目标检测笔记(十四): 使用YOLOv8完成对图像的目标检测任务(从数据准备到训练测试部署的完整流程)


  • 一、目标检测介绍
  • 二、YOLOv8介绍
  • 三、源码获取
  • 四、环境搭建
    • 4.1 环境检测
  • 五、数据集准备
  • 六、 模型训练
    • 6.1 方式一
    • 6.2 方式二
    • 6.3 针对其他任务
  • 七、模型验证
  • 八、模型测试
  • 九、模型转换
    • 9.1 转onnx
      • 9.1.1 方式一
    • 9.2 转tensorRT
      • 9.2.1 trtexec
      • 9.2.2 代码转换
      • 9.2.3 推理代码


目标检测(Object Detection)是计算机视觉领域的一项重要技术,旨在识别图像或视频中的特定目标并确定其位置。通过训练深度学习模型,如卷积神经网络(CNN),可以实现对各种目标的精确检测。常见的目标检测任务包括:人脸检测、行人检测、车辆检测等。目标检测在安防监控、自动驾驶、智能零售等领域具有广泛应用前景。


YOLOv8 是 Ultralytics 公司在 2023 年 1月 10 号开源的 YOLOv5 的下一个重大更新版本,目前支持图像分类、物体检测和实例分割任务,在还没有开源时就收到了用户的广泛关注。YOLOv8 抛弃了前几代模型的 Anchor-Base,提供了一个全新的 SOTA 模型,包括 P5 640 和 P6 1280 分辨率的目标检测网络和基于 YOLACT 的实例分割模型。和 YOLOv5 一样,基于缩放系数也提供了 N/S/M/L/X 尺度的不同大小模型,用于处理不同大小的输入图像 。





conda create -n YOLOv8 python==3.8.1
pip install ultralytics -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple


# 安装CUDA、CUDNN、Python、Pytorch、Torchvision  这里每个版本要相互对应
pip install ultralytics -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

4.1 环境检测


yolo predict model=yolov8n.pt source='ultralytics/data/images/bus.jpg'




六、 模型训练

6.1 方式一

YOLO(“yolov8n.pt”) 表示用预训练模型

from ultralytics import YOLO# Load a model
# model = YOLO("yolov8n.yaml")  # build a new model from scratch
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")  # load a pretrained model (recommended for training)# Use the model
model.train(data="ultralytics/cfg/mask.yaml", epochs=3)  # train the model
metrics = model.val()  # evaluate model performance on the validation set
results = model("ultralytics/data/images/bus.jpg")  # predict on an image
path = model.export(format="onnx")  # export the model to ONNX format


6.2 方式二

yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov8n.pt data=ultralytics/cfg/mask.yaml epochs=3 batch=16


6.3 针对其他任务

包括四种:detect 、segment、classify 、pose

from ultralytics import YOLO# Load a model
model = YOLO("ultralytics/cfg/models/v8/yolov8-seg.yaml")  # build a new model from scratch# Use the model
model.train(data="ultralytics/cfg/custom_seg.yaml", epochs=3)  # train the model
metrics = model.val()  # evaluate model performance on the validation set
results = model("ultralytics/data/images/bus.jpg")  # predict on an image
path = model.export(format="onnx")  # export the model to ONNX format



yolo task=detect mode=val model=runs/detect/train/weights/best.pt  data=ultralytics/cfg/mask.yaml device=cpu



yolo task=detect mode=predict model=runs/detect/train/weights/best.pt  source=ultralytics/data/images  device=cpu



9.1 转onnx

9.1.1 方式一


yolo export model=yolov8s.pt format=onnx opset=12

其次,可以通过ultralytics API导出onnx模型,并同时将bbox解码器和NMS等后处理添加到onnx模型中。YOLOv8-TensorRT

python export-det.py \
--weights yolov8s.pt \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--opset 11 \
--sim \
--input-shape 1 3 640 640 \
--device cuda:0

9.2 转tensorRT

9.2.1 trtexec


trtexec.exe --onnx=best.onnx  --saveEngine=best.engine --fp16

9.2.2 代码转换


python3 build.py \
--weights yolov8s.onnx \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--fp16  \
--device cuda:0

