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<div class="container"><div id="loading-init">Loading...</div><div id="stage-container" class="remove"><div id="canvas-container"><canvas id="trails-canvas"></canvas><canvas id="main-canvas"></canvas></div><div id="controls"><div id="pause-btn" class="btn"><svg fill="white" width="24" height="24"><use href="#icon-pause"></use></svg></div><div id="shutter-btn" class="btn"><svg fill="white" width="24" height="24"><use href="#icon-shutter-slow"></use></svg></div><div id="settings-btn" class="btn"><svg fill="white" width="24" height="24"><use href="#icon-settings"></use></svg></div></div><div id="menu" class="hide"><div id="close-menu-btn" class="btn btn--bright"><svg fill="white" width="24" height="24"><use href="#icon-close"></use></svg></div><div id="menu__header">Settings</div><form><div class="form-option form-option--select"><label>Shell Type</label><select id="shell-type"></select></div><div class="form-option form-option--select"><label>Shell Size</label><select id="shell-size"></select></div><div class="form-option form-option--checkbox"><label id="auto-launch-label"><input id="auto-launch" type="checkbox" /><span>Auto Fire</span></label></div><div class="form-option form-option--checkbox"><label id="finale-mode-label"><input id="finale-mode" type="checkbox" /><span>Finale Mode</span></label></div><div class="form-option form-option--checkbox"><label id="hide-controls-label"><input id="hide-controls" type="checkbox" /><span>Hide Controls</span></label></div></form></div></div>
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<script>'use strict';console.clear();const IS_MOBILE = window.innerWidth <= 640;const IS_DESKTOP = window.innerWidth > 800;const IS_HEADER = IS_DESKTOP && window.innerHeight < 300;// 8K - can restrict this if neededconst MAX_WIDTH = 7680;const MAX_HEIGHT = 4320;const GRAVITY = 0.9; // Acceleration in px/slet simSpeed = 1;const COLOR = {Red: '#ff0043',Green: '#14fc56',Blue: '#1e7fff',Purple: '#e60aff',Gold: '#ffae00',White: '#ffffff'};// Special invisible color (not rendered, and therefore not in COLOR map)const INVISIBLE = '_INVISIBLE_';// Interactive state managementconst store = {_listeners: new Set(),_dispatch() {this._listeners.forEach(listener => listener(this.state))},state: {paused: false,longExposure: false,menuOpen: false,config: {shell: 'Random',size: IS_DESKTOP && !IS_HEADER ? '3' : '1',autoLaunch: true,finale: false,hideControls: IS_HEADER}},setState(nextState) {this.state = Object.assign({}, this.state, nextState);this._dispatch();this.persist();},subscribe(listener) {this._listeners.add(listener);return () => this._listeners.remove(listener);},
// Load / persist select state to localStorageload() {if (localStorage.getItem('schemaVersion') === '1') {this.state.config.size = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('configSize'));this.state.config.hideControls = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hideControls'));}},persist() {localStorage.setItem('schemaVersion', '1');localStorage.setItem('configSize', JSON.stringify(this.state.config.size));localStorage.setItem('hideControls', JSON.stringify(this.state.config.hideControls));}};if (!IS_HEADER) {store.load();}// Actions// ---------function togglePause(toggle) {if (typeof toggle === 'boolean') {store.setState({ paused: toggle });} else {store.setState({ paused: !store.state.paused });}}function toggleLongExposure(toggle) {if (typeof toggle === 'boolean') {store.setState({ longExposure: toggle });} else {store.setState({ longExposure: !store.state.longExposure });}}function toggleMenu(toggle) {if (typeof toggle === 'boolean') {store.setState({ menuOpen: toggle });} else {store.setState({ menuOpen: !store.state.menuOpen });}}function updateConfig(nextConfig) {nextConfig = nextConfig || getConfigFromDOM();store.setState({config: Object.assign({}, store.state.config, nextConfig)});}// Selectors// -----------const canInteract = () => !store.state.paused && !store.state.menuOpen;const shellNameSelector = () => store.state.config.shell;// Converts shell size to number.const shellSizeSelector = () => +store.state.config.size;const finaleSelector = () => store.state.config.finale;// Render app UI / keep in sync with stateconst appNodes = {stageContainer: '#stage-container',canvasContainer: '#canvas-container',controls: '#controls',menu: '#menu',pauseBtn: '#pause-btn',pauseBtnSVG: '#pause-btn use',shutterBtn: '#shutter-btn',shutterBtnSVG: '#shutter-btn use',shellType: '#shell-type',shellSize: '#shell-size',autoLaunch: '#auto-launch',autoLaunchLabel: '#auto-launch-label',finaleMode: '#finale-mode',finaleModeLabel: '#finale-mode-label',hideControls: '#hide-controls',hideControlsLabel: '#hide-controls-label'};// Convert appNodes selectors to dom nodesObject.keys(appNodes).forEach(key => {appNodes[key] = document.querySelector(appNodes[key]);});// Remove loading statedocument.getElementById('loading-init').remove();appNodes.stageContainer.classList.remove('remove');// First render is called in init()function renderApp(state) {appNodes.pauseBtnSVG.setAttribute('href', `#icon-${state.paused ? 