
  • 基于OpenCV灰度图像转GCode的双向扫描实现
    • 引言
    • 激光雕刻简介
    • OpenCV简介
    • 实现步骤
      • 1.导入必要的库
      • 2. 读取灰度图像
      • 3. 图像预处理
      • 4. 生成GCode
        • 1. 简化版的双向扫描
        • 2. 优化版的双向扫描
      • 5. 保存生成的GCode
      • 6. 灰度图像双向扫描代码示例
    • 总结


  • ⭐深入理解G0和G1指令:C++中的实现与激光雕刻应用
  • ⭐基于二值化图像转GCode的单向扫描实现
  • ⭐基于二值化图像转GCode的双向扫描实现
  • ⭐基于二值化图像转GCode的斜向扫描实现
  • ⭐基于二值化图像转GCode的螺旋扫描实现
  • ⭐基于OpenCV灰度图像转GCode的单向扫描实现
  • ⭐基于OpenCV灰度图像转GCode的双向扫描实现
  • 基于OpenCV灰度图像转GCode的斜向扫描实现
  • 基于OpenCV灰度图像转GCode的螺旋扫描实现













# 指向 OpenCV cmake 目录
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "~/opencv/build/x64/vc16/lib")find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

把上述内容添加到 cmake 中,此时我们已经可以在 C++ 中使用 OpenCV 库

2. 读取灰度图像


cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(R"(~/ImageToGCode/image/tigger.jpg)", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

确保替换 ~/ImageToGCode/image/tigger.jpg 为你自己的图像文件路径。

3. 图像预处理


cv::flip(mat, mat, 0);

4. 生成GCode


1. 简化版的双向扫描


cv::Mat image;
cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));
for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {bool isEven = !(y & 1);int start   = isEven ? 0 : image.cols - 1;int end     = isEven ? image.cols : -1;int step    = isEven ? 1 : -1;command.emplace_back(G0 {std::nullopt, y / resolution, std::nullopt});for(int x = start; x != end; x += step) {if(auto const pixel = image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x); pixel == 255) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt});} else {auto power = static_cast<int>((1.0 - static_cast<double>(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, std::nullopt, power));}}


2. 优化版的双向扫描


cv::Mat image;
cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));bool leftToRight {false};
bool rightToLeft {false};for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {bool isEven = !(y & 1);int start   = isEven ? 0 : image.cols - 1;int end     = isEven ? image.cols : -1;int step    = isEven ? 1 : -1;for(int x = start; x != end; x += step) {if(auto const pixel = image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x); pixel == 255) {// 偶数从左到右扫描// 奇数从右到左扫描if(isEven) {// 从左到右寻找连续的G0// |----->int length {0};while(++x < end && image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x) == 255) {length++;}--x;// 使用 do{}while(false) 结构,最后统一判断是否会更好// findif(length) {// 起点存在连续G0if(x - length == 0) {// 此时需要把奇数行延迟的Y轴移动进行上移操作if(rightToLeft) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));rightToLeft = false;} else {// 偶数从左到右在起点永远不会向上移动,所以这里不需要 ycommand.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt});}continue;}// 终点存在连续G0if(x == image.cols - 1) {// 终点需要向上移动,但这个移动我们放在奇数行处理,所以这里只需要做好标记即可。leftToRight = true;command.emplace_back(G0((x - length) / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));continue;}// 中间段存在连续从左到右方向的G0// 中间段不需要向上移动command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));} else {// 没有找到连续的G0// 终点唯一的G0,需要向上移动,这里做标记放到奇数行移动。if(x == image.cols - 1) {leftToRight = true;} else if(x == start) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));rightToLeft = false;continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}} else {// <-----|// 从右到左寻找连续的G0 此时起点在右边,终点在左边int length {0};while(--x > end && image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x) == 255) {length++;}++x;if(length) {// 起点存在连续的G0if(x + length == start) {// 此时需要把偶数行延迟的Y轴移动进行上移操作if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));leftToRight = false;} else {// 标记command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}continue;}// 终点存在连续的G0if(x == 0) {rightToLeft = true;continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));} else {// 没有找到连续的G0// 终点需要向上移动if(x == 0) {rightToLeft = true;} else if(x == start) {// 起点也需要处理上一行的y轴移动if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));leftToRight = false;}continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}}} else {auto power = static_cast<int>((1.0 - static_cast<double>(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);// 处理G1 开头和结尾情况if(isEven) {// 从左到右if(x == start) {if(rightToLeft) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, y / resolution, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000rightToLeft = false;continue;}} else if(x == image.cols - 1) {// 终点需要标记leftToRight = true;}command.emplace_back(G1 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000} else {// 从右到左if(x == start) {if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, y / resolution, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000leftToRight = false;continue;}} else if(x == 0) {// 终点需要标记rightToLeft = true;}command.emplace_back(G1 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000}}  // end if G0}      // end for x
}          // end for y


