题目:Create 8 D flip-flops with active high asynchronous reset. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk.
module top_module (input clk,input areset, // active high asynchronous resetinput [7:0] d,output [7:0] q
);always@(posedge clk,posedge areset)if(areset)q<=8'h0;elseq<=d;endmodule
module top_module(input clk,input [7:0] d,input areset,output reg [7:0] q);// The only difference in code compared to synchronous reset is in the sensitivity list.always @(posedge clk, posedge areset)if (areset)q <= 0;elseq <= d;// In Verilog, the sensitivity list looks strange. The FF's reset is sensitive to the// *level* of areset, so why does using "posedge areset" work?// To see why it works, consider the truth table for all events that change the input // signals, assuming clk and areset do not switch at precisely the same time:// clk areset output// x 0->1 q <= 0; (because areset = 1)// x 1->0 no change (always block not triggered)// 0->1 0 q <= d; (not resetting)// 0->1 1 q <= 0; (still resetting, q was 0 before too)// 1->0 x no change (always block not triggered)endmodule