9.2.3 推理代码


An example that uses TensorRT's Python api to make inferences.
import ctypes
import os
import shutil
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
import cv2
import numpy as np
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda
import tensorrt as trtCONF_THRESH = 0.5
LEN_ALL_RESULT = 705600##42000   ##(20*20+40*40+80*80)*(num_cls+4) 一个batch长度
NUM_CLASSES = 80 ##1
OBJ_THRESH = 0.4def get_img_path_batches(batch_size, img_dir):ret = []batch = []for root, dirs, files in os.walk(img_dir):for name in files:if len(batch) == batch_size:ret.append(batch)batch = []batch.append(os.path.join(root, name))if len(batch) > 0:ret.append(batch)return retdef plot_one_box(x, img, color=None, label=None, line_thickness=None):"""description: Plots one bounding box on image img,this function comes from YoLov5 project.param:x:      a box likes [x1,y1,x2,y2]img:    a opencv image objectcolor:  color to draw rectangle, such as (0,255,0)label:  strline_thickness: intreturn:no return"""tl = (line_thickness or round(0.002 * (img.shape[0] + img.shape[1]) / 2) + 1)  # line/font thicknesscolor = color or [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]c1, c2 = (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), (int(x[2]), int(x[3]))cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, thickness=tl, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)if label:tf = max(tl - 1, 1)  # font thicknesst_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, 0, fontScale=tl / 3, thickness=tf)[0]c2 = c1[0] + t_size[0], c1[1] - t_size[1] - 3cv2.rectangle(img, c1, c2, color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA)  # filledcv2.putText(img,label,(c1[0], c1[1] - 2),0,tl / 3,[225, 255, 255],thickness=tf,lineType=cv2.LINE_AA,)class YoLov8TRT(object):"""description: A YOLOv5 class that warps TensorRT ops, preprocess and postprocess ops."""def __init__(self, engine_file_path):# Create a Context on this device,self.ctx = cuda.Device(0).make_context()stream = cuda.Stream()TRT_LOGGER = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)runtime = trt.Runtime(TRT_LOGGER)# Deserialize the engine from filewith open(engine_file_path, "rb") as f:engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())context = engine.create_execution_context()host_inputs = []cuda_inputs = []host_outputs = []cuda_outputs = []bindings = []for binding in engine:print('bingding:', binding, engine.get_tensor_shape(binding))size = trt.volume(engine.get_tensor_shape(binding)) * engine.max_batch_sizedtype = trt.nptype(engine.get_tensor_dtype(binding))# Allocate host and device buffershost_mem = cuda.pagelocked_empty(size, dtype)cuda_mem = cuda.mem_alloc(host_mem.nbytes)# Append the device buffer to device bindings.bindings.append(int(cuda_mem))# Append to the appropriate list.if engine.binding_is_input(binding):self.input_w = engine.get_tensor_shape(binding)[-1]self.input_h = engine.get_tensor_shape(binding)[-2]host_inputs.append(host_mem)cuda_inputs.append(cuda_mem)else:host_outputs.append(host_mem)cuda_outputs.append(cuda_mem)# Storeself.stream = streamself.context = contextself.engine = engineself.host_inputs = host_inputsself.cuda_inputs = cuda_inputsself.host_outputs = host_outputsself.cuda_outputs = cuda_outputsself.bindings = bindingsself.batch_size = engine.max_batch_sizedef infer(self, raw_image_generator):threading.Thread.__init__(self)# Make self the active context, pushing it on top of the context stack.self.ctx.push()# Restorestream = self.streamcontext = self.contextengine = self.enginehost_inputs = self.host_inputscuda_inputs = self.cuda_inputshost_outputs = self.host_outputscuda_outputs = self.cuda_outputsbindings = self.bindings# Do image preprocessbatch_image_raw = []batch_origin_h = []batch_origin_w = []batch_input_image = np.empty(shape=[self.batch_size, 3, self.input_h, self.input_w])for i, image_raw in enumerate(raw_image_generator):input_image, image_raw, origin_h, origin_w = self.preprocess_image(image_raw)batch_image_raw.append(image_raw)batch_origin_h.append(origin_h)batch_origin_w.append(origin_w)np.copyto(batch_input_image[i], input_image)batch_input_image = np.ascontiguousarray(batch_input_image)# Copy input image to host buffernp.copyto(host_inputs[0], batch_input_image.ravel())start = time.time()# Transfer input data  to the GPU.cuda.memcpy_htod_async(cuda_inputs[0], host_inputs[0], stream)# Run inference.context.execute_async_v2(bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle)# context.execute_async(batch_size=self.batch_size, bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle)# Transfer predictions back from the GPU.cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(host_outputs[0], cuda_outputs[0], stream)# Synchronize the streamstream.synchronize()end = time.time()# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()# Here we use the first row of output in that batch_size = 1output = host_outputs[0]# Do