5. 保存生成的GCode


std::fstream file;
file.open(fileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
if(!file.is_open()) {return;
for(auto &&v: command | std::views::transform([](auto item) { return item += "\n"; })) {file.write(v.c_str(), v.length());

确保替换 ‘fileName’ 为你自己想要保存的文件路径。

6. 灰度图像双向扫描代码示例

#pragma once
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <print>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>struct G0 {std::optional<float> x, y;std::optional<int> s;std::string toString() {std::string command = "G0";if(x.has_value()) {command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());}if(y.has_value()) {command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());}if(s.has_value()) {command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());}return command;}explicit  operator std::string() const {std::string command = "G0";if(x.has_value()) {command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());}if(y.has_value()) {command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());}if(s.has_value()) {command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());}return command;}
};struct G1 {std::optional<float> x, y;std::optional<int> s;std::string toString() {std::string command = "G1";if(x.has_value()) {command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());}if(y.has_value()) {command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());}if(s.has_value()) {command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());}return command;}explicit operator std::string() const {std::string command = "G1";if(x.has_value()) {command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());}if(y.has_value()) {command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());}if(s.has_value()) {command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());}return command;}
};class ImageToGCode
public:// 激光模式enum class LaserMode {Cutting,    // 切割 M3 Constant PowerEngraving,  // 雕刻 M4 Dynamic Power};// 扫描方式enum class ScanMode {Unidirection,  // 单向Bidirection,   // 双向Diagonal,      // 斜向Spiral,        // 螺旋Block,         // 分块 根据像素的灰度级别进行扫描,例如255像素分8个级别,那么0-32就是一个级别,32-64就是另外一个级别,以此类推。// (Block scanning is performed based on the gray level of the pixels. For example, 255 pixels are divided into 8 levels, then 0-32 is one level, 32-64 is another level, and so on.)};struct kEnumToStringLaserMode {constexpr std::string_view operator[](const LaserMode mode) const noexcept {switch(mode) {case LaserMode::Cutting: return "M3";case LaserMode::Engraving: return "M4";}return {};}constexpr LaserMode operator[](const std::string_view mode) const noexcept {if(mode.compare("M3")) {return LaserMode::Cutting;}if(mode.compare("M4")) {return LaserMode::Engraving;}return {};}};ImageToGCode() = default;~ImageToGCode() = default;auto &setInputImage(const cv::Mat &mat) {this->mat = mat;return *this;}auto &setOutputTragetSize(double width, double height, double resolution = 10.0 /* lin/mm */) {this->width      = width;this->height     = height;this->resolution = resolution;return *this;}auto &builder() {command.clear();try {matToGCode();} catch(cv::Exception &e) {std::println("cv Exception {}", e.what());}std::vector<std::string> header;header.emplace_back("G17G21G90G54");                                                 // XY平面;单位毫米;绝对坐标模式;选择G54坐标系(XY plane; unit mm; absolute coordinate mode; select G54 coordinate system)header.emplace_back(std::format("F{:d}", 30000));                                // 移动速度 毫米/每分钟(Moving speed mm/min)header.emplace_back(std::format("G0 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}", 0.f, 0.f));                // 设置工作起点及偏移(Set the starting point and offset of the work)header.emplace_back(std::format("{} S0", kEnumToStringLaserMode()[laserMode]));  // 激光模式(laser mode)if(airPump.has_value()) {header.emplace_back(std::format("M16 S{:d}", 300));  // 打开气泵(Turn on the air pump)}std::vector<std::string> footer;footer.emplace_back("M5");if(airPump.has_value()) {footer.emplace_back("M9");  // 关闭气泵,保持 S300 功率(Turn off air pump and maintain S300 power)}command.insert_range(command.begin(), header);command.append_range(footer);return *this;}bool exportGCode(const std::string &fileName) {std::fstream file;file.open(fileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);if(!file.is_open()) {return false;}for(auto &&v: command | std::views::transform([](auto item) { return item += "\n"; })) {file.write(v.c_str(), v.length());}return true;}auto setLaserMode(LaserMode mode) {laserMode = mode;return *this;}auto setScanMode(ScanMode mode) {scanMode = mode;return *this;}private:void matToGCode() {assert(mat.channels() == 1);assert(std::isgreaterequal(resolution, 1e-5f));assert(!((width * resolution < 1.0) || (height * resolution < 1.0)));// different conversion strategy functions are called herebidirectionOptStrategy();}// 双向扫描// Bidirectional scanningvoid bidirectionStrategy() {cv::Mat image;cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {bool isEven = !