前一专栏我们介绍了一些常用的GIA模型和对应的下载地址,但是不少数据是提供的球谐数据,对于部分用户使用不方便,这里分享NASA发布的几个格网的GIA(PGR)模型产品,其下载地址为:Files (nasa.gov)
ICE5G-Geruo-A; A, G., J. Wahr, and S. Zhong (2013) "Computations of the viscoelastic response of a 3-D compressible Earth to surface loading: an application to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Antarctica and Canada", Geophys. J. Int., 192, 557–572, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs030'
Caron, L., E.R. Ivins, E. Larour, S. Adhikari, J. Nilsson, and G. Blewitt: GIA model statistics for GRACE hydrology, cryosphere and ocean science, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 2018'
ICE6G-D; Peltier, W. R., D. F. Argus, and R. Drummond (2018) Comment on the paper by Purcell et al. 2016 entitled An assessment of ICE-6G_C (VM5a) glacial isostatic adjustment model, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122, doi:10.1002/2016JB013844'
file1 = 'Tellus_GIA_L3_A-WAHR_ICE5G-VM2_0.5-DEG_v1.0.nc';
file2 = 'Tellus_GIA_L3_CARON-2018_0.5-DEG_v1.0.nc';
file3 = 'Tellus_GIA_L3_PELTIER_ICE6G-D_0.5-DEG_v1.0.nc';
lon1 = ncread(file1,'lon');
lat1 = ncread(file1,'lat');
rg1_m = ncread(file1,'GIA_mass_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
rg1_g = ncread(file1,'GIA_geoid_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
[lon1,lat1] = meshgrid(lon1,lat1);
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_m'*100;
subplot(3,2,1),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('mass'),h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_g'*100; % cm/yr
subplot(3,2,2),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('geoid'),h = colorbar,h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;
lon1 = ncread(file2,'lon');
lat1 = ncread(file2,'lat');
rg1_m = ncread(file2,'GIA_mass_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
rg1_g = ncread(file2,'GIA_geoid_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
[lon1,lat1] = meshgrid(lon1,lat1);
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_m'*100;
subplot(3,2,3),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('mass'),h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_g'*100; % cm/yr
subplot(3,2,4),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('geoid'),h = colorbar,h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;
lon1 = ncread(file3,'lon');
lat1 = ncread(file3,'lat');
rg1_m = ncread(file3,'GIA_mass_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
rg1_g = ncread(file3,'GIA_geoid_rate_3degJPL_MSCN');
[lon1,lat1] = meshgrid(lon1,lat1);
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_m'*100;
subplot(3,2,5),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('mass'),h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;
O1.lon = lon1;O1.lat = lat1;O1.rg = rg1_g'*100; % cm/yr
subplot(3,2,6),rg_plot(O1),h = colorbar,title('geoid'),h = colorbar,h.Label.String = 'cm/yr';h.Label.FontSize = 8;