postprocessfor i in range(self.batch_size):result_boxes, result_scores, result_classid = self.post_process_new(output[i * LEN_ALL_RESULT: (i + 1) * LEN_ALL_RESULT], batch_origin_h[i], batch_origin_w[i],batch_input_image[i])if result_boxes is None:continue# Draw rectangles and labels on the original imagefor j in range(len(result_boxes)):box = result_boxes[j]plot_one_box(box,batch_image_raw[i],label="{}:{:.2f}".format(categories[int(result_classid[j])], result_scores[j]),)return batch_image_raw, end - startdef destroy(self):# Remove any context from the top of the context stack, deactivating it.self.ctx.pop()def get_raw_image(self, image_path_batch):"""description: Read an image from image path"""for img_path in image_path_batch:yield cv2.imread(img_path)def get_raw_image_zeros(self, image_path_batch=None):"""description: Ready data for warmup"""for _ in range(self.batch_size):yield np.zeros([self.input_h, self.input_w, 3], dtype=np.uint8)def preprocess_image(self, raw_bgr_image):"""description: Convert BGR image to RGB,resize and pad it to target size, normalize to [0,1],transform to NCHW format.param:input_image_path: str, image pathreturn:image:  the processed imageimage_raw: the original imageh: original heightw: original width"""image_raw = raw_bgr_imageh, w, c = image_raw.shapeimage = cv2.cvtColor(image_raw, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)# Calculate widht and height and paddingsr_w = self.input_w / wr_h = self.input_h / hif r_h > r_w:tw = self.input_wth = int(r_w * h)tx1 = tx2 = 0ty1 = int((self.input_h - th) / 2)ty2 = self.input_h - th - ty1else:tw = int(r_h * w)th = self.input_htx1 = int((self.input_w - tw) / 2)tx2 = self.input_w - tw - tx1ty1 = ty2 = 0# Resize the image with long side while maintaining ratioimage = cv2.resize(image, (tw, th))# Pad the short side with (128,128,128)image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, ty1, ty2, tx1, tx2, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, None, (128, 128, 128))image = image.astype(np.float32)# Normalize to [0,1]image /= 255.0# HWC to CHW format:image = np.transpose(image, [2, 0, 1])# CHW to NCHW formatimage = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)# Convert the image to row-major order, also known as "C order":image = np.ascontiguousarray(image)return image, image_raw, h, wdef xywh2xyxy(self, origin_h, origin_w, x):"""description:    Convert nx4 boxes from [x, y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2] where xy1=top-left, xy2=bottom-rightparam:origin_h:   height of original imageorigin_w:   width of original imagex:          A boxes numpy, each row is a box [center_x, center_y, w, h]return:y:          A boxes numpy, each row is a box [x1, y1, x2, y2]"""y = np.zeros_like(x)r_w = self.input_w / origin_wr_h = self.input_h / origin_hif r_h > r_w:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2 - (self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2 - (self.input_h - r_w * origin_h) / 2y /= r_welse:y[:, 0] = x[:, 0] - x[:, 2] / 2 - (self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 2] = x[:, 0] + x[:, 2] / 2 - (self.input_w - r_h * origin_w) / 2y[:, 1] = x[:, 1] - x[:, 3] / 2y[:, 3] = x[:, 1] + x[:, 3] / 2y /= r_hreturn ydef post_process_new(self, output, origin_h, origin_w, img_pad):# Reshape to a two dimentional ndarrayc, h, w = img_pad.shaperatio_w = w / origin_wratio_h = h / origin_hnum_anchors = int(((h / 32) * (w / 32) + (h / 16) * (w / 16) + (h / 8) * (w / 8)))pred = np.reshape(output, (num_anchors, 4 + NUM_CLASSES))results = []for detection in pred:score = detection[4:]classid = np.argmax(score)confidence = score[classid]if confidence > CONF_THRESH:if ratio_h > ratio_w:center_x = int(detection[0] / ratio_w)center_y = int((detection[1] - (h - ratio_w * origin_h) / 2) / ratio_w)width = int(detection[2] / ratio_w)height = int(detection[3] / ratio_w)x1 = int(center_x - width / 2)y1 = int(center_y - height / 2)x2 = int(center_x + width / 2)y2 = int(center_y + height / 2)else:center_x = int((detection[0] - (w - ratio_h * origin_w) / 2) / ratio_h)center_y = int(detection[1] / ratio_h)width = int(detection[2] / ratio_h)height = int(detection[3] / ratio_h)x1 = int(center_x - width / 2)y1 = int(center_y - height / 2)x2 = int(center_x + width / 2)y2 = int(center_y + height / 2)results.