
  • 前言










default_task_config: {task_type: PIECEWISE_JERK_SPEED_OPTIMIZERpiecewise_jerk_speed_optimizer_config {acc_weight: 1.0jerk_weight: 3.0kappa_penalty_weight: 2000.0ref_s_weight: 10.0ref_v_weight: 10.0}



《Optimal Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Vehicles UnderCentripetal Acceleration Constraints for In-lane Driving Scenarios》


m i n i m i z e 1 2 ⋅ x T ⋅ H ⋅ x + f T ⋅ x s . t . L B ≤ x ≤ U B A e q x = b e q A x ≤ b minimize \frac{1}{2} \cdot x^T \cdot H \cdot x + f^T \cdot x \\ s.t. LB \leq x \leq UB \\ A_{eq}x = b_{eq} \\ Ax \leq b minimize21xTHx+fTxs.t.LBxUBAeqx=beqAxb




注意:速度规划的 s s s沿着轨迹的方向,路径规划的 s s s沿着参考线的方向。

在这里插入图片描述优化变量 x x x x x x有三个部分组成:从 s 0 s_0 s0, s 1 s_1 s1, s 2 s_2 s2 s n − 1 s_{n-1} sn1,从 s ˙ 0 \dot s_0 s˙0, s ˙ 1 \dot s_1 s˙1, s ˙ 2 \dot s_2 s˙2 s ˙ n − 1 \dot s_{n-1} s˙n1,从 s ¨ 0 \ddot s_0 s¨0, s ¨ 1 \ddot s_1 s¨1, s ¨ 2 \ddot s_2 s¨2 s ¨ n − 1 \ddot s_{n-1} s¨n1.
x = { s 0 , s 1 , … , s n − 1 , s 0 ˙ , s 1 ˙ , … , s n − 1 ˙ , s 0 ¨ , s 1 ¨ , … , s n − 1 ¨ } x=\{s_0,s_1,\ldots,s_{n-1},\dot{s_0},\dot{s_1},\ldots,\dot{s_{n-1}},\ddot{s_0},\ddot{s_1},\ldots,\ddot{s_{n-1}}\} x={s0,s1,,sn1,s0˙,s1˙,,sn1˙,s0¨,s1¨,,sn1¨}

ps:三阶导的求解方式为: s ′ ′ ′ = s ′ ′ i + 1 − s ′ ′ i Δ t s^{'''}=\frac{{{{s''}_{i + 1}} - {{s''}_i}}}{{\Delta t}} s′′′=Δts′′i+1s′′i



  • 尽可能贴合决策时制定的st曲线 ∣ s i − s i − r e f ∣ ↓ \left| {{s_i} - {s_{i - ref}}} \right| \downarrow sisiref
  • 确保舒适的体感,尽可能降低加速度/加加速度 ∣ s ¨ i + 1 ∣ ↓ \left| {{{\ddot s}_{i + 1}}} \right| \downarrow s¨i+1 ∣ s ′ ′ ′ i → i + 1 ∣ ↓ \left| {{{s'''}_{i \to i + 1}}} \right| \downarrow s′′′ii+1
  • 尽可能按照巡航速度行驶 ∣ s ˙ i − v r e f ∣ ↓ \left| {{{\dot s}_i} - {v_{ref}}} \right| \downarrow s˙ivref
  • 在转弯时减速行驶, 曲率越大,速度越小,减小向心加速度 ∣ s ˙ i 2 κ s i ∣ ↓ \left| \dot{s}_i^2\kappa_{s_i} \right| \downarrow s˙i2κsi
  • 末端惩罚项,使末端 s , v , a s,v,a s,v,a趋于预期

m i n f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w s ( s i − s i − r e f ) 2 + w v ( s ˙ i − v r e f ) 2 + w i s ˙ i 2 κ s i + w a s ¨ i 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 2 w j s ′ ′ ′ i → i + 1 2 + w e n d − s ( s n − 1 − s e n d ) 2 + w e n d − d s ( s n − 1 ˙ − s e n d ˙ ) 2 + w e n d − d d s ( s n − 1 ¨ − s e n d ¨ ) 2 \begin{aligned} minf&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_s(s_i-s_{i-ref})^2+w_v(\dot{s}_i-v_{ref})^2+w_i\dot{s}_i^2\kappa_{s_i}+w_a\ddot{s}_i^2+\sum_{i=0}^{n-2}w_j{s^{'''}}_{i \to i + 1}^2\\ & +w_{end-s}(s_{n-1}-s_{end})^2+w_{end-ds}(\dot{s_{n-1}}-\dot{s_{end}})^2+w_{end-dds}(\ddot{s_{n-1}}-\ddot{s_{end}})^2 \end{aligned} minf=i=0n1ws(sisiref)2+wv(s˙ivref)2+wis˙i2κsi+was¨i2+i=0n2wjs′′′ii+12+wends(sn1send)2+wendds(sn1˙send˙)2+wenddds(sn1¨send¨)2

