DAY29--learning English


1.sign up for trip



















cal·en·dar. /ˈkælɪndər/

1. a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, especially one that you hang on a wall - 日历;挂历

   • a calendar for 2006 - 2006年的日历

2. (NAmE) a record of what you have to do each day; the book in which you write this down - 日程表;记事本

3. [usually singular] a list of important events or dates of a particular type during the year - (一年之中的)重大事件(或重要日期)一览表

   • This is one of the biggest weeks in the racing calendar. - 这是赛马日程表中最重要的几个星期之一。

4. a system by which time is divided into fixed periods, showing the beginning and end of a year - 历法

   • the Islamic calendar - 伊斯兰教历cal·en·dar. /ˈkælɪndər/

1. a page or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year, especially one that you hang on a wall - 日历;挂历

   • a calendar for 2006 - 2006年的日历

2. (NAmE) a record of what you have to do each day; the book in which you write this down - 日程表;记事本

3. [usually singular] a list of important events or dates of a particular type during the year - (一年之中的)重大事件(或重要日期)一览表

   • This is one of the biggest weeks in the racing calendar. - 这是赛马日程表中最重要的几个星期之一。

4. a system by which time is divided into fixed periods, showing the beginning and end of a year - 历法

   • the Islamic calendar - 伊斯兰教历

Acne n.  /ˈækni/

[ U]a skin condition, common among young people, that produces many pimples (= spots), especially on the face and neck痤疮;粉刺

•to suffer from/have acne 患痤疮;长粉刺

band  /bænd/


1.[ C+sing./pl.v.]a small group of musicians who play popular music together, often with a singer or singers流行音乐乐队

•a rock/jazz band 摇滚╱爵士乐队

•She's a singer with a band.她是一个乐队的歌手。

——see alsoboy bandgirl band

2.[ C+sing./pl.v.]a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments管乐队;鼓号乐队

•a military band军乐队

——see alsobrass bandmarching bandone-man band


3.[ C+sing./pl.v.]a group of people who do sth together or who have the same ideas一伙人;一帮人

•a band of outlaws一帮歹徒

•He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.



4.[ C]a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things, for example to hold them together or to make them stronger带;箍

•She always ties her hair back in a band.她总是用一条带子把头发扎在后面。

•All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists.


•She wore a simple band of gold on her finger.她戴着一枚净面的金戒指。

——see alsoarmbandhairbandhatbandrubber bandsweatbandwaistband

5.[ C]a strip of colour or material on sth that is different from what is around it条纹;条饰

•a white plate with a blue band around the edge带蓝边的白盘子


6.( also wave·band ) [ C]a range of radio waves频带;波段

•Short-wave radio uses the 20-50 metre band.



7.[ C]a range of numbers, ages, prices, etc. within which people or things are counted or measured(数目、年龄、价格等的)范围,段

•the 25-35 age band25–35岁的年龄段

•tax bands税收等级

[ VN]

WITH COLOUR/MATERIAL 色彩;材料 put a band of a different colour or material around sth加彩条(或嵌条等)


•Many insects are banded black and yellow.很多昆虫有黑色和黄色的条纹。

[ alsoVN ]


2.( BrE ) to be organized into bands of price, income, etc.(将价格、收入等)划分档次,分等级

•Tax is banded according to income.赋税是按收入划分等级的。


1.ˌband toˈgether

to form a group in order to achieve sth联合;携手

•Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers.


Scar /skɑːr/

1. a mark that is left on the skin after a wound has healed - 伤疤;伤痕;瘢痕

   • a scar on his cheek - 脸上的伤疤

   • Will the operation leave a scar? - 手术会不会留下疤痕?

   • scar tissue - 瘢痕组织

2. a permanent feeling of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after an unpleasant experience - (精神上的)创伤;伤痕

   • His years in prison have left deep scars. - 他在监狱度过的岁月给他留下了深深的创伤。

3. something unpleasant or ugly that spoils the appearance or public image of something - 有损外观(或公共形象)的地方;污点;杀风景之处

   • The town still bears the scars of war. - 这个城市仍然留有战争的痕迹。

   • Racism has been a scar on the game. - 种族主义行为给这个运动抹黑。

4. an area of a hill or cliff where there is exposed rock and no grass - 裸岩地带(小山或悬崖上的)

[verb] [often passive]

1. (of a wound, etc.) to leave a mark on the skin after it has healed - 在...上结疤;给...留下瘢痕

