David A. Huffman
1 哈夫曼编码简史(Huffman code)
1951年,哈夫曼和他在MIT信息论的同学需要选择是完成学期报告还是期末考试。导师Robert M. Fano给他们的学期报告的题目是,寻找最有效的二进制编码。由于无法证明哪个已有编码是最有效的,哈夫曼放弃对已有编码的研究,转向新的探索,最终发现了基于有序频率二叉树编码的想法,并很快证明了这个方法是最有效的。由于这个算法,学生终于青出于蓝,超过了他那曾经和信息论创立者香农共同研究过类似编码的导师。哈夫曼使用自底向上的方法构建二叉树,避免了次优算法Shannon-Fano编码的最大弊端──自顶向下构建树。
1952年,David A. Huffman在麻省理工攻读博士时发表了《一种构建极小多余编码的方法》,一文,它一般就叫做Huffman编码。A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codeshttps://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/reso/011/02/0091-0099
2 赫夫曼编码
赫夫曼编码是可变字长编码(VLC)的一种。 Huffman于1952年提出一种编码方法,该方法完全依据字符出现概率来构造异字头的平均长 度最短的码字,有时称之为最佳编码,一般就称Huffman编码。下面引证一个定理,该定理保证了按字符出现概率分配码长,可使平均码长最短。
3 源程序
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Legalsoft.Truffer.Algorithm
/// <summary>
/// 哈夫曼编码的压缩与解压缩
/// </summary>
public class HuffmanCompressor
private HuffmanNode oRootHuffmanNode { get; set; } = null;
private List<HuffmanNode> oValueHuffmanNodes { get; set; } = null;
private List<HuffmanNode> BuildBinaryTree(string Value)
List<HuffmanNode> oHuffmanNodes = GetInitialNodeList();
Value.ToList().ForEach(m => oHuffmanNodes[m].Weight++);
oHuffmanNodes = oHuffmanNodes
.Where(m => (m.Weight > 0))
.OrderBy(m => (m.Weight))
.ThenBy(m => (m.Value))
oHuffmanNodes = UpdateNodeParents(oHuffmanNodes);
oRootHuffmanNode = oHuffmanNodes[0];
SortNodes(oRootHuffmanNode, oHuffmanNodes);
return oHuffmanNodes;
public void Compress(string FileName)
FileInfo oFileInfo = new FileInfo(FileName);
if (oFileInfo.Exists == true)
string sFileContents = "";
using (StreamReader oStreamReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(FileName)))
sFileContents = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
List<HuffmanNode> oHuffmanNodes = BuildBinaryTree(sFileContents);
oValueHuffmanNodes = oHuffmanNodes
.Where(m => (m.Value.HasValue == true))
.OrderBy(m => (m.BinaryWord))
Dictionary<char, string> oCharToBinaryWordDictionary = new Dictionary<char, string>();
foreach (HuffmanNode oHuffmanNode in oValueHuffmanNodes)
oCharToBinaryWordDictionary.Add(oHuffmanNode.Value.Value, oHuffmanNode.BinaryWord);
StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<byte> oByteList = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < sFileContents.Length; i++)
string sWord = "";
while (oStringBuilder.Length >= 8)
sWord = oStringBuilder.ToString().Substring(0, 8);
oStringBuilder.Remove(0, sWord.Length);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWord) == false)
oByteList.Add(Convert.ToByte(sWord, 2));
if (oStringBuilder.Length > 0)
string sWord = oStringBuilder.ToString();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWord) == false)
oByteList.Add(Convert.ToByte(sWord, 2));
string sCompressedFileName = Path.Combine(oFileInfo.Directory.FullName, String.Format("{0}.compressed", oFileInfo.Name.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, "")));
if (File.Exists(sCompressedFileName) == true)
using (FileStream oFileStream = File.OpenWrite(sCompressedFileName))
oFileStream.Write(oByteList.ToArray(), 0, oByteList.Count);
public void Decompress(string FileName)
FileInfo oFileInfo = new FileInfo(FileName);
if (oFileInfo.Exists == true)
string sCompressedFileName = String.Format("{0}.compressed", oFileInfo.FullName.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, ""));
byte[] oBuffer = null;
using (FileStream oFileStream = File.OpenRead(sCompressedFileName))
oBuffer = new byte[oFileStream.Length];
oFileStream.Read(oBuffer, 0, oBuffer.Length);
HuffmanNode oZeroHuffmanNode = oRootHuffmanNode;
while (oZeroHuffmanNode.Left != null)
oZeroHuffmanNode = oZeroHuffmanNode.Left;
HuffmanNode oCurrentHuffmanNode = null;
StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < oBuffer.Length; i++)
string sBinaryWord = "";
byte oByte = oBuffer[i];
if (oByte == 0)
sBinaryWord = oZeroHuffmanNode.BinaryWord;
sBinaryWord = Convert.ToString(oByte, 2);
if ((sBinaryWord.Length < 8) && (i < (oBuffer.Length - 1)))
