
wordpress怎么映射到外网访问,seo分析师招聘,wordpress文章页面源码路径,wordpress如何上传html代码一、录制bag 本人使用的zed2i相机。 rosbag record -O 32 /zed2i/zed_node/imu/data /zed2i/zed_node/imdata_raw /zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/right/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_color /zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/ima…



rosbag record -O 32 /zed2i/zed_node/imu/data /zed2i/zed_node/imdata_raw  /zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/right/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_color /zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_color


双目立体视觉(3)- ZED2 & ROS Melodic 发布RGB图像及深度信息_zed2官方文档-CSDN博客

 我电脑18.04,cuda11.4,zedsdk 3.8  

 图像分辨率,设置的1280*720,10hz  ,Imu 300hz 录制1min左右,频率官网说调到4hz最好,之前标定发现不改也可以,如果修改可以使用以下命令


rosrun topic_tools throttle messages /zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_color 4.0 /right/image_raw



# params/zed2i.yaml
# Parameters for Stereolabs ZED2 camera
---general:camera_model:               'zed2i'depth:min_depth:                  0.7             # Min: 0.2, Max: 3.0 - Default 0.7 - Note: reducing this value wil require more computational power and GPU memorymax_depth:                  10.0             # Max: 40.0pos_tracking:imu_fusion:                 true            # enable/disable IMU fusion. When set to false, only the optical odometry will be used.sensors:sensors_timestamp_sync:     false           # Synchronize Sensors messages timestamp with latest received frame 不能开,开会极大降低IMU频率max_pub_rate:               200.            # max frequency of publishing of sensors data. MAX: 400. - MIN: grab rate imu的频率,开到400实际值会在360附近publish_imu_tf:             true            # publish `IMU -> <cam_name>_left_camera_frame` TFobject_detection:od_enabled:                 false           # True to enable Object Detection [not available for ZED]model:                      0               # '0': MULTI_CLASS_BOX - '1': MULTI_CLASS_BOX_ACCURATE - '2': HUMAN_BODY_FAST - '3': HUMAN_BODY_ACCURATE - '4': MULTI_CLASS_BOX_MEDIUM - '5': HUMAN_BODY_MEDIUM - '6': PERSON_HEAD_BOXconfidence_threshold:       50              # Minimum value of the detection confidence of an object [0,100]max_range:                  15.             # Maximum detection rangeobject_tracking_enabled:    true            # Enable/disable the tracking of the detected objectsbody_fitting:               false           # Enable/disable body fitting for 'HUMAN_BODY_X' modelsmc_people:                  true            # Enable/disable the detection of persons for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_vehicle:                 true            # Enable/disable the detection of vehicles for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_bag:                     true            # Enable/disable the detection of bags for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_animal:                  true            # Enable/disable the detection of animals for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_electronics:             true            # Enable/disable the detection of electronic devices for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_fruit_vegetable:         true            # Enable/disable the detection of fruits and vegetables for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' modelsmc_sport:                   true            # Enable/disable the detection of sport-related objects for 'MULTI_CLASS_BOX_X' models