   • His face was badly scarred. - 他的脸上留下了明显的疤痕。

2. (of an unpleasant experience) to leave someone with a feeling of sadness or mental pain - 给...留下精神创伤

   • The experience left her scarred for life. - 那段经历给她留下终生的创伤。

3. to spoil the appearance of something - 损害...的外观

   • The hills are scarred by quarries. - 山区因采石场而受到破坏。

   • battle-scarred buildings - 弹痕累累的建筑物

prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/

1. [C] - an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist's shop/drugstore - 处方;药方

   • The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. - 医生给我开了抗生素。


   • Antibiotics are only available on prescription. - 抗生素只能凭处方购买。


   • Antibiotics are only available by prescription. - 抗生素只能凭处方购买。

   • They are not available without a prescription. - 这些药没有处方不能出售。

   • prescription drugs/medications - 处方药

2. [C] - medicine that your doctor has ordered for you - 医生开的药

   • The pharmacist will make up your prescription. - 药剂师会根据你的处方配药。

   • a prescription charge - 处方药费

3. [U] - the act of prescribing medicine - 开处方;开药

   • The prescription of drugs is a doctor's responsibility. - 开药是医生的责任。

4. [C] - (formal) a plan or suggestion for making something happen or for improving it - 计划;建议;秘诀

   • a prescription for happiness - 增进幸福的秘诀

Pimple /ˈpɪmpl/noun

1. a small raised red spot on the skin - 丘疹;粉刺;小脓包

   • She had a pimple on her chin. - 她下巴上长了颗粉刺。

[as modifier]

   • pimple cream - 粉刺霜

   • pimply skin - 长丘疹的皮肤

2. (compare spot, noun (3))

   • See also goose pimples.

Derived forms:

   • pimply /ˈpɪmpli/ (adjective)

      • pimply skin - 长丘疹的皮肤

   • pimpliness /ˈpɪmplinəs/ (noun)

      • the embarrassment of pimpliness - 长粉刺而感到尴尬

saucy /ˈsɔːsi/ adjective

- rude or referring to sex in a way that is amusing but not offensive - 粗鲁的;粗俗的;不雅的;开色情玩笑的

   • He made some saucy remarks during the party. - 他在派对上说了一些粗俗的话。

   • saucy jokes - 荤笑话

   • a saucy smile - 无礼的一笑

Derived forms:

- saucily /ˈsɔːsɪli/ (adverb)

   • She winked saucily at him. - 她对他眨了个猥亵的眼睛。

- sauciness /ˈsɔːsinəs/ (noun)

   • I was taken aback by her sauciness. - 她的无礼让我吃了一惊。

Slurp /slɜːrp/verb

1. (informal)

- to make a loud noise while you are drinking something - (喝东西时)发出啧啧的声音

   • He was slurping his tea. - 他正咂着嘴喝茶。

   • She slurped noisily from her cup. - 她端着杯子,啧啧作响地喝着。

2. to make a noise like this - 啧啧地响

   • The water slurped in the tank. - 水在箱里嘶嘶地响。

Derived forms:

- slurp (noun, usually singular)

   • She took a slurp from her mug. - 她啧地从杯子里喝了一口。

shred /ʃred/ ( -dd- )verb

- to cut or tear something into small pieces - 切碎;撕碎

   • Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce. - 先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。

   • He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case (= putting them in a shredder). - 他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。


1. (usually plural) a small thin piece that has been torn or cut from something - (撕或切的)细条,碎片

   Synonym: scrap

   • shreds of paper - 碎纸片

   • His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire. - 他的夹克被铁丝网挂得稀烂。

2. (usually singular) a very small amount of something, used especially in negative sentences - 极少量;些许;一丁点

   • There is not a shred of evidence to support his claim. - 没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。


1. in shreds

   - (1) very badly damaged - 损害严重

     Synonym: in tatters

     • Her nerves were in shreds. - 她的神经崩溃了。

     • The country's economy is in shreds. - 国家经济已是百孔千疮。

   - (2) torn in many places - 破破烂烂的

     • The document was in shreds on the floor. - 那份文件在地上,已经破烂不堪。

2. pick/pull/tear somebody/something to pieces/shreds

   - (informal) to criticize somebody, or their work or ideas, very severely - 把某人(或其作品、观点等)批驳得体无完肤

Boggle verb /ˈbɒɡəl/


- (informal) to be slow to do or accept something because you are surprised or shocked by it - (因吃惊而)不知所措,犹豫不决

   • Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money. - 一想到要花这么多钱,连我都有点犹豫。



   (also the mind boggles) (informal) if something boggles the mind or the mind boggles at it, it is so unusual that people find it hard to imagine or accept - 使人无法想象;使人难以接受

   • The vastness of space really boggles the mind. -


   • ‘He says he's married to his cats!’ ‘The mind boggles!’ -

“他说他和他的那些猫结婚了!” “难以置信!”

