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How AR and VR are transforming customer experiences?

How AR and VR are transforming customer experiences


AR and VR technology was largely expedited by the past pandemic with at least 93.3 million and 58.9 million users respectively, according to a study conducted by eMarketer. This comes as no surprise since these immersive technologies have mitigated the massive disruptions in people’s lives. 


Their accelerated adoption at both individual and business levels are represented in daily activities. For example, as remote work became an essential part of many business models, AR/VR allowed a seamless transition from onsite training to a clear visualization of step-by-step instructions for many workers across multiple industries and locations. 


From social interactions in virtual reality video games to enhanced and personalized online shopping experiences, AR and VR have in many ways served as the lifeline for many companies to build resilience for the future and increase customer engagement. But exactly how has this billion-dollar industry affected how a brand interacts with its customers? Let’s take a look at various scenarios showcasing the highly-valued solutions these technologies have to offer. 从虚拟现实视频游戏中的社交互动到增强和个性化的在线购物体验,AR和VR在许多方面都是许多公司建立未来韧性和提高客户参与度的生命线。但这个价值数十亿美元的行业究竟是如何影响品牌与客户互动的?让我们来看看各种场景,展示这些技术所提供的极具价值的解决方案。

Increasing brand awareness


Technology has heavily influenced the way consumers research, interact and ultimately decide to purchase products or services from businesses. With more information available at the palm of their hands, potential customers are more demanding when it comes to brand authenticity, with 88% of consumers stating that authenticity dictates the future relationship between themselves and brands they are most likely to support. This means that businesses need to find innovative ways to help consumers become aware of their value proposition and ultimately build a strong customer relationship. 


AR/VR helps companies expand their reach and get valuable and sometimes defining messages across. For example, with sustainability driving many consumers’ purchase intent, large companies such as Chiquita leveraged AR and VR technologies to allow transparency and show their commitment to sustainability. By scanning the blue sticker on their Chiquita bananas, a shopper can virtually visit the tropics and follow the journey of a Chiquita banana in Latin American farms, all the way to their grocery store. This immersive experience highlights the sustainable product development journey and its eco-friendly supply chain, tipping the balance in the brand’s favor. 


The ‘try-on’ experience with AR and VR


According to a study conducted by Alert Technologies, brands can convert 67% of consumers to buyers when they’ve reached trial rooms or spaces to consider the product or service a fit for their needs. It’s in this stage, that the consumer starts to heavily weigh their options before making their decision.

根据Alert Technologies进行的一项研究,当67%的消费者进入试用室或试用空间且认为该产品或服务适合他们的需求时,品牌可以将他们转变为买家。正是在这个阶段,消费者在做出决定之前开始权衡他们的选择。

Brands can leverage virtual technologies to help remove any uncertainties and doubts in an engaging way, allowing a personalized approach to visualizing a potential fit. One example is Supra Boats with their AR app and web configurator, which allow the potential buyer to learn about a boat’s features at their own pace through a step-by-step tour in a stress-free environment. Here, they can also play with different colors and additional applications to customize their potential boat and ultimately order it right from the app.

品牌可以利用虚拟技术以吸引人的方式帮助消除任何不确定性和疑虑,从而实现个性化的方法来可视化潜在的贴合感。一个例子是Supra Boats及其AR应用程序和网络配置程序,它允许潜在买家在没有压力的环境中通过一步一步的旅行,以自己的速度了解船只的功能。在这里,他们还可以玩不同的颜色和其他应用程序来定制他们潜在的船,并最终直接从应用程序中订购。

The success behind the “try-on” experience lies within the ease of use and comfort offered to potential buyers who can personally try on items for themselves or for their personal spaces in their homes. And businesses can harness valuable consumer insights such as sizes and default preferences, enabling them to understand their customers better and deliver more accurate and informed strategic decisions in the future. 


Making purchasing simple


Taking the guesswork out of a potential fit of a product for a consumer’s needs is just one step to bringing them closer to completing a purchase. Ultimately, brands can seek ways to easily motivate these potential buyers to actually buy the product or service. 


Many large brands have built-in AR technology in their apps to help make this process easier for their consumers, prompting a sale. Going back to Supra Boats, the app uses the phone’s camera to scan the area and then overlay it with the boat of the user’s choosing with all their customizable features, ensuring that it matches the user’s expectations. 

