How to upgrade NBU cluster from to

1. Environment Statement

OS: SuSE 12 SP4
InfoScale: 7.4.2

2. Download EEB patch and utf8 tools

2.1 Donwload utf8 check tools from Veritas.

utf8 character check before NBU upgrade, upgrade will be failed if “NBDB” is using utf8 character.
utf8 tools download from:

utf8 check logs please reference

utf8 Check

2.2, Donwload EEB patch for NBU

updated nbdb_unload programmer, just because NBU DB will be upgrade from “Sybase” to “PostgreSQL”, database will be unloaded, the programmer “undb_unload” will be used to unload “NBDB”, and upgrade will be failed if “NBDB” is using utf8 character .
EEB patch download from:

EEB upgrade logs please reference

Update EEB patch before upgrade

please make there is a successful NBU Catalog backup during the last 24 hours. if not, during upgrade process, below error will be happen
“not ok last_catalog_backup_check: Last catalog backup run was more than 24 hours ago.”

3. Update EEB patch and run utf8 check

3.1 update EEB patch

switch to EEB download folder, and run the update programmer

# ./eebinstaller_4111378_1_linuxS_x86

3.2 utf8 check

Create a temporary folder to save the NBDB files

# mkdir /tmp/nbdbunload
# chmod 777 /tmp/nbdbunload/

Download NBDB files and run utf8 check

# /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_unload /tmp/nbdbunload/
switch to utf8 tools download folder and perform utf8 check
# ./nbdb-utf8-check --unload-dir=/tmp/nbdbunload/

4 upgrade NBU from to

4.1 upgrade active node

Freeze NBU cluster, perform upgrade on the active node # hagrp -freeze nbu_group
Swtich to new NBU softerware folder and run upgrade# ./install 
When NBU upgrade successful, unfreeze NBU cluster# hagrp -unfreeze nbu_group

4.2 upgrade passive node

Swtich to new NBU softerware folder and run upgrade

 # ./install 

Details please reference

Upgrade Logs

4.3 Switch HA to validate NBU upgrade successful on active and passive node

 # hastatus -sum-- SYSTEM STATE
-- System               State                Frozen              A  nb10se12node1        RUNNING              0                    
A  nb10se12node2        RUNNING              0                    -- GROUP STATE
-- Group           System               Probed     AutoDisabled    State          B  nbu_group       nb10se12node1        Y          N               ONLINE         
B  nbu_group       nb10se12node2        Y          N               OFFLINE        # hagrp -switch nbu_group -to nb10se12node2

Update EEB patch before upgrade

nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/NB_10_0_0_1_ET4111378_1_20240221_161758 # ./eebinstaller_4111378_1_linuxS_x86This program performs an installation of files related to
PET4111375, SET4111378, EEB1 on platform linuxS_x86.DISCLAIMER:
NOTE: These binaries are intended to help address a certain issue or enhance
a certain feature within the Veritas software for which these binaries were
created. They are intended solely for the recipient and must not be further
distributed to other parties, as they may not be generally available. Their
use is subject to the terms and conditions of your applicable Veritas license
and support agreements. They have not been fully tested by Veritas in all
environments, so please do not install these binaries unless instructed to
do so by Veritas.Do you acknowledge this disclaimer?   [y,n] (y) yThis installer will use the following as the base installation directory:/usr/openvIs this the correct path?   [y,n] (y) Veritas Bug ID: 4111378
NetBackup_10.0.0.1 linuxS_x86
NetBackup Primary ServerDeliverables:
/db/bin/nbdb_unloadAdditional Notes:
A change to the nbdb_unload CLI to improve performance.The nbdb-utf8-check utility that is required to be run prior to upgrade to 10.2 calls nbdb_unload.A significant speedup of the nbdb-utf8-check utility can be achieved by installing this EEB.A change to the nbdb_unload CLI to improve performance.The nbdb-utf8-check utility that is required to be run prior to upgrade to 10.2 calls nbdb_unload.A significant speedup of the nbdb-utf8-check utility can be achieved by installing this EEB.Added support to nbdb_unload for unloading NBAZDB.File checksum(s):
3419356862 39696 nbdb_unloadRecommended Service State:
All NetBackup services can remain running.Continue?  [y,n] (y) 
Checksum of original at /usr/openv/db/bin/nbdb_unload: 4033442160, Checksum of file in the installer: 3419356862Extracting...
Installation complete.

