Golang + Redis解决缓存穿透(双层缓存)
1 概念
概念 | 产生原因 | 解决思路 |
缓存穿透 | 恶意请求不存在的Key | 缓存空对象、布隆过滤器等 |
缓存雪崩 | Redis大面积key过期 | 快速失败熔断、主从模式、集群模式。过期时间尽量随机 |
缓存击穿 | 热点Key过期 | 互斥更新、随机退避、差异失效时间(两份缓存cacheA、cacheB,差异过期时间) |
1.1 缓存击穿:热点key过期
- 删除时,我们可以理解为key过期了,因为浏览器缓存如果此时有大量用户在页面点击Redis中已经过期的商品,就会有大量请求打到数据库。
1.2 解决方案:双层缓存
- 互斥更新、随机退避、差异失效时间(两份缓存,差异过期时间)
- 我们可以将热点Key在Redis中存两份(两份过期时间不同=》差异过期时间),cacheA过期时,保证在cacheA加载新数据完成前,用户能查询到cacheB中的数据,不至于大量请求直接打到数据库。
- 因为热点key的数据较少,因此缓存两份不会对内存有太多开销。
2 代码
2.1 模拟缓存击穿
1 演示
- 案例解析:
- Redis中存热点数据20个,然后提供一个接口返回topK的热点数据
- 8s后刷新redis缓存,模拟key过期
- 重新加载数据sleep 6秒,模拟数据库及IO耗时
2 代码
package mainimport ("context""encoding/json""fmt""github.com/go-redis/redis/v8""github.com/kataras/iris/v12"context2 "github.com/kataras/iris/v12/context""github.com/ziyifast/log""time"
)var RedisCli *redis.Clientfunc init() {RedisCli = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: "localhost:6379",DB: 0,})_, err := RedisCli.Del(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}
}type Goods struct {Id int `json:"id"`Name string `json:"name"`
}var (GoodsKeyCacheA = "goodsA"GoodsKeyCacheB = "goodsB"
)func InitDb(s, count int, cacheKey string) {for i := s; i < s+count; i++ {g := &Goods{Id: i + 1,Name: fmt.Sprintf("good-%d", i+1),}marshal, err := json.Marshal(g)if err != nil {panic(err)}_, err = RedisCli.RPush(context.TODO(), cacheKey, string(marshal)).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}}
}func main() {InitDb(0, 20, GoodsKeyCacheA)app := iris.New()app.Get("/goods/top/{offset}/{pageSize}", func(c *context2.Context) {offset, err := c.Params().GetInt64("offset")if err != nil {panic(err)}pageSize, err := c.Params().GetInt64("pageSize")if err != nil {panic(err)}start := (offset - 1) * pageSizeend := offset*pageSize - 1err = c.JSON(QueryForData(start, end))if err != nil {panic(err)}})//set the expire time_, err := RedisCli.Expire(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA, time.Second*8).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}go ReloadNewGoods()app.Listen(":9999", nil)
}func QueryForData(start, end int64) []string {val := RedisCli.LRange(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA, start, end).Val()log.Infof("query redis of cache A")if len(val) == 0 {log.Infof("redis is not exist, query db.....no!!!!")}return val
}func ReloadNewGoods() {time.Sleep(time.Second * 15)log.Infof("start ReloadNewGoods......")InitDb(2000, 20, GoodsKeyCacheA)log.Infof("ReloadNewGoods......DONE")
2.2 双层缓存解决问题:热点key存两份(cacheA、cacheB)
- 热点数据存两份一样的:cacheA、cacheB(两份缓存key的过期时间需要不同)
- 到点了,需要更新热点数据,cacheA过期,重新读取加载热点数据到Redis,更新cacheA的数据为最新。此时对外提供服务的是cacheB。防止请求直接打到DB。
- cacheA加载最新数据完成后,cacheA对外提供服务。更新cacheB中的数据到最新。(保证数据一致)
1 演示
2 代码
package mainimport ("context""encoding/json""fmt""github.com/go-redis/redis/v8""github.com/kataras/iris/v12"context2 "github.com/kataras/iris/v12/context""github.com/ziyifast/log""time"
)var RedisCli *redis.Clientfunc init() {RedisCli = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: "localhost:6379",DB: 0,})_, err := RedisCli.Del(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}
}type Goods struct {Id int `json:"id"`Name string `json:"name"`
}var (GoodsKeyCacheA = "goodsA"GoodsKeyCacheB = "goodsB"
)func InitDb(s, count int, cacheKey string) {for i := s; i < s+count; i++ {g := &Goods{Id: i + 1,Name: fmt.Sprintf("good-%d", i+1),}marshal, err := json.Marshal(g)if err != nil {panic(err)}_, err = RedisCli.RPush(context.TODO(), cacheKey, string(marshal)).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}}
}func main() {InitDb(0, 20, GoodsKeyCacheA)app := iris.New()app.Get("/goods/top/{offset}/{pageSize}", func(c *context2.Context) {offset, err := c.Params().GetInt64("offset")if err != nil {panic(err)}pageSize, err := c.Params().GetInt64("pageSize")if err != nil {panic(err)}start := (offset - 1) * pageSizeend := offset*pageSize - 1err = c.JSON(QueryForData(start, end))if err != nil {panic(err)}})//set the expire time_, err := RedisCli.Expire(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA, time.Second*8).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}InitDb(0, 20, GoodsKeyCacheB)//add cacheB, expire time is different from cacheA (make sure new goods will be added to cacheA)_, err = RedisCli.Expire(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheB, time.Second*20).Result()if err != nil {panic(err)}go ReloadNewGoods()app.Listen(":9999", nil)
}func QueryForData(start, end int64) []string {val := RedisCli.LRange(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheA, start, end).Val()log.Infof("query redis of cache A")if len(val) == 0 {log.Infof("cacheA is not exist, query redis of cache B")val = RedisCli.LRange(context.TODO(), GoodsKeyCacheB, start, end).Val()if len(val) == 0 {log.Infof("cacheB is not exist, query db, no!!!")return val}}return val
}func ReloadNewGoods() {time.Sleep(time.Second * 15)log.Infof("start ReloadNewGoods......")InitDb(2000, 20, GoodsKeyCacheA)//set the expire time of cacheAlog.Infof("ReloadNewGoods......DONE")//reload cacheB....//set the expire time of cacheB