assign ang_n[2] =  32'b1_1110001_111101101011100011000000; //complement code -14.036243438720703
assign ang_n[3] =  32'b1_1111000_110111111111111011101110; //complement code -7.1250163316726685
assign ang_n[4] =  32'b1_1111100_011011000111010101011010; //complement code -3.5763343572616577
assign ang_n[5] =  32'b1_1111110_001101011100100001101100; //complement code -1.7899105548858643
assign ang_n[6] =  32'b1_1111111_000110101101010111100110; //complement code -0.8951736688613892
assign ang_n[7] =  32'b1_1111111_100011010110100100101001; //complement code -0.4476141333580017
assign ang_n[8] =  32'b1_1111111_110001101011010001011011; //complement code -0.22381049394607544
assign ang_n[9] =  32'b1_1111111_111000110101101000100111; //complement code -0.11190563440322876
assign ang_n[10] = 32'b1_1111111_111100011010110100010011; //complement code -0.05595284700393677
assign ang_n[11] = 32'b1_1111111_111110001101011010001010; //complement code -0.027976393699645996
assign ang_n[12] = 32'b1_1111111_111111000110101101000101; //complement code -0.013988196849822998
assign ang_n[13] = 32'b1_1111111_111111100011010110100011; //complement code -0.006994098424911499
assign ang_n[14] = 32'b1_1111111_111111110001101011010010; //complement code -0.0034970492124557495
assign ang_n[15] = 32'b1_1111111_111111111000110101101001; //complement code -0.00174852460622787475localparam  ang_180_p = 32'b0_1011_0100_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_000; //+180  - Q23//象限判断标志 I-00 II-10 III-11 IV-01 
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x0 ,cordic_y0 ,cordic_z0 ,quadrant_0 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x1 ,cordic_y1 ,cordic_z1 ,quadrant_1 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x2 ,cordic_y2 ,cordic_z2 ,quadrant_2 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x3 ,cordic_y3 ,cordic_z3 ,quadrant_3 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x4 ,cordic_y4 ,cordic_z4 ,quadrant_4 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x5 ,cordic_y5 ,cordic_z5 ,quadrant_5 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x6 ,cordic_y6 ,cordic_z6 ,quadrant_6 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x7 ,cordic_y7 ,cordic_z7 ,quadrant_7 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x8 ,cordic_y8 ,cordic_z8 ,quadrant_8 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x9 ,cordic_y9 ,cordic_z9 ,quadrant_9 ;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x10,cordic_y10,cordic_z10,quadrant_10;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x11,cordic_y11,cordic_z11,quadrant_11;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x12,cordic_y12,cordic_z12,quadrant_12;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x13,cordic_y13,cordic_z13,quadrant_13;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x14,cordic_y14,cordic_z14,quadrant_14;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x15,cordic_y15,cordic_z15,quadrant_15;
reg signed [31:0] cordic_x16,cordic_y16,cordic_z16,quadrant_16;//reg [1:0] quadrant; //象限判断标志 I-00 II-10 III-11 IV-01 
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginquadrant_0 <= 2'd0;end else if( user_data_valid == 1'b1)beginquadrant_0 <= {user_x[31],user_y[31]};end
endalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x0   <= 32'd0;cordic_y0   <= 32'd0;cordic_z0   <= 32'd0;end else if( user_data_valid == 1'b1)begincase ({user_x[31],user_y[31]})2'b00: {cordic_x0,cordic_y0} <= {user_x, user_y};2'b10: {cordic_x0,cordic_y0} <= {{1'b0,~user_x[30:0]}+1'b1, user_y};2'b11: {cordic_x0,cordic_y0} <= {{1'b0,~user_x[30:0]}+1'b1, {1'b0,~user_y[30:0]}+1'b1};2'b01: {cordic_x0,cordic_y0} <= {user_x, {1'b0,~user_y[30:0]}+1'b1};endcasecordic_z0 <= 32'd0;endend//iterate 1
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x1   <= 32'd0;cordic_y1   <= 32'd0;cordic_z1   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y0[31] == 1) begincordic_x1 <= cordic_x0 - ({{cordic_y0 >>> 0}});cordic_y1 <= cordic_y0 + ({{cordic_x0 >>> 0}});cordic_z1 <= cordic_z0 + ang_n[0];end else if(cordic_y0[31] == 0) begincordic_x1 <= cordic_x0 + ({{cordic_y0 >>> 0}});cordic_y1 <= cordic_y0 - ({{cordic_x0 >>> 0}});cordic_z1 <= cordic_z0 + ang_p[0];endend//iterate 2
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x2   <= 32'd0;cordic_y2   <= 32'd0;cordic_z2   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y1[31] == 1) begincordic_x2 <= cordic_x1 - ({{cordic_y1 >>> 1}});cordic_y2 <= cordic_y1 + ({{cordic_x1 >>> 1}});cordic_z2 <= cordic_z1 + ang_n[1];end else if(cordic_y1[31] == 0) begincordic_x2 <= cordic_x1 + ({{cordic_y1 >>> 1}});cordic_y2 <= cordic_y1 - ({{cordic_x1 >>> 1}});cordic_z2 <= cordic_z1 + ang_p[1];endend//iterate 3
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x3   <= 32'd0;cordic_y3   <= 32'd0;cordic_z3   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y2[31] == 1) begincordic_x3 <= cordic_x2 - ({{cordic_y2 >>> 2}});cordic_y3 <= cordic_y2 + ({{cordic_x2 >>> 2}});cordic_z3 <= cordic_z2 + ang_n[2];end else if(cordic_y2[31] == 0) begincordic_x3 <= cordic_x2 + ({{cordic_y2 >>> 2}});cordic_y3 <= cordic_y2 - ({{cordic_x2 >>> 2}});cordic_z3 <= cordic_z2 + ang_p[2];endend//iterate 4
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x4   <= 32'd0;cordic_y4   <= 32'd0;cordic_z4   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y3[31] == 1) begincordic_x4 <= cordic_x3 - ({{cordic_y3 >>> 3}});cordic_y4 <= cordic_y3 + ({{cordic_x3 >>> 3}});cordic_z4 <= cordic_z3 + ang_n[3];end else if(cordic_y3[31] == 0) begincordic_x4 <= cordic_x3 + ({{cordic_y3 >>> 3}});cordic_y4 <= cordic_y3 - ({{cordic_x3 >>> 3}});cordic_z4 <= cordic_z3 + ang_p[3];endend//iterate 5
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x5   <= 32'd0;cordic_y5   <= 32'd0;cordic_z5   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y4[31] == 1) begincordic_x5 <= cordic_x4 - ({{cordic_y4 >>> 4}});cordic_y5 <= cordic_y4 + ({{cordic_x4 >>> 4}});cordic_z5 <= cordic_z4 + ang_n[4];end else if(cordic_y4[31] == 0) begincordic_x5 <= cordic_x4 + ({{cordic_y4 >>> 4}});cordic_y5 <= cordic_y4 - ({{cordic_x4 >>> 4}});cordic_z5 <= cordic_z4 + ang_p[4];endend//iterate 6
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x6   <= 32'd0;cordic_y6   <= 32'd0;cordic_z6   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y5[31] == 1) begincordic_x6 <= cordic_x5 - ({{cordic_y5 >>> 5}});cordic_y6 <= cordic_y5 + ({{cordic_x5 >>> 5}});cordic_z6 <= cordic_z5 + ang_n[5];end else if(cordic_y5[31] == 0) begincordic_x6 <= cordic_x5 + ({{cordic_y5 >>> 5}});cordic_y6 <= cordic_y5 - ({{cordic_x5 >>> 5}});cordic_z6 <= cordic_z5 + ang_p[5];endend//iterate 7