utf8 Check

nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # mkdir /tmp/nbdbunload
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # chmod 755 77 /tmp//nbdbunload/
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # ll
total 7444
-rwx------ 1 4294967294 4294967294 7620422 Mar 28  2023 nbdb-utf8-check
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # cd /usr/openv/db/bin
nb10se12node1:/usr/openv/db/bin # ./nbdb_unload /tmp/nbdbunload
nb10se12node1:/usr/openv/db/bin # cd /nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # ll
total 7444
-rwx------ 1 4294967294 4294967294 7620422 Mar 28  2023 nbdb-utf8-check
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096_20240221_161759/nbdb-utf8-check-4.3_0096/linuxS_x86 # ./nbdb-utf8-check --unload-dir=/nfs/unloadnbdbdirtmp/unnbdbunnbdbunload
Starting unload of NBAZDB. This operation might take some time.
Unload of NBAZDB completed successfully 
Processing Table: tbl_nm
Processing Table: cls_nm
Processing Table: attr_info
Processing Table: cls_info
Processing Table: res_type
Processing Table: object
Processing Table: ps
Processing Table: sc
Processing Table: ps_rtype
Processing Table: avt
Processing Table: rt
Processing Table: permission
Processing Table: perms
Processing Table: agm
Processing Table: acle
Processing Table: acle_ext
Processing Table: vssaz_pvt
Starting unload of NBDB. This operation might take some time.
Unload of NBDB completed successfully 
Processing Table: ALT_Alert
Processing Table: ALT_Category_Notification_Settings
Processing Table: ALT_Notification
Processing Table: ALT_Parameter
Processing Table: ALT_Tag_Mapping
Processing Table: AST_Asset
Processing Table: AST_Asset_Active_Protection_Details
Processing Table: AST_Asset_Group
Processing Table: AST_Asset_Protection_Method
Processing Table: AST_Asset_Type
Processing Table: AST_AstGroup_Active_Protection_Details
Processing Table: AST_AstGroup_Servers
Processing Table: AST_Cloud_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Cloud_Extended_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Cloud_Tag
Processing Table: AST_Discovery
Processing Table: AST_Discovery_Host
Processing Table: AST_Generic_Asset_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Generic_Asset_Extended_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Host
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Annotations
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset_Group
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset_Group_Mapping
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset_Group_Servers
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset_Group_Subscription
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Asset_Subscription
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Cluster
Processing Table: AST_K8S_GroupVersionKinds
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Labels
Processing Table: AST_K8S_Subscription
Processing Table: AST_Last_Backup_Status
Processing Table: AST_Master
Processing Table: AST_NutanixCluster_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_NutanixContainerVMMapping_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_NutanixContainer_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_NutanixVM_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Nutanix_Networks
Processing Table: AST_Protection_Method
Processing Table: AST_RHV_VM_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Search_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_Universal_Share
Processing Table: AST_VCloud_Catalog
Processing Table: AST_VCloud_Organization
Processing Table: AST_VCloud_VApp
Processing Table: AST_VM_Network
Processing Table: AST_VM_Storage
Processing Table: AST_VM_Tag
Processing Table: AST_VMware_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_VMware_Datastore
Processing Table: AST_VMware_Extended_Attributes
Processing Table: AST_VMware_Network
Processing Table: AST_VMware_Tag
Processing Table: AST_Workload_Type
Processing Table: Ast_Asset_AstGroup_Mapping
Processing Table: CONFIG_Login_Banner
Processing Table: DPLMT_PackageTransactionStatus
Processing Table: DPLMT_RepositoryMetadata
Processing Table: EMM_AllocationStatus
Processing Table: EMM_Allocations
Processing Table: EMM_ApiMediaType
Processing Table: EMM_ApiVendor
Processing Table: EMM_AppCluster_Server
Processing Table: EMM_BarcodeRule
Processing Table: EMM_CCT_Host_Info
Processing Table: EMM_CCT_VM_Info
Processing Table: EMM_DeletedMedia
Processing Table: EMM_Density
Processing Table: EMM_DensitySupport
Processing Table: EMM_Device
Processing Table: EMM_DiskGroup
Processing Table: EMM_DiskGroup_StorageUnit
Processing Table: EMM_DiskStorageMapping
Processing Table: EMM_DiskStorageMappingProperty
Processing Table: EMM_DiskVolume
Processing Table: EMM_DiskVolumeMountPoint
Processing Table: EMM_DriveIndex
Processing Table: EMM_DriveInquiry
Processing Table: EMM_DriveType
Processing Table: EMM_DriveType_Density_MediaTyp
Processing Table: EMM_FatClient
Processing Table: EMM_FatInitiatorDevice
Processing Table: EMM_FatPipe
Processing Table: EMM_FatServer
Processing Table: EMM_FatTargetDevice
Processing Table: EMM_Host
Processing Table: EMM_Host_Alias
Processing Table: EMM_Host_Server
Processing Table: EMM_LibraryGroup
Processing Table: EMM_LibraryInquiry
Processing Table: EMM_LibraryType
Processing Table: EMM_MS_StorageServer_Connection
Processing Table: EMM_Machine
Processing Table: EMM_MachineAlias
Processing Table: EMM_MachineConfig
Processing Table: EMM_MachineDeviceConnection
Processing Table: EMM_Machine_ServerGroup
Processing Table: EMM_Managed_Hosts_Details
Processing Table: EMM_Media
Processing Table: EMM_MediaAffinityGroup
Processing Table: EMM_MediaGroup
Processing Table: EMM_MediaPool
Processing Table: EMM_MediaServer_NdmpFiler
Processing Table: EMM_MediaType
Processing Table: EMM_MediaType_ApiMediaType
Processing Table: EMM_Media_MediaAffinityGroup
Processing Table: EMM_Merge
Processing Table: EMM_NdmpCredentials
Processing Table: EMM_Notification_StateStore
Processing Table: EMM_PolicyClientHosts
Processing Table: EMM_PreferredMediaServer
Processing Table: EMM_PreferredMediaServer_ClientSource
Processing Table: EMM_PreferredMediaServer_PolicySource
Processing Table: EMM_ServerGroup
Processing Table: EMM_StorageServer
Processing Table: EMM_StorageServer_Configuration
Processing Table: EMM_StorageServer_DiskGroup
Processing Table: EMM_StorageServer_PreferredMediaServer
Processing Table: EMM_StorageUnit
Processing Table: EMM_StorageUnitGroup
Processing Table: EMM_StorageUnit_Machine
Processing Table: EMM_StorageUnit_STUGroup
Processing Table: EMM_TargetSLP
Processing Table: EMM_TargetSLP_Volume
Processing Table: EMM_TechnologyGroup
Processing Table: EMM_TechnologyGroup_LibraryGrp
Processing Table: EMM_VaultContainer
Processing Table: EMM_Version
Processing Table: Global_Settings
Processing Table: Host_Renewal_Status
Processing Table: MWD_MalwareJob
Processing Table: MWD_MalwareTool
Processing Table: MWD_ScanHost
Processing Table: MWD_ScanHostAndPoolMapping
Processing Table: MWD_ScanHostAndToolMapping
Processing Table: MWD_ScanHostPool
Processing Table: MWD_ScanResults
Processing Table: MWD_WorkList
Processing Table: NB_Generic_Host_Details
Processing Table: RPS_Master
Processing Table: RPS_RecoveryPoint
Processing Table: SLO_Capability
Processing Table: SLO_Definition
Processing Table: SLO_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: SLO_Policy_Template
Processing Table: SLO_SLP_Mapping
Processing Table: SLO_Schedule
Processing Table: SLO_Subscription
Processing Table: SMTP_Server_Config
Processing Table: RB_Allocation
Processing Table: RB_Allocation_Type
Processing Table: RB_Drive_Allocation_Error
Processing Table: RB_MDS_Allocation
Processing Table: RB_MDS_Job_Information
Processing Table: RB_MDS_Reservation
Processing Table: RB_MDS_TransportAllocation
Processing Table: RB_Media_Allocation_Error
Processing Table: RB_Named_Resource
Processing Table: RB_Provider_Type
Processing Table: PEM_CSSchedule
Processing Table: PEM_ComponentSet
Processing Table: PEM_Discovery
Processing Table: PEM_Policy
Processing Table: PEM_PolicyAssignment
Processing Table: PEM_ResourceLimits
Processing Table: PEM_SLP
Processing Table: PEM_SLPDestinations
Processing Table: PEM_WorkDistributor
Processing Table: SLP_AttentionNeededImage
Processing Table: SLP_DestCopyBacklogHistory
Processing Table: SLP_InNotifications
Processing Table: SLP_JobInfo
Processing Table: SLP_LCM_History
Processing Table: SLP_OutNotifications
Processing Table: SLP_SourceCopyBacklogHistory
Processing Table: SLP_TargetCopyInfo
Processing Table: SLP_WorkGroup
Processing Table: DBM_AssetWorkflowQueue
Processing Table: DBM_Client
Processing Table: DBM_ClientAlias
Processing Table: DBM_ClientFragmentDensity
Processing Table: DBM_DRCriticalPolicy
Processing Table: DBM_DRMedia
Processing Table: DBM_DeletedImageFrag_DiskVolume
Processing Table: DBM_DeletedImageFragment
Processing Table: DBM_DeletedSnapReplica
Processing Table: DBM_HLD_Hold
Processing Table: DBM_HLD_Image
Processing Table: DBM_HLD_Image_Hold
Processing Table: DBM_HoldImageMedia
Processing Table: DBM_HypervisorImage
Processing Table: DBM_Image
Processing Table: DBM_ImageChangeLog
Processing Table: DBM_ImageCopy
Processing Table: DBM_ImageDependency
Processing Table: DBM_ImageDetails
Processing Table: DBM_ImageDetailsData
Processing Table: DBM_ImageFragment
Processing Table: DBM_ImageReplicationDestination
Processing Table: DBM_SnapReplica
Processing Table: DBM_SnapshotImport
Processing Table: DBM_SnapshotImportMetaData
Processing Table: DBM_VMIR
Processing Table: DBM_VMwareImage
Processing Table: DBM_XbsaImage
Processing Table: NBFEDS_FrontEndDataSize
Processing Table: ST_BackupSize
Processing Table: ADTR_AuditRecord
Processing Table: ADTR_AuditRecord_Details
Processing Table: ADTR_AuditRecord_Placeholder
Processing Table: ADTR_User_Details
Processing Table: ADTR_User_Login_Details
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Alias
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Asset_Database
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Asset_Instance
Processing Table: DARS_OC_CredSet
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Credential
Processing Table: DARS_OC_DBA
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Database
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Dataguard
Processing Table: DARS_OC_DefaultInstanceGroup
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Instance
Processing Table: DARS_OC_InstanceGroup
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Instance_Group_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_OC_Instance_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_OC_PluggableDatabase
Processing Table: DARS_OC_RAC_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_OC_RmanCatalog
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_ArchiveLog_Backups
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_ControlFile_Assets
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_ControlFile_Backups
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_DF_Backup_Pieces
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_DF_Backups
Processing Table: DARS_Oracle_DF_Datafiles
Processing Table: DARS_PolicyInfo
Processing Table: DARS_SC_AvailabilityGroup
Processing Table: DARS_SC_AvailabilityGroupSubscription
Processing Table: DARS_SC_AvailabilityGroupTopology
Processing Table: DARS_SC_AvailabilityGroup_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Backup
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Credential
Processing Table: DARS_SC_DBA
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Database
Processing Table: DARS_SC_DatabaseSubscription
Processing Table: DARS_SC_DefaultInstanceGroup
Processing Table: DARS_SC_IgnoreDatabase
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Image_RP
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Instance
Processing Table: DARS_SC_InstanceGroup
Processing Table: DARS_SC_InstanceSubscription
Processing Table: DARS_SC_InstanceTopology
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Instance_Group_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Instance_Policy_Mapping
Processing Table: DARS_SC_Subscription
Processing Table: JOBD_Job
Processing Table: ACTL_APIInfo
Processing Table: ACTL_AccessRule
Processing Table: ACTL_Collection
Processing Table: ACTL_CollectionCriteria
Processing Table: ACTL_Host_Principal
Processing Table: ACTL_Identity_Reference
Processing Table: ACTL_Permission
Processing Table: ACTL_PermissionCategory
Processing Table: ACTL_PermissionCategory_Permission
Processing Table: ACTL_Permission_APIInfo
Processing Table: ACTL_Permission_Role
Processing Table: ACTL_Role
Processing Table: ACTL_UserGroup
Processing Table: ACTL_User_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Access_Token_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Api_Keys
Processing Table: AUTH_Authentication_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Authorization_Token_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Cert_Authentication_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_CodeBasedSession_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Group_Authentication_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Saml_Auth_Groups_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Saml_User_Authentication_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Saml_User_Groups_Details
Processing Table: AUTH_Security_Credentials
Processing Table: AUTH_User_Authentication_Details
Processing Table: AZTL_AccessDefinition
Processing Table: AZTL_Access_Controlled_Services
Processing Table: AZTL_DiskCaches
Processing Table: AZTL_ManagedObject
Processing Table: AZTL_ManagedObject_Operation
Processing Table: AZTL_Operation
Processing Table: AZTL_Operation_AccessDefinition
Processing Table: AZTL_Principal_Role
Processing Table: AZTL_Role
Processing Table: AZTL_Rule
Processing Table: CERT_Details
Processing Table: CERT_Token
Processing Table: CRED_NamedCredentials
Processing Table: CRED_Schema
Processing Table: IDP_Info
Processing Table: KMS_Info
Processing Table: NBCA_Details
Processing Table: NBCA_TrustVersion
Processing Table: Passphrase_Constraints
Processing Table: Policy_UI_Schema
Processing Table: Security_Config
Processing Table: ServicePrincipal_Info
Processing Table: TPCA_CERT_Details
Processing Table: TrustVersion_Details
Processing Table: WEBUI_User_PreferenceAn upgrade to NetBackup 10.2 or later requires a migration of records to a new
NetBackup database server. This check reports any records found with invalid,
non UTF-8 byte sequences which could cause a migration failure. Review the
following article for more information: are no invalid UTF-8 characters in the database.

