Vision Transformers的注意力层概念解释和代码实现

2017年推出《Attention is All You Need》以来,transformers 已经成为自然语言处理(NLP)的最新技术。2021年,《An Image is Worth 16x16 Words》,成功地将transformers 用于计算机视觉任务。从那时起,许多基于transformers的计算机视觉体系结构被提出。


在NLP应用中,注意力通常被描述为句子中单词(标记)之间的关系。而在计算机视觉应用程序中,注意力关注图像中patches (标记)之间的关系。

有多种方法可以将图像分解为一系列标记。原始的ViT²将图像分割成小块,然后将小块平摊成标记。《token -to- token ViT》³开发了一种更复杂的从图像创建标记的方法。


《Attention is All You Need》中定义的点积(相当于乘法)注意力是目前我们最常见也是最简单的一种中注意力机制,他的代码实现非常简单:

dim: int,
chan: int,
num_heads: int=1,
qkv_bias: bool=False,
qk_scale: NoneFloat=None):
""" Attention ModuleArgs:dim (int): input size of a single tokenchan (int): resulting size of a single token (channels)num_heads(int): number of attention heads in MSAqkv_bias (bool): determines if the qkv layer learns an addative biasqk_scale (NoneFloat): value to scale the queries and keys by;if None, queries and keys are scaled by ``head_dim ** -0.5``"""
## Define Constants
assertself.chan%self.num_heads==0, '"Chan" must be evenly divisible by "num_heads".'
## Define Layers
self.qkv=nn.Linear(dim, chan*3, bias=qkv_bias)
#### Each token gets projected from starting length (dim) to channel length (chan) 3 times (for each Q, K, V)
self.proj=nn.Linear(chan, chan)
defforward(self, x):
B, N, C=x.shape
## Dimensions: (batch, num_tokens, token_len)
## Calcuate QKVs
qkv=self.qkv(x).reshape(B, N, 3, self.num_heads, self.head_dim).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
#### Dimensions: (3, batch, heads, num_tokens, chan/num_heads = head_dim)
q, k, v=qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2]
## Calculate Attention
attn= (q*self.scale) @k.transpose(-2, -1)
#### Dimensions: (batch, heads, num_tokens, num_tokens)
## Attention Layer
x= (attn@v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, self.chan)
#### Dimensions: (batch, heads, num_tokens, chan)
## Projection Layers
## Skip Connection Layer
v=v.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, self.chan)
#### Because the original x has different size with current x, use v to do skip connection


对于单个注意力头,让我们逐步了解向前传递每一个patch,使用7 * 7=49作为起始patch大小(因为这是T2T-ViT模型中的起始标记大小)。通道数64这也是T2T-ViT的默认值。然后假设有100标记,并且使用批大小为13进行前向传播(选择这两个数值是为了不会与任何其他参数混淆)。

# Define an Input
x=torch.rand(batch, num_tokens, token_len)
B, N, C=x.shape
print('Input dimensions are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\ttoken size:', x.shape[2])
# Define the Module
A=Attention(dim=token_len, chan=channels, num_heads=1, qkv_bias=False, qk_scale=None)


Input dimensions are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  token size: 49


qkv=A.qkv(x).reshape(B, N, 3, A.num_heads, A.head_dim).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
q, k, v=qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2]
print('Dimensions for Queries are\n\tbatchsize:', q.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', q.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', q.shape[2], '\n\tnew length of tokens:', q.shape[3])
print('See that the dimensions for queries, keys, and values are all the same:')
print('\tShape of Q:', q.shape, '\n\tShape of K:', k.shape, '\n\tShape of V:', v.shape)

 可以看到 查询、键和值的维度是相同的,13代表批次,1是我们的注意力头数,100是我们输入的标记长度(序列长度),64是我们的通道数。

Dimensions for Queries are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 1

  number of tokens: 100

  new length of tokens: 64

See that the dimensions for queries, keys, and values are all the same:

  Shape of Q: torch.Size([13, 1, 100, 64])

  Shape of K: torch.Size([13, 1, 100, 64])

  Shape of V: torch.Size([13, 1, 100, 64])










attn= (q*A.scale) @k.transpose(-2, -1)print('Dimensions for Attn are\n\tbatchsize:', attn.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', attn.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', attn.shape[2], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', attn.shape[3])