w s w_s ws——位置的权重
w v w_v wv——速度的权重
w i w_i wi——曲率的权重
w a w_a wa——加速度的权重
w j w_j wj——加加速度的权重

m i n f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w s − r e f ( s i − s i − r e f ) 2 + w d s − r e f ( s ˙ i − s ˙ r e f ) 2 + p i s ˙ i 2 + w d d s s ¨ i 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 2 w d d d s s ′ ′ ′ i → i + 1 2 + w e n d − s ( s n − 1 − s e n d ) 2 + w e n d − d s ( s n − 1 ˙ − s e n d ˙ ) 2 + w e n d − d d s ( s n − 1 ¨ − s e n d ¨ ) 2 \begin{aligned} minf&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{s-ref}(s_i-s_{i-ref})^2+w_{ds-ref}(\dot{s}_i-\dot s_{ref})^2+p_i\dot{s}_i^2+w_{dds}\ddot{s}_i^2+\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}w_{ddds}{s^{'''}}_{i \to i + 1}^2\\ & +w_{end-s}(s_{n-1}-s_{end})^2+w_{end-ds}(\dot{s_{n-1}}-\dot{s_{end}})^2+w_{end-dds}(\ddot{s_{n-1}}-\ddot{s_{end}})^2 \end{aligned} minf=i=0n1wsref(sisiref)2+wdsref(s˙is˙ref)2+pis˙i2+wddss¨i2+i=0n2wdddss′′′ii+12+wends(sn1send)2+wendds(sn1˙send˙)2+wenddds(sn1¨send¨)2

注: p i p_i pi代表penalty,为曲率 κ \kappa κ与曲率的权重 w i w_i wi的乘积。

m i n f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w s − r e f ( s i − s i − r e f ) 2 + w e n d − s ( s n − 1 − s e n d ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d s − r e f ( s ˙ i − s ˙ r e f ) 2 + p i s ˙ i 2 + w e n d − d s ( s n − 1 ˙ − s e n d ˙ ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d d s s ¨ i 2 + w e n d − d d s ( s n − 1 ¨ − s e n d ¨ ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 2 w d d d s s ′ ′ ′ i → i + 1 2 \begin{aligned} minf&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{s-ref}(s_i-s_{i-ref})^2+w_{end-s}(s_{n-1}-s_{end})^2\\ &+\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{ds-ref}(\dot{s}_i-\dot s_{ref})^2+p_i\dot{s}_i^2+w_{end-ds}(\dot{s_{n-1}}-\dot{s_{end}})^2\\ &+\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{dds}\ddot{s}_i^2+w_{end-dds}(\ddot{s_{n-1}}-\ddot{s_{end}})^2\\ &+\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}w_{ddds}{s^{'''}}_{i \to i + 1}^2 \end{aligned} minf=i=0n1wsref(sisiref)2+wends(sn1send)2+i=0n1wdsref(s˙is˙ref)2+pis˙i2+wendds(sn1˙send˙)2+i=0n1wddss¨i2+wenddds(sn1¨send¨)2+i=0n2wdddss′′′ii+12

s ′ ′ ′ = s ′ ′ i + 1 − s ′ ′ i Δ t s^{'''}=\frac{{{{s''}_{i + 1}} - {{s''}_i}}}{{\Delta t}} s′′′=Δts′′i+1s′′i代入目标函数,
∑ i = 0 n − 2 ( s i ′ ′ ′ ) 2 = ( s 1 ′ ′ − s 0 ′ ′ Δ t ) 2 + ( s 2 ′ ′ − s 1 ′ ′ Δ t ) 2 + ⋯ + ( s n − 2 ′ ′ − s n − 3 ′ ′ Δ t ) 2 + ( s n − 1 ′ ′ − s n − 2 ′ ′ Δ t ) 2 = ( s 0 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 + 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 1 n − 2 ( s i ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 + ( s n − 1 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 − 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 0 n − 2 s i ′ ′ ⋅ s i + 1 ′ ′ Δ t 2 \begin{aligned} \sum_{\color{red}{i=0}}^{\color{red}{n-2}}(s_i^{\prime\prime\prime})^2& =\left(\frac{s_{1}^{\prime\prime}-s_{0}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t}\right)^2+\left(\frac{s_{2}^{\prime\prime}-s_{1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t}\right)^2+\cdots+\left(\frac{s_{n-2}^{\prime\prime}-s_{n-3}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t}\right)^2+\left(\frac{s_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}-s_{n-2}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t}\right)^2 \\ &=\frac{\left(s_0^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}+{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=1}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{\left(s_i^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}+\frac{\left(s_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}-{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{s_i^{\prime\prime}\cdot s_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t^2} \end{aligned} i=0n2(si′′′)2=(Δts1′′s0′′)2+(Δts2′′s1′′)2++(Δtsn2′′sn3′′)2+(Δtsn1′′sn2′′)2=Δt2(s0′′)2+2i=1n2Δt2(si′′)2+Δt2(sn1′′)22i=0n2Δt2si′′si+1′′