Upgrade Logs

nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/NetBackup_10.2.0.1_LinuxS_x86_64 # ./install Veritas Installation Script
Copyright (c) 2023 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.Installing NetBackup Server SoftwarePlease review the VERITAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT located on
the installation media before proceeding. The agreement includes
details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your
platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are
contained in this release, check the Installation and Upgrade checklists
and the Hot Fix and EEB Release Auditor, both available on the Veritas
Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) page:! OpsCenter has been replaced by NetBackup IT Analytics
as the reporting tool for NetBackup. Any OpsCenter configurations
will be removed. For more information, please see:!  To help ensure a successful upgrade to NetBackup,
please visit the NetBackup Upgrade Portal: you wish to continue? [y,n] (y) 
Starting NetBackup Deduplication installer
testing: /tmp/pdde_pkg_dir_4207
Checking for SYMCpddea package...
Checking for VRTSpddea package...Package VRTSpddea found.NetBackup Deduplication software is installed.NetBackup Deduplication is not yet configured.
NetBackup Deduplication preinstall check passed
Running install analysis tool.Using nbwebsvc and nbwebgrp for the
NetBackup web service user and group.nbwebsvc user exists.Most of the daemons will run under the 'nbsvuser' user context.
For more details, see the article: port 13787 for NetBackup scale-out database connection pool service.The private_tmp value is /tmp/par_tmp.4108Checking for critical system conditions...ok nbdb_maintenance_space: no NBDB maintanence space check required for this release of NetBackup: skipping
ok java_key_store: No issues found with Java keystores
ok idirstruct_check: IDIRSTRUCT is not version 1.
ok wsl_account: User [nbwebsvc] belongs to group [nbwebgrp]
ok nb_license_check_critical: Unexpired NetBackup base product license is available.
ok tomcat_certificates: No issues found in Tomcat certificates
ok nb_version_check: Upgrades from [] are supported.
ok client_name_primary_check: CLIENT_NAME and CLUSTER_NAME are setCLIENT_NAME = nb10se12node1, CLUSTER_NAME =
ok cloudcatalyst_check: CloudCatalyst is not configured.
ok db_ping_check: Connections to the NetBackup databases are successfully established.
ok websvc_user_login_shell: Inapplicable for Linux or Windows, this is Linux: skipping
ok nbdb_ntfs_dir_symlink: Inapplicable on Linux: skipping
ok unsupported_robot_types_critical: No unsupported robot types found.
ok media_server_cluster_upgrade: NetBackup Primary Server detected: skipping
ok certmapinfo_check: certmapinfo file present.
ok primary_server_name: No issues found in primary server name.
ok unsupported_platform: Host is a supported platform: Linux 4.12.14-120-default.
ok service_user_critical: The user [nbsvuser] exists and meets all the critical requirements to be a service user.
ok be_nb_same_host: Inapplicable on Linux: skipping
ok localhost_check_critical: Host name [localhost] resolves to an IP address assigned to a network interface on this host.
ok critical_services_check: Inapplicable for non-Windows platforms: skipping
ok nb_keysize_env_value: Inapplicable for this version of NetBackup: skipping
ok db_files_check: Inapplicable for installed NetBackup version lower than 10.2: skipping
ok defaulttasksmax_check: DefaultTasksMax limits are high enough
ok remote_emm: No remote EMM is detected
ok server_conf_settings_critical: server.conf contains the minimum TCP/IP settingsChecking for non-critical system conditions...ok postgres_check: Preinstall check for PostgreSQL passed
ok server_conf_settings_noncritical: server.conf contains the recommended TCP/IP settings
ok asset_db_api: Inapplicable for NetBackup upgrade from version 8.3 or higher: skipping
ok api_keys_check: Inapplicable for NetBackup upgrade from version 8.3 or higher: skipping
ok java_path_check: Inapplicable for non-Windows platform: skipping
ok nb_license_check_noncritical: No expired NetBackup server license was found.
ok service_user_noncritical: The user [nbsvuser] exists and meets all the noncritical requirements to be a service user.
ok missing_binaries_noncritical: binaries [/sbin/insserv] exist and are executable.
ok hotfix_auditor: No potential for regression of hotfixes or EEBs was detected between current version and
ok webserver_tunnel_config: Could not find the websvctunnels.cache file. Skipping
ok localhost_check_noncritical: Loopback addresses [, ::1] exist in hosts file.
ok ephemeral_port_range: The ephemeral port range does not include ports used by NetBackup services.
ok k8s_policy_check: Inapplicable for NetBackup upgrade from versions 10.0 or greater: skipping
ok active_db_template_policy: No policies using database templates.
ok semaphore_limits: semaphore limits are high enough
ok analytics_collector_check: Inapplicable for cluster nodes: skipping
ok rbac_config_check: Inapplicable for NetBackup upgrade from version 8.3 or higher: skipping
ok primarykey_check: Valid configuration
ok os_update_level: Inapplicable on Linux: skipping
ok unsupported_robot_types_noncritical: No unsupported robot types found.
ok ulimit_nofiles: nofiles ulimit 8192 is high enough.
ok fingerprint_map_check: Inapplicable for this installed version of NetBackup: skipping
ok websvc_password_check: The password for nbwebsvc is set to never expire.
ok nb_audit_table_size_check: Inapplicable for NetBackup version that is installed: skipping
ok wmc_dir_ownership_check: NetBackup web services directory has contents
ok port_availability_check: Port 3652 availability check is inapplicable for this upgrade: skipping.Port 443 availability check is inapplicable for this upgrade: skipping.Assessing if a catalog backup was performed in the last 24 hours.ok last_catalog_backup_check: Last catalog backup run on this primary server was less than 24 hours ago.Assessing the time required for migration of NBDB.
This action may take a few minutes. Please be patient.ok postgres_check: The preinstall check passed for the migration to theNetBackup Scale-Out Relational Database. The estimatedtime that is required to migrate the data is:Estimated Records found: 6Estimated migration time: 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)Refer to the following article for more details:
Found a valid customer registration key file.The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on LINUX_SUSE_X86 hardware.NetBackup is currently at release level
This package will install release level
Do you want to upgrade NetBackup and Media Manager? [y,n] (y) 
NetBackup and Media Manager will be updated to release level for NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
Suspending or cancelling selective jobs...
Stopping bprd...
Stopping nbanomalymgmt...
Stopping nbars...
Stopping nbvault...
Stopping nbjm...
Stopping nbim...
Stopping nbsl...
Stopping nbrmms...
Stopping nbstserv...
Stopping nbpem...
Stopping nbproxy...
Stopping bpcompatd...Still running...
root      1640  8517  0 13:48 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -DPSPROXY -stype STSBasicDisk: -storage_server
nbsvuser  3736  8480  0 13:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_email
nbsvuser  5632  8447  0 13:56 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
nbsvuser  5635     1  0 13:56 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
root      5639  5555  0 13:56 pts/0    00:00:00 [nbjm]
root      5654  5555  0 13:56 pts/0    00:00:00 [nbsl]
root      5664  5555  0 13:56 pts/0    00:00:00 [nbpem]
root      5671  5555  0 13:56 pts/0    00:00:00 [bpcompatd]
nbsvuser  8447     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:08:25 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd
nbsvuser  8454     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:10 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcompatd
nbsvuser  8457     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:03:31 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbjm
nbsvuser  8480     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstserv
nbsvuser  8522  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:18 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem
nbsvuser  8595     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:32 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
nbsvuser  8630     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:04:36 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbim
nbsvuser  8693     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:47 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbvault
nbsvuser  8987  8457  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:16 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbjm
nbsvuser 14113  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:40 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_cleanupStill running...
root      1640  8517  0 13:48 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -DPSPROXY -stype STSBasicDisk: -storage_server
nbsvuser  3736  8480  0 13:55 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_email
nbsvuser  8457     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:03:31 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbjm
nbsvuser  8480     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstserv
nbsvuser  8522  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:18 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem
nbsvuser  8595     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:32 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
nbsvuser  8630     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:04:36 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbim
nbsvuser  8693     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:47 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbvault
nbsvuser 14113  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:40 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_cleanupStill running...
root      1640  8517  0 13:48 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -DPSPROXY -stype STSBasicDisk: -storage_server
nbsvuser  8457     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:03:31 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbjm
nbsvuser  8480     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstserv
nbsvuser  8522  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:18 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem
nbsvuser  8595     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:32 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbsl
nbsvuser  8630     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:04:36 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbim
nbsvuser  8693     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:47 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbvault
nbsvuser 14113  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:40 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_cleanupStill running...
root      1640  8517  0 13:48 ?        00:00:00 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -DPSPROXY -stype STSBasicDisk: -storage_server
nbsvuser  8480     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstserv
nbsvuser  8630     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:04:36 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbim
nbsvuser 14113  8480  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:40 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbproxy dblib nbpem_cleanupStill running...
nbsvuser  8480     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbpem
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstserv
nbsvuser  8630     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:04:36 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbimStill running...
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstservStill running...
nbsvuser  8505     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:07:54 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbstservLooking for Media Manager processes that need to be terminated.
Stopping vmd...Looking for more NetBackup processes that need to be terminated.
Stopping bpdbm...
Stopping nbrb...
Stopping nbemm...
Stopping nbevtmgr...
Stopping nbdisco...
Stopping bpcd...
Stopping nbwmc...
Unable to terminate nbemm services
Stopping nbmqbroker...
Stopping nbaudit...
Stopping nbatd...
Stopping NB_dbsrv...
Stopping vnetd...Still running...
root      6172     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:02:02 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -standalone
nbsvuser  6206     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:23 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -proxy inbound_proxy -number 0
nbsvuser  6209     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:12 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -proxy outbound_proxy -number 0
nbsvuser  6213     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:01:04 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -proxy http_pbx_tunnel -number 0
nbsvuser  6214     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:00:12 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vnetd -proxy http_api_tunnel -number 0
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6
root      6513     1  0 Feb02 ?        00:05:14 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/private/nbatd -c /usr/openv/var/global/vxss/eab/data
root      7167  5555  0 13:57 pts/0    00:00:00 [vnetd]Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:17 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6Still running...
nbsvuser  6375     1  1 Feb02 ?        12:12:18 /usr/openv/db//bin/NB_dbsrv @/usr/openv/var/global/server.conf @/usr/openv/var/global/databases.conf -hn 6
Copying version file to [].
Copying /usr/openv/msg/C to /usr/openv/msg/C.
Copying netbackup/bin/initbprd to initbprd.
Copying netbackup/bin/initbpdbm to initbpdbm.
NetBackup server files successfully saved.
Saving pack history as /usr/openv/pack. NetBackup files from /nfs/NBU/NetBackup_10.2.0.1_LinuxS_x86_64/linuxS_x86/anbCopying SQL Anywhere binaries...
Checking for pre-existing SYMCnetbp package.
package SYMCnetbp is not installed
Successfully copied VRTSpddes.rpm into staging area.x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/nbj.conf
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/pddeagent.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/pdinstall
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/certcmdTool_for_UNIX.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/nbcheck
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/nbbsdtar
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/client_config
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/cp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/extract_java
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/nb_init_cfg
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/version
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/ssh_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/sftp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/PBX.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/installpbx
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/nbclibs.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/.sizes_nbclibs
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/client_bin.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/.sizes_client_bin
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/.sizes
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/NB-Java.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/.sizes_NB-Java
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/JRE.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/Debian3.10.0/.sizes_JRE
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/nbj.conf
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSpddea.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/pdinstall
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/certcmdTool_for_UNIX.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSpddeu.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/nbcheck
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/nbbsdtar
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/client_config
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/cp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/extract_java
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/nb_init_cfg
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/version
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/sftp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/ssh_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSpbx.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbclibs.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbpck.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbcfg.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbclt.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/.sizes
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbjava.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat3.10.0/VRTSnbjre.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/nbj.conf
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSpddea.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/pdinstall
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/nbcheck
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/nbbsdtar
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSpbx.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/certcmdTool_for_UNIX.tar.gz
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/client_config
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/cp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/extract_java
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/version
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/nb_init_cfg
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/ssh_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/sftp_to_client
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbclibs.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbpck.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbcfg.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbclt.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/.sizes
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbjava.rpm