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, confidence, classid])results = np.array(results)if len(results) <= 0:return None, None, None# Do nmsboxes = self.non_max_suppression(results, origin_h, origin_w, conf_thres=CONF_THRESH, nms_thres=IOU_THRESHOLD)result_boxes = boxes[:, :4] if len(boxes) else np.array([])result_scores = boxes[:, 4] if len(boxes) else np.array([])result_classid = boxes[:, 5] if len(boxes) else np.array([])return result_boxes, result_scores, result_classiddef bbox_iou(self, box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True):"""description: compute the IoU of two bounding boxesparam:box1: A box coordinate (can be (x1, y1, x2, y2) or (x, y, w, h))box2: A box coordinate (can be (x1, y1, x2, y2) or (x, y, w, h))x1y1x2y2: select the coordinate formatreturn:iou: computed iou"""if not x1y1x2y2:# Transform from center and width to exact coordinatesb1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[:, 0] - box1[:, 2] / 2, box1[:, 0] + box1[:, 2] / 2b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[:, 1] - box1[:, 3] / 2, box1[:, 1] + box1[:, 3] / 2b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[:, 0] - box2[:, 2] / 2, box2[:, 0] + box2[:, 2] / 2b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[:, 1] - box2[:, 3] / 2, box2[:, 1] + box2[:, 3] / 2else:# Get the coordinates of bounding boxesb1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:, 0], box1[:, 1], box1[:, 2], box1[:, 3]b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:, 0], box2[:, 1], box2[:, 2], box2[:, 3]# Get the coordinates of the intersection rectangleinter_rect_x1 = np.maximum(b1_x1, b2_x1)inter_rect_y1 = np.maximum(b1_y1, b2_y1)inter_rect_x2 = np.minimum(b1_x2, b2_x2)inter_rect_y2 = np.minimum(b1_y2, b2_y2)# Intersection areainter_area = np.clip(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, 0, None) * \np.clip(inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, 0, None)# Union Areab1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1)b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1)iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area + 1e-16)return ioudef non_max_suppression(self, prediction, origin_h, origin_w, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.4):"""description: Removes detections with lower object confidence score than 'conf_thres' and performsNon-Maximum Suppression to further filter detections.param:prediction: detections, (x1, y1,x2, y2, conf, cls_id)origin_h: original image heightorigin_w: original image widthconf_thres: a confidence threshold to filter detectionsnms_thres: a iou threshold to filter detectionsreturn:boxes: output after nms with the shape (x1, y1, x2, y2, conf, cls_id)"""# Get the boxes that score > CONF_THRESHboxes = prediction[prediction[:, 4] >= conf_thres]# Trandform bbox from [center_x, center_y, w, h] to [x1, y1, x2, y2]# boxes[:, :4] = self.xywh2xyxy(origin_h, origin_w, boxes[:, :4])# clip the coordinatesboxes[:, 0] = np.clip(boxes[:, 0], 0, origin_w)boxes[:, 2] = np.clip(boxes[:, 2], 0, origin_w)boxes[:, 1] = np.clip(boxes[:, 1], 0, origin_h)boxes[:, 3] = np.clip(boxes[:, 3], 0, origin_h)# Object confidenceconfs = boxes[:, 4]# Sort by the confsboxes = boxes[np.argsort(-confs)]# Perform non-maximum suppressionkeep_boxes = []while boxes.shape[0]:large_overlap = self.bbox_iou(np.expand_dims(boxes[0, :4], 0), boxes[:, :4]) > nms_threslabel_match = boxes[0, -1] == boxes[:, -1]# Indices of boxes with lower confidence scores, large IOUs and matching labelsinvalid = large_overlap & label_matchkeep_boxes += [boxes[0]]boxes = boxes[~invalid]boxes = np.stack(keep_boxes, 0) if len(keep_boxes) else np.array([])return boxesdef img_infer(yolov5_wrapper, image_path_batch):batch_image_raw, use_time = yolov5_wrapper.infer(yolov5_wrapper.get_raw_image(image_path_batch))for i, img_path in enumerate(image_path_batch):parent, filename = os.path.split(img_path)save_name = os.path.join('output', filename)# Save imagecv2.imwrite(save_name, batch_image_raw[i])print('input->{}, time->{:.2f}ms, saving into output/'.format(image_path_batch, use_time * 1000))def warmup(yolov5_wrapper):batch_image_raw, use_time = yolov5_wrapper.infer(yolov5_wrapper.get_raw_image_zeros())print('warm_up->{}, time->{:.2f}ms'.format(batch_image_raw[0].shape, use_time * 1000))if __name__ == "__main__":engine_file_path = r"D:\personal\workplace\python_code\ultralytics-main\yolov8s_p.engine"# load coco labelscategories = ["person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light", "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee", "skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard", "tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple", "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "couch", "potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone", "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear", "hair drier", "toothbrush" ]# engine_file_path = r'C:\Users\caobin\Desktop\model_version\yolov8\20230602\best.engine'# categories = ['man']if os.path.exists('output/'):shutil.rmtree('output/')os.makedirs('output/')# a YoLov5TRT instanceyolov8_wrapper = YoLov8TRT(engine_file_path)try:print('batch size is', yolov8_wrapper.batch_size)image_dir = r"D:\personal\workplace\python_code\yolov5-6.0\data\images"image_path_batches = get_img_path_batches(yolov8_wrapper.batch_size, image_dir)for i in range(10):warmup(yolov8_wrapper)for batch in image_path_batches:img_infer(yolov8_wrapper, batch)finally:yolov8_wrapper.destroy()