m i n f = ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w s − r e f ( s i − s i − r e f ) 2 + w e n d − s ( s n − 1 − s e n d ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d s − r e f ( s ˙ i − s ˙ r e f ) 2 + p i s ˙ i 2 + w e n d − d s ( s n − 1 ˙ − s e n d ˙ ) 2 + ∑ i = 0 n − 1 w d d s s ¨ i 2 + w e n d − d d s ( s n − 1 ¨ − s e n d ¨ ) 2 + w d d d s [ ( s 0 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 + 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 1 n − 2 ( s i ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 + ( s n − 1 ′ ′ ) 2 Δ t 2 − 2 ⋅ ∑ i = 0 n − 2 s i ′ ′ ⋅ s i + 1 ′ ′ Δ t 2 ] \begin{aligned} minf&=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{s-ref}(s_i-s_{i-ref})^2+w_{end-s}(s_{n-1}-s_{end})^2\\ &+\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{ds-ref}(\dot{s}_i-\dot s_{ref})^2+p_i\dot{s}_i^2+w_{end-ds}(\dot{s_{n-1}}-\dot{s_{end}})^2\\ &+\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}w_{dds}\ddot{s}_i^2+w_{end-dds}(\ddot{s_{n-1}}-\ddot{s_{end}})^2\\ &+w_{ddds}[\frac{\left(s_0^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}+{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=1}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{\left(s_i^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}+\frac{\left(s_{n-1}^{\prime\prime}\right)^2}{\Delta t^2}-{2}\cdot\sum_{\color{red}i=0}^{\color{red}n-2}\frac{s_i^{\prime\prime}\cdot s_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}}{\Delta t^2}] \end{aligned} minf=i=0n1wsref(sisiref)2+wends(sn1send)2+i=0n1wdsref(s˙is˙ref)2+pis˙i2+wendds(sn1˙send˙)2+i=0n1wddss¨i2+wenddds(sn1¨send¨)2+wddds[Δt2(s0′′)2+2i=1n2Δt2(si′′)2+Δt2(sn1′′)22i=0n2Δt2si′′si+1′′]


主车必须在道路边界内,同时不能和障碍物有碰撞 s i ∈ ( s min ⁡ i , s max ⁡ i ) {s_i} \in (s_{\min }^i,s_{\max }^i) si(smini,smaxi)根据当前状态,主车的横向速度/加速度/加加速度有特定运动学限制
s i ′ ∈ ( s m i n i ′ ( t ) , s m a x i ′ ( t ) ) , s i ′ ′ ∈ ( s m i n i ′ ′ ( t ) , s m a x i ′ ′ ( t ) ) , s i ′ ′ ′ ∈ ( s m i n i ′ ′ ′ ( t ) , s m a x i ′ ′ ′ ( t ) ) s_{i}^{\prime}\in\left(s_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime}(t),s_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime}(t)\right)\text{,}s_{i}^{\prime\prime}\in\left(s_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime}(t),s_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime}(t)\right)\text{,}s_{i}^{\prime\prime\prime}\in\left(s_{min}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime\prime}(t),s_{max}^{i}{}^{\prime\prime\prime}(t)\right) si(smini(t),smaxi(t)),si′′(smini′′(t),smaxi′′(t)),si′′′(smini′′′(t),smaxi′′′(t))
s i + 1 ′ ′ = s i ′ ′ + ∫ 0 Δ t s i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ d t = s i ′ ′ + s i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ t s i + 1 ′ = s i ′ + ∫ 0 Δ t s ′ ′ ( t ) d t = s i ′ + s i ′ ′ ∗ Δ t + 1 2 ∗ s i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ t 2 = s i ′ + 1 2 ∗ s i ′ ′ ∗ Δ t + 1 2 ∗ s i + 1 ′ ′ ∗ Δ t s i + 1 = s i + ∫ 0 Δ t s ′ ( t ) d t = s i + s i ′ ∗ Δ t + 1 2 ∗ s i ′ ′ ∗ Δ t 2 + 1 6 ∗ s i → i + 1 ′ ′ ′ ∗ Δ t 3 = s i + s i ′ ∗ Δ t + 1 3 ∗ s i ′ ′ ∗ Δ t 2 + 1 6 ∗ s i + 1 ′ ′ ∗ Δ t 2 \begin{aligned} s_{i+1}^{\prime\prime} &=s_i''+\int_0^{\Delta t}s_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}dt=s_i''+s_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta t \\ s_{i+1}^{\prime} &=s_i^{\prime}+\int_0^{\Delta t}\boldsymbol{s''}(t)dt=s_i^{\prime}+s_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t+\frac12*s_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta t^2 \\ &= s_i^{\prime}+\frac12*s_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t+\frac12*s_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t\\ s_{i+1} &=s_i+\int_0^{\Delta t}\boldsymbol{s'}(t)dt \\ &=s_i+s_i^{\prime}*\Delta t+\frac12*s_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t^2+\frac16*s_{i\to i+1}^{\prime\prime\prime}*\Delta t^3\\ &=s_i+s_i^{\prime}*\Delta t+\frac13*s_i^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t^2+\frac16*s_{i+1}^{\prime\prime}*\Delta t^2 \end{aligned} si+1′′si+1si+1=si′′+0Δtsii+1′′′dt=si′′+sii+1′′′Δt=si+0Δts′′(t)dt=si+si′′Δt+21sii+1′′′Δt2=si+21si′′Δt+21si+1′′Δt=si+0Δts(t)dt=si+siΔt+21si′′Δt2+61sii+1′′′Δt3=si+siΔt+31si′′Δt2+61si+1′′Δt2