# params/common.yaml
# Common parameters to Stereolabs ZED and ZED mini cameras
---# Dynamic parameters cannot have a namespace
brightness:                 4                                   # Dynamic
contrast:                   4                                   # Dynamic
hue:                        0                                   # Dynamic
saturation:                 4                                   # Dynamic
sharpness:                  4                                   # Dynamic
gamma:                      8                                   # Dynamic - Requires SDK >=v3.1
auto_exposure_gain:         true                                # Dynamic
gain:                       100                                 # Dynamic - works only if `auto_exposure_gain` is false
exposure:                   100                                 # Dynamic - works only if `auto_exposure_gain` is false
auto_whitebalance:          true                                # Dynamic
whitebalance_temperature:   42                                  # Dynamic - works only if `auto_whitebalance` is false
depth_confidence:           30                                  # Dynamic
depth_texture_conf:         100                                 # Dynamic
pub_frame_rate:             10.0                                # Dynamic - frequency of publishing of video and depth data
point_cloud_freq:           10.0                                # Dynamic - frequency of the pointcloud publishing (equal or less to `grab_frame_rate` value)general:camera_name:                zed                             # A name for the camera (can be different from camera model and node name and can be overwritten by the launch file)zed_id:                     0serial_number:              0resolution:                 2                               # '0': HD2K, '1': HD1080, '2': HD720, '3': VGAgrab_frame_rate:            10                              # Frequency of frame grabbing for internal SDK operationsgpu_id:                     -1base_frame:                 'base_link'                     # must be equal to the frame_id used in the URDF fileverbose:                    false                           # Enable info message by the ZED SDKsvo_compression:            2                               # `0`: LOSSLESS, `1`: AVCHD, `2`: HEVCself_calib:                 true                            # enable/disable self calibration at startingcamera_flip:                falsevideo:img_downsample_factor:      1                             # Resample factor for images [0.01,1.0] The SDK works with native image sizes, but publishes rescaled image.缩放因子,例如0.5会缩小图像长宽各一半extrinsic_in_camera_frame:  true                            # if `false` extrinsic parameter in `camera_info` will use ROS native frame (X FORWARD, Z UP) instead of the camera frame (Z FORWARD, Y DOWN) [`true` use old behavior as for version < v3.1]depth:quality:                    3                               # '0': NONE, '1': PERFORMANCE, '2': QUALITY, '3': ULTRA, '4': NEURAL
#控制深度图的质量级别。'0': NONE:不生成深度图。'1': PERFORMANCE:优先性能的深度图生成模式,适用于需要较高帧率的应用。'2': QUALITY':优先质量的深度图生成模式,适用于需要更准确深度信息的应用,但可能降低帧率。'3': ULTRA':最高质量的深度图生成模式,提供最好的深度信息,但要求高计算能力。'4': NEURAL':使用神经网络增强的深度图生成模式,旨在提供更准确和详细的深度信息。sensing_mode:               0                               # '0': STANDARD, '1': FILL (not use FILL for robotic applications)depth_stabilization:        1                               # `0`: disabled, `1`: enabledopenni_depth_mode:          false                           # 'false': 32bit float meters, 'true': 16bit uchar millimetersdepth_downsample_factor:    1                             # Resample factor for depth data matrices [0.01,1.0] The SDK works with native data sizes, but publishes rescaled matrices (depth map, point cloud, ...)pos_tracking:pos_tracking_enabled:       false                            # True to enable positional tracking from startpublish_tf:                 true                            # publish `odom -> base_link` TFpublish_map_tf:             true                            # publish `map -> odom` TFmap_frame:                  'map'                           # main frameodometry_frame:             'odom'                          # odometry framearea_memory_db_path:        'zed_area_memory.area'          # file loaded when the node starts to restore the "known visual features" map. save_area_memory_db_on_exit: false                          # save the "known visual features" map when the node is correctly closed to the path indicated by `area_memory_db_path`area_memory:                true                            # Enable to detect loop closurefloor_alignment:            false                           # Enable to automatically calculate camera/floor offsetinitial_base_pose:          [0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.0]      # Initial position of the `base_frame` -> [X, Y, Z, R, P, Y]init_odom_with_first_valid_pose: true                       # Enable to initialize the odometry with the first valid posepath_pub_rate:              2.0                             # Camera trajectory publishing frequencypath_max_count:             -1                              # use '-1' for unlimited path sizetwo_d_mode:                 false                           # Force navigation on a plane. If true the Z value will be fixed to "fixed_z_value", roll and pitch to zerofixed_z_value:              0.00                            # Value to be used for Z coordinate if `two_d_mode` is true    mapping:mapping_enabled:            false                           # True to enable mapping and fused point cloud publicationresolution:                 0.05                            # maps resolution in meters [0.01f, 0.2f]max_mapping_range:          -1                              # maximum depth range while mapping in meters (-1 for automatic calculation) [2.0, 20.0]fused_pointcloud_freq:      1.0                             # frequency of the publishing of the fused colored point cloudclicked_point_topic:        '/clicked_point'                # Topic published by Rviz when a point of the cloud is clicked. Used for plane detection




报错:ImportError: No module named igraph

解决方式: sudo apt-get install python2.7-igraph


rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_cameras --bag '/home/lb/bag/3/32.bag' --topics  /zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/right/image_rect_color --models pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan --target '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/april_6x6.yaml' 


  • rosrun:这是一个ROS命令,用于在ROS包中运行特定的节点。
  • kalibr:这是你要运行的ROS包的名称。
  • kalibr_calibrate_cameras:这是 kalibr 包中你想要运行的特定节点或可执行文件。它似乎用于相机校准。
  • --bag '/home/lb/bag/3/32.bag':这指定了你要用于校准的ROS包文件。ROS包是存储ROS消息数据的一种便捷方式。
  • --topics /zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color /zed2i/zed_node/right/image_rect_color:这指定了你要用于校准的包文件中的主题。在这种情况下,似乎是左右相机图像。
  • --models pinhole-radtan pinhole-radtan:这指定了你要用于校准的相机模型。在这里,你使用的是针孔-radial-tangential模型,用于左右两个相机。
  • --target '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/april_6x6.yaml':这指定了校准目标的YAML文件。校准目标是具有已知几何形状的模式或物体,用于校准相机。





使用 imu_utils 进行标定,它依赖ceres-solver优化库,要先安装ceres库






rostopic: /zed2i/zed_node/imu/data
update_rate: 300.0 #Hzaccelerometer_noise_density: 1.8370034577350359e-02
accelerometer_random_walk: 3.1364398099665192e-04
gyroscope_noise_density: 2.2804362845695965e-03
gyroscope_random_walk: 4.7394104123124287e-05


rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag '/home/lb/bag/3/32.bag'  --target '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/april_6x6.yaml'  --cam '/home/lb/bag/3/32-camchain.yaml'  --imu '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/imu.yaml'

rosrun kalibr kalibr_calibrate_imu_camera --bag '/home/lb/bag/3/32.bag'  --target '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/april_6x6.yaml'  --cam '/home/lb/bag/3/32-camchain.yaml'  --imu '/home/lb/calib/kalibr_workspace/imu.yaml'






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