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在植物育种中,品种需要再多个环境多个年份进行测试,这些试验也叫多环境试验(multi-environment trial, MET),这里的年份、地点以及他们的组合统统成为环境。

为了比较MET试验的准确性,植物育种家常常需要计算狭义遗传力(narrow-sense heritability)和广义遗传力(broad-sense heritability)。


  • 解释澄清遗传力的定义
  • 介绍一下如何计算
  • 如何评价遗传力

3. 开局一张图




4. 两套计算遗传力的体系



5. 几种常见的对遗传力的误解

5.1 错误1:遗传力表示有多大程度上受基因决定

A heritability of x indicates that x% of the trait is determined by



This is a very common misconception that arises from a misunderstanding of the definition
of heritability. A heritability of 0.40 indicates that 40% of all the phenotypic variation for that
trait is due to variation in genotypes for that trait. This differs importantly from the
misconceived understanding that in each plant 40% of the expression of the trait is due to
genes and the rest due to other influences.


5.2 误解2:遗传力较低,表明受基因决定少或者不受基因决定

Misconception 2. “A low heritability means that traits are not determined by genes”
A heritability that is larger than 0 always indicates that genes have an effect on the expression
of the phenotype. The heritability is determined by the proportion of genetic variance relative
to the phenotypic variance. A low heritability therefore can indicate that the genetic variance
is low compared to the phenotypic variance (both could be small). For example, branching in
maize is very much genetically determined, but because by far most genotypes used in
modern maize programs have a single stem, the genetic variance for branching is very low


5.3 误解3:遗传力低意为着基因型变异小,差异小

Misconception 3. “A low heritability means that genetic differences are small”
A low heritability does not automatically indicate that the genetic variance is small; it can also
indicate that the error variance is large. This can be caused by high environmental influence,
for example, but also by inaccurate phenotype recording. For example, resistance to a certain
infection will depend on the genetic potential to withstand that infection; the problem is how
to measure that potential. If a single field measurement is taken of nematode infection in
beat plants, it will record only those infected at that time, but this could vary according to the
environment selected for recording infection levels.


5.4. 误解4:遗传力是固定的值

Misconception 4. “A heritability is a fixed value”
The heritability reflects the relative weight of the genetic variance component in the
phenotypic variance of a specific population and is based on observations that were taken
on a specific moment in time. The magnitude of heritability depends on genetic variance in
a population, but also on the influence of the environment and on the accuracy of
observations (see misconception 3). The genetic variance in one population may be
(somewhat) different from that in another population. Finally, heritability within a population
can change over time, and for that reason, should be estimated at regular intervals.



5.4 误解5:高的遗传力,意味着有主效基因控制

Misconception 5. “A high heritability implies a major-effect QTL”
The fact that the heritability quantifies the genetic signal from a phenotype doesn’t mean
that says something about the genetic inheritance of the trait. Whether there’s one or many
thousands of genes behind and irrespectively of their effect we can have high or low
heritabilities. A major-QTL trait like eye color can have low heritability if the population
scanned have only one type of eye color, or a high heritability of we observe all types of color.
A highly quantitative trait like yield can have a high heritability is the experiment is well
conducted with high appropriate replication levels, but can also have low heritability if the
agronomic management is poor.



6. 总结






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