x openv/netbackup/client/Linux/SuSE4.4.73/VRTSnbjre.rpmCopying SuSE4.4.73 Client BinariesTerminating NetBackup and/or Media Manager processes.Installing VRTSnbpck ...
Installation of VRTSnbpck was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSnbpck.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Installing VRTSpbx ...
Installation of VRTSpbx was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSpbx.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Installing VRTSnbclt ...
Installation of VRTSnbclt was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSnbclt.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Installing VRTSnbclibs ...
Installation of VRTSnbclibs was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSnbclibs.rpm_trace.7620 for details.Terminating NetBackup and/or Media Manager processes.Installing NB-Java.
Installing VRTSnbjre ...Installation of VRTSnbjre was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnbjre can be found in file
/tmp/install_VRTSnbjre.rpm_trace.10183 on nb10se12node1.
Installing VRTSnbjava ...Installation of VRTSnbjava was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnbjava can be found in file
/tmp/install_VRTSnbjava.rpm_trace.10183 on nb10se12node1.Migrating log files in /usr/openv/logs
Migration of log files complete.No [x]inetd process found.
Installing VRTSpddea.rpm ...
Installation of VRTSpddea.rpm was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSpddea.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Installing VRTSpddes.rpm ...
Installation of VRTSpddes.rpm was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSpddes.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Installing VRTSnbcfg.rpm ...
Installation of VRTSnbcfg.rpm was successful. Check /tmp/install_VRTSnbcfg.rpm_trace.7620 for details.
Checking for pre-existing VRTSpostgresql package.
Installing VRTSpostgresql package.
Installation of VRTSpostgresql was successful.
More details regarding VRTSpostgresql can be found in file
/tmp/install_postgrespkg_trace.5403 on nb10se12node1.
Checking for pre-existing VRTSnetbp package.
Removing pre-existing VRTSnetbp package.
Installing VRTSnetbp package.
Installation of VRTSnetbp was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnetbp can be found in file
/tmp/install_netbppkg_trace.5403 on nb10se12node1.
Checking for pre-existing VRTSnbmqbrkr package.
Installing VRTSnbmqbrkr package.
Installation of VRTSnbmqbrkr was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnbmqbrkr can be found in file
/tmp/install_nbmqbrkrpkg_trace.5403 on nb10se12node1.
Checking for pre-existing VRTSnbweb package.
Installing VRTSnbweb package.
Installation of VRTSnbweb was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnbweb can be found in file
/tmp/install_nbwebpkg_trace.5403 on nb10se12node1.
Checking for pre-existing VRTSnbslibs package.
Installing VRTSnbslibs package.
Installation of VRTSnbslibs was successful.
More details regarding VRTSnbslibs can be found in file
/tmp/install_nbslibspkg_trace.5403 on nb10se12node1.Done executing NB.inst.If you ran NB.inst instead of <media kit>/install, you must
run /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp to initiate NetBackup.
Running /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp
Value of TMPDIR set to : [/tmp]Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: of the daemons will run under the 'nbsvuser' user context.
For more details, see the article: cleared host cache
Successfully repaired or initialized peer validation cacheMachine nb10se12node1 is a primary server, and it is the EMMSERVER.
INFO: Successfully disabled the TLS 1.1 and below protocol for non NBAC and EA configuration.Successfully updated the session cache parameters.
Creating /usr/openv/tmp/sqlanyInstalled SQL Anywhere Version
Installation completed successfullyset_value: Key "AZDBPasswordFilePath" successfully updated
set_value: Key "LibPwdCryptFilePath" successfully updated
set_value: Key "AZ_DBMS_TYPE" successfully updated
Setting Security Properties for JRE
Removing old webtoken files
DATABASE_USER 'nbsvuser' saved in bp.conf.
DATABASE_USER_ID '1004' saved in bp.conf.Setting the user "nbsvuser" as the owner of all files in the directory "/usr/openv".
This operation may take some time.
x openv/wmc/bin/install/setupWmc
VXDBMS_NB_PGCONF '/nbu/db/data/instance' saved in bp.conf.
Database server is NB_nb10se12node
NetBackup database already exists in /nbu/db/data/NBDB.db
Creating the NetBackup database files.
The NetBackup database files creation complete.
Verifying the running version of NBDB ...
NBDB version verified.
Upgrading NBDB ( to ( This may take some time...
Re-verification of NBDB at new version,
Verification succeeded.
Successfully upgraded NBDB to version
The NetBackup database upgrade is complete.
Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_nb10se12node].
Running: Unloading Sybase NBDB database
Successfully filled unload work queue. Total time: 00:00:07Unloading [NBDB]: 0%
Unloading [NBDB]: 0%
Unloading [NBDB]: 1%
Unloading [NBDB]: 1%
Unloading [NBDB]: 2%
Unloading [NBDB]: 2%
Unloading [NBDB]: 2%
Unloading [NBDB]: 2%
Unloading [NBDB]: 3%
Unloading [NBDB]: 3%
Unloading [NBDB]: 3%
Unloading [NBDB]: 3%
Unloading [NBDB]: 4%
Unloading [NBDB]: 4%
Unloading [NBDB]: 4%
Unloading [NBDB]: 4%
Unloading [NBDB]: 5%
Unloading [NBDB]: 5%
Unloading [NBDB]: 5%
Unloading [NBDB]: 5%
Unloading [NBDB]: 6%
Unloading [NBDB]: 6%
Unloading [NBDB]: 6%
Unloading [NBDB]: 7%
Unloading [NBDB]: 7%
Unloading [NBDB]: 7%
Unloading [NBDB]: 8%
Unloading [NBDB]: 8%
Unloading [NBDB]: 8%
Unloading [NBDB]: 8%
Unloading [NBDB]: 9%
Unloading [NBDB]: 9%
Unloading [NBDB]: 9%
Unloading [NBDB]: 10%
Unloading [NBDB]: 10%
Unloading [NBDB]: 11%
Unloading [NBDB]: 11%
Unloading [NBDB]: 11%
Unloading [NBDB]: 11%
Unloading [NBDB]: 12%
Unloading [NBDB]: 12%
Unloading [NBDB]: 12%
Unloading [NBDB]: 12%
Unloading [NBDB]: 13%
Unloading [NBDB]: 13%
Unloading [NBDB]: 13%
Unloading [NBDB]: 13%
Unloading [NBDB]: 14%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 15%
Unloading [NBDB]: 16%
Unloading [NBDB]: 16%
Unloading [NBDB]: 16%
Unloading [NBDB]: 17%
Unloading [NBDB]: 17%
Unloading [NBDB]: 17%
Unloading [NBDB]: 17%
Unloading [NBDB]: 18%
Unloading [NBDB]: 18%
Unloading [NBDB]: 18%
Unloading [NBDB]: 19%
Unloading [NBDB]: 19%
Unloading [NBDB]: 19%
Unloading [NBDB]: 20%
Unloading [NBDB]: 20%
Unloading [NBDB]: 20%
Unloading [NBDB]: 20%
Unloading [NBDB]: 21%
Unloading [NBDB]: 21%
Unloading [NBDB]: 21%
Unloading [NBDB]: 22%
Unloading [NBDB]: 22%
Unloading [NBDB]: 22%
Unloading [NBDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBDB]: 24%
Unloading [NBDB]: 24%
Unloading [NBDB]: 24%
Unloading [NBDB]: 25%
Unloading [NBDB]: 25%
Unloading [NBDB]: 25%
Unloading [NBDB]: 25%
Unloading [NBDB]: 26%
Unloading [NBDB]: 26%
Unloading [NBDB]: 26%
Unloading [NBDB]: 27%
Unloading [NBDB]: 27%
Unloading [NBDB]: 27%
Unloading [NBDB]: 28%
Unloading [NBDB]: 28%
Unloading [NBDB]: 28%
Unloading [NBDB]: 28%
Unloading [NBDB]: 29%
Unloading [NBDB]: 29%
Unloading [NBDB]: 29%
Unloading [NBDB]: 30%
Unloading [NBDB]: 30%
Unloading [NBDB]: 30%
Unloading [NBDB]: 30%
Unloading [NBDB]: 31%
Unloading [NBDB]: 31%
Unloading [NBDB]: 31%
Unloading [NBDB]: 32%
Unloading [NBDB]: 32%
Unloading [NBDB]: 32%
Unloading [NBDB]: 33%
Unloading [NBDB]: 33%
Unloading [NBDB]: 33%
Unloading [NBDB]: 33%
Unloading [NBDB]: 34%
Unloading [NBDB]: 34%
Unloading [NBDB]: 34%
Unloading [NBDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBDB]: 36%
Unloading [NBDB]: 36%
Unloading [NBDB]: 36%
Unloading [NBDB]: 37%
Unloading [NBDB]: 37%
Unloading [NBDB]: 37%
Unloading [NBDB]: 38%
Unloading [NBDB]: 38%
Unloading [NBDB]: 38%
Unloading [NBDB]: 38%
Unloading [NBDB]: 39%
Unloading [NBDB]: 39%
Unloading [NBDB]: 40%
Unloading [NBDB]: 40%
Unloading [NBDB]: 40%
Unloading [NBDB]: 40%
Unloading [NBDB]: 41%
Unloading [NBDB]: 41%
Unloading [NBDB]: 41%
Unloading [NBDB]: 41%
Unloading [NBDB]: 42%
Unloading [NBDB]: 42%
Unloading [NBDB]: 42%
Unloading [NBDB]: 43%
Unloading [NBDB]: 43%
Unloading [NBDB]: 43%
Unloading [NBDB]: 44%
Unloading [NBDB]: 44%
Unloading [NBDB]: 44%
Unloading [NBDB]: 44%
Unloading [NBDB]: 45%
Unloading [NBDB]: 45%
Unloading [NBDB]: 45%
Unloading [NBDB]: 46%
Unloading [NBDB]: 46%
Unloading [NBDB]: 46%
Unloading [NBDB]: 47%
Unloading [NBDB]: 47%
Unloading [NBDB]: 47%
Unloading [NBDB]: 48%
Unloading [NBDB]: 48%
Unloading [NBDB]: 48%
Unloading [NBDB]: 48%
Unloading [NBDB]: 48%
Unloading [NBDB]: 49%
Unloading [NBDB]: 49%
Unloading [NBDB]: 49%
Unloading [NBDB]: 50%
Unloading [NBDB]: 50%
Unloading [NBDB]: 51%
Unloading [NBDB]: 51%
Unloading [NBDB]: 51%
Unloading [NBDB]: 51%
Unloading [NBDB]: 51%
Unloading [NBDB]: 52%
Unloading [NBDB]: 52%
Unloading [NBDB]: 53%
Unloading [NBDB]: 53%
Unloading [NBDB]: 53%
Unloading [NBDB]: 53%
Unloading [NBDB]: 53%
Unloading [NBDB]: 54%
Unloading [NBDB]: 54%
Unloading [NBDB]: 54%
Unloading [NBDB]: 55%
Unloading [NBDB]: 55%
Unloading [NBDB]: 55%
Unloading [NBDB]: 56%
Unloading [NBDB]: 56%
Unloading [NBDB]: 56%
Unloading [NBDB]: 56%
Unloading [NBDB]: 57%
Unloading [NBDB]: 57%
Unloading [NBDB]: 57%
Unloading [NBDB]: 58%
Unloading [NBDB]: 58%
Unloading [NBDB]: 58%
Unloading [NBDB]: 58%
Unloading [NBDB]: 59%
Unloading [NBDB]: 59%
Unloading [NBDB]: 59%
Unloading [NBDB]: 60%
Unloading [NBDB]: 60%
Unloading [NBDB]: 60%
Unloading [NBDB]: 61%
Unloading [NBDB]: 61%
Unloading [NBDB]: 61%
Unloading [NBDB]: 61%
Unloading [NBDB]: 62%
Unloading [NBDB]: 62%
Unloading [NBDB]: 62%
Unloading [NBDB]: 63%
Unloading [NBDB]: 63%
Unloading [NBDB]: 63%
Unloading [NBDB]: 64%
Unloading [NBDB]: 64%
Unloading [NBDB]: 64%
Unloading [NBDB]: 64%
Unloading [NBDB]: 65%
Unloading [NBDB]: 65%
Unloading [NBDB]: 65%
Unloading [NBDB]: 66%
Unloading [NBDB]: 66%
Unloading [NBDB]: 66%
Unloading [NBDB]: 66%
Unloading [NBDB]: 67%
Unloading [NBDB]: 67%
Unloading [NBDB]: 67%
Unloading [NBDB]: 68%
Unloading [NBDB]: 68%
Unloading [NBDB]: 68%
Unloading [NBDB]: 69%
Unloading [NBDB]: 69%
Unloading [NBDB]: 69%
Unloading [NBDB]: 69%
Unloading [NBDB]: 70%
Unloading [NBDB]: 70%
Unloading [NBDB]: 70%
Unloading [NBDB]: 71%
Unloading [NBDB]: 71%
Unloading [NBDB]: 71%
Unloading [NBDB]: 71%
Unloading [NBDB]: 72%
Unloading [NBDB]: 72%
Unloading [NBDB]: 72%
Unloading [NBDB]: 73%
Unloading [NBDB]: 73%
Unloading [NBDB]: 74%
Unloading [NBDB]: 74%
Unloading [NBDB]: 74%
Unloading [NBDB]: 74%
Unloading [NBDB]: 74%
Unloading [NBDB]: 75%
Unloading [NBDB]: 75%
Unloading [NBDB]: 75%
Unloading [NBDB]: 76%
Unloading [NBDB]: 76%
Unloading [NBDB]: 76%
Unloading [NBDB]: 77%
Unloading [NBDB]: 77%
Unloading [NBDB]: 77%
Unloading [NBDB]: 77%
Unloading [NBDB]: 78%
Unloading [NBDB]: 78%
Unloading [NBDB]: 78%
Unloading [NBDB]: 79%
Unloading [NBDB]: 79%
Unloading [NBDB]: 79%
Unloading [NBDB]: 79%
Unloading [NBDB]: 80%
Unloading [NBDB]: 80%
Unloading [NBDB]: 80%
Unloading [NBDB]: 81%
Unloading [NBDB]: 81%
Unloading [NBDB]: 81%
Unloading [NBDB]: 82%
Unloading [NBDB]: 82%
Unloading [NBDB]: 82%
Unloading [NBDB]: 83%
Unloading [NBDB]: 83%
Unloading [NBDB]: 83%
Unloading [NBDB]: 83%
Unloading [NBDB]: 84%
Unloading [NBDB]: 84%
Unloading [NBDB]: 84%
Unloading [NBDB]: 84%
Unloading [NBDB]: 85%
Unloading [NBDB]: 85%
Unloading [NBDB]: 85%
Unloading [NBDB]: 86%
Unloading [NBDB]: 86%
Unloading [NBDB]: 86%
Unloading [NBDB]: 87%
Unloading [NBDB]: 87%
Unloading [NBDB]: 87%
Unloading [NBDB]: 87%
Unloading [NBDB]: 88%
Unloading [NBDB]: 88%
Unloading [NBDB]: 88%
Unloading [NBDB]: 89%
Unloading [NBDB]: 89%
Unloading [NBDB]: 89%
Unloading [NBDB]: 89%
Unloading [NBDB]: 90%
Unloading [NBDB]: 90%
Unloading [NBDB]: 90%
Unloading [NBDB]: 91%
Unloading [NBDB]: 91%
Unloading [NBDB]: 91%
Unloading [NBDB]: 92%
Unloading [NBDB]: 92%
Unloading [NBDB]: 92%
Unloading [NBDB]: 92%
Unloading [NBDB]: 93%
Unloading [NBDB]: 93%
Unloading [NBDB]: 93%
Unloading [NBDB]: 94%
Unloading [NBDB]: 94%
Unloading [NBDB]: 94%
Unloading [NBDB]: 94%
Unloading [NBDB]: 95%
Unloading [NBDB]: 95%
Unloading [NBDB]: 95%
Unloading [NBDB]: 96%
Unloading [NBDB]: 96%
Unloading [NBDB]: 96%
Unloading [NBDB]: 97%
Unloading [NBDB]: 97%
Unloading [NBDB]: 97%
Unloading [NBDB]: 97%
Unloading [NBDB]: 98%
Unloading [NBDB]: 98%
Unloading [NBDB]: 98%
Unloading [NBDB]: 99%
Unloading [NBDB]: 99%
Unloading [NBDB]: 99%
Unloading [NBDB]: 100%
Successfully unloaded Sybase NBDB database. unload time: 00:00:04
Total unload time: 00:00:11
Running: Unloading Sybase NBAZDB database
Successfully filled unload work queue. Total time: 00:00:00Unloading [NBAZDB]: 5%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 11%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 23%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 35%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 41%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 47%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 52%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 58%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 64%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 70%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 76%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 82%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 88%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 94%
Unloading [NBAZDB]: 100%
Successfully unloaded Sybase NBAZDB database. unload time: 00:00:01
Total unload time: 00:00:01
NetBackup database (NBDB) does not exist in folder (/nbu/db/data).
Creating the NetBackup PostgreSQL database [NBDB].
Creating the NetBackup PostgreSQL [NBDB] database tablespaces.
Creating the NetBackup Database roles, schema and tables.
The NetBackup database roles, schema and tables creation complete.
The NetBackup PostgreSQL database [NBDB] creation complete.
Database [NBDB] is alive and well on server [NB_nb10se12node].
Migrating the NetBackup database [NBDB] from Sybase to PostgreSQL.
Migrating NBDB from SQLAnywhere to PostgreSQL
Successfully dropped all triggers, foreign keys and some indexes. Total time: 00:00:00Migrating records [NBDB]: 1%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 1%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 1%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 2%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 2%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 2%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 2%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 3%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 3%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 3%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 4%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 4%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 4%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 5%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 5%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 5%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 5%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 6%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 6%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 6%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 7%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 7%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 7%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 7%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 8%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 8%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 8%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 9%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 9%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 9%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 10%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 10%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 10%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 10%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 11%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 11%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 11%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 12%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 12%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 12%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 12%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 13%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 13%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 13%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 14%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 14%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 14%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 15%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 15%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 15%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 15%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 16%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 16%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 16%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 17%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 17%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 17%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 17%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 18%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 18%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 18%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 19%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 19%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 19%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 20%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 20%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 20%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 20%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 21%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 21%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 21%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 22%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 22%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 22%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 23%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 23%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 23%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 23%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 24%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 24%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 24%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 25%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 25%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 