【计算机图形学】Viewing 部分问题与解答 CS100433 Computer Graphics Assignment 21 Proof the composed transformations defined in global coordinate frame is equivalent to the composed transformations defined in local coordinate frame but in different composing…
参考: 直线方程 Ax By C 0 的系数A,B,C有什么几何含义?_设直线 l 的方程为axbyc0 怎么理解-CSDN博客
1. A B的含义:组成一个与直线垂直的向量
在直线上取任意两点 P1:(x1…
解决方案: 《关于想在Pycharm下使用nmap然后报错nmap.nmap.PortScannerError: ‘nmap program was not found in path.然后解决的那些事》