(y & 1);int start   = isEven ? 0 : image.cols - 1;int end     = isEven ? image.cols : -1;int step    = isEven ? 1 : -1;command.emplace_back(G0 {std::nullopt, y / resolution, std::nullopt});for(int x = start; x != end; x += step) {if(auto const pixel = image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x); pixel == 255) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt});} else {auto power = static_cast<int>((1.0 - static_cast<double>(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, std::nullopt, power));}}}}// 双向扫描优化// Bidirectional scanning optimizationvoid bidirectionOptStrategy() {cv::Mat image;cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));bool leftToRight {false};bool rightToLeft {false};// 可以使用 C++ 迭代器查找距离// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/advance// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/prevfor(int y = 0; y < image.rows; ++y) {bool isEven = !(y & 1);int start   = isEven ? 0 : image.cols - 1;int end     = isEven ? image.cols : -1;int step    = isEven ? 1 : -1;for(int x = start; x != end; x += step) {if(auto const pixel = image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x); pixel == 255) {// 偶数从左到右扫描// 奇数从右到左扫描if(isEven) {// 从左到右寻找连续的G0// |----->int length {0};while(++x < end && image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x) == 255) {length++;}--x;// 使用 do{}while(false) 结构,最后统一判断是否会更好// findif(length) {// 起点存在连续G0if(x - length == 0) {// 此时需要把奇数行延迟的Y轴移动进行上移操作if(rightToLeft) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));rightToLeft = false;} else {// 偶数从左到右在起点永远不会向上移动,所以这里不需要 ycommand.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt});}continue;}// 终点存在连续G0if(x == image.cols - 1) {// 终点需要向上移动,但这个移动我们放在奇数行处理,所以这里只需要做好标记即可。leftToRight = true;command.emplace_back(G0((x - length) / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));continue;}// 中间段存在连续从左到右方向的G0// 中间段不需要向上移动command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));} else {// 没有找到连续的G0// 终点唯一的G0,需要向上移动,这里做标记放到奇数行移动。if(x == image.cols - 1) {leftToRight = true;} else if(x == start) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));rightToLeft = false;continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}} else {// <-----|// 从右到左寻找连续的G0 此时起点在右边,终点在左边int length {0};while(--x > end && image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x) == 255) {length++;}++x;if(length) {// 起点存在连续的G0if(x + length == start) {// 此时需要把偶数行延迟的Y轴移动进行上移操作if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));leftToRight = false;} else {// 标记command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}continue;}// 终点存在连续的G0if(x == 0) {rightToLeft = true;;continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));} else {// 没有找到连续的G0// 终点需要向上移动if(x == 0) {rightToLeft = true;} else if(x == start) {// 起点也需要处理上一行的y轴移动if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));leftToRight = false;}continue;}command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, std::nullopt, std::nullopt));}}} else {auto power = static_cast<int>((1.0 - static_cast<double>(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);// 处理G1 开头和结尾情况if(isEven) {// 从左到右if(x == start) {if(rightToLeft) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, y / resolution, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000rightToLeft = false;continue;}} else if(x == image.cols - 1) {// 终点需要标记leftToRight = true;}command.emplace_back(G1 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000} else {// 从右到左if(x == start) {if(leftToRight) {command.emplace_back(G0 {x / resolution, y / resolution, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000leftToRight = false;continue;}} else if(x == 0) {// 终点需要标记rightToLeft = true;}command.emplace_back(G1 {x / resolution, std::nullopt, power});  // 最大激光功率 S=1000}}  // end if G0}      // end for x}          // end for y}// // Define additional strategy functions hereprivate:cv::Mat mat;                                 // 灰度图像double width {0};                            // 工作范围 x 轴double height {0};                           // 工作范围 y 轴double resolution {0};                       // 精度 lin/mmScanMode scanMode {ScanMode::Bidirection};   // 默认双向LaserMode laserMode {LaserMode::Engraving};  // 默认雕刻模式std::optional<int> airPump;                  // 自定义指令 气泵 用于吹走加工产生的灰尘 范围 [0,1000]// add more custom cmdstd::vector<std::string> command;            // G 代码
};int main() {cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(R"(~\ImageToGCode\image\tigger.jpg)", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);cv::flip(mat, mat, 0);cv::threshold(mat,mat,128,255,cv::ThresholdTypes::THRESH_BINARY);ImageToGCode handle;// 50x50 mm 1.0 line/mmhandle.setInputImage(mat).setOutputTragetSize(50,50,2).builder().exportGCode(R"(~\ImageToGCode\output\001.nc)");