'play' : 'pause'}`);appNodes.shutterBtnSVG.setAttribute('href', `#icon-shutter-${state.longExposure ? 'fast' : 'slow'}`);appNodes.controls.classList.toggle('hide', state.menuOpen || state.config.hideControls);appNodes.canvasContainer.classList.toggle('blur', state.menuOpen);appNodes.menu.classList.toggle('hide', !state.menuOpen);appNodes.finaleModeLabel.style.opacity = state.config.autoLaunch ? 1 : 0.32;appNodes.shellType.value = state.config.shell;appNodes.shellSize.value = state.config.size;appNodes.autoLaunch.checked = state.config.autoLaunch;appNodes.finaleMode.checked = state.config.finale;appNodes.hideControls.checked = state.config.hideControls;}store.subscribe(renderApp);function getConfigFromDOM() {return {shell: appNodes.shellType.value,size: appNodes.shellSize.value,autoLaunch: appNodes.autoLaunch.checked,finale: appNodes.finaleMode.checked,hideControls: appNodes.hideControls.checked};};const updateConfigNoEvent = () => updateConfig();appNodes.shellType.addEventListener('input', updateConfigNoEvent);appNodes.shellSize.addEventListener('input', updateConfigNoEvent);appNodes.autoLaunchLabel.addEventListener('click', () => setTimeout(updateConfig, 0));appNodes.finaleModeLabel.addEventListener('click', () => setTimeout(updateConfig, 0));appNodes.hideControlsLabel.addEventListener('click', () => setTimeout(updateConfig, 0));// Constant derivationsconst COLOR_NAMES = Object.keys(COLOR);const COLOR_CODES = COLOR_NAMES.map(colorName => COLOR[colorName]);// Invisible stars need an indentifier, even through they won't be rendered - physics still apply.const COLOR_CODES_W_INVIS = [...COLOR_CODES, INVISIBLE];// Tuples is a map keys by color codes (hex) with values of { r, g, b } tuples (still just objects).const COLOR_TUPLES = {};COLOR_CODES.forEach(hex => {COLOR_TUPLES[hex] = {r: parseInt(hex.substr(1, 2), 16),g: parseInt(hex.substr(3, 2), 16),b: parseInt(hex.substr(5, 2), 16),};});// Get a random color.function randomColorSimple() {return COLOR_CODES[Math.random() * COLOR_CODES.length | 0];}// Get a random color, with some customization options available.let lastColor;function randomColor(options) {const notSame = options && options.notSame;const notColor = options && options.notColor;const limitWhite = options && options.limitWhite;let color = randomColorSimple();
// limit the amount of white chosen randomlyif (limitWhite && color === COLOR.White && Math.random() < 0.6) {color = randomColorSimple();}if (notSame) {while (color === lastColor) {color = randomColorSimple();}}else if (notColor) {while (color === notColor) {color = randomColorSimple();}}lastColor = color;return color;}function whiteOrGold() {return Math.random() < 0.5 ? COLOR.Gold : COLOR.White;}const PI_2 = Math.PI * 2;const PI_HALF = Math.PI * 0.5;const trailsStage = new Stage('trails-canvas');const mainStage = new Stage('main-canvas');const stages = [trailsStage,mainStage];// Fill trails canvas with black to start.trailsStage.ctx.fillStyle = '#000';trailsStage.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, trailsStage.width, trailsStage.height);// Fullscreen helpers, using Fscreen for prefixesfunction requestFullscreen() {if (fullscreenEnabled() && !isFullscreen()) {fscreen.requestFullscreen(document.documentElement);}}function fullscreenEnabled() {return fscreen.fullscreenEnabled;}function isFullscreen() {return !!fscreen.fullscreenElement;}// Shell helpersfunction makePistilColor(shellColor) {return (shellColor === COLOR.White || shellColor === COLOR.Gold) ? randomColor({ notColor: shellColor }) : whiteOrGold();}// Unique shell typesconst crysanthemumShell = (size=1) => {const glitter = Math.random() < 0.25;const singleColor = Math.random() < 0.68;const color = singleColor ? randomColor({ limitWhite: true }) : [randomColor(), randomColor({ notSame: true })];const pistil = singleColor && Math.random() < 0.42;const pistilColor = makePistilColor(color);const streamers = !pistil && color !== COLOR.White && Math.random() < 0.42;return {size: 300 + size * 100,starLife: 900 + size * 200,starDensity: glitter ? 1.1 : 1.5,color,glitter: glitter ? 'light' : '',glitterColor: whiteOrGold(),pistil,pistilColor,streamers};};const palmShell = (size=1) => ({size: 250 + size * 75,starDensity: 0.6,starLife: 1800 + size * 200,glitter: 'heavy'});const ringShell = (size=1) => {const color = randomColor();const pistil = Math.random() < 0.75;return {ring: true,color,size: 300 + size * 100,starLife: 900 + size * 200,starCount: 2.2 * PI_2 * (size+1),pistil,pistilColor: makePistilColor(color),glitter: !pistil ? 'light' : '',glitterColor: color === COLOR.Gold ? COLOR.Gold : COLOR.White};};const crossetteShell = (size=1) => {const color = randomColor({ limitWhite: true });return {size: 300 + size * 100,starLife: 900 + size * 200,starLifeVariation: 0.22,color,crossette: true,pistil: Math.random() < 0.5,pistilColor: makePistilColor(color)};};const floralShell = (size=1) => ({size: 300 + size * 120,starDensity: 0.38,starLife: 500 + size * 50,starLifeVariation: 0.5,color: Math.random() < 0.65 ? 'random' : (Math.random() < 0.15 ? randomColor() : [randomColor(), randomColor({ notSame: true })]),floral: true});const fallingLeavesShell = (size=1) => ({color: INVISIBLE,size: 300 + size * 120,starDensity: 0.38,starLife: 500 + size * 50,starLifeVariation: 0.5,glitter: 'medium',glitterColor: COLOR.Gold,fallingLeaves: true});const willowShell = (size=1) => ({size: 300 + size * 100,starDensity: 0.7,starLife: 3000 + size * 300,glitter: 'willow',glitterColor: COLOR.Gold,color: INVISIBLE});const crackleShell = (size=1) => {