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x7   <= 32'd0;cordic_y7   <= 32'd0;cordic_z7   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y6[31] == 1) begincordic_x7 <= cordic_x6 - ({{cordic_y6 >>> 6}});cordic_y7 <= cordic_y6 + ({{cordic_x6 >>> 6}});cordic_z7 <= cordic_z6 + ang_n[6];end else if(cordic_y6[31] == 0) begincordic_x7 <= cordic_x6 + ({{cordic_y6 >>> 6}});cordic_y7 <= cordic_y6 - ({{cordic_x6 >>> 6}});cordic_z7 <= cordic_z6 + ang_p[6];endend//iterate 8
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x8   <= 32'd0;cordic_y8   <= 32'd0;cordic_z8   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y7[31] == 1) begincordic_x8 <= cordic_x7 - ({{cordic_y7 >>> 7}});cordic_y8 <= cordic_y7 + ({{cordic_x7 >>> 7}});cordic_z8 <= cordic_z7 + ang_n[7];end else if(cordic_y7[31] == 0) begincordic_x8 <= cordic_x7 + ({{cordic_y7 >>> 7}});cordic_y8 <= cordic_y7 - ({{cordic_x7 >>> 7}});cordic_z8 <= cordic_z7 + ang_p[7];endend//iterate 9
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x9   <= 32'd0;cordic_y9   <= 32'd0;cordic_z9   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y8[31] == 1) begincordic_x9 <= cordic_x8 - ({{cordic_y8 >>> 8}});cordic_y9 <= cordic_y8 + ({{cordic_x8 >>> 8}});cordic_z9 <= cordic_z8 + ang_n[8];end else if(cordic_y8[31] == 0) begincordic_x9 <= cordic_x8 + ({{cordic_y8 >>> 8}});cordic_y9 <= cordic_y8 - ({{cordic_x8 >>> 8}});cordic_z9 <= cordic_z8 + ang_p[8];endend//iterate 10
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x10   <= 32'd0;cordic_y10   <= 32'd0;cordic_z10   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y9[31] == 1) begincordic_x10 <= cordic_x9 - ({{cordic_y9 >>> 9}});cordic_y10 <= cordic_y9 + ({{cordic_x9 >>> 9}});cordic_z10 <= cordic_z9 + ang_n[9];end else if(cordic_y9[31] == 0) begincordic_x10 <= cordic_x9 + ({{cordic_y9 >>> 9}});cordic_y10 <= cordic_y9 - ({{cordic_x9 >>> 9}});cordic_z10 <= cordic_z9 + ang_p[9];endend//iterate 11
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x11   <= 32'd0;cordic_y11   <= 32'd0;cordic_z11   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y10[31] == 1) begincordic_x11 <= cordic_x10 - ({{cordic_y10 >>> 10}});cordic_y11 <= cordic_y10 + ({{cordic_x10 >>> 10}});cordic_z11 <= cordic_z10 + ang_n[10];end else if(cordic_y10[31] == 0) begincordic_x11 <= cordic_x10 + ({{cordic_y10 >>> 10}});cordic_y11 <= cordic_y10 - ({{cordic_x10 >>> 10}});cordic_z11 <= cordic_z10 + ang_p[10];endend//iterate 12
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x12   <= 32'd0;cordic_y12   <= 32'd0;cordic_z12   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y11[31] == 1) begincordic_x12 <= cordic_x11 - ({{cordic_y11 >>> 11}});cordic_y12 <= cordic_y11 + ({{cordic_x11 >>> 11}});cordic_z12 <= cordic_z11 + ang_n[11];end else if(cordic_y11[31] == 0) begincordic_x12 <= cordic_x11 + ({{cordic_y11 >>> 11}});cordic_y12 <= cordic_y11 - ({{cordic_x11 >>> 11}});cordic_z12 <= cordic_z11 + ang_p[11];endend//iterate 13
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x13   <= 32'd0;cordic_y13   <= 32'd0;cordic_z13   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y12[31] == 1) begincordic_x13 <= cordic_x12 - ({{cordic_y12 >>> 12}});cordic_y13 <= cordic_y12 + ({{cordic_x12 >>> 12}});cordic_z13 <= cordic_z12 + ang_n[12];end else if(cordic_y12[31] == 0) begincordic_x13 <= cordic_x12 + ({{cordic_y12 >>> 12}});cordic_y13 <= cordic_y12 - ({{cordic_x12 >>> 12}});cordic_z13 <= cordic_z12 + ang_p[12];endend//iterate 14