许多大品牌在其应用程序中内置了AR技术,以帮助消费者简化这一过程,从而促进销售。回到Supra Boats,该应用程序使用手机的摄像头扫描该区域,然后将其与用户选择的具有所有自定义功能的船覆盖在一起,确保其符合用户的期望。

However, the app goes beyond just showcasing customizable boats in your living room or backyard but also allows the users to go on a virtual product tour to help understand the use and maximize each one of the added features. This notoriously increases the brand’s value for the customers so that they feel free to make a purchase with far less hesitation. 




Enhanced customer support 


As the retail market continues to become more competitive, consumers are more drawn to brands and businesses that offer greater value than just their initial purchase, leveraging superb customer support and service. As a matter of fact, according to Microsoft, 90% of Americans value customer service as a deciding factor in whether or not to do business with a brand, and around 58% of American consumers state that they would most likely switch companies due to poor customer support. 




These numbers don’t lie and represent a huge opportunity for businesses to offer greater value at their post-purchase stage. AR and VR help provide practical and real-time support for customers, effectively addressing an issue at the touch of a button. A clear example of this is Nespresso’s Assistant, which can help fulfill a consumer’s coffee needs through instant ordering, answer frequently asked questions about the machine, and offer easy-to-follow instructions for descaling, for example. 

这些数字不会说谎,代表着企业在购买后阶段提供更大价值的巨大机会。AR和VR有助于为客户提供实用和实时的支持,只需按下按钮即可有效解决问题。Nespresso’s Assistant就是一个明显的例子,它可以通过即时订购帮助满足消费者的咖啡需求,回答有关机器的常见问题,并提供易于遵循的除垢说明。

The virtual technology’s immediacy to answer certain requests and provide in-depth information and instructions increases the customer’s engagement and satisfaction with the service provided by the brand. And this can most likely convert said buyer to being a recurrent customer. 




Leveraging AR and VR allows businesses to expand and enhance their customer experience through the power of personalization. Actionable insights gathered throughout the customer journey offer the possibility of building strong and meaningful relationships with the target audience in ways that traditional or online marketing strategies may lack. In return, AR and VR serve as the lifeline for many businesses to remain competitive in their industries and build on resilience for any future events. 利用AR和VR,企业可以通过个性化的力量扩大和增强客户体验。在整个客户旅程中收集的可操作的见解提供了以传统或在线营销策略可能缺乏的方式与目标受众建立牢固而有意义的关系的可能性。作为回报,AR和VR是许多企业的生命线,可以在其行业中保持竞争力,并建立对未来任何事件的抵御能力。



1. 客户体验未来更多会从线下转移到线上。AR/VR是增强客户体验的有力工具,此过程有利于企业宣传品牌,提升客户对品牌的认知,加快客户采购决策,加强客户的满意度,巩固客户对品牌和产品的忠诚度等多个维度,都将发挥重大的作用。

2. 服务,包括客户体验,包括我们现在讨论虚拟体验,这些服务正在创造价值。销售人员在客户介绍产品/服务的时候,需要用更真实的方法告诉客户包括潜在客户,这些服务的价值。在制造业尤其是非标自动化行业,很多项目是因为售后服务包括交付过程末端出了问题导致设备无法验收。尤其是人工智能类的产品,因为整个市场技术不够成熟,供需方需求在研发阶段并未能达成统一,从而导致需求启动和设备 验收阶段的巨大差异性冲突。一个有韧性的服务团队,应该知道如何引导客户并驾驭整个交易过程。

3. AR/VR行业,必将产生更多的工作岗位。

原文链接,作者:Jason LaBaw, Social Bee Adventure, 是DataDecisionMaker的作者

How AR and VR are transforming customer experiences | VentureBeatAR and VR improve the customer experience through personalization, simplifying purchases, and providing enhanced customer service.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://venturebeat.com/datadecisionmakers/how-ar-and-vr-are-transforming-customer-experiences/关于作者本人的介绍

Jason LaBaw, Social Bee Adventures, Author at VentureBeatJason LaBaw, CEO and founder of Social Bee Adventures, a TravelTech platform that seeks to evolve the travel industry by implementing technology like AR & VR. This is a complete list of VentureBeat articles written by Jason LaBaw, Social Bee Adventures, in reverse chronological order.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://venturebeat.com/author/jason-labaw/





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