// favor goldconst color = Math.random() < 0.75 ? COLOR.Gold : randomColor();return {size: 380 + size * 75,starDensity: 1,starLife: 600 + size * 100,starLifeVariation: 0.32,glitter: 'light',glitterColor: COLOR.Gold,color,crackle: true,pistil: Math.random() < 0.65,pistilColor: makePistilColor(color)};};const horsetailShell = (size=1) => {const color = randomColor();return {horsetail: true,color,size: 250 + size * 38,starDensity: 0.85 + size * 0.1,starLife: 2500 + size * 300,glitter: 'medium',glitterColor: Math.random() < 0.5 ? whiteOrGold() : color};};function randomShellName() {return Math.random() < 0.6 ? 'Crysanthemum' : shellNames[(Math.random() * (shellNames.length - 1) + 1) | 0 ];}function randomShell(size) {return shellTypes[randomShellName()](size);}function shellFromConfig(size) {return shellTypes[shellNameSelector()](size);}// Get a random shell, not including processing intensive varients// Note this is only random when "Random" shell is selected in config.// Also, this does not create the shell, only returns the factory function.const fastShellBlacklist = ['Falling Leaves', 'Floral', 'Willow'];function randomFastShell() {const isRandom = shellNameSelector() === 'Random';let shellName = isRandom ? randomShellName() : shellNameSelector();if (isRandom) {while (fastShellBlacklist.includes(shellName)) {shellName = randomShellName();}}return shellTypes[shellName];}const shellTypes = {'Random': randomShell,'Crackle': crackleShell,'Crossette': crossetteShell,'Crysanthemum': crysanthemumShell,'Falling Leaves': fallingLeavesShell,'Floral': floralShell,'Horse Tail': horsetailShell,'Palm': palmShell,'Ring': ringShell,'Willow': willowShell};const shellNames = Object.keys(shellTypes);function init() {
// Populate dropdowns
// shell typelet options = '';shellNames.forEach(opt => options += `<option value="${opt}">${opt}</option>`);appNodes.shellType.innerHTML = options;
// shell sizeoptions = '';['3"', '5"', '6"', '8"', '12"'].forEach((opt, i) => options += `<option value="${i}">${opt}</option>`);appNodes.shellSize.innerHTML = options;
// initial renderrenderApp(store.state);}function fitShellPositionInBoundsH(position) {const edge = 0.18;return (1 - edge*2) * position + edge;}function fitShellPositionInBoundsV(position) {return position * 0.75;}function getRandomShellPositionH() {return fitShellPositionInBoundsH(Math.random());}function getRandomShellPositionV() {return fitShellPositionInBoundsV(Math.random());}function getRandomShellSize() {const baseSize = shellSizeSelector();const maxVariance = Math.min(2.5, baseSize);const variance = Math.random() * maxVariance;const size = baseSize - variance;const height = maxVariance === 0 ? Math.random() : 1 - (variance / maxVariance);const centerOffset = Math.random() * (1 - height * 0.65) * 0.5;const x = Math.random() < 0.5 ? 0.5 - centerOffset : 0.5 + centerOffset;return {size,x: fitShellPositionInBoundsH(x),height: fitShellPositionInBoundsV(height)};}// Launches a shell from a user pointer event, based on state.configfunction launchShellFromConfig(event) {const shell = new Shell(shellFromConfig(shellSizeSelector()));const w = mainStage.width;const h = mainStage.height;shell.launch(event ? event.x / w : getRandomShellPositionH(),event ? 1 - event.y / h : getRandomShellPositionV());}// Sequences// -----------function seqRandomShell() {const size = getRandomShellSize();const shell = new Shell(shellFromConfig(size.size));shell.launch(size.x, size.height);let extraDelay = shell.starLife;if (shell.fallingLeaves) {extraDelay = 4000;}return 900 + Math.random() * 600 + extraDelay;}function seqTwoRandom() {const size1 = getRandomShellSize();const size2 = getRandomShellSize();const shell1 = new Shell(shellFromConfig(size1.size));const shell2 = new Shell(shellFromConfig(size2.size));const leftOffset = Math.random() * 0.2 - 0.1;const rightOffset = Math.random() * 0.2 - 0.1;shell1.launch(0.3 + leftOffset, size1.height);shell2.launch(0.7 + rightOffset, size2.height);let extraDelay = Math.max(shell1.starLife, shell2.starLife);if (shell1.fallingLeaves || shell2.fallingLeaves) {extraDelay = 4000;}return 900 + Math.random() * 600 + extraDelay;}function seqTriple() {const shellType = randomFastShell();const baseSize = shellSizeSelector();const smallSize = Math.max(0, baseSize - 1.25);const offset = Math.random() * 0.08 - 0.04;const shell1 = new Shell(shellType(baseSize));shell1.launch(0.5 + offset, 0.7);const leftDelay = 1000 + Math.random() * 400;const rightDelay = 1000 + Math.random() * 400;setTimeout(() => {const offset = Math.random() * 0.08 - 0.04;const shell2 = new Shell(shellType(smallSize));shell2.launch(0.2 + offset, 0.1);}, leftDelay);setTimeout(() => {const offset = Math.random() * 0.08 - 0.04;const shell3 = new Shell(shellType(smallSize));shell3.launch(0.8 + offset, 0.1);}, rightDelay);return 4000;}function seqSmallBarrage() {seqSmallBarrage.lastCalled = Date.now();const barrageCount = IS_DESKTOP ? 