起点约束 s 0 = s i n i t s_0=s_{init} s0=sinit, s ˙ 0 = s i n i t \dot s_0=s_{init} s˙0=sinit, s ¨ 0 = s i n i t \ddot s_0=s_{init} s¨0=sinit满足的是起点的约束,即为实际车辆规划起点的状态。

可以看到和路径规划部分的约束条件基本一致,因此在约束矩阵 A A A部分,路径规划和速度规划矩阵一致,不用再次编写。




  // 分段加加速度速度优化算法PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem piecewise_jerk_problem(num_of_knots, delta_t,init_s);


  // Solve the problemif (!piecewise_jerk_problem.Optimize()) {const std::string msg = "Piecewise jerk speed optimizer failed!";AERROR << msg;speed_data->clear();return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);}


速度规划部分约束矩阵 A A A, u p p e r b o u n d upperbound upperbound, l o w e r b o u n d lowerbound lowerbound均和路径规划部分一致:
l b = [ s l b [ 0 ] ⋮ s l b [ n − 1 ] s ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋮ s ′ l b [ n − 1 ] s ′ ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋮ s ′ ′ l b [ n − 1 ] s ′ ′ ′ l b [ 0 ] ⋅ Δ t ⋮ s ′ ′ ′ l b [ n − 2 ] ⋅ Δ t 0 ⋮ 0 s i n i t s ′ i n i t s ′ ′ i n i t ] , u b = [ s u b [ 0 ] ⋮ s u b [ n − 1 ] s ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋮ s ′ u b [ n − 1 ] s ′ ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋮ s ′ ′ u b [ n − 1 ] s ′ ′ ′ u b [ 0 ] ⋅ Δ t ⋮ s ′ ′ ′ u b [ n − 2 ] ⋅ Δ t 0 ⋮ 0 s i n i t s ′ i n i t s ′ ′ i n i t ] lb = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{s_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{s_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s'}_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{s'}_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s''}_{lb}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{s''}_{lb}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s'''}_{lb}}[0] \cdot \Delta t}\\ \vdots \\{{{s'''}_{lb}}[n - 2] \cdot \Delta t}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{{s_{init}}}\\{{{s'}_{init}}}\\{{{s''}_{init}}}\end{array}} \right],ub = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{s_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{s_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s'}_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{s'}_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s''}_{ub}}[0]}\\ \vdots \\{{{s''}_{ub}}[n - 1]}\\{{{s'''}_{ub}}[0] \cdot \Delta t}\\ \vdots \\{{{s'''}_{ub}}[n - 2] \cdot \Delta t}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{{s_{init}}}\\{{{s'}_{init}}}\\{{{s''}_{init}}}\end{array}} \right] lb= slb[0]slb[n1]slb[0]slb[n1]s′′lb[0]s′′lb[n1]s′′′lb[0]Δts′′′lb[n2]Δt00sinitsinits′′init ,ub= sub[0]sub[n1]sub[0]sub[n1]s′′ub[0]s′′ub[n1]s′′′ub[0]Δts′′′ub[n2]Δt00sinitsinits′′init

