【LLM RAG】GritLM:统一嵌入和生成的大语言模型浅谈


目前,所有基于文本的语言问题都可以归结为生成问题,并通过单一的LLM来处理。然而,使用嵌入的任务(如聚类或检索)在这种视角下往往被忽视了。文本嵌入在许多关键的实际应用中扮演着重要角色。如RAG,在向量表征时,通过一些表征模型如:BGE、BCE等进行嵌入。因此,当前的方法在处理生成任务和嵌入任务时通常是分开的,这导致了效率和性能的损失。本文提出了GRIT(Generative Representational Instruction Tuning),这是一种统一嵌入和生成任务的方法。GRIT通过指令区分这两种任务,使得模型能够根据给定的指令执行相应的任务。这种方法在保持生成和嵌入任务性能的同时,实现了两者的统一。




  • GRITLM 在处理嵌入任务时使用双向注意力机制来处理输入。在嵌入任务中,对最终隐藏状态进行平均池化(Mean Pooling),以产生最终的表示。该任务使用contrastive objectivein-batch negatives来计算损失。损失函数如下:


  • GRITLM 在处理生成任务时使用因果注意力机制。在隐藏状态之上,Language Modeling Head,用于预测下一个标记的损失,即图中的“{response}< /s>”部分。该格式支持多轮对话(用“…”表示)。因此其损失函数为预测 token 和真实 token 之间的交叉熵:



  1. 嵌入性能

    比较了GRITLM 7B和GRITLM 8X7B与现有的生成和嵌入模型的性能。他们发现,GRITLM 7B在MTEB上的表现优于所有先前的开放模型,并且在生成任务上也优于所有参数规模相当的模型。GRITLM 8X7B在所有开放的生成语言模型中表现最佳,同时在嵌入任务上也表现出色。

  2. 生成性能

    GRITLM在多个生成任务上的性能超过了其他模型,包括Llama 2 7B和Mistral 7B等。





提出了几种缓存策略来提高RAG的效率,这些策略包括查询缓存(Query Caching)、文档缓存(Doc Caching)、查询-文档缓存(Query-Doc Caching)文档-查询缓存(Doc-Query Caching)

  • 查询缓存:在这种方法中,检索阶段计算的查询表示被缓存,并在生成阶段重用,避免了对查询的重复前向传递。
  • 文档缓存:在这种方法中,检索阶段计算的文档表示被缓存,并在生成阶段直接使用,避免了对文档的重复前向传递。
  • 查询-文档缓存(Query-Doc Caching) 和 **文档-查询缓存(Doc-Query Caching)**结合了查询缓存和文档缓存。它们在缓存策略上有所不同,但都是为了进一步减少在生成阶段所需的计算量。