11 : 5;const shellSize = Math.max(0, shellSizeSelector() - 2);const useCrysanthemum = Math.random() < 0.7;
// (cos(x*5π+0.5π)+1)/2 is a custom wave bounded by 0 and 1 used to set varying launch heightsfunction launchShell(x) {const isRandom = shellNameSelector() === 'Random';let shellType = isRandom ? (useCrysanthemum ? crysanthemumShell : randomFastShell()) : shellTypes[shellNameSelector()];const shell = new Shell(shellType(shellSize));const height = (Math.cos(x*5*Math.PI + PI_HALF) + 1) / 2;shell.launch(x, height * 0.75);}let count = 0;let delay = 0;while(count < barrageCount) {if (count === 0) {launchShell(0.5)count += 1;}else {const offset = (count + 1) / barrageCount / 2;setTimeout(() => {launchShell(0.5 + offset);launchShell(0.5 - offset);}, delay);count += 2;}delay += 200;}return 3400 + barrageCount * 120;}seqSmallBarrage.cooldown = 15000;seqSmallBarrage.lastCalled = Date.now();const sequences = [seqRandomShell,seqTwoRandom,seqTriple,seqSmallBarrage];let isFirstSeq = true;const finaleCount = 32;let currentFinaleCount = 0;function startSequence() {if (isFirstSeq) {isFirstSeq = false;const shell = new Shell(crysanthemumShell(shellSizeSelector()));shell.launch(0.5, 0.5);return 2400;}if (finaleSelector()) {seqRandomShell();if (currentFinaleCount < finaleCount) {currentFinaleCount++;return 170;}else {currentFinaleCount = 0;return 6000;}}const rand = Math.random();if (rand < 0.2 && Date.now() - seqSmallBarrage.lastCalled > seqSmallBarrage.cooldown) {return seqSmallBarrage();}if (rand < 0.6) {return seqRandomShell();}else if (rand < 0.8) {return seqTwoRandom();}else if (rand < 1) {return seqTriple();}}let activePointerCount = 0;let isUpdatingSpeed = false;function handlePointerStart(event) {activePointerCount++;const btnSize = 44;if (event.y < btnSize) {if (event.x < btnSize) {togglePause();return;}if (event.x > mainStage.width/2 - btnSize/2 && event.x < mainStage.width/2 + btnSize/2) {toggleLongExposure();return;}if (event.x > mainStage.width - btnSize) {toggleMenu();return;}}if (!canInteract()) return;if (updateSpeedFromEvent(event)) {isUpdatingSpeed = true;}else if (event.onCanvas) {launchShellFromConfig(event);}}function handlePointerEnd(event) {activePointerCount--;isUpdatingSpeed = false;}function handlePointerMove(event) {if (!canInteract()) return;if (isUpdatingSpeed) {updateSpeedFromEvent(event);}}function handleKeydown(event) {
// Pif (event.keyCode === 80) {togglePause();}
// Oelse if (event.keyCode === 79) {toggleMenu();}
// Escelse if (event.keyCode === 27) {toggleMenu(false);}}mainStage.addEventListener('pointerstart', handlePointerStart);mainStage.addEventListener('pointerend', handlePointerEnd);mainStage.addEventListener('pointermove', handlePointerMove);window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeydown);// Try to go fullscreen upon a touchwindow.addEventListener('touchend', (event) => !IS_DESKTOP && requestFullscreen());function handleResize() {const w = window.innerWidth;const h = window.innerHeight;
// Try to adopt screen size, heeding maximum sizes specifiedconst containerW = Math.min(w, MAX_WIDTH);
// On small screens, use full device heightconst containerH = w <= 420 ? h : Math.min(h, MAX_HEIGHT);appNodes.stageContainer.style.width = containerW + 'px';appNodes.stageContainer.style.height = containerH + 'px';stages.forEach(stage => stage.resize(containerW, containerH));}// Compute initial dimensionshandleResize();window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize);// Dynamic globalslet speedBarOpacity = 0;let autoLaunchTime = 0;function updateSpeedFromEvent(event) {if (isUpdatingSpeed || event.y >= mainStage.height - 44) {
// On phones it's hard to hit the edge pixels in order to set speed at 0 or 1, so some padding is provided to make that easier.const edge = 16;const newSpeed = (event.x - edge) / (mainStage.width - edge * 2);simSpeed = Math.min(Math.max(newSpeed, 0), 1);
// show speed bar after an updatespeedBarOpacity = 1;
// If we updated the speed, return truereturn true;}
// Return false if the speed wasn't updatedreturn false;}// Extracted function to keep `update()` optimizedfunction updateGlobals(timeStep, lag) {
// Always try to fade out speed barif (!isUpdatingSpeed) {speedBarOpacity -= lag / 30; // half a secondif (speedBarOpacity < 0) {speedBarOpacity = 0;}}
