vSphere 8考试认证题库 2024最新(VCP 8.0版本)


VMware VCP-DCV(2V0-21.23)认证考试题库,已全部更新,答案已经完成校对,完整题库请扫描上方二维码访问。正常考可以考到450分以上(满分500分,300分通过)

An administrator is tasked with installing VMware vCenter. The vCenter Server Appliance must support an environment of:
400 hosts
4000 virtual machines
Which two resources must be allocated, at a minimum, to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)

A. 16 vCPUs

B. 30 GB Memory

C. 4 vCPUs

D. 8 vCPUs

E. 20 GB Memory

Which VMware offering will allow an administrator to manage the lifecycle of multiple vCenter Server instances in a single software as a service (SaaS)-based solution to help drive operational efficiency?

A. VMware vSphere with Tanzu

B. VMware Cloud Foundation

C. VMware vSphere+

D. VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle

Which feature would allow for the non-disruptive migration of a virtual machine between two clusters in a single VMware vCenter instance?

A. vSphere vMotion

B. Cross vCenter Migration

C. vSphere Storage vMotion

D. vSphere Fault Tolerance

Which four elements can a vSphere Lifecycle Manager image contain? (Choose four.)

A. ESXi base image

B. ESXi configuration

C. Vendor agents

D. Vendor add-ons

E. BIOS updates

F. Firmware and drivers add-on

G. Independent components

An administrator is tasked with applying updates to a vSphere cluster running vSAN using vSphere Lifecycle Manager. Downtime to the ESXi hosts must be minimal while the work is completed.
The administrator has already completed the following steps and no errors have been returned:
Downloaded all applicable software and created a new image.
Attached the new image to the cluster and run a compliance check against the image for the cluster.
Ran a remediation pre-check for the cluster.
Which two series of steps should the administrator perform to start the remediation of the cluster using the new image? (Choose two.)

A. 1. Use the Remediate option in vSphere Lifecycle Manager to remediate all of the ESXi hosts in the cluster in parallel.
2. Allow vSphere Lifecycle Manager to automatically control maintenance mode on the ESXi hosts.

B. 1. Place each of the ESXi hosts into maintenance mode manually.
2. Use the Stage option in vSphere Lifecycle Manager to stage the required software on all ESXi hosts one at a time.

C. 1. Leave all ESXi hosts in the cluster operational.
2. Use the Stage All option in vSphere Lifecycle Manager to stage the required software onto all ESXi hosts one at a time.

D. 1. Leave all ESXi hosts in the cluster operational.
2. Use the Stage All option in vSphere Lifecycle Manager to stage the required software onto all ESXi hosts in the cluster in parallel.

E. 1. Use the Remediate option in vSphere Lifecycle Manager to remediate all of the ESXi hosts in the cluster in sequence.
2. Allow vSphere Lifecycle Manager to automatically control maintenance mode on the ESXi hosts.

An administrator is working with VMware Support and is asked to provide log bundles for the ESXi hosts in an environment.
Which three options does the administrator have? (Choose three.)

A. Generate a combined log bundle for all ESXi hosts using the vCenter Management Interface.

B. Generate a separate log bundle for each ESXi host using the vSphere Host Client.

C. Generate a combined log bundle for all ESXi hosts using the vSphere Client.

D. Generate a separate log bundle for each ESXi host using the vSphere Client.

E. Generate a separate log bundle for each ESXi host using the vCenter Management Interface.

F. Generate a combined log bundle for all ESXi hosts using the vSphere Host Client.

An administrator needs to consolidate a number of physical servers by migrating the workloads to a software-defined data center solution.
Which VMware solution should the administrator recommend?

A. VMware Horizon

B. VMware vSAN

C. VMware vSphere

D. VMware NSX

An administrator is tasked with configuring remote direct memory access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet v2 (RoCE v2).
Which two types of adapters must the administrator configure? (Choose two.)

A. Paravirtual RDMA adapter

B. RDMA network adapter

C. Software iSCSi adapter

D. Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) adapter

E. Software NVMe over RDMA storage adapter

An administrator has a host profile named Standard-Config. The administrator wants to change the other host profiles to use only the storage configuration settings that are defined in the Standard-Config host profile.
What should the administrator do to make this change?

A. Export host customizations and import them to the other host profiles.

B. Copy the storage settings from Standard-Config to all other host profiles.

C. Duplicate the Standard-Config host profile and only modify the storage configuration settings.

D. Export the Standard-Config host profile and attach it to tile other hosts.

A vSphere cluster has the following configuration:
Virtual machines (VMs) are running Production and Test workloads vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is enabled
There are no resource pools in the cluster
Performance monitoring data shows that the Production workload VMs are not receiving their fully allocated memory when the vSphere cluster is fully utilized.
A combination of which two steps could the administrator perform to ensure that the Production VMs are always guaranteed the full allocation of memory? (Choose two.)

A. Assign a custom memory share value to the resource pool containing the Production VMs.

B. Assign a memory reservation value to the resource pool containing the Production VMs.

C. Create a parent resource pool for the Production VMs.

D. Create a sibling resource pool for each of the Production and Test VMs.

E. Create a child resource pool for the Test VMs.

Which two datastore types store the components of a virtual machine as a set of objects? (Choose two.)

A. VMware Virtual Machine File System (VMFS)

B. VMware vSAN

C. Network File System (NFS) 3

D. vSphere Virtual Volumes (vVols)

E. Network File System (NFS) 4.1




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