25%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 25%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 26%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 26%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 26%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 27%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 27%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 27%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 28%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 28%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 28%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 28%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 29%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 29%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 29%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 30%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 30%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 30%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 30%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 31%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 31%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 31%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 32%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 32%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 32%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 33%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 33%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 33%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 33%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 34%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 34%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 34%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 35%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 35%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 35%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 35%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 36%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 36%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 36%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 37%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 37%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 37%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 38%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 38%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 38%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 38%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 39%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 39%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 39%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 40%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 40%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 40%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 41%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 41%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 41%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 41%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 42%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 42%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 42%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 43%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 43%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 43%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 43%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 44%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 44%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 44%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 45%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 45%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 45%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 46%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 46%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 46%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 46%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 47%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 47%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 47%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 48%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 48%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 48%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 48%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 49%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 49%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 49%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 50%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 50%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 50%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 51%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 51%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 51%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 51%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 52%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 52%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 52%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 53%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 53%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 53%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 53%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 54%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 54%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 54%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 55%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 55%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 55%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 56%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 56%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 56%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 56%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 57%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 57%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 57%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 58%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 58%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 58%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 58%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 59%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 59%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 59%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 60%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 60%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 60%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 61%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 61%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 61%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 61%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 62%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 62%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 62%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 63%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 63%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 63%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 64%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 64%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 64%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 64%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 65%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 65%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 65%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 66%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 66%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 66%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 66%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 67%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 67%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 67%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 68%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 68%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 68%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 69%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 69%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 69%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 69%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 70%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 70%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 70%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 71%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 71%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 71%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 71%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 72%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 72%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 72%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 73%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 73%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 73%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 74%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 74%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 74%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 74%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 75%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 75%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 75%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 76%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 76%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 76%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 76%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 77%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 77%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 77%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 78%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 78%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 78%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 79%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 79%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 79%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 79%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 80%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 80%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 80%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 81%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 81%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 81%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 82%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 82%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 82%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 82%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 83%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 83%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 83%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 84%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 84%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 84%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 84%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 85%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 85%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 85%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 86%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 86%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 86%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 87%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 87%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 87%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 87%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 88%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 88%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 88%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 89%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 89%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 89%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 89%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 90%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 90%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 90%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 91%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 91%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 91%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 92%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 92%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 92%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 92%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 93%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 93%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 93%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 95%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 95%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 95%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 96%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 96%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 96%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 97%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 97%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 97%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 97%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 98%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 98%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 98%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 99%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 99%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 99%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 100%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 100%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 100%
Migrating records [NBDB]: 100%
Successfully migrated NBDB data into PostgreSQL. Data migration time: 00:00:01Creating indexes [NBDB]: 1%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 1%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 1%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 2%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 2%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 2%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 2%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 3%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 3%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 3%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 4%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 4%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 4%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 4%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 5%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 5%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 5%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 6%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 6%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 6%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 6%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 7%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 7%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 7%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 8%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 8%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 8%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 8%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 9%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 9%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 9%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 10%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 10%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 10%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 10%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 11%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 11%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 11%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 12%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 12%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 12%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 12%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 13%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 13%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 13%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 14%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 14%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 14%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 14%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 15%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 15%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 15%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 16%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 16%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 16%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 16%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 17%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 17%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 17%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 18%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 18%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 18%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 18%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 19%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 19%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 19%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 20%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 20%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 20%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 20%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 21%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 21%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 21%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 22%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 22%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 