Weather Conditions
Sunny 晴朗
Cloudy 多云
Overcast 阴天
Partly Cloudy 局部多云
Clear 清晰
Foggy 雾
Misty 薄雾
Hazy 朦胧
Rainy 下雨
Showers 阵雨
Thunderstorms 雷暴
Lightning 闪电
Thunder 雷声
Drizzle 毛毛雨
Heavy Rain 大雨
Pouring 倾盆大雨
Snow 下雪
Snowflakes 雪花
Blizzard 暴风雪
Snowstorm 雪暴
Sleet 雨夹雪
Hail 冰雹
Frost 霜
Ice 冰
Windy 有风
Breezy 微风
Gusty 阵风
Stormy 暴风雨
Cyclone 气旋
Hurricane 飓风
Tornado 龙卷风
Typhoon 台风
Monsoon 季风
Drought 干旱
Flood 洪水
Tsunami 海啸
Earthquake 地震
Volcanic Eruption 火山爆发
Sandstorm 沙尘暴
Dust Storm 尘暴
Smog 烟雾
Air Quality 空气质量
Visibility 可见度
UV Index 紫外线指数
Pollen Count 花粉计数
Dew Point 露点
Barometric Pressure 气压
Cloud Cover 云量
Precipitation 降水
Lightning Storm 闪电风暴
Microburst 微下击暴流
Heatwave 热浪
Cold Snap 寒潮
Indian Summer 秋老虎
Whiteout 雪光反射
提示词 1:
A vivid depiction of a lightning storm, with bolts of lightning illuminating the night sky over a dark landscape.
提示词 2:
A serene snowstorm scene, with heavy snowflakes falling over a quiet forest, blanketing the trees in a layer of white.
提示词 3:
A dramatic scene of a sandstorm sweeping across a desert landscape, obscuring the sun and creating a mystic atmosphere.
提示词 4:
A calm morning with dew on the grass, showcasing a gentle sunrise that casts a warm glow over a peaceful meadow.