// auto launch shellsif (store.state.config.autoLaunch) {autoLaunchTime -= timeStep;if (autoLaunchTime <= 0) {autoLaunchTime = startSequence();}}}function update(frameTime, lag) {if (!canInteract()) return;const { width, height } = mainStage;const timeStep = frameTime * simSpeed;const speed = simSpeed * lag;updateGlobals(timeStep, lag);const starDrag = 1 - (1 - Star.airDrag) * speed;const starDragHeavy = 1 - (1 - Star.airDragHeavy) * speed;const sparkDrag = 1 - (1 - Spark.airDrag) * speed;const gAcc = timeStep / 1000 * GRAVITY;COLOR_CODES_W_INVIS.forEach(color => {
// StarsStar.active[color].forEach((star, i, stars) => {star.life -= timeStep;if (star.life <= 0) {stars.splice(i, 1);Star.returnInstance(star);} else {star.prevX = star.x;star.prevY = star.y;star.x += star.speedX * speed;star.y += star.speedY * speed;
// Apply air drag if star isn't "heavy". The heavy property is used for the shell comets.if (!star.heavy) {star.speedX *= starDrag;star.speedY *= starDrag;}else {star.speedX *= starDragHeavy;star.speedY *= starDragHeavy;}star.speedY += gAcc;if (star.spinRadius) {star.spinAngle += star.spinSpeed * speed;star.x += Math.sin(star.spinAngle) * star.spinRadius * speed;star.y += Math.cos(star.spinAngle) * star.spinRadius * speed;}if (star.sparkFreq) {star.sparkTimer -= timeStep;while (star.sparkTimer < 0) {star.sparkTimer += star.sparkFreq;Spark.add(star.x,star.y,star.sparkColor,Math.random() * PI_2,Math.random() * star.sparkSpeed,star.sparkLife * 0.8 + Math.random() * star.sparkLifeVariation * star.sparkLife);}}}});
// SparksSpark.active[color].forEach((spark, i, sparks) => {spark.life -= timeStep;if (spark.life <= 0) {sparks.splice(i, 1);Spark.returnInstance(spark);} else {spark.prevX = spark.x;spark.prevY = spark.y;spark.x += spark.speedX * speed;spark.y += spark.speedY * speed;spark.speedX *= sparkDrag;spark.speedY *= sparkDrag;spark.speedY += gAcc;}});});render(speed);}function render(speed) {const { dpr, width, height } = mainStage;const trailsCtx = trailsStage.ctx;const mainCtx = mainStage.ctx;colorSky(speed);trailsCtx.scale(dpr, dpr);mainCtx.scale(dpr, dpr);trailsCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';trailsCtx.fillStyle = `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${store.state.longExposure ? 0.0025 : 0.1 * speed})`;trailsCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Remaining drawing on trails canvas will use 'lighten' blend modetrailsCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighten';mainCtx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Draw queued burst flasheswhile (BurstFlash.active.length) {const bf = BurstFlash.active.pop();const burstGradient = trailsCtx.createRadialGradient(bf.x, bf.y, 0, bf.x, bf.y, bf.radius);burstGradient.addColorStop(0.05, 'white');burstGradient.addColorStop(0.25, 'rgba(255, 160, 20, 0.2)');burstGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 160, 20, 0)');trailsCtx.fillStyle = burstGradient;trailsCtx.fillRect(bf.x - bf.radius, bf.y - bf.radius, bf.radius * 2, bf.radius * 2);BurstFlash.returnInstance(bf);}
// Draw starstrailsCtx.lineWidth = Star.drawWidth;trailsCtx.lineCap = 'round';mainCtx.strokeStyle = '#fff';mainCtx.lineWidth = 1;mainCtx.beginPath();COLOR_CODES.forEach(color => {const stars = Star.active[color];trailsCtx.strokeStyle = color;trailsCtx.beginPath();stars.forEach(star => {trailsCtx.moveTo(star.x, star.y);trailsCtx.lineTo(star.prevX, star.prevY);mainCtx.moveTo(star.x, star.y);mainCtx.lineTo(star.x - star.speedX * 1.6, star.y - star.speedY * 1.6);});trailsCtx.stroke();});mainCtx.stroke();// Draw sparkstrailsCtx.lineWidth = Spark.drawWidth;trailsCtx.lineCap = 'butt';COLOR_CODES.forEach(color => {const sparks = Spark.active[color];trailsCtx.strokeStyle = color;trailsCtx.beginPath();sparks.forEach(spark => {trailsCtx.moveTo(spark.x, spark.y);trailsCtx.lineTo(spark.prevX, spark.prevY);});trailsCtx.stroke();});
// Render speed bar if visibleif (speedBarOpacity) {const speedBarHeight = 6;mainCtx.globalAlpha = speedBarOpacity;mainCtx.fillStyle = COLOR.Blue;mainCtx.fillRect(0, height - speedBarHeight, width * simSpeed, speedBarHeight);mainCtx.globalAlpha = 1;}trailsCtx.resetTransform();mainCtx.resetTransform();}// Draw colored overlay based on combined brightness of stars (light up the sky!)// Note: this is applied to the canvas container's background-color, so it's behind the particlesconst currentSkyColor = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };const targetSkyColor = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };function colorSky(speed) {
// The maximum r, g, or b value that will be used (255 would represent no maximum)const maxSkySaturation = 30;
// How many stars are required in total to reach maximum sky brightnessconst maxStarCount = 500;let totalStarCount = 0;
// Initialize sky as blacktargetSkyColor.r = 0;targetSkyColor.g = 0;targetSkyColor.b = 0;
// Add each known color to sky, multiplied by particle count of that color. This will put RGB values wildly out of bounds, but we'll scale them back later.
