论文速递 | Operations Research 1月文章合集



在本系列文章中,我们梳理了运筹学顶刊Operations Research在2024年1月份发布的7篇文章的基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察领域新动态。


题目:Recovering Dantzig–Wolfe Bounds by Cutting Planes



作者:Rui Chen, Oktay Günlük, Andrea Lodi



Dantzig-Wolfe (DW) 分解是混合整数规划(MIP)中一种著名的技术,用于分解和凸化约束以获得潜在的强对偶界。我们研究了使用 DW 分解算法可以导出的切割平面,并显示这些切割可以提供与 DW 分解相同的对偶界。更具体地说,我们为每个 DW 块生成一个切割,当与原始公式中的约束结合时,这些切割暗示了可以简单编写使用 DW 界限的目标函数切割。这种方法通常会导致具有较低对偶退化的公式,因此在使用标准 MIP 解算器在原始空间解决时具有更好的计算性能。我们还讨论如何加强这些切割以进一步提高计算性能。我们在多重背包分配问题和时间背包问题上测试了我们的方法,并展示了所提出的切割在加速解决时间方面是有帮助的,而无需实现分支定价。

Dantzig–Wolfe (DW) decomposition is a well-known technique in mixed-integer programming (MIP) for decomposing and convexifying constraints to obtain potentially strong dual bounds. We investigate cutting planes that can be derived using the DW decomposition algorithm and show that these cuts can provide the same dual bounds as DW decomposition. More precisely, we generate one cut for each DW block, and when combined with the constraints in the original formulation, these cuts imply the objective function cut one can simply write using the DW bound. This approach typically leads to a formulation with lower dual degeneracy that consequently has a better computational performance when solved by standard MIP solvers in the original space. We also discuss how to strengthen these cuts to improve the computational performance further. We test our approach on the multiple knapsack assignment problem and the temporal knapsack problem, and we show that the proposed cuts are helpful in accelerating the solution time without the need to implement branch and price.


题目:Data-Driven Minimax Optimization with Expectation Constraints



作者:Shuoguang Yang, Xudong Li, Guanghui Lan


近几十年来,对数据驱动优化方法的关注显著增长,其中著名的随机梯度下降方法尤为突出,但由于投影到由这些硬约束定义的可行集上的计算挑战,很少研究数据驱动的约束。在本文中,我们专注于非光滑凸凹随机极小极大范式,并将数据驱动约束表述为期望约束。极小极大期望约束问题包含了一大类现实世界应用,包括数据驱动的鲁棒优化、模型误设下的优化,以及带有公平性约束的接收者操作特性曲线(AUC)最大化。我们提出了一类高效的原始-对偶算法来解决极小极大期望约束问题,并展示我们的算法以O( 1 / N 1/\sqrt{N} 1/N )的最优速率收敛,其中N是迭代次数。我们通过在大规模现实世界应用上进行数值实验,展示了我们算法的实际效率。

Attention to data-driven optimization approaches, including the well-known stochastic gradient descent method, has grown significantly over recent decades, but data-driven constraints have rarely been studied because of the computational challenges of projections onto the feasible set defined by these hard constraints. In this paper, we focus on the nonsmooth convex-concave stochastic minimax regime and formulate the data-driven constraints as expectation constraints. The minimax expectation constrained problem subsumes a broad class of real-world applications, including data-driven robust optimization, optimization with misspecification, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) maximization with fairness constraints. We propose a class of efficient primal-dual algorithms to tackle the minimax expectation constrained problem and show that our algorithms converge at the optimal rate of O( 1 / N 1/\sqrt{N} 1/N ), where N is the number of iterations. We demonstrate the practical efficiency of our algorithms by conducting numerical experiments on large-scale real-world applications.


题目:Global Optimality Guarantees for Policy Gradient Methods


作者:Jalaj Bhandari, Daniel Russo




Policy gradients methods apply to complex, poorly understood, control problems by performing stochastic gradient descent over a parameterized class of polices. Unfortunately, even for simple control problems solvable by standard dynamic programming techniques, policy gradient algorithms face nonconvex optimization problems and are widely understood to converge only to a stationary point. This work identifies structural properties, shared by several classic control problems, that ensure the policy gradient objective function has no suboptimal stationary points despite being nonconvex. When these conditions are strengthened, this objective satisfies a Polyak-lojasiewicz (gradient dominance) condition that yields convergence rates. We also provide bounds on the optimality gap of any stationary point when some of these conditions are relaxed.​


题目:Quality Selection in Two-Sided Markets: A Constrained Price Discrimination Approach


作者:Bar Light, Ramesh Johari, Gabriel Weintraub




Online platforms collect rich information about participants and then share some of this information back with them to improve market outcomes. In this paper, we study the following information disclosure problem in two-sided markets: if a platform wants to maximize revenue, which sellers should the platform allow to participate, and how much of its available information about participating sellers’ quality should the platform share with buyers? We study this information disclosure problem in the context of two distinct two-sided market models: one in which the platform chooses prices and the sellers choose quantities (similar to ride sharing), and one in which the sellers choose prices (similar to e-commerce). Our main results provide conditions under which simple information structures commonly observed in practice, such as banning certain sellers from the platform and not distinguishing between participating sellers, maximize the platform’s revenue. The platform’s information disclosure problem naturally transforms into a constrained price discrimination problem in which the constraints are determined by the equilibrium outcomes of the specific two-sided market model being studied. We analyze this constrained price discrimination problem to obtain our structural results.