22%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 22%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 23%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 23%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 23%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 24%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 24%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 24%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 24%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 25%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 25%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 25%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 26%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 26%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 26%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 26%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 27%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 27%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 27%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 28%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 28%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 28%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 28%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 29%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 29%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 29%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 30%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 30%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 30%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 30%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 31%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 31%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 31%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 32%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 32%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 32%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 32%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 33%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 33%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 33%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 34%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 34%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 34%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 34%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 35%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 35%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 35%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 36%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 36%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 36%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 36%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 37%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 37%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 37%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 38%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 38%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 38%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 38%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 39%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 39%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 39%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 39%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 40%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 40%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 40%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 41%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 41%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 41%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 42%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 42%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 42%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 42%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 43%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 43%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 43%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 44%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 44%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 44%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 44%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 45%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 45%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 45%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 45%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 46%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 46%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 46%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 47%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 47%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 47%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 48%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 48%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 48%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 48%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 49%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 49%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 49%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 50%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 50%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 50%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 50%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 51%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 51%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 51%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 52%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 52%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 52%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 52%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 53%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 53%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 53%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 54%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 54%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 54%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 54%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 55%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 55%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 55%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 56%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 56%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 56%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 56%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 57%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 57%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 57%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 58%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 58%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 58%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 58%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 59%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 59%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 59%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 60%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 60%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 60%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 60%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 61%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 61%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 61%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 62%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 62%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 62%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 62%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 63%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 63%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 63%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 64%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 64%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 64%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 64%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 65%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 65%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 65%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 66%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 66%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 66%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 66%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 67%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 67%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 67%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 68%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 68%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 68%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 68%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 69%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 69%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 69%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 70%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 70%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 70%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 70%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 71%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 71%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 71%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 72%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 72%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 72%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 72%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 73%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 73%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 73%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 74%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 74%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 74%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 74%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 75%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 75%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 75%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 76%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 76%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 76%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 76%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 77%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 77%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 77%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 78%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 78%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 78%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 78%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 79%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 79%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 79%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 80%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 80%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 80%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 80%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 81%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 81%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 81%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 82%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 82%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 82%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 82%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 83%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 83%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 83%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 84%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 84%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 84%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 84%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 85%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 85%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 85%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 86%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 86%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 86%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 86%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 87%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 87%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 87%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 88%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 88%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 88%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 88%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 89%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 89%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 89%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 90%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 90%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 90%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 90%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 91%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 91%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 91%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 92%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 92%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 92%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 92%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 93%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 93%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 93%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 94%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 94%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 94%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 94%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 95%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 95%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 95%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 96%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 96%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 96%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 96%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 97%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 97%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 97%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 98%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 98%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 98%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 98%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 99%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 99%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 99%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBDB]: 100%
Successfully re-created NBDB indexes and foreign keys. Index creation time: 00:00:04Creating triggers [NBDB]: 1%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 2%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 3%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 4%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 5%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 6%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 7%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 8%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 9%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 10%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 11%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 12%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 13%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 14%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 15%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 16%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 17%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 18%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 19%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 20%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 21%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 22%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 23%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 24%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 25%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 26%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 27%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 28%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 29%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 30%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 31%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 32%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 33%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 34%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 35%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 36%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 37%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 38%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 39%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 40%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 41%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 42%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 43%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 44%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 45%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 46%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 47%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 48%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 49%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 50%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 51%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 52%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 53%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 54%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 55%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 56%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 57%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 58%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 59%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 60%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 61%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 62%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 63%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 64%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 65%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 66%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 67%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 68%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 69%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 70%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 71%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 72%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 73%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 74%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 75%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 76%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 77%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 78%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 79%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 80%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 81%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 82%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 83%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 84%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 85%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 86%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 87%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 88%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 89%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 90%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 91%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 92%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 93%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 94%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 95%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 96%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 97%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 98%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 99%