// Also add up total star count.COLOR_CODES.forEach(color => {const tuple = COLOR_TUPLES[color];const count =  Star.active[color].length;totalStarCount += count;targetSkyColor.r += tuple.r * count;targetSkyColor.g += tuple.g * count;targetSkyColor.b += tuple.b * count;});
// Clamp intensity at 1.0, and map to a custom non-linear curve. This allows few stars to perceivably light up the sky, while more stars continue to increase the brightness but at a lesser rate. This is more inline with humans' non-linear brightness perception.const intensity = Math.pow(Math.min(1, totalStarCount / maxStarCount), 0.3);
// Figure out which color component has the highest value, so we can scale them without affecting the ratios.
// Prevent 0 from being used, so we don't divide by zero in the next step.const maxColorComponent = Math.max(1, targetSkyColor.r, targetSkyColor.g, targetSkyColor.b);
// Scale all color components to a max of `maxSkySaturation`, and apply intensity.targetSkyColor.r = targetSkyColor.r / maxColorComponent * maxSkySaturation * intensity;targetSkyColor.g = targetSkyColor.g / maxColorComponent * maxSkySaturation * intensity;targetSkyColor.b = targetSkyColor.b / maxColorComponent * maxSkySaturation * intensity;
// Animate changes to color to smooth out transitions.const colorChange = 10;currentSkyColor.r += (targetSkyColor.r - currentSkyColor.r) / colorChange * speed;currentSkyColor.g += (targetSkyColor.g - currentSkyColor.g) / colorChange * speed;currentSkyColor.b += (targetSkyColor.b - currentSkyColor.b) / colorChange * speed;appNodes.canvasContainer.style.backgroundColor = `rgb(${currentSkyColor.r | 0}, ${currentSkyColor.g | 0}, ${currentSkyColor.b | 0})`;}mainStage.addEventListener('ticker', update);// Helper used to semi-randomly spread particles over an arc// Values are flexible - `start` and `arcLength` can be negative, and `randomness` is simply a multiplier for random addition.function createParticleArc(start, arcLength, count, randomness, particleFactory) {const angleDelta = arcLength / count;
// Sometimes there is an extra particle at the end, too close to the start. Subtracting half the angleDelta ensures that is skipped.
// Would be nice to fix this a better way.const end = start + arcLength - (angleDelta * 0.5);if (end > start) {
// Optimization: `angle=angle+angleDelta` vs. angle+=angleDelta
// V8 deoptimises with let compound assignmentfor (let angle=start; angle<end; angle=angle+angleDelta) {particleFactory(angle + Math.random() * angleDelta * randomness);}}else {for (let angle=start; angle>end; angle=angle+angleDelta) {particleFactory(angle + Math.random() * angleDelta * randomness);}}}// Various star effects.// These are designed to be attached to a star's `onDeath` event.// Crossette breaks star into four same-color pieces which branch in a cross-like shape.function crossetteEffect(star) {const startAngle = Math.random() * PI_HALF;createParticleArc(startAngle, PI_2, 4, 0.5, (angle) => {Star.add(star.x,star.y,star.color,angle,Math.random() * 0.6 + 0.75,600);});}// Flower is like a mini shellfunction floralEffect(star) {const startAngle = Math.random() * PI_HALF;createParticleArc(startAngle, PI_2, 24, 1, (angle) => {Star.add(star.x,star.y,star.color,angle,
// apply near cubic falloff to speed (places more particles towards outside)Math.pow(Math.random(), 0.45) * 2.4,1000 + Math.random() * 300,star.speedX,star.speedY);});
// Queue burst flash renderBurstFlash.add(star.x, star.y, 24);}// Floral burst with willow starsfunction fallingLeavesEffect(star) {const startAngle = Math.random() * PI_HALF;createParticleArc(startAngle, PI_2, 12, 1, (angle) => {const newStar = Star.add(star.x,star.y,INVISIBLE,angle,
// apply near cubic falloff to speed (places more particles towards outside)Math.pow(Math.random(), 0.45) * 2.4,2400 + Math.random() * 600,star.speedX,star.speedY);newStar.sparkColor = COLOR.Gold;newStar.sparkFreq = 72;newStar.sparkSpeed = 0.28;newStar.sparkLife = 750;newStar.sparkLifeVariation = 3.2;});
// Queue burst flash renderBurstFlash.add(star.x, star.y, 24);}// Crackle pops into a small cloud of golden sparks.function crackleEffect(star) {createParticleArc(0, PI_2, 10, 1.8, (angle) => {Spark.add(star.x,star.y,COLOR.Gold,angle,
// apply near cubic falloff to speed (places more particles towards outside)Math.pow(Math.random(), 0.45) * 2.4,300 + Math.random() * 200);});}/*** Shell can be constructed with options:** size:      Size of the burst.* starCount: Number of stars to create. This is optional, and will be set to a reasonable quantity for size if omitted.* starLife:* starLifeVariation:* color:* glitterColor:* glitter: One of: 'light', 'medium', 'heavy', 'streamer', 'willow'* pistil:* pistilColor:* streamers:* crossette:* floral:* crackle:*/class Shell {constructor(options) {Object.assign(this, options);this.starLifeVariation = options.starLifeVariation || 0.125;this.color = options.color || randomColor();this.glitterColor = options.glitterColor || this.color;
// Set default starCount if needed, will be based on shell size and scale exponentially, like a sphere's surface area.if (!this.starCount) {const density = options.starDensity || 1;const scaledSize = this.size / 50 * density;this.starCount = scaledSize * scaledSize;}}launch(position, launchHeight) {const { width, height } = mainStage;
// Distance from sides of screen to keep shells.const hpad = 60;
// Distance from top of screen to keep shell bursts.const vpad = 50;
// Minimum burst height, as a percentage of stage heightconst minHeightPercent = 0.45;
// Minimum burst height in pxconst minHeight = height - height * minHeightPercent;const launchX = position * (width - hpad * 2) + hpad;const launchY = height;const burstY = minHeight - (launchHeight * (minHeight - vpad));const launchDistance = launchY - burstY;
// Using a custom power curve to approximate Vi needed to reach launchDistance under gravity and air drag.