题目:A Dynamic Model for Managing Volunteer Engagement


作者:Baris Ata, Mustafa H. Tongarlak, Deishin Lee, Joy Field




Nonprofit organizations that provide food, shelter, and other services to people in need, rely on volunteers to deliver their services. Unlike paid labor, nonprofit organizations have less control over unpaid volunteers’ schedules, efforts, and reliability. However, these organizations can invest in volunteer engagement activities to ensure a steady and adequate supply of volunteer labor. We study a key operational question of how a nonprofit organization can manage its volunteer workforce capacity to ensure consistent provision of services. In particular, we formulate a multiclass queueing network model to characterize the optimal engagement activities for the nonprofit organization to minimize the costs of enhancing volunteer engagement, while maximizing productive work done by volunteers. Because this problem appears intractable, we formulate an approximating Brownian control problem in the heavy traffic limit and study the dynamic control of that system. Our solution is a nested threshold policy with explicit congestion thresholds that indicate when the nonprofit should optimally pursue various types of volunteer engagement activities. A numerical example calibrated using data from a large food bank shows that our dynamic policy for deploying engagement activities can significantly reduce the food bank’s total annual cost of its volunteer operations while still maintaining almost the same level of social impact. This improvement in performance does not require any additional resources—it only requires that the food bank strategically deploy its engagement activities based on the number of volunteers signed up to work volunteer shifts.


题目:Selling Quality-Differentiated Products in a Markovian Market with Unknown Transition Probabilities


作者:N. Bora Keskin, Meng Li




In this paper, we study a firm’s dynamic pricing problem in the presence of unknown and time-varying heterogeneity in customers’ preferences for quality. The firm offers a standard product as well as a premium product to deal with this heterogeneity. First, we consider a benchmark case in which the transition structure of customer heterogeneity is known. In this case, we analyze the firm’s optimal pricing policy and characterize its key structural properties. Thereafter, we investigate the case of unknown market transition structure and design a simple and practically implementable policy, called the bounded learning policy, which is a combination of two policies that perform poorly in isolation. Measuring performance by regret (i.e., the revenue loss relative to a clairvoyant who knows the underlying changes in the market), we prove that our bounded learning policy achieves the fastest possible convergence rate of regret in terms of the frequency of market shifts. Thus, our policy performs well without relying on precise knowledge of the market transition structure.


题目:A Pareto Dominance Principle for Data-Driven Optimization


作者:Tobias Sutter, Bart P. G. Van Parys, Daniel Kuhn




We propose a statistically optimal approach to construct data-driven decisions for stochastic optimization problems. Fundamentally, a data-driven decision is simply a function that maps the available training data to a feasible action. It can always be expressed as the minimizer of a surrogate optimization model constructed from the data. The quality of a data-driven decision is measured by its out-of-sample risk. An additional quality measure is its out-of-sample disappointment, which we define as the probability that the out-of-sample risk exceeds the optimal value of the surrogate optimization model. The crux of data-driven optimization is that the data-generating probability measure is unknown. An ideal data-driven decision should therefore minimize the out-of-sample risk simultaneously with respect to every conceivable probability measure (and thus in particular with respect to the unknown true measure). Unfortunately, such ideal data-driven decisions are generally unavailable. This prompts us to seek data-driven decisions that minimize the in-sample risk subject to an upper bound on the out-of-sample disappointment—again simultaneously with respect to every conceivable probability measure. We prove that such Pareto dominant data-driven decisions exist under conditions that allow for interesting applications: The unknown data-generating probability measure must belong to a parametric ambiguity set, and the corresponding parameters must admit a sufficient statistic that satisfies a large deviation principle. If these conditions hold, we can further prove that the surrogate optimization model generating the optimal data-driven decision must be a distributionally robust optimization problem constructed from the sufficient statistic and the rate function of its large deviation principle. This shows that the optimal method for mapping data to decisions is, in a rigorous statistical sense, to solve a distributionally robust optimization model. Maybe surprisingly, this result holds irrespective of whether the original stochastic optimization problem is convex or not and holds even when the training data are not independent and identically distributed. As a byproduct, our analysis reveals how the structural properties of the data-generating stochastic process impact the shape of the ambiguity set underlying the optimal distributionally robust optimization model.





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