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第17章_瑞萨MCU零基础入门系列教程之CAN FD 模块

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卫星遥感具有客观、连续、稳定、大范围、重复观测的优点&#xff0c;已成为监测全球碳盘查不可或缺的技术手段&#xff0c;卫星遥感也正在成为新一代 、国际认可的全球碳核查方法。目的就是梳理碳中和与碳达峰对卫星遥感的现实需求&#xff0c;系统总结遥感技术在生态系统碳储量…


在我们日常工作和生活中&#xff0c;经常会遇到PDF文件过大的问题&#xff0c;给文件传输和存储带来了很大的不便。那么&#xff0c;如何缩小PDF文件大小以便上传呢&#xff1f;下面就给大家分享几个压缩方法&#xff0c;一起来了解下PDF文件压缩方法吧~ 方法一&#xff1a;嗨格…

docker系列(5) - docker仓库

文章目录 5 docker仓库5.1 创建命名空间5.2 创建镜像仓库5.3 设置访问凭证5.3 镜像仓库命令信息5.4 登录阿里云上传镜像5.5 拉取镜像运行5.6 私有仓库(docker Registry)5.6.1 安装docker registry5.6.2 准备镜像5.6.2 本地私服仓库5.6.3 推送到私服仓库5.6.4 拉取私服镜像 5 do…

C/C++输出第二个整数 2019年9月电子学会青少年软件编程(C/C++)等级考试一级真题答案解析

目录 一、题目要求 1、编程实现 2、输入输出 二、解题思路 1、案例分析 三、程序代码 四、程序说明 五、运行结果 六、考点分析 2019年9月 C/C编程等级考试一级编程题 一、题目要求 1、编程实现 输入三个整数&#xff0c;把第二个输入的整数输出。 2、输入输出 输…