Sling ( slungslung/slʌŋ/ )[ adv./prep.]

1.( informal ) ( especially BrE ) to throw sth somewhere in a careless way(随便地)扔,丢

SYN chuck

[ VN]

•Don't just sling your clothes on the floor.不要把衣服往地板上一扔就不管了。

[ VNN]

•Sling me an apple, will you?扔个苹果给我,好吗?

——see alsomud-slinging

2.[ VN] [ often passive]to put sth somewhere where it hangs loosely挂;吊

•Her bag was slung over her shoulder.她将包挎在肩上。

•We slung a hammock between two trees.我们在两棵树之间挂了一个吊床。

3.[ VN] [ often passive] ( informal ) to put sb somewhere by force; to make sb leave somewhere遣送;押往;撵走;驱逐

•They were slung out of the club for fighting.他们因打架被赶出了俱乐部。

IDIOMS 习语 your ˈhook

( BrE informal ) ( used especially in orders尤用于命令 ) to go away走开;滚蛋


1.ˌsling ˈoff at sb

( AustralENZEinformal ) to laugh at sb in an unkind way嘲笑;讥笑

1.a band of cloth that is tied around a person's neck and used to support a broken or injured arm(悬吊受伤手臂的)悬带,吊腕带

•He had his arm in a sling .他用悬带吊着胳膊。

2.a device consisting of a band, ropes, etc. for holding and lifting heavy objects(悬挂或起吊重物的)吊索,吊链,吊带

•The engine was lifted in a sling of steel rope.引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。

3.a device like a bag for carrying a baby on your back or in front of you(用以背婴儿的)吊兜

4.(in the past) a simple weapon made from a band of leather, etc., used for throwing stones投石器(旧时武器)


smack /smæk/

1. [VN] ( especially BrE ) to hit sb with your open hand, especially as a punishment 用巴掌打;掴

   • I think it's wrong to smack children. 我觉得打孩子不对。

      —— compare spank

2. [VN+ adv./prep.] to put sth somewhere with a lot of force so that it makes a loud noise 啪的一声使劲放(或扔、甩等)

   SYN bang

   • She smacked her hand down on to the table. 她啪地一拍桌子。

   • He smacked a fist into the palm of his hand.


3. [V+ adv./prep.] to hit against sth with a lot of force 使劲碰(或撞)

   SYN crash

   • Two players accidentally smacked into each other.



1. ˈsmack of sth

   to seem to contain or involve a particular unpleasant quality 有…味道;带有…意味

   • Her behaviour smacks of hypocrisy. 她的行为有点虚伪。

   • Today's announcement smacks of a government cover-up. 今天的声明颇有政府想掩盖事实的味道。

2. ˌsmack sb ←→ ˈup

   ( BrE informal ) to hit sb hard with your hand, many times


   smack /smæk/

1. [C] ( especially BrE ) a sharp hit given with your open hand, especially to a child as a punishment 打巴掌,掴(尤指对小孩的惩戒)

   • You'll get a smack on your backside if you're not careful. 要是不小心,就打你的屁股。

2. [C] ( informal ) a hard hit given with a closed hand (打的)一拳

   SYN punch

   • a smack on the jaw 在下巴上打了一拳

3. [C usually sing.] a short loud sound 啪的一声;砰的一声

   • She closed the ledger with a smack. 她啪的一声合上了账簿。

4. [C] ( informal ) a loud kiss 出声的吻;响吻

   • a smack on the lips/cheek 在嘴上╱脸上响亮地亲一下

5. [U] ( slang) the drug heroin 海洛因;白面儿

   • smack addicts 吸白粉成瘾的人

6. [C] ( BrE ) a small fishing boat 小渔船

smack /smæk/

1. (NAmE also ˈsmack-dab) exactly or directly in a place 恰好;直接;不偏不倚地

   • It landed smack in the middle of the carpet. 它正好落在地毯中央。

2. with sudden, violent force, often making a loud noise 猛地;猛然作声地

   • The car drove smack into a brick wall. 汽车嗵的一声撞上了砖墙。

stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/

a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality 模式化观念(或形象);老一套;刻板印象

• cultural/gender/racial stereotypes 有关文化的╱性别的╱种族的旧框框

• He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase. 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。


stereotypical /ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪkl/ adj

• the stereotypical image of feminine behaviour 关于女性行为举止的模式化观念

stereotype /ˈsteriətaɪp/

[ VN] [often passive] ~ sb (as sth) to form a fixed idea about a person or thing which may not really be true 对…形成模式化(或类型化)的看法

• Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers. 教师往往模式化地根据学生的某些背景把他们归为某一类学生。

• Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded? 为什么在人们心目中教授就一定健忘呢?


1. stereotyped adj.

• a play full of stereotyped characters 充斥着模式化人物的戏剧

2. stereotyping n. [U]

• sexual stereotyping 性别的刻板印象

salmon /ˈsæmən/

(pl. salmon)

[C, U]

a large fish with silver skin and pink flesh that is used for food. Salmon live in the sea but swim up rivers to lay their eggs. 鲑;大麻哈鱼

• a whole salmon 一整条鲑鱼

• smoked salmon 熏鲑鱼

• wild and farmed salmon 野生和人工养殖的鲑鱼

cable /ˈkeɪbl/

1. [U C] thick strong metal rope used on ships, for supporting bridges, etc. (系船用的)缆绳;(支撑桥梁等用的)钢索

2. [C U] a set of wires, covered in plastic or rubber, that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc. 电缆

• overhead/underground cables 高架/地下电缆

• a 10,000 volt cable 一万伏特高压电缆

• fibre-optic cable 光缆

3. [U] = cable television

• We can receive up to 500 cable channels.

我们可以接收多达 500 个有线电视频道。

4. [C] (old-fashioned) a message sent by electrical signals and printed out 电报

[V VN] (old-fashioned) to send sb a cable (给…)发电报





  1. I need to sign up for the new gym membership.


2. My boss is sending me on a business trip to meet with potential clients. (老板让我出差见潜在客户。)

3. Don't forget to check your calendar before making any plans.


4. I've been struggling with acne breakouts recently.


5. Can you pass me the band-aid? I accidentally cut my finger.


6. The scar from my surgery has finally healed.


7. I need to refill my prescription for allergy medication.


8. I have a big pimple on my forehead and it's driving me crazy.


9. The saucy dialogue in that movie made me blush.


10. He slurped his soup loudly, which was quite rude.


11. She's a germaphobe and always carries hand sanitizer with her.


12. I accidentally shredded an important document.


13. The word game boggle can be quite challenging.

(文字游戏 Boggle 很有挑战性。)

14. Platser is a type of Swedish pancake. (Platser 是一种瑞典薄煎饼。)

15. The dog licked my face and it was really gross.


16. He injured his arm and now he has to wear a sling.


17. She smacked her brother on the back of the head for being annoying.


18. Don't stereotype people based on their appearance.


19. I love to eat grilled salmon with a side of vegetables.


20. Can you help me untangle this cable? (你能帮我解开这个电缆吗?)


The calendar on my wall serves as a constant reminder of the passing days, marked with important events and appointments. However, lately, my focus has been diverted by an unexpected visitor on my face – acne. It seems that my skin has decided to rebel against me, leaving me with unsightly pimples that demand immediate attention.

As I rummage through my bathroom cabinet in search of a solution, my eyes land on a band-aid. It's not exactly the remedy I was hoping for, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With a saucy sense of humor, I decide to place a band-aid over the most obnoxious pimple, hoping it will serve as a humorous distraction.

While I slurp on my morning coffee, contemplating this temporary fix, my thoughts drift to more important matters. The boggle of life's challenges and responsibilities often leaves me yearning for simplicity. But alas, there is no magic plaster to mend the complexities of adulthood.

In the midst of my contemplation, I receive a phone call from the pharmacy informing me that my prescription is ready for pickup. It seems that even my skin troubles require professional intervention. With a sigh, I add "acne medication" to my ever-growing to-do list on the calendar.

As the days progress, my battle with acne leaves behind a trail of scars, both physical and emotional. The frustration of dealing with a relentless pimple outbreak often leads me to indulge in stress-induced habits, such as mindlessly shredding paper or absentmindedly twirling a cable around my fingers.