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x14   <= 32'd0;cordic_y14   <= 32'd0;cordic_z14   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y13[31] == 1) begincordic_x14 <= cordic_x13 - ({{cordic_y13 >>> 13}});cordic_y14 <= cordic_y13 + ({{cordic_x13 >>> 13}});cordic_z14 <= cordic_z13 + ang_n[13];end else if(cordic_y13[31] == 0) begincordic_x14 <= cordic_x13 + ({{cordic_y13 >>> 13}});cordic_y14 <= cordic_y13 - ({{cordic_x13 >>> 13}});cordic_z14 <= cordic_z13 + ang_p[13];endend//iterate 15
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x15   <= 32'd0;cordic_y15   <= 32'd0;cordic_z15   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y14[31] == 1) begincordic_x15 <= cordic_x14 - ({{cordic_y14 >>> 14}});cordic_y15 <= cordic_y14 + ({{cordic_x14 >>> 14}});cordic_z15 <= cordic_z14 + ang_n[14];end else if(cordic_y14[31] == 0) begincordic_x15 <= cordic_x14 + ({{cordic_y14 >>> 14}});cordic_y15 <= cordic_y14 - ({{cordic_x14 >>> 14}});cordic_z15 <= cordic_z14 + ang_p[14];endend//iterate 16
always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begincordic_x16   <= 32'd0;cordic_y16   <= 32'd0;cordic_z16   <= 32'd0;end else if(cordic_y15[31] == 1) begincordic_x16 <= cordic_x15 - ({{cordic_y15 >>> 15}});cordic_y16 <= cordic_y15 + ({{cordic_x15 >>> 15}});cordic_z16 <= cordic_z15 + ang_n[15];end else if(cordic_y15[31] == 0) begincordic_x16 <= cordic_x15 + ({{cordic_y15 >>> 15}});cordic_y16 <= cordic_y15 - ({{cordic_x15 >>> 15}});cordic_z16 <= cordic_z15 + ang_p[15];endendalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)begin{quadrant_1,  quadrant_2,  quadrant_3,  quadrant_4}  <= 4'b0;{quadrant_5,  quadrant_6,  quadrant_7,  quadrant_8}  <= 4'b0;{quadrant_9,  quadrant_10, quadrant_11, quadrant_12} <= 4'b0;{quadrant_13, quadrant_14, quadrant_15, quadrant_16} <= 4'b0;end else begin{quadrant_1,  quadrant_2,  quadrant_3,  quadrant_4 }  <= {quadrant_0,  quadrant_1,  quadrant_2,  quadrant_3 };{quadrant_5,  quadrant_6,  quadrant_7,  quadrant_8 }  <= {quadrant_4,  quadrant_5,  quadrant_6,  quadrant_7 };{quadrant_9,  quadrant_10, quadrant_11, quadrant_12}  <= {quadrant_8,  quadrant_9, quadrant_10,  quadrant_11};{quadrant_13, quadrant_14, quadrant_15, quadrant_16}  <= {quadrant_12, quadrant_13, quadrant_14, quadrant_15};end
endreg [4:0] iterate_times;
reg       start_flag;always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginstart_flag <= 1'd0;end else if(user_data_valid == 1'b1) begin start_flag = 1'd1;end 
endalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginiterate_times <= 5'd0;end else if(iterate_times >= 5'd17) begin iterate_times = 5'd17;end else if(user_data_valid == 1'b1 || start_flag == 1'b1 ) beginiterate_times <= iterate_times + 5'd1;end
endalways @(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n) beginif(!sys_rst_n)beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b0;end else if(iterate_times >= 5'd16)beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b1;end else beginuser_data_out_valid <= 1'b0;end
endalways @(*) beginif(user_data_out_valid == 1'b1)begincase (quadrant_16)2'b00 : user_theat  = (cordic_z16 >>>24);2'b10 : user_theat  = (ang_180_p - (cordic_z16 >>>1)) >>> 23;2'b11 : user_theat  = (ang_180_p + (cordic_z16 >>>1)) >>> 23;2'b01 : user_theat  = (~(cordic_z16>>>24)) + 1'b1 ;endcaseendend//输出*0.607253
assign user_len    =(user_data_out_valid == 1'b1)? ( (cordic_x16 >>> 1) + (cordic_x16 >>> 4) + (cordic_x16 >>> 5) +(cordic_x16 >>> 7) + (cordic_x16 >>> 8) + (cordic_x16 >>> 10)+(cordic_x16 >>> 11) + (cordic_x16 >>> 12)):32'd0; endmodule








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