无论你是将截图作为保存图片、消息或信息的快速方式&#xff0c;还是作为演示像这篇文章这样有用的操作方法的方式&#xff0c;能够截图都会非常有用。 但并不是所有的手机都以相同的方式进行屏幕截图。事实上&#xff0c;并不是所有的三星手机都能做到这一点。例如&#xff0…


2023国自然结果已经揭晓&#xff0c;“超级增强子”&#xff08; Super enhancer, SE&#xff09;作为国自然新热点&#xff0c;2023年项目为32个。2019-2023年来总累计项目143项&#xff0c;但累计项目金额达6033万。此外&#xff0c;Pubmed数据统计显示5年间SE影响因子大于10…


Keepalived的配置补充&#xff1a; 脑裂&#xff08;裂脑&#xff09;&#xff1a;vip出现在了多台机器上。网络不通畅&#xff0c;禁用了数据包&#xff0c;主备服务器没法通讯&#xff0c;造成备服务器认为主服务器不可用&#xff0c;绑定VIP&#xff0c;主服务器VIP不会释放…

laravel系列(二) Dcat admin框架开发工具使用

开发工具可以非常好的帮助我们去快速的开发CURD等操作,但也是有部分框架有些不是太便捷操作,这篇博客主要为大家介绍Dcat admin的开发工具详细使用. 如何创建页面: 在联表我们首先要去.env文件中去找连接数据库方法: APP_NAMELaravel APP_ENVlocal APP_KEYbase64:thO0lOVlzj0…


工业经济中大部分行业都是制造业&#xff0c;为了合力助推工业经济提质增效&#xff0c;谋划推进制造业数字化转型就显得尤为重要了。用VR赋能工厂数字升级&#xff0c;打造VR数字工厂&#xff0c;满足各行各业沉浸式营销展示需求。 VR数字工厂是一种全新的工业模式&#xff0c…


&#x1f49d;&#x1f49d;&#x1f49d;欢迎来到我的博客&#xff0c;很高兴能够在这里和您见面&#xff01;希望您在这里可以感受到一份轻松愉快的氛围&#xff0c;不仅可以获得有趣的内容和知识&#xff0c;也可以畅所欲言、分享您的想法和见解。 推荐:kuan 的首页,持续学…

【前端开发】JS Vue React中的通用递归函数

文章目录 前言一、递归函数的由来二、功能实现1.后台数据2.处理数据3.整体代码 总结 前言 大家好&#xff0c;今天和大家分享一下在前端开发中js&#xff0c;vue&#xff0c;react的通用递归方法。 递归是指一个函数在执行过程中调用自身的行为。通过递归&#xff0c;可以将一…


目录 1.对阵矩阵 2.三角矩阵 3.三对角矩阵&#xff08;带状矩阵&#xff09; 均假设数组的下标从0开始 1.对阵矩阵 定义&#xff1a;若对一个n阶矩阵A中的任意一个元素 aᵢ,ⱼ 都有aᵢ,ⱼaⱼ,ᵢ &#xff08;1≤i,j≤n&#xff09;&#xff0c;则称其为对称矩阵。 存储策略…

【canal系】canal集群异常Could not find first log file name in binary log index file

这里先说明下这边使用的canal版本号为1.1.5 在描述这个问题之前&#xff0c;首先需要简单对于canal架构有个基本的了解 canal工作原理 canal 模拟 MySQL slave 的交互协议&#xff0c;伪装自己为 MySQL slave &#xff0c;向 MySQL master 发送dump 协议MySQL master 收到 dum…


1、对于一些场景&#xff0c;前端可能需要展示不定列数的数据&#xff1b;譬如考勤&#xff0c;可能有的人是一天一次上下班打卡&#xff0c;有的人是一天两次上下班打卡。这个时候统计就需要更具人员做不同的展示&#xff0c;不能固定在前端写死列的属性。 2、代码示例 &…

Vue + Element UI 前端篇(五):国际化实现

Vue Element UI 实现权限管理系统 前端篇&#xff08;五&#xff09;&#xff1a;国际化实现 国际化支持 1.安装依赖 执行以下命令&#xff0c;安装 i18n 依赖。 yarn add vue-i18n $ yarn add vue-i18n yarn add v1.9.4 warning package-lock.json found. Your project …