StringBuilder oBinaryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(sBinaryWord);
while (oBinaryStringBuilder.Length < 8)
oBinaryStringBuilder.Insert(0, "0");
sBinaryWord = oBinaryStringBuilder.ToString();
for (int j = 0; j < sBinaryWord.Length; j++)
char cValue = sBinaryWord[j];
if (oCurrentHuffmanNode == null)
oCurrentHuffmanNode = oRootHuffmanNode;
if (cValue == '0')
oCurrentHuffmanNode = oCurrentHuffmanNode.Left;
oCurrentHuffmanNode = oCurrentHuffmanNode.Right;
if ((oCurrentHuffmanNode.Left == null) && (oCurrentHuffmanNode.Right == null))
oCurrentHuffmanNode = null;
string sUncompressedFileName = Path.Combine(oFileInfo.Directory.FullName, String.Format("{0}.uncompressed", oFileInfo.Name.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, "")));
if (File.Exists(sUncompressedFileName) == true)
using (StreamWriter oStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(sUncompressedFileName)))
private static List<HuffmanNode> GetInitialNodeList()
List<HuffmanNode> oGetInitialNodeList = new List<HuffmanNode>();
for (int i = Char.MinValue; i < Char.MaxValue; i++)
oGetInitialNodeList.Add(new HuffmanNode((char)(i)));
return oGetInitialNodeList;
private static void SortNodes(HuffmanNode Node, List<HuffmanNode> Nodes)
if (Nodes.Contains(Node) == false)
if (Node.Left != null)
SortNodes(Node.Left, Nodes);
if (Node.Right != null)
SortNodes(Node.Right, Nodes);
private static List<HuffmanNode> UpdateNodeParents(List<HuffmanNode> Nodes)
while (Nodes.Count > 1)
int iOperations = (Nodes.Count / 2);
for (int iOperation = 0, i = 0, j = 1; iOperation < iOperations; iOperation++, i += 2, j += 2)
if (j < Nodes.Count)
HuffmanNode oParentHuffmanNode = new HuffmanNode(Nodes[i], Nodes[j]);
Nodes[i] = null;
Nodes[j] = null;
Nodes = Nodes
.Where(m => (m != null))
.OrderBy(m => (m.Weight))
return Nodes;
public class HuffmanNode
private string sBinaryWord { get; set; } = "";
private bool bIsLeftNode { get; set; } = false;
private bool bIsRightNode { get; set; } = false;
private HuffmanNode oLeft { get; set; } = null;
private HuffmanNode oParent { get; set; } = null;
private HuffmanNode oRight { get; set; } = null;
private char? cValue { get; set; } = ' ';
private int iWeight { get; set; } = 0;
public HuffmanNode()
public HuffmanNode(char Value)
cValue = Value;
public HuffmanNode(HuffmanNode Left, HuffmanNode Right)
oLeft = Left;
oLeft.oParent = this;
oLeft.bIsLeftNode = true;
oRight = Right;
oRight.oParent = this;
oRight.bIsRightNode = true;
iWeight = (oLeft.Weight + oRight.Weight);
public string BinaryWord
string sReturnValue = "";
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sBinaryWord) == true)
StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
HuffmanNode oHuffmanNode = this;
while (oHuffmanNode != null)
if (oHuffmanNode.bIsLeftNode == true)
oStringBuilder.Insert(0, "0");
if (oHuffmanNode.bIsRightNode == true)
oStringBuilder.Insert(0, "1");
oHuffmanNode = oHuffmanNode.oParent;
sReturnValue = oStringBuilder.ToString();
sBinaryWord = sReturnValue;
sReturnValue = sBinaryWord;
return sReturnValue;
public HuffmanNode Left
return oLeft;
public HuffmanNode Parent
return oParent;
public HuffmanNode Right
return oRight;
public char? Value
return cValue;
public int Weight
return iWeight;
iWeight = value;
public static int BinaryStringToInt32(string Value)
int iBinaryStringToInt32 = 0;
for (int i = (Value.Length - 1), j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++)
iBinaryStringToInt32 += ((Value[j] == '0' ? 0 : 1) * (int)(Math.Pow(2, i)));
return iBinaryStringToInt32;
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (cValue.HasValue == true)
sb.AppendFormat("'{0}' ({1}) - {2} ({3})", cValue.Value, iWeight, BinaryWord, BinaryStringToInt32(BinaryWord));
if ((oLeft != null) && (oRight != null))
if ((oLeft.Value.HasValue == true) && (oRight.Value.HasValue == true))
sb.AppendFormat("{0} + {1} ({2})", oLeft.Value, oRight.Value, iWeight);