pip install gritlm
  1. basic

    from gritlm import GritLM# Loads the model for both capabilities; If you only need embedding pass `mode="embedding"` to save memory (no lm head)
    model = GritLM("GritLM/GritLM-7B", torch_dtype="auto")
    # To load the 8x7B you will likely need multiple GPUs.
    # All the kwargs are passed to HF from_pretrained so you can just do the below to load on multiple GPUs:
    # model = GritLM("GritLM/GritLM-8x7B", torch_dtype="auto", device_map="auto")
    # You can also load other models e.g.
    # model = GritLM("Muennighoff/SGPT-125M-weightedmean-nli-bitfit", pooling_method="weighted_mean", attn=None)
    # model = GritLM("hkunlp/instructor-base", pooling_method="mean", attn=None)### Embedding/Representation ###
    instruction = "Given a scientific paper title, retrieve the paper's abstract"
    queries = ['Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System', 'Generative Representational Instruction Tuning']
    documents = ["A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.","All text-based language problems can be reduced to either generation or embedding. Current models only perform well at one or the other. We introduce generative representational instruction tuning (GRIT) whereby a large language model is trained to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. Compared to other open models, our resulting GritLM 7B sets a new state of the art on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) and outperforms all models up to its size on a range of generative tasks. By scaling up further, GritLM 8X7B outperforms all open generative language models that we tried while still being among the best embedding models. Notably, we find that GRIT matches training on only generative or embedding data, thus we can unify both at no performance loss. Among other benefits, the unification via GRIT speeds up Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by > 60% for long documents, by no longer requiring separate retrieval and generation models. Models, code, etc. are freely available at https://github.com/ContextualAI/gritlm."
    ]def gritlm_instruction(instruction):return "<|user|>\n" + instruction + "\n<|embed|>\n" if instruction else "<|embed|>\n"# No need to add instruction for retrieval documents
    d_rep = model.encode(documents, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""))
    q_rep = model.encode(queries, instruction=gritlm_instruction(instruction))from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
    cosine_sim_q0_d0 = 1 - cosine(q_rep[0], d_rep[0])
    cosine_sim_q0_d1 = 1 - cosine(q_rep[0], d_rep[1])
    cosine_sim_q1_d0 = 1 - cosine(q_rep[1], d_rep[0])
    cosine_sim_q1_d1 = 1 - cosine(q_rep[1], d_rep[1])print("Cosine similarity between \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %.3f" % (queries[0][:15], documents[0][:15], cosine_sim_q0_d0))
    # Cosine similarity between "Bitcoin: A Peer" and "A purely peer-t" is: 0.608
    print("Cosine similarity between \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %.3f" % (queries[0][:15], documents[1][:15], cosine_sim_q0_d1))
    # Cosine similarity between "Bitcoin: A Peer" and "All text-based " is: 0.101
    print("Cosine similarity between \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %.3f" % (queries[1][:15], documents[0][:15], cosine_sim_q1_d0))
    # Cosine similarity between "Generative Repr" and "A purely peer-t" is: 0.120
    print("Cosine similarity between \"%s\" and \"%s\" is: %.3f" % (queries[1][:15], documents[1][:15], cosine_sim_q1_d1))
    # Cosine similarity between "Generative Repr" and "All text-based " is: 0.533### Generation ###
    # We did not finetune GritLM models with system prompts, as you can just include system-like instructions together with your user instruction
    messages = [{"role": "user", "content": "Please write me a poem about my recent hike of Mt. Fuji at midnight in the style of Shakespeare."},
    encoded = model.tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, add_generation_prompt=True, return_tensors="pt")
    encoded = encoded.to(model.device)
    gen = model.generate(encoded, max_new_tokens=256, do_sample=False)
    decoded = model.tokenizer.batch_decode(gen)
    <s> <|user|>
    Please write me a poem about my recent hike of Mt. Fuji at midnight in the style of Shakespeare.
    Oh, Mt. Fuji, mountain grand,
    A sight to see, a climb to command,
    At midnight, in the dark of night,
    I climbed your slopes, with all my might.The stars above, they shone so bright,
    A beacon in the darkness, guiding light,
    The wind did blow, with a gentle sigh,
    As I climbed higher, with a steady eye.The path was steep, the climb was tough,
    But I pressed on, with a steadfast rough,
    For the summit, I longed to see,
    The view from the top, a sight to be.At last, I reached the peak, and stood,
    With awe and wonder, I gazed aloud,
    The world below, a sight to see,
    A view that's worth the climb, you'll agree.Mt. Fuji, mountain grand,
    A sight to see, a climb to command,
    At midnight, in the dark of night,
    I climbed your slopes, with all my might.</s>
  2. Caching