A = [ 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − Δ t 2 − Δ t 2 ⋱ ⋱ − Δ t 2 − Δ t 2 − 1 1 ⋱ ⋱ − 1 1 − Δ t ⋱ − Δ t − Δ t 2 3 − Δ t 2 6 ⋱ ⋱ − Δ t 2 3 − Δ t 2 6 1 1 1 ] A = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}&{}&{}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}&{}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &0\\0& \cdots &0&1\end{array}}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta t}}{2}}\end{array}}\\{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 1}&1&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - 1}&1\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \Delta t}&{}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots &{}&{}\\{}&{}&{ - \Delta t}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - \frac{{\Delta {t^2}}}{3}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {t^2}}}{6}}&{}&{}\\{}& \ddots & \ddots &{}\\{}&{}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {t^2}}}{3}}&{ - \frac{{\Delta {t^2}}}{6}}\end{array}}\\{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}1&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{}&{}&{}&{}\\1&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{}&{}&{}&{}\\{}&{}&{}&{}\\1&{}&{}&{}\end{array}}\end{array}} \right] A= 1000000111111100000011111ΔtΔt11000000111112Δt2Δt2Δt2Δt3Δt26Δt23Δt26Δt21

不同之处在于二次项系数矩阵 H H H与一次项系数向量 q q q

二次项系数矩阵 H H H

H = 2 ⋅ [ w s − r e f 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ w s − r e f 0 0 ⋯ 0 w s − r e f + w e n d − s w d s − r e f + p 0 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ w d s − r e f + p n − 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 w d s − r e f + p n − 1 + w e n d − s w d d s + w d d d s Δ t 2 0 ⋯ ⋯ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d s Δ t 2 w d d s + 2 ⋅ w d d d s Δ t 2 ⋮ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d s Δ t 2 ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ w d d s + 2 ⋅ w d d d s Δ t 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 − 2 ⋅ w d d d s Δ t 2 w d d s + w d d d s Δ t 2 + w e n d − d d s ] H = 2 \cdot \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_{s - ref}}}&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}&{{w_{s - ref}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{{w_{s - ref}} + {w_{end - s}}}\end{array}}&{}&{}\\{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_{ds - ref}} + {p_0}}&0& \cdots &0\\0& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}&{{w_{ds - ref}} + {p_{n - 2}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{{w_{ds - ref}} + {p_{n - 1}} + {w_{end - s}}}\end{array}}&{}\\{}&{}&{\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{{w_{dds}} + \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}&0& \cdots & \cdots &0\\{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}&{{w_{dds}} + 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}&{}&{}& \vdots \\0&{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}& \ddots &{}& \vdots \\ \vdots &{}& \ddots &{{w_{dds}} + 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}&0\\0& \cdots &0&{ - 2 \cdot \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}}}&{{w_{dds}} + \frac{{{w_{ddds}}}}{{\Delta {t^2}}} + {w_{end - dds}}}\end{array}}\end{array}} \right] H=2 wsref000wsref000wsref+wendswdsref+p0000wdsref+pn2000wdsref+pn1+wendswdds+Δt2wddds2Δt2wddds000wdds+2Δt2wddds2Δt2wddds0wdds+2Δt2wddds2Δt2wddds00wdds+Δt2wddds+wenddds

void PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem::CalculateKernel(std::vector<c_float>* P_data,std::vector<c_int>* P_indices,std::vector<c_int>* P_indptr) {const int n = static_cast<int>(num_of_knots_);const int kNumParam = 3 * n;const int kNumValue = 4 * n - 1;std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<c_int, c_float>>> columns;columns.resize(kNumParam);int value_index = 0;// x(i)^2 * w_x_reffor (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {columns[i].emplace_back(i, weight_x_ref_ / (scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[0]));++value_index;}// x(n-1)^2 * (w_x_ref + w_end_x)columns[n - 1].emplace_back(n - 1, (weight_x_ref_ + weight_end_state_[0]) /(scale_factor_[0] * scale_factor_[0]));++value_index;// x(i)'^2 * (w_dx_ref + penalty_dx)for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {columns[n + i].emplace_back(n + i,(weight_dx_ref_ + penalty_dx_[i]) /(scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[1]));++value_index;}// x(n-1)'^2 * (w_dx_ref + penalty_dx + w_end_dx)columns[2 * n - 1].emplace_back(2 * n - 1, (weight_dx_ref_ + penalty_dx_[n - 1] + weight_end_state_[1]) /(scale_factor_[1] * scale_factor_[1]));++value_index;auto delta_s_square = delta_s_ * delta_s_;// x(i)''^2 * (w_ddx + 2 * w_dddx / delta_s^2)columns[2 * n].emplace_back(2 * n,(weight_ddx_ + weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square) /(scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));++value_index;for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; ++i) {columns[2 * n + i].emplace_back(2 * n + i, (weight_ddx_ + 2.0 * weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square) /(scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));++value_index;}columns[3 * n - 1].emplace_back(3 * n - 1,(weight_ddx_ + weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square + weight_end_state_[2]) /(scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));++value_index;// -2 * w_dddx / delta_s^2 * x(i)'' * x(i + 1)''for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {columns[2 * n + i].emplace_back(2 * n + i + 1,-2.0 * weight_dddx_ / delta_s_square /(scale_factor_[2] * scale_factor_[2]));++value_index;}CHECK_EQ(value_index, kNumValue);int ind_p = 0;for (int i = 0; i < kNumParam; ++i) {P_indptr->push_back(ind_p);for (const auto& row_data_pair : columns[i]) {P_data->push_back(row_data_pair.second * 2.0);P_indices->push_back(row_data_pair.first);++ind_p;}}P_indptr->push_back(ind_p);