sb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1} - ({2})", oLeft, oRight, iWeight);
return sb.ToString();
4 源代码
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer.Algorithm
{/// <summary>/// 哈夫曼编码的压缩与解压缩/// </summary>public class HuffmanCompressor{private HuffmanNode oRootHuffmanNode { get; set; } = null;private List<HuffmanNode> oValueHuffmanNodes { get; set; } = null;private List<HuffmanNode> BuildBinaryTree(string Value){List<HuffmanNode> oHuffmanNodes = GetInitialNodeList();Value.ToList().ForEach(m => oHuffmanNodes[m].Weight++);oHuffmanNodes = oHuffmanNodes.Where(m => (m.Weight > 0)).OrderBy(m => (m.Weight)).ThenBy(m => (m.Value)).ToList();oHuffmanNodes = UpdateNodeParents(oHuffmanNodes);oRootHuffmanNode = oHuffmanNodes[0];oHuffmanNodes.Clear();SortNodes(oRootHuffmanNode, oHuffmanNodes);return oHuffmanNodes;}public void Compress(string FileName){FileInfo oFileInfo = new FileInfo(FileName);if (oFileInfo.Exists == true){string sFileContents = "";using (StreamReader oStreamReader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(FileName))){sFileContents = oStreamReader.ReadToEnd();}List<HuffmanNode> oHuffmanNodes = BuildBinaryTree(sFileContents);oValueHuffmanNodes = oHuffmanNodes.Where(m => (m.Value.HasValue == true)).OrderBy(m => (m.BinaryWord)).ToList();Dictionary<char, string> oCharToBinaryWordDictionary = new Dictionary<char, string>();foreach (HuffmanNode oHuffmanNode in oValueHuffmanNodes){oCharToBinaryWordDictionary.Add(oHuffmanNode.Value.Value, oHuffmanNode.BinaryWord);}StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();List<byte> oByteList = new List<byte>();for (int i = 0; i < sFileContents.Length; i++){string sWord = "";oStringBuilder.Append(oCharToBinaryWordDictionary[sFileContents[i]]);while (oStringBuilder.Length >= 8){sWord = oStringBuilder.ToString().Substring(0, 8);oStringBuilder.Remove(0, sWord.Length);}if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWord) == false){oByteList.Add(Convert.ToByte(sWord, 2));}}if (oStringBuilder.Length > 0){string sWord = oStringBuilder.ToString();if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWord) == false){oByteList.Add(Convert.ToByte(sWord, 2));}}string sCompressedFileName = Path.Combine(oFileInfo.Directory.FullName, String.Format("{0}.compressed", oFileInfo.Name.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, "")));if (File.Exists(sCompressedFileName) == true){File.Delete(sCompressedFileName);}using (FileStream oFileStream = File.OpenWrite(sCompressedFileName)){oFileStream.Write(oByteList.ToArray(), 0, oByteList.Count);}}}public void Decompress(string FileName){FileInfo oFileInfo = new FileInfo(FileName);if (oFileInfo.Exists == true){string sCompressedFileName = String.Format("{0}.compressed", oFileInfo.FullName.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, ""));byte[] oBuffer = null;using (FileStream oFileStream = File.OpenRead(sCompressedFileName)){oBuffer = new byte[oFileStream.Length];oFileStream.Read(oBuffer, 0, oBuffer.Length);}HuffmanNode oZeroHuffmanNode = oRootHuffmanNode;while (oZeroHuffmanNode.Left != null){oZeroHuffmanNode = oZeroHuffmanNode.Left;}HuffmanNode oCurrentHuffmanNode = null;StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();for (int i = 0; i < oBuffer.Length; i++){string sBinaryWord = "";byte oByte = oBuffer[i];if (oByte == 0){sBinaryWord = oZeroHuffmanNode.BinaryWord;}else{sBinaryWord = Convert.ToString(oByte, 2);}if ((sBinaryWord.Length < 8) && (i < (oBuffer.Length - 1))){StringBuilder oBinaryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(sBinaryWord);while (oBinaryStringBuilder.Length < 8){oBinaryStringBuilder.Insert(0, "0");}sBinaryWord = oBinaryStringBuilder.ToString();}for (int j = 0; j < sBinaryWord.Length; j++){char cValue = sBinaryWord[j];if (oCurrentHuffmanNode == null){oCurrentHuffmanNode = oRootHuffmanNode;}if (cValue == '0'){oCurrentHuffmanNode = oCurrentHuffmanNode.Left;}else{oCurrentHuffmanNode = oCurrentHuffmanNode.Right;}if ((oCurrentHuffmanNode.Left == null) && (oCurrentHuffmanNode.Right == null)){oStringBuilder.Append(oCurrentHuffmanNode.Value.Value);oCurrentHuffmanNode = null;}}}string sUncompressedFileName = Path.Combine(oFileInfo.Directory.FullName, String.Format("{0}.uncompressed", oFileInfo.Name.Replace(oFileInfo.Extension, "")));if (File.Exists(sUncompressedFileName) == true){File.Delete(sUncompressedFileName);}using (StreamWriter oStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite(sUncompressedFileName))){oStreamWriter.Write(oStringBuilder.ToString());}}}private static List<HuffmanNode> GetInitialNodeList(){List<HuffmanNode> oGetInitialNodeList = new List<HuffmanNode>();for (int i = Char.MinValue; i < Char.MaxValue; i++){oGetInitialNodeList.Add(new HuffmanNode((char)(i)));}return oGetInitialNodeList;}private static void SortNodes(HuffmanNode Node, List<HuffmanNode> Nodes){if (Nodes.Contains(Node) == false){Nodes.Add(Node);}if (Node.Left != null){SortNodes(Node.Left, Nodes);}if (Node.Right != null){SortNodes(Node.Right, Nodes);}}private static List<HuffmanNode> UpdateNodeParents(List<HuffmanNode> Nodes){while (Nodes.Count > 1){int iOperations = (Nodes.Count / 2);for (int iOperation = 0, i = 0, j = 1; iOperation < iOperations; iOperation++, i += 2, j += 2){if (j < Nodes.Count){HuffmanNode oParentHuffmanNode = new HuffmanNode(Nodes[i], Nodes[j]);Nodes.Add(oParentHuffmanNode);Nodes[i] = null;Nodes[j] = null;}}Nodes = Nodes.Where(m => (m != null)).OrderBy(m => (m.Weight)).ToList();}return Nodes;}}public class HuffmanNode{private string sBinaryWord { get; set; } = "";private bool bIsLeftNode { get; set; } = false;private bool bIsRightNode { get; set; } = false;private HuffmanNode oLeft { get; set; } = null;private HuffmanNode oParent { get; set; } = null;private HuffmanNode oRight { get; set; } = null;private char? cValue { get; set; } = ' ';private int iWeight { get; set; } = 0;public HuffmanNode(){}public HuffmanNode(char Value){cValue = Value;}public HuffmanNode(HuffmanNode Left, HuffmanNode Right){oLeft = Left;oLeft.oParent = this;oLeft.bIsLeftNode = true;oRight = Right;oRight.oParent = this;oRight.bIsRightNode = true;iWeight = (oLeft.Weight + oRight.Weight);}public string BinaryWord{get{string sReturnValue = "";if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sBinaryWord) == true){StringBuilder oStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();HuffmanNode oHuffmanNode = this;while (oHuffmanNode != null){if (oHuffmanNode.bIsLeftNode == true){oStringBuilder.Insert(0, "0");}if (oHuffmanNode.bIsRightNode == true){oStringBuilder.Insert(0, "1");}oHuffmanNode = oHuffmanNode.oParent;}sReturnValue = oStringBuilder.ToString();sBinaryWord = sReturnValue;}else{sReturnValue = sBinaryWord;}return sReturnValue;}}public HuffmanNode Left{get{return oLeft;}}public HuffmanNode Parent{get{return oParent;}}public HuffmanNode Right{get{return oRight;}}public char? Value{get{return cValue;}}public int Weight{get{return iWeight;}set{iWeight = value;}}public static int BinaryStringToInt32(string Value){int iBinaryStringToInt32 = 0;for (int i = (Value.Length - 1), j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++){iBinaryStringToInt32 += ((Value[j] == '0' ? 0 : 1) * (int)(Math.Pow(2, i)));}return iBinaryStringToInt32;}public override string ToString(){StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();if (cValue.HasValue == true){sb.AppendFormat("'{0}' ({1}) - {2} ({3})", cValue.Value, iWeight, BinaryWord, BinaryStringToInt32(BinaryWord));}else{if ((oLeft != null) && (oRight != null)){if ((oLeft.Value.HasValue == true) && (oRight.Value.HasValue == true)){sb.AppendFormat("{0} + {1} ({2})", oLeft.Value, oRight.Value, iWeight);}else{sb.AppendFormat("{0}, {1} - ({2})", oLeft, oRight, iWeight);}}else{sb.Append(iWeight);}}return sb.ToString();}}