    import numpy as np
    import torch
    from gritlm import GritLM# Loads the model for both capabilities; If you only need embedding pass `mode="embedding"` to save memory (no lm head)
    model = GritLM("GritLM/GritLM-7B", torch_dtype="auto")
    # To load the 8x7B you will likely need multiple GPUs.
    # All the kwargs are passed to HF from_pretrained so you can just do the below to load on multiple GPUs:
    # model = GritLM("GritLM/GritLM-8x7B", torch_dtype="auto", device_map="auto")
    # You can also load other models e.g.
    # model = GritLM("Muennighoff/SGPT-125M-weightedmean-nli-bitfit", pooling_method="weighted_mean", attn=None)
    # model = GritLM("hkunlp/instructor-base", pooling_method="mean", attn=None)queries = ['Please explain to me how Bitcoin works.', 'What is "Generative Representational Instruction Tuning"?']
    documents = ["A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.","All text-based language problems can be reduced to either generation or embedding. Current models only perform well at one or the other. We introduce generative representational instruction tuning (GRIT) whereby a large language model is trained to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. Compared to other open models, our resulting GritLM 7B sets a new state of the art on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) and outperforms all models up to its size on a range of generative tasks. By scaling up further, GritLM 8X7B outperforms all open generative language models that we tried while still being among the best embedding models. Notably, we find that GRIT matches training on only generative or embedding data, thus we can unify both at no performance loss. Among other benefits, the unification via GRIT speeds up Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by > 60% for long documents, by no longer requiring separate retrieval and generation models. Models, code, etc. are freely available at https://github.com/ContextualAI/gritlm."
    ]CACHE_FORMAT_DOC = "\n<|user|>\n{query}\n\nAnswer the prior query while optionally using the context prior to it\n<|assistant|>\n"
    CACHE_FORMAT_QUERY = "\n<|user|>\n{doc}\n\nOptionally using the prior context answer the query prior to it\n<|assistant|>\n"
    CACHE_FORMAT_QUERY_DOC = "\n<|user|>\nOptionally using the prior context answer the query prior to it\n<|assistant|>\n"
    CACHE_FORMAT_DOC_QUERY = "\n<|user|>\nAnswer the prior query while optionally using the context prior to it\n<|assistant|>\n"def gritlm_instruction(instruction):return "<|user|>\n" + instruction + "\n<|embed|>\n" if instruction else "<|embed|>\n"### GRIT DOC CACHING ###
    # cache: Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`
    d_rep, d_cache = model.encode(documents, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""), get_cache=True)
    q_rep = model.encode(queries, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""))from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
    sims = {q: [1 - cosine(q_rep[i], d_rep[j]) for j in range(len(d_rep))] for i, q in enumerate(queries)}for q, q_sims in sims.items():sim_idx = np.argmax(q_sims)cache = tuple([(d_cache[i][0][sim_idx:sim_idx+1], d_cache[i][1][sim_idx:sim_idx+1]) for i, c in enumerate(d_cache)])# BOS is already in the cacheinputs = model.tokenizer(CACHE_FORMAT_DOC.format(query=q), return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(model.device)inputs["use_cache"] = True# Attend to the cache tooinputs["attention_mask"] = torch.cat((torch.ones((cache[0][0].shape[0], cache[0][0].shape[2]), dtype=torch.long, device=inputs["attention_mask"].device),inputs["attention_mask"],), dim=1)generation = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=256, past_key_values=cache, do_sample=False)decoded = model.tokenizer.batch_decode(generation)print(decoded[0])"""
    What is "Generative Representational Instruction Tuning"?Answer the prior query while optionally using the context prior to it
    Generative Representational Instruction Tuning (GRIT) is a method for training language models that can perform both generative and embedding tasks. It involves training a large language model to handle both types of tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. GRIT is designed to improve the performance of language models on both generative and embedding tasks, and it can be used to unify both types of tasks at no performance loss.</s>
    """### GRIT QUERY CACHING ###
    # cache: Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`
    d_rep = model.encode(documents, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""))
    q_rep, q_cache = model.encode(queries, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""), get_cache=True)from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
    sims = {d: [1 - cosine(q_rep[i], d_rep[j]) for j in range(len(d_rep))] for i, d in enumerate(documents)}for d, d_sims in sims.items():sim_idx = np.argmax(d_sims)cache = tuple([(q_cache[i][0][sim_idx:sim_idx+1], q_cache[i][1][sim_idx:sim_idx+1]) for i, c in enumerate(q_cache)])# BOS is already in the cacheinputs = model.tokenizer(CACHE_FORMAT_QUERY.format(doc=d), return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(model.device)inputs["use_cache"] = True# Attend to the cache tooinputs["attention_mask"] = torch.cat((torch.ones((cache[0][0].shape[0], cache[0][0].shape[2]), dtype=torch.long, device=inputs["attention_mask"].device),inputs["attention_mask"],), dim=1)generation = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=256, past_key_values=cache, do_sample=False)decoded = model.tokenizer.batch_decode(generation)print(decoded[0])"""
    All text-based language problems can be reduced to either generation or embedding. Current models only perform well at one or the other. We introduce generative representational instruction tuning (GRIT) whereby a large language model is trained to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. Compared to other open models, our resulting GritLM 7B sets a new state of the art on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) and outperforms all models up to its size on a range of generative tasks. By scaling up further, GritLM 8X7B outperforms all open generative language models that we tried while still being among the best embedding models. Notably, we find that GRIT matches training on only generative or embedding data, thus we can unify both at no performance loss. Among other benefits, the unification via GRIT speeds up Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by > 60% for long documents, by no longer requiring separate retrieval and generation models. Models, code, etc. are freely available at https://github.com/ContextualAI/gritlm.Optionally using the prior context answer the query prior to it
    GRIT stands for generative representational instruction tuning. It is a method for training large language models to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. GritLM is a large language model trained using GRIT that sets a new state of the art on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) and outperforms all models up to its size on a range of generative tasks. GritLM 8X7B is a larger version of GritLM that outperforms all open generative language models that were tried while still being among the best embedding models. GRIT matches training on only generative or embedding data, thus unifying both at no performance loss. This unification via GRIT speeds up Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by > 60% for long documents, by no longer requiring separate retrieval and generation models. Models, code, etc. are freely available at <https://github.com/ContextualAI/gritlm>.</s>
    # cache: Tuple of `tuple(torch.FloatTensor)` of length `config.n_layers`, with each tuple having 2 tensors of shape `(batch_size, num_heads, sequence_length, embed_size_per_head)`
    d_rep, d_cache = model.encode(documents, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""), get_cache=True, add_special_tokens=False)
    q_rep, q_cache = model.encode(queries, instruction=gritlm_instruction(""), get_cache=True)from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
    sims = {q: [1 - cosine(q_rep[i], d_rep[j]) for j in range(len(d_rep))] for i, q in enumerate(queries)}for i, (q, q_sims) in enumerate(sims.items()):sim_idx = np.argmax(q_sims)cache_query = tuple([(q_cache[j][0][i:i+1], q_cache[j][1][i:i+1]) for j, c in enumerate(q_cache)])cache_doc = tuple([(d_cache[j][0][sim_idx:sim_idx+1], d_cache[j][1][sim_idx:sim_idx+1]) for j, c in enumerate(d_cache)])# For DOC-QUERY simply swap the order of the cache, change the format to CACHE_FORMAT_DOC_QUERY & set add_special_tokens=True in the `model.encode(..` abovecache = [(torch.cat((layer[0], cache_doc[i][0]), dim=2),torch.cat((layer[1], cache_doc[i][1]), dim=2),) for i, layer in enumerate(cache_query)]# BOS is already in the cacheinputs = model.tokenizer(CACHE_FORMAT_QUERY_DOC, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False).to(model.device)inputs["use_cache"] = True# Attend to the cache tooinputs["attention_mask"] = torch.cat((torch.ones((cache[0][0].shape[0], cache[0][0].shape[2]), dtype=torch.long, device=inputs["attention_mask"].device),inputs["attention_mask"],), dim=1)generation = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=256, past_key_values=cache, do_sample=False)decoded = model.tokenizer.batch_decode(generation)print(decoded[0])"""
    Optionally using the prior context answer the query prior to it
    Sure, here's an example of how the prior context could be used to answer a query:Query: "What is GRIT?"Prior context: "We introduce generative representation instruction tuning (GRIT) whereby a large language model is trained to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions."Answer: GRIT is a method for training language models to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions.</s>