Creating triggers [NBDB]: 100%
Successfully enabled NBDB triggers. Trigger enable time: 00:00:02
Successfully migrated NBDB to PostgreSQL. Total migration time: 00:00:07
Successfully migrated NBDB database from Sybase to PostgreSQL.
The NetBackup database upgrade is complete.
NetBackup database (NBAZDB) does not exist in folder (/nbu/db/data).
Creating the NetBackup PostgreSQL database [NBAZDB].
Creating the NetBackup PostgreSQL [NBAZDB] database tablespaces.
Creating the NetBackup Database roles, schema and tables.
The NetBackup database roles, schema and tables creation complete.
The NetBackup PostgreSQL database [NBAZDB] creation complete.
Database [NBAZDB] is alive and well on server [NB_nb10se12node].
Migrating the NetBackup database [NBAZDB] from Sybase to PostgreSQL.
Migrating NBAZDB from SQLAnywhere to PostgreSQL
Successfully dropped all triggers, foreign keys and some indexes. Total time: 00:00:00Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 23%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 29%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 29%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 35%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 47%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 52%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 52%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 64%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 70%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 76%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 82%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 88%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 94%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 100%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 100%
Migrating records [NBAZDB]: 100%
Successfully migrated NBAZDB data into PostgreSQL. Data migration time: 00:00:00Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 3%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 8%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 10%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 12%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 14%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 15%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 17%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 19%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 21%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 22%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 24%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 26%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 28%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 29%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 31%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 33%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 35%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 36%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 38%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 40%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 42%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 43%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 45%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 47%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 49%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 50%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 52%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 54%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 56%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 57%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 59%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 61%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 63%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 64%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 66%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 68%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 70%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 71%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 73%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 75%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 77%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 78%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 80%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 82%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 84%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 85%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 87%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 89%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 91%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 92%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 94%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 96%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 98%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 100%
Creating indexes [NBAZDB]: 100%
Successfully re-created NBAZDB indexes and foreign keys. Index creation time: 00:00:01Successfully enabled NBAZDB triggers. Trigger enable time: 00:00:00
Successfully migrated NBAZDB to PostgreSQL. Total migration time: 00:00:01
Successfully migrated NBAZDB database from Sybase to PostgreSQL.
The NetBackup database upgrade is complete.
Exiting from create_nbdb, status[0].
Resolved pg_bouncer_port with [13787] from /usr/openv/tmp/nb_pgb_port_tmp.
listen_port entry in pgbouncer.ini updated successfully.
VXDBMS_POSTGRESQL_POOLER_ODBC_PORT '13787' was saved in vxdbms.conf.Starting the NetBackup PostgreSQL Connection Pooler.Starting the NetBackup Authentication daemon.
Starting the NetBackup Privileged Access Service.
Starting the NetBackup network daemon.
Starting the NetBackup client daemon.
Configuring nbatd.
Gathering configuration information.
Waiting for the security services to start operation.
Generating identity for host ''
Setting up security on target host: nb10se12node1
nbatd is successfully configured on NetBackup Primary Server.
Operation completed successfully.
The NetBackup CA key strength is 2048 bits. Generating NetBackup web server certificates without renewing key pair.
Deploying AT certificate for web user.
Deploying AT certificate for web services.
Generating AT certificate for Tomcat.
Skipping AT certificate generation for Tomcat as it already exists.Starting the NetBackup Audit Manager.x openv/wmc/
x openv/wmc/config/
x openv/wmc/config/
x openv/wmc/config/
x openv/wmc/lib/
x openv/wmc/lib/ccj.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/commons-collections.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/commons-configuration.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/commons-lang.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/commons-logging.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/goodies.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/log4j-api-2.17.1.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/log4j-web-2.17.1.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/nb_loggingcore.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/nb_paths.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/nb_wsf.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/nbu_common.jar
x openv/wmc/lib/spring-core-5.3.27.jar
x openv/wmc/bin/
x openv/wmc/bin/install/
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureEnv
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configurePorts
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureSAMLECACert
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureTPCerts
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureWebServerCerts
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureWmc
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureWsDefaults
x openv/wmc/bin/install/createCredStore
x openv/wmc/bin/install/createSslStore
x openv/wmc/bin/install/setupWmc
x openv/wmc/bin/install/wmcUtils
x openv/wmc/bin/install/configureCerts
x openv/wmc/webserver/
x openv/wmc/webserver/BUILDING.txt
x openv/wmc/webserver/
x openv/wmc/webserver/LICENSE
x openv/wmc/webserver/NOTICE
x openv/wmc/webserver/
x openv/wmc/webserver/RELEASE-NOTES
x openv/wmc/webserver/RUNNING.txt
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/bootstrap.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/catalina-tasks.xml
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/commons-daemon-native.tar.gz
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/commons-daemon.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/bin/
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/catalina.policy
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/context.xml.template
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/jaspic-providers.xml
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/jaspic-providers.xsd
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/server.xml.template
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/tomcat-users.xml
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/tomcat-users.xsd
x openv/wmc/webserver/conf/web.xml.template
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/annotations-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina-ant.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina-ha.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina-ssi.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina-storeconfig.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina-tribes.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/catalina.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/ecj-4.20.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/el-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/jasper-el.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/jasper.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/jaspic-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/jsp-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/servlet-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-cs.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-de.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-es.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-fr.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-ja.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-ko.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-pt-BR.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-ru.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-i18n-zh-CN.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-jdbc.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-jni.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-util-scan.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-util.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/tomcat-websocket.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/lib/websocket-api.jar
x openv/wmc/webserver/temp/
x openv/wmc/webserver/temp/safeToDelete.tmp
x openv/wmc/webserver/webapps/Starting the NetBackup Web Management Console.
Configuring Message Queue Broker Service.Starting the NetBackup Messaging Broker Service.
Creating  appconf folder under /usr/open/var/global/
Getting CA certificate mode from primary server.
NOTE: Depending on the network, this action may take a few minutes.Primary server is configured to use NBCA.Deploying Server Certificate. This may take a few minutes.
The NetBackup CA key strength is 2048 bits. Not initiating NetBackup CA migration.
Starting the NetBackup SAN Client Fibre Transport daemon.
Starting the NetBackup Discovery Framework.Starting the NetBackup Event Manager.Starting the NetBackup Deduplication processes.Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).Starting the NetBackup compatibility daemon.
Starting the NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager.
Starting the NetBackup Resource Broker.Populating the database tables.  This will take some time.Converting snapshot policies:Policy conversion summary:
Number of original policies:1
Number of non-snapshot policies skipped:1
Number of policies not needing conversion:0
Number of policies converted to'auto' snapshot method:0
Number of policies converted:0Updating client hardware definitions:Hardware update conversion summary:
Number of policies processed:      1
Number of policies with affected clients:      0
Number of clients processed:      1
Number of clients converted:      0Updating policy identifiers:Policy identifier update summary:
Number of policies processed:      1
Number of policies with duplicate identifier:      0
Number of policies with empty identifier:      0
Number of policies with affected identifier:      0Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.Do you want to start the job-related NetBackup daemons
so backups and restores can be initiated? [y,n] (y) 
Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd).
Starting the NetBackup Job Manager.
Starting the NetBackup Policy Execution Manager.
Starting the NetBackup Storage Lifecycle Manager.Starting the NetBackup Remote Monitoring Management System.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
Starting the NetBackup Key Management daemon.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
Starting the NetBackup Service Layer.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
Starting the NetBackup Indexing Manager.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
Starting the NetBackup Agent Request Server.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
Starting the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore daemon.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/db/ fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: retry: No child processes
sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
[Info] V-127-78 BMR has not been set up on this host, not applying the BMR patch.
Starting the NetBackup Vault daemon.
Starting the NetBackup Anomaly Management daemon.
Starting the NetBackup Service Monitor.
Starting the NetBackup Bare Metal Restore Boot Server daemon.Checking the current NetBackup KMS configuration.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
The NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector is not installed.
Not installing the NetBackup IT Analytics Data Collector on a cluster.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processes/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_active: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_active: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
Running cluster upgrade script.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
Upgrading Active node of NetBackup Group
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/cluster/cluster_upgrade: fork: retry: No child processesCluster upgrade completed. 
Please check the file 
for possible errors. 
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: No child processesWARNING: Catalog backups fail if the disaster recovery passphrase is not set.
Stopping SQL Anywhere database server after upgrade...
/usr/openv/db/ fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server: fork: retry: No child processes
/bin/sh: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server: fork: retry: No child processes
/bin/sh: fork: retry: No child processes
/usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbms_start_server: fork: retry: No child processes
Removing SQL Anywhere database files...
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
Removing SQL Anywhere binaries...
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
Stop ASA Server Failed! error code: 15
Stopping server: nbdb_admin -Sstop NB_nb10se12node  -dbprovider asa
sh: /usr/openv/asa/bin/dbstop: No such file or directory
Error stopping ASA database server: NB_nb10se12node.NetBackup server installation complete.
./install: fork: retry: No child processes
Running install analysis tool../install: fork: retry: No child processesFile /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.4108 contains a trace of this install.
That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.
nb10se12node1:/nfs/NBU/NetBackup_10.2.0.1_LinuxS_x86_64 # 