一次项系数向量 q q q

q = [ − 2 ⋅ w s − r e f ⋅ s 0 − r e f ⋮ − 2 ⋅ w s − r e f ⋅ s ( n − 2 ) − r e f − 2 ⋅ w s − r e f ⋅ s ( n − 1 ) − r e f − 2 ⋅ w e n d − s ⋅ s e n d − 2 ⋅ w d s − r e f ⋅ s ˙ r e f ⋮ − 2 ⋅ w d s − r e f ⋅ s ˙ r e f − 2 ⋅ w e n d − d s ⋅ s ¨ e n d − 2 ⋅ w d s − r e f ⋅ s ˙ r e f 0 ⋮ 0 − 2 ⋅ w e n d − d d s ⋅ s ¨ e n d ] q = \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{ - 2 \cdot {w_{s - ref}} \cdot {s_{0 - ref}}}\\ \vdots \\{ - 2 \cdot {w_{s - ref}} \cdot {s_{(n - 2) - ref}}}\\{ - 2 \cdot {w_{s - ref}} \cdot {s_{(n - 1) - ref}} - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - s}} \cdot {s_{end }}}\\- 2 \cdot {w_{ds - ref}} \cdot {\dot s_{ref}}\\ \vdots \\- 2 \cdot {w_{ds - ref}} \cdot {\dot s_{ref}}\\{ - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - ds}} \cdot {\ddot s_{end}}}- 2 \cdot {w_{ds - ref}} \cdot {\dot s_{ref}}\\0\\ \vdots \\0\\{ - {\rm{2}} \cdot {w_{end - dds}} \cdot {\ddot s_{end }}}\end{array}} \right] q= 2wsrefs0ref2wsrefs(n2)ref2wsrefs(n1)ref2wendssend2wdsrefs˙ref2wdsrefs˙ref2wenddss¨end2wdsrefs˙ref002wendddss¨end

void PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem::CalculateOffset(std::vector<c_float>* q) {CHECK_NOTNULL(q);const int n = static_cast<int>(num_of_knots_);const int kNumParam = 3 * n;q->resize(kNumParam);for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {if (has_x_ref_) {q->at(i) += -2.0 * weight_x_ref_ * x_ref_[i] / scale_factor_[0];}if (has_dx_ref_) {q->at(n + i) += -2.0 * weight_dx_ref_ * dx_ref_ / scale_factor_[1];}}if (has_end_state_ref_) {q->at(n - 1) +=-2.0 * weight_end_state_[0] * end_state_ref_[0] / scale_factor_[0];q->at(2 * n - 1) +=-2.0 * weight_end_state_[1] * end_state_ref_[1] / scale_factor_[1];q->at(3 * n - 1) +=-2.0 * weight_end_state_[2] * end_state_ref_[2] / scale_factor_[2];}


OSQPSettings* PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem::SolverDefaultSettings() {// Define Solver default settingsOSQPSettings* settings =reinterpret_cast<OSQPSettings*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPSettings)));osqp_set_default_settings(settings);settings->eps_abs = 1e-4;settings->eps_rel = 1e-4;settings->eps_prim_inf = 1e-5;settings->eps_dual_inf = 1e-5;settings->polish = true;settings->verbose = FLAGS_enable_osqp_debug;settings->scaled_termination = true;return settings;



  1. 判断是否抵达终点,如果抵达终点,直接return。
  2. 检查路径是否为空
  3. 设置相关参数
  4. 更新STBoundary
  5. 更新速度边界和参考s
  6. 速度优化
  7. 输出


  • const PathData& path_data,
  • const SpeedData& speed_data,
  • const common::TrajectoryPoint& init_point.