// Magic numbers came from testing.const launchVelocity = Math.pow(launchDistance * 0.04, 0.64);const comet = this.comet = Star.add(launchX,launchY,typeof this.color === 'string' && this.color !== 'random' ? this.color : COLOR.White,Math.PI,launchVelocity * (this.horsetail ? 1.2 : 1),
// Hang time is derived linearly from Vi; exact number came from testinglaunchVelocity * (this.horsetail ? 100 : 400));
// making comet "heavy" limits air dragcomet.heavy = true;
// comet spark trailcomet.spinRadius = 0.78;comet.sparkFreq = 16;if (this.glitter === 'willow' || this.fallingLeaves) {comet.sparkFreq = 10;comet.sparkSpeed = 0.5;comet.sparkLife = 500;comet.sparkLifeVariation = 3;}if (this.color === INVISIBLE) {comet.sparkColor = COLOR.Gold;}comet.onDeath = comet => this.burst(comet.x, comet.y);
// comet.onDeath = () => this.burst(launchX, burstY);}burst(x, y) {
// Set burst speed so overall burst grows to set size. This specific formula was derived from testing, and is affected by simulated air drag.const speed = this.size / 96;let color, onDeath, sparkFreq, sparkSpeed, sparkLife;let sparkLifeVariation = 0.25;if (this.crossette) onDeath = crossetteEffect;if (this.floral) onDeath = floralEffect;if (this.crackle) onDeath = crackleEffect;if (this.fallingLeaves) onDeath = fallingLeavesEffect;if (this.glitter === 'light') {sparkFreq = 200;sparkSpeed = 0.25;sparkLife = 600;}else if (this.glitter === 'medium') {sparkFreq = 100;sparkSpeed = 0.36;sparkLife = 1400;}else if (this.glitter === 'heavy') {sparkFreq = 42;sparkSpeed = 0.62;sparkLife = 2800;}else if (this.glitter === 'streamer') {sparkFreq = 20;sparkSpeed = 0.75;sparkLife = 800;}else if (this.glitter === 'willow') {sparkFreq = 72;sparkSpeed = 0.28;sparkLife = 1000;sparkLifeVariation = 3.4;}const starFactory = angle => {const star = Star.add(x,y,color || randomColor(),angle,
// apply near cubic falloff to speed (places more particles towards outside)Math.pow(Math.random(), 0.45) * speed,
// add minor variation to star lifethis.starLife + Math.random() * this.starLife * this.starLifeVariation,this.horsetail && this.comet && this.comet.speedX,this.horsetail && this.comet && this.comet.speedY);star.onDeath = onDeath;if (this.glitter) {star.sparkFreq = sparkFreq;star.sparkSpeed = sparkSpeed;star.sparkLife = sparkLife;star.sparkLifeVariation = sparkLifeVariation;star.sparkColor = this.glitterColor;star.sparkTimer = Math.random() * star.sparkFreq;}};if (typeof this.color === 'string') {if (this.color === 'random') {color = null; // falsey value creates random color in starFactory} else {color = this.color;}
// Rings have positional randomness, but are rotated randomlyif (this.ring) {const ringStartAngle = Math.random() * Math.PI;const ringSquash = Math.pow(Math.random(), 0.45) * 0.992 + 0.008;createParticleArc(0, PI_2, this.starCount, 0, angle => {
// Create a ring, squashed horizontallyconst initSpeedX = Math.sin(angle) * speed * ringSquash;const initSpeedY = Math.cos(angle) * speed;
// Rotate ringconst newSpeed = MyMath.pointDist(0, 0, initSpeedX, initSpeedY);const newAngle = MyMath.pointAngle(0, 0, initSpeedX, initSpeedY) + ringStartAngle;const star = Star.add(x,y,color,newAngle,
// apply near cubic falloff to speed (places more particles towards outside)newSpeed,//speed,
// add minor variation to star lifethis.starLife + Math.random() * this.starLife * this.starLifeVariation);if (this.glitter) {star.sparkFreq = sparkFreq;star.sparkSpeed = sparkSpeed;star.sparkLife = sparkLife;star.sparkLifeVariation = sparkLifeVariation;star.sparkColor = this.glitterColor;star.sparkTimer = Math.random() * star.sparkFreq;}});}