thinkphp 微信商户转账到微信小程序用户零钱(v3密钥版)

这几天做项目有一个需求,小程序用户提交记录后,商家后台审核通过自动转账到用户的微信零钱中. 今天分享下如何实现自动打款, 一种是用v2密钥的接口:企业付款到零钱 一种是用v3密钥的接口:微信商户转账到零钱(听说是v2接口的微信商户容易被限制,后来就改成v3了) php后端代码 v3…


监测NAME是blade-jiangxinzhougarden的服务&#xff0c;如果内存&#xff08;MEM USAGE&#xff09;超过10G则在凌晨4点执行重新构建命令 1.编写脚本文件 #!/bin/bash# 设置要监控的容器名称或服务名称(替换成你的服务名) SERVICE_NAME"blade-jiangxinzhou…


在职场中&#xff0c;老板拖欠工资是一个敏感而棘手的问题。面对这一情况&#xff0c;员工应保持冷静与专业&#xff0c;采取合适的方式表达自己的合理关切&#xff0c;并寻求问题的解决。 私下与老板进行沟通。选择一个适当的时机&#xff0c;以尊重和理解的态度开场&#xff…


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Springboot 整合Mybatis 实现增删改查(二)

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Fay数字人<助理版>具体编译步骤 系列教程环境描述一、搭建编译环境1、下载anaconda2、下载Fay(带货版)源码 二、Fay编译参数配置&#xff08;手把手教学&#xff09;(一)Fay具体编译步骤(二)配置 aliyun key(三)配置 aliyun 智能语音交互app(四)修改并配置自己的FAY数字…


解决方式&#xff1a; 1). 方式一 在属性上加上注解&#xff0c;对日期进行格式化 但这种方式&#xff0c;需要在每个时间属性上都要加上该注解&#xff0c;使用较麻烦&#xff0c;不能全局处理。 2). 方式二&#xff08;推荐 ) 在WebMvcConfiguration中扩展SpringMVC的消息转…

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全流程ArcGIS Pro技术应用

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✨✨ 欢迎大家来访Srlua的博文&#xff08;づ&#xffe3;3&#xffe3;&#xff09;づ╭❤&#xff5e;✨✨ &#x1f31f;&#x1f31f; 欢迎各位亲爱的读者&#xff0c;感谢你们抽出宝贵的时间来阅读我的文章。 我是Srlua小谢&#xff0c;在这里我会分享我的知识和经验。&am…

Vulnhub - Symfonos

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【MySQL】2. 数据库基础

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基础数据结构 ngx_int_t 32位操作系统4字节,64位操作系统8字节 解决跨平台以及,普通int类型在x86和x64操作系统上面是4字节,在类型转换时造成内存浪费(如在x64下面转换long类型) typedef intptr_t ngx_int_t;#ifdef _WIN64 typedef __int64 intptr_t; #else typedef _…

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&#x1f389;&#x1f389;欢迎光临&#xff0c;终于等到你啦&#x1f389;&#x1f389; &#x1f3c5;我是苏泽&#xff0c;一位对技术充满热情的探索者和分享者。&#x1f680;&#x1f680; &#x1f31f;持续更新的专栏《Spring 狂野之旅&#xff1a;从入门到入魔》 &a…


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