But amidst the chaos, I am reminded of the dangers of falling into the trap of stereotypes. Acne does not define me, nor should it dictate how others perceive me. It is merely a temporary inconvenience, a reminder of my humanity

In the end, my quest for flawless skin may be an ongoing struggle, but it is also a lesson in self-acceptance and resilience. So, I lick my wounds – both metaphorical and literal – and continue on my journey, embracing the flaws that make me who I am.

With each passing day, as I mark off appointments and obligations on my calendar, I am reminded that life is a series of ups and downs, boggles and triumphs. And though the scars may fade, the lessons learned endure, guiding me towards a future where superficial concerns take a backseat to personal growth and genuine connections.












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134 Linux 系统编程11 ,readlink命令,文件目录rwx权限差异,目录操作函数

一 readlink 命令 前面知道,如果a.soft是一个软链接,我们使用 cat a.soft,会直接查看这个软链接指向的文件 那么我们就是想看这个软链接是啥,可以使用 readlink a.soft 二 获取工作目录 getcwd函数 获取进程当前工作目录 (卷3,标…




学ES的时候,星级过滤无效 找不到数据。 需要 但是我们在创建的时候使用的是keyword 通过研究发现,我们导入数据的时候应该默认的为starName 我get库时候发现有2个字段 所以通过star_name搜索因为都是空数据搜不到,而starName类型为text所以…


[导读]:超平老师的《Scratch蓝桥杯真题解析100讲》已经全部完成,后续会不定期解读蓝桥杯真题,这是Scratch蓝桥杯真题解析第171讲。 第15届蓝桥杯第4次STEMA测评已于2024年1月28日落下帷幕,编程题一共有6题,分别如下&a…


一 什么是硬件加速引擎 硬件加速引擎,也称硬件加速器,是一种采用专用加速芯片/模块替代cpu完成复杂耗时的大算力操作,其过程不需要或者仅需要少量cpu参与。 二 典型的硬件加速引擎 典型的硬件加速引擎有GPU,DSP,ISP&a…


个人主页 : zxctscl 文章封面来自:艺术家–贤海林 如有转载请先通知 文章目录 1. 前言2. 传值传参和传引用传参3. 概念4. 特征 1. 前言 在前面学习了6个默认成员函数中的构造函数和析构函数 【C】构造函数和析构函数详解,接下来继续往后看拷…


随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,越来越多的企业和行业开始将AI融入其核心业务流程中。在这个背景下,Sora以其独特的视角和全面的解决方案,正引领着AIGC(人工智能生成内容)的趋势变革。 本文将对Sora进行深度解读&#xf…

Vue3(pinia) 整合 SpringWebsocket链接url动态传参

前言: 👏作者简介:我是笑霸final,一名热爱技术的在校学生。 📝个人主页:个人主页1 || 笑霸final的主页2 📕系列专栏:java专栏 📧如果文章知识点有错误的地方,…


安装MySQL及相关依赖 下载dmg文件安装 前往MySQL :: Download MySQL Community Server下载最新版本的MySQL。 打开系统设置,拉到最下方可以看到MySQL,打开看到两个绿点表示安装成功,也可以在这里修改MySQL密码。 配置环境变量 打开终端配…


OpenCV3.3之后的版本都支持了深度学习框架,具体的模型相关路径如下图所示 一、相关文件下载 前期准备工作: 下载两个文件:下载链接 最好放到跟项目一块,到时候方便调用 二、代码 yy_main.cpp pbtxt_path和pb_path为下载的那…

Java 学习和实践笔记(20):static的含义和使用

static的本义是静止的。在计算机里就表示静态变量。 在Java中,从内存分析图上可以看到,它与类、常量池放在一个区里: 从图可以看到,普通的方法和对象属性,都在heep里,而static则在方法区里。 static声明的…


专属领域论文订阅 VX 关注{晓理紫},每日更新论文,如感兴趣,请转发给有需要的同学,谢谢支持 如果你感觉对你有所帮助,请关注我,每日准时为你推送最新论文。 分类: 大语言模型LLM视觉模型VLM扩散模型视觉语言…

STL - 并查集

1、并查集原理 在一些应用问题中,需要将n个不同的元素划分成一些不相交的集合;开始时,每个元素自成一个 单元素集合,然后按一定的规律将归于同一组元素的集合合并;在此过程中要反复用到查询某一 个元素归属于那个集合的…