// "Normal burstelse {createParticleArc(0, PI_2, this.starCount, 1, starFactory);}}else if (Array.isArray(this.color)) {let start, start2, arc;if (Math.random() < 0.5) {start = Math.random() * Math.PI;start2 = start + Math.PI;arc = Math.PI;} else {start = 0;start2 = 0;arc = PI_2;}color = this.color[0];createParticleArc(start, arc, this.starCount/2, 1, starFactory);color = this.color[1];createParticleArc(start2, arc, this.starCount/2, 1, starFactory)}if (this.pistil) {const innerShell = new Shell({size: this.size * 0.5,starLife: this.starLife * 0.7,starLifeVariation: this.starLifeVariation,starDensity: 1.65,color: this.pistilColor,glitter: 'light',glitterColor: this.pistilColor === COLOR.Gold ? COLOR.Gold : COLOR.White});innerShell.burst(x, y);}if (this.streamers) {const innerShell = new Shell({size: this.size,starLife: this.starLife * 0.8,starLifeVariation: this.starLifeVariation,starCount: Math.max(6, this.size / 45) | 0,color: COLOR.White,glitter: 'streamer'});innerShell.burst(x, y);}
// Queue burst flash renderBurstFlash.add(x, y, this.size / 8);}}const BurstFlash = {active: [],_pool: [],_new() {return {}},add(x, y, radius) {const instance = this._pool.pop() || this._new();instance.x = x;instance.y = y;instance.radius = radius;this.active.push(instance);return instance;},returnInstance(instance) {this._pool.push(instance);}};// Helper to generate objects for storing active particles.// Particles are stored in arrays keyed by color (code, not name) for improved rendering performance.function createParticleCollection() {const collection = {};COLOR_CODES_W_INVIS.forEach(color => {collection[color] = [];});return collection;}const Star = {
// Visual propertiesdrawWidth: 3,airDrag: 0.98,airDragHeavy: 0.992,
// Star particles will be keyed by coloractive: createParticleCollection(),_pool: [],_new() {return {};},add(x, y, color, angle, speed, life, speedOffX, speedOffY) {const instance = this._pool.pop() || this._new();instance.heavy = false;instance.x = x;instance.y = y;instance.prevX = x;instance.prevY = y;instance.color = color;instance.speedX = Math.sin(angle) * speed + (speedOffX || 0);instance.speedY = Math.cos(angle) * speed + (speedOffY || 0);instance.life = life;instance.spinAngle = Math.random() * PI_2;instance.spinSpeed = 0.8;instance.spinRadius = 0;instance.sparkFreq = 0; // ms between spark emissionsinstance.sparkSpeed = 1;instance.sparkTimer = 0;instance.sparkColor = color;instance.sparkLife = 750;instance.sparkLifeVariation = 0.25;this.active[color].push(instance);return instance;},// Public method for cleaning up and returning an instance back to the pool.returnInstance(instance) {
// Call onDeath handler if available (and pass it current star instance)instance.onDeath && instance.onDeath(instance);
// Clean upinstance.onDeath = null;
// Add back to the pool.this._pool.push(instance);}};const Spark = {
// Visual propertiesdrawWidth: 0.75,airDrag: 0.9,
// Star particles will be keyed by coloractive: createParticleCollection(),_pool: [],_new() {return {};},add(x, y, color, angle, speed, life) {const instance = this._pool.pop() || this._new();instance.x = x;instance.y = y;instance.prevX = x;instance.prevY = y;instance.color = color;instance.speedX = Math.sin(angle) * speed;instance.speedY = Math.cos(angle) * speed;instance.life = life;this.active[color].push(instance);return instance;},// Public method for cleaning up and returning an instance back to the pool.returnInstance(instance) {
// Add back to the pool.this._pool.push(instance);}};init();





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【Image captioning】论文阅读七—Efficient Image Captioning for Edge Devices_AAAI2023

中文标题:面向边缘设备的高效图像描述(Efficient Image Captioning for Edge Devices) 文章目录 1. 引言2. 相关工作3. 方法3.1 Model Architecture(模型结构)3.2 Model Training (模型训练)3.3 Knowledge Distillation (知识蒸馏)4. 实验4.1 数据集和评价指标4.2 实施细…


文章目录 1. 前言2. Jellyfin服务网站搭建2.1. Jellyfin下载和安装2.2. Jellyfin网页测试 3.本地网页发布3.1 cpolar的安装和注册3.2 Cpolar云端设置3.3 Cpolar本地设置 4.公网访问测试5. 结语 1. 前言 随着移动智能设备的普及&#xff0c;各种各样的使用需求也被开发出来&…


本文为博主 日月同辉&#xff0c;与我共生&#xff0c;csdn原创首发。希望看完后能对你有所帮助&#xff0c;不足之处请指正&#xff01;一起交流学习&#xff0c;共同进步&#xff01; > 发布人&#xff1a;日月同辉,与我共生_单片机-CSDN博客 > 欢迎你为独创博主日月同…


前言&#xff1a; 扫雷是一款经典的单人益智游戏&#xff0c;它的目标是在一个方格矩阵中找出所有的地雷&#xff0c;而不触碰到任何一颗地雷。在计算机编程领域&#xff0c;扫雷也是一个非常受欢迎的项目&#xff0c;因为它涉及到许多重要的编程概念&#xff0c;如数组、循环…