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实验3.1 决策树处理分类任务 使用sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier完成肿瘤分类&#xff08;breast-cancer&#xff09;计算最大深度为10时&#xff0c;十折交叉验证的精度(accuracy)&#xff0c;查准率(precision)&#xff0c;查全率(recall)&#xff0c;F1值绘制最大深度…

Haas 开发板连接阿里云上传温湿度和电池电压

目录 一、在阿里云上创建一个产品 二、开发环境的介绍 三、创建wifi示例 四、编写SI7006和ADC驱动 五、wifi配网 六、主要源码 七、查看实现结果 一、在阿里云上创建一个产品 登录自己的阿里云账号&#xff0c; 应该支付宝&#xff0c;淘宝账号都是可以的。 接着根据需求…

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ywtool login guard命令

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platform tree架构下i2c应用实例(HS3003)

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实现工业制造的数字化转型涉及利用数字技术来增强流程、提高效率并推动创新。以下是工业制造领域更好实现数字化转型的几个关键步骤&#xff1a; 1.定义明确的目标&#xff1a; 清楚地概述您的数字化转型目标。确定需要改进的领域&#xff0c;例如运营效率、产品质量或供应链…


&#x1f496;专栏简介 ✔️本专栏将从Camunda(卡蒙达) 7中的关键概念到实现中国式工作流相关功能。 ✔️文章中只包含演示核心代码及测试数据&#xff0c;完整代码可查看作者的开源项目snail-camunda ✔️请给snail-camunda 点颗星吧&#x1f618; &#x1f496;数据库架构…

回归预测 | Matlab实现OOA-CNN-LSTM-Attention鱼鹰算法优化卷积长短期记忆网络注意力多变量回归预测(SE注意力机制)

回归预测 | Matlab实现OOA-CNN-LSTM-Attention鱼鹰算法优化卷积长短期记忆网络注意力多变量回归预测&#xff08;SE注意力机制&#xff09; 目录 回归预测 | Matlab实现OOA-CNN-LSTM-Attention鱼鹰算法优化卷积长短期记忆网络注意力多变量回归预测&#xff08;SE注意力机制&…


目录 效果 代码 效果 代码 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string path Application.StartupPath "\\test.flv"; //3byte 总是FLV&#xff08;0x46 0x4C 0x56&#xff09; byte[] Type new byte[3]; using (FileStre…