得到最优的速度,信息包括 o p t _ s , o p t _ d s , o p t _ d d s opt\_s,opt\_ds,opt\_dds opt_s,opt_ds,opt_dds。在Process函数中最终结果保存到了speed_data中。


  StGraphData& st_graph_data = *reference_line_info_->mutable_st_graph_data();const auto& veh_param =common::VehicleConfigHelper::GetConfig().vehicle_param();// 起始点(s,v,a)std::array<double, 3> init_s = {0.0, st_graph_data.init_point().v(),st_graph_data.init_point().a()};double delta_t = 0.1;double total_length = st_graph_data.path_length();double total_time = st_graph_data.total_time_by_conf();int num_of_knots = static_cast<int>(total_time / delta_t) + 1;// 分段加加速度速度优化算法PiecewiseJerkSpeedProblem piecewise_jerk_problem(num_of_knots, delta_t,init_s);// 设置相关参数const auto& config = config_.piecewise_jerk_speed_optimizer_config();piecewise_jerk_problem.set_weight_ddx(config.acc_weight());piecewise_jerk_problem.set_weight_dddx(config.jerk_weight());piecewise_jerk_problem.set_x_bounds(0.0, total_length);piecewise_jerk_problem.set_dx_bounds(0.0, std::fmax(FLAGS_planning_upper_speed_limit,st_graph_data.init_point().v()));piecewise_jerk_problem.set_ddx_bounds(veh_param.max_deceleration(),veh_param.max_acceleration());piecewise_jerk_problem.set_dddx_bound(FLAGS_longitudinal_jerk_lower_bound,FLAGS_longitudinal_jerk_upper_bound);piecewise_jerk_problem.set_dx_ref(config.ref_v_weight(),reference_line_info_->GetCruiseSpeed());

可以看到,在速度规划方面, s s s的约束为 0 ≤ s ≤ p a t h l e n g t h 0\leq s \leq pathlength 0spathlength,此时还未考虑ST boundary; s ˙ \dot s s˙的约束为 0 ≤ s ˙ ≤ v m a x 0\leq \dot s \leq v_{max} 0s˙vmax v m a x v_{max} vmax选出FLAGS_planning_upper_speed_limit和起始点速度之中最大的一个; s ¨ \ddot s s¨的约束为 a d e c − m a x ≤ s ¨ ≤ a a c c − m a x a_{dec-max}\leq \ddot s \leq a_{acc-max} adecmaxs¨aaccmax,即在最大减速度和最大加速度范围内; s ′ ′ ′ s^{'''} s′′′的约束为 s l b ′ ′ ′ ≤ s ′ ′ ′ ≤ s u b ′ ′ ′ s^{'''}_{lb}\leq s^{'''} \leq s^{'''}_{ub} slb′′′s′′′sub′′′ j e r k jerk jerk的约束由FLAGS_longitudinal_jerk_lower_boundFLAGS_longitudinal_jerk_upper_bound两个参数决定; s ˙ r e f \dot s_{ref} s˙ref参考速度取决于当前路径的巡航速度。


遍历每个点,根据不同障碍物类型,更新STBoundary 。

  // Update STBoundarystd::vector<std::pair<double, double>> s_bounds;for (int i = 0; i < num_of_knots; ++i) {double curr_t = i * delta_t;double s_lower_bound = 0.0;double s_upper_bound = total_length;for (const STBoundary* boundary : st_graph_data.st_boundaries()) {double s_lower = 0.0;double s_upper = 0.0;if (!boundary->GetUnblockSRange(curr_t, &s_upper, &s_lower)) {continue;}switch (boundary->boundary_type()) {case STBoundary::BoundaryType::STOP:case STBoundary::BoundaryType::YIELD:s_upper_bound = std::fmin(s_upper_bound, s_upper);break;case STBoundary::BoundaryType::FOLLOW:// TODO(Hongyi): unify follow buffer on decision sides_upper_bound = std::fmin(s_upper_bound, s_upper - 8.0);break;case STBoundary::BoundaryType::OVERTAKE:s_lower_bound = std::fmax(s_lower_bound, s_lower);break;default:break;}}if (s_lower_bound > s_upper_bound) {const std::string msg ="s_lower_bound larger than s_upper_bound on STGraph";AERROR << msg;speed_data->clear();return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);}s_bounds.emplace_back(s_lower_bound, s_upper_bound);}piecewise_jerk_problem.set_x_bounds(std::move(s_bounds));