Dimensions for Attn are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 1

  number of tokens: 100

  number of tokens: 100





x=attn@vprint('Dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', x.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[2], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[3])


Dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 1

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 64

 因为只有一个头,所以我们去掉头数 1

x = x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, A.chan)




orig_shape= (batch, num_tokens, token_len)
curr_shape= (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2])
v=v.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, A.chan)
v_shape= (v.shape[0], v.shape[1], v.shape[2])
print('Original shape of input x:', orig_shape)
print('Current shape of x:', curr_shape)
print('Shape of V:', v_shape)
print('After skip connection, dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[2])

Original shape of input x: (13, 100, 49)

Current shape of x: (13, 100, 64)

Shape of V: (13, 100, 64)

After skip connection, dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 64





# Define an Input
x=torch.rand(batch, num_tokens, token_len)
B, N, C=x.shape
print('Input dimensions are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\ttoken size:', x.shape[2])
# Define the Module
MSA=Attention(dim=token_len, chan=channels, num_heads=num_heads, qkv_bias=False, qk_scale=None)


Input dimensions are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  token size: 49



qkv=MSA.qkv(x).reshape(B, N, 3, MSA.num_heads, MSA.head_dim).permute(2, 0, 3, 1, 4)
q, k, v=qkv[0], qkv[1], qkv[2]
print('Head Dimension = chan / num_heads =', MSA.chan, '/', MSA.num_heads, '=', MSA.head_dim)
print('Dimensions for Queries are\n\tbatchsize:', q.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', q.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', q.shape[2], '\n\tnew length of tokens:', q.shape[3])
print('See that the dimensions for queries, keys, and values are all the same:')
print('\tShape of Q:', q.shape, '\n\tShape of K:', k.shape, '\n\tShape of V:', v.shape)


Head Dimension = chan / num_heads = 64 / 4 = 16

Dimensions for Queries are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 4

  number of tokens: 100

  new length of tokens: 16

See that the dimensions for queries, keys, and values are all the same:

  Shape of Q: torch.Size([13, 4, 100, 16])

  Shape of K: torch.Size([13, 4, 100, 16])

  Shape of V: torch.Size([13, 4, 100, 16])


 我们需要除以头数。num_heads = 4个不同的Attn矩阵,看起来像:

attn= (q*MSA.scale) @k.transpose(-2, -1)print('Dimensions for Attn are\n\tbatchsize:', attn.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', attn.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', attn.shape[2], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', attn.shape[3]


Dimensions for Attn are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 4

  number of tokens: 100

  number of tokens: 100

 softmax 不会改变维度,我们略过,然后计算每一个头


attn = attn.softmax(dim=-1)x = attn @ vprint('Dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tattention heads:', x.shape[1], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[2], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[3]

Dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  attention heads: 4

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 16


 最后需要维度重塑并把把所有的xₕ` s连接在一起。这是第一步的逆操作:

x=x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, MSA.chan)print('Dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[2])


Dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 64


x = MSA.proj(x)print('Dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[2])
orig_shape = (batch, num_tokens, token_len)
curr_shape = (x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2])
v = v.transpose(1, 2).reshape(B, N, A.chan
v_shape = (v.shape[0], v.shape[1], v.shape[2])
print('Original shape of input x:', orig_shape)
print('Current shape of x:', curr_shape)
print('Shape of V:', v_shape)
x = v + x    
print('After skip connection, dimensions for x are\n\tbatchsize:', x.shape[0], '\n\tnumber of tokens:', x.shape[1], '\n\tlength of tokens:', x.shape[2])


Dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 64

Original shape of input x: (13, 100, 49)

Current shape of x: (13, 100, 64)

Shape of V: (13, 100, 64)

After skip connection, dimensions for x are

  batchsize: 13

  number of tokens: 100

  length of tokens: 64


在这篇文章中我们完成了ViT中注意力层。为了更详细的说明我们进行了手动的代码编写,如果要实际的应用,可以使用PyTorch中的torch.nn. multiheadeattention(),因为他的实现要快的多。


[1] Vaswani et al (2017). Attention Is All You Need.

[2] Dosovitskiy et al (2020). An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale.

[3] Yuan et al (2021). Tokens-to-Token ViT: Training Vision Transformers from Scratch on ImageNet. code:




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