【1】Generative Representational Instruction Tuning,https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.09906






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CrossOver 24是一款可以让mac用户能够自由运行和游戏windows游戏软件的虚拟机类应用&#xff0c;虽然能够虚拟windows但是却并不是一款虚拟机&#xff0c;也不需要重启系统或者启动虚拟机&#xff0c;类似于一种能够让mac系统直接运行windows软件的插件。它以其出色的跨平台兼容…


简介 PCIe中有4种复位机制&#xff0c;早期的3种被称为传统复位(Conventional Reset)。传统复位中的前2种又称为基本复位(Fundamental Resets)&#xff0c;分别为冷复位(Cold Reset)&#xff0c;暖复位(Warm Reset)。第3种复位为热复位(Hot Reset)。第4种复位被称为功能级复位…


基于matlab的2D-VMD处理图像&#xff0c;将图片进行VMD分解&#xff0c;得到K个子模态图&#xff0c;将每个模态图进行重构&#xff0c;得到近似的原图。可以利用这点进行图像去噪。程序已调通&#xff0c;可直接运行。 179 2D-VMD 图像分解重构 图像处理 (xiaohongshu.com)


目录&#xff1a; 第一题. 说一下Spring的事务传播行为第二题. 说一下 spring 的事务隔离&#xff1f;第三题. Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP 有什么区别&#xff1f;AOP 有哪些实现方式&#xff1f;第四题. JDK动态代理和CGLIB动态代理的区别第五题. 解释一下Spring AOP里面的几…


Appium-Desktop主界面包含三个菜单Simple、Advanced、Presets Simple界面&#xff1a; Host设置Appium server的ip地址&#xff0c;本地调试可以将ip地址修改为127.0.0.1&#xff1b;Port设置端口号&#xff0c;默认是4723不用修改Start Server 启动 Appium serverEdit Confi…