bool STBoundary::GetUnblockSRange(const double curr_time, double* s_upper,double* s_lower) const {CHECK_NOTNULL(s_upper);CHECK_NOTNULL(s_lower);// FLAGS_speed_lon_decision_horizon: Longitudinal horizon for speed decision making (meter) 200m;*s_upper = FLAGS_speed_lon_decision_horizon;*s_lower = 0.0;// 若不在boundary的范围内,说明未被阻塞if (curr_time < min_t_ || curr_time > max_t_) {return true;}size_t left = 0;size_t right = 0;// Given time t, find a segment denoted by left and right idx, that contains the time t. // - If t is less than all or larger than all, return false.if (!GetIndexRange(lower_points_, curr_time, &left, &right)) {AERROR << "Fail to get index range.";return false;}if (curr_time > upper_points_[right].t()) {return true;}// 求出curr_time在segment中所占比例const double r =(left == right? 0.0: (curr_time - upper_points_[left].t()) /(upper_points_[right].t() - upper_points_[left].t()));// 线性插值double upper_cross_s =upper_points_[left].s() +r * (upper_points_[right].s() - upper_points_[left].s());double lower_cross_s =lower_points_[left].s() +r * (lower_points_[right].s() - lower_points_[left].s());// 根据障碍物类型,更新s_upper或s_lowerif (boundary_type_ == BoundaryType::STOP ||boundary_type_ == BoundaryType::YIELD ||boundary_type_ == BoundaryType::FOLLOW) {*s_upper = lower_cross_s;} else if (boundary_type_ == BoundaryType::OVERTAKE) {*s_lower = std::fmax(*s_lower, upper_cross_s);} else {ADEBUG << "boundary_type is not supported. boundary_type: "<< static_cast<int>(boundary_type_);return false;}return true;


  // Update SpeedBoundary and ref_sstd::vector<double> x_ref;std::vector<double> penalty_dx;std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> s_dot_bounds;const SpeedLimit& speed_limit = st_graph_data.speed_limit();for (int i = 0; i < num_of_knots; ++i) {double curr_t = i * delta_t;// get path_sSpeedPoint sp;reference_speed_data.EvaluateByTime(curr_t, &sp);const double path_s = sp.s();x_ref.emplace_back(path_s);// get curvaturePathPoint path_point = path_data.GetPathPointWithPathS(path_s);penalty_dx.push_back(std::fabs(path_point.kappa()) *config.kappa_penalty_weight());// get v_upper_boundconst double v_lower_bound = 0.0;double v_upper_bound = FLAGS_planning_upper_speed_limit;v_upper_bound = speed_limit.GetSpeedLimitByS(path_s);s_dot_bounds.emplace_back(v_lower_bound, std::fmax(v_upper_bound, 0.0));}piecewise_jerk_problem.set_x_ref(config.ref_s_weight(), std::move(x_ref));piecewise_jerk_problem.set_penalty_dx(penalty_dx);piecewise_jerk_problem.set_dx_bounds(std::move(s_dot_bounds));


  // Solve the problemif (!piecewise_jerk_problem.Optimize()) {const std::string msg = "Piecewise jerk speed optimizer failed!";AERROR << msg;speed_data->clear();return Status(ErrorCode::PLANNING_ERROR, msg);}


  // Extract outputconst std::vector<double>& s = piecewise_jerk_problem.opt_x();const std::vector<double>& ds = piecewise_jerk_problem.opt_dx();const std::vector<double>& dds = piecewise_jerk_problem.opt_ddx();for (int i = 0; i < num_of_knots; ++i) {ADEBUG << "For t[" << i * delta_t << "], s = " << s[i] << ", v = " << ds[i]<< ", a = " << dds[i];}speed_data->clear();speed_data->AppendSpeedPoint(s[0], 0.0, ds[0], dds[0], 0.0);for (int i = 1; i < num_of_knots; ++i) {// Avoid the very last points when already stoppedif (ds[i] <= 0.0) {break;}speed_data->AppendSpeedPoint(s[i], delta_t * i, ds[i], dds[i],(dds[i] - dds[i - 1]) / delta_t);}SpeedProfileGenerator::FillEnoughSpeedPoints(speed_data);RecordDebugInfo(*speed_data, st_graph_data.mutable_st_graph_debug());return Status::OK();




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WorldCoin 运营数据,业务安全分析

WorldCoin 运营数据&#xff0c;业务安全分析 Worldcoin 的白皮书中声明&#xff0c;Worldcoin 旨在构建一个连接全球人类的新型数字经济系统&#xff0c;由 OpenAI 创始人 Sam Altman 于 2020 年发起。通过区块链技术在 Web3 世界中实现更加公平、开放和包容的经济体系&#…

Python小知识 - 【Python】如何使用Pytorch构建机器学习模型

【Python】如何使用Pytorch构建机器学习模型 机器学习是人工智能的一个分支&#xff0c;它的任务是在已有的数据集上学习&#xff0c;最终得到一个能够解决新问题的模型。Pytorch是一个开源的机器学习框架&#xff0c;它可以让我们用更少的代码构建模型&#xff0c;并且可以让模…