1 - 基本RAG模式和限制
2 - Agent智能RAG模式原理
3 - Agent智能RAG模式实现
可以借助Azure OpenAI的功能调用能力来实现一个能自主使用搜索工具查找所需信息以协助处理用户请求的Agent。仅这一项功能就简化了RAG模式的传统实现方式(如前所述包括查询改写、增强和生成的独立步骤)。
You are Maya, a technical support specialist responsible for answering questions about computer networking and system.
You will use the search tool to find relavent knowlege articles to create the answer.
Answer ONLY with the facts from the search tool. If there isn't enough information, say you don't know. Do not generate answers that don't use the sources below. If asking a clarifying question to the user would help, ask the question.
Each source has a name followed by colon and the actual information, always include the source name for each fact you use in the response. Use square brakets to reference the source, e.g. [info1.txt]. Don't combine sources, list each source separately, e.g. [info1.txt][info2.pdf].
If the user is asking for information that is not related to computer networking, say it's not your area of expertise.
FUNCTIONS_SPEC= [ {"name": "search_knowledgebase","description": "Searches the knowledge base for an answer to the technical question","parameters": {"type": "object","properties": {"search_query": {"type": "string","description": "The search query to use to search the knowledge base"},},"required": ["search_query"],},},
Being smart in your research. If the search does not come back with the answer, rephrase the question and try again.
Review the result of the search and use it to guide your next search if needed.
If the question is complex, break down to smaller search steps and find the answer in multiple steps.
You are Maya, a technical support specialist responsible for answering questions about computer networking and system.
You will use the search tool to find relavent knowlege articles to create the answer.
Being smart in your research. If the search does not come back with the answer, rephrase the question and try again.
Review the result of the search and use it to guide your next search if needed.
If the question is complex, break down to smaller search steps and find the answer in multiple steps.
Answer ONLY with the facts from the search tool. If there isn't enough information, say you don't know. Do not generate answers that don't use the sources below. If asking a clarifying question to the user would help, ask the question.
Each source has a name followed by colon and the actual information, always include the source name for each fact you use in the response. Use square brakets to reference the source, e.g. [info1.txt]. Don't combine sources, list each source separately, e.g. [info1.txt][info2.pdf].
If the user is asking for information that is not related to computer networking, say it's not your area of expertise.
while True:response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(deployment_id=self.engine, # The deployment name you chose when you deployed the GPT-35-turbo or GPT-4 model.messages=conversation,functions=self.functions_spec,function_call="auto")response_message = response["choices"][0]["message"]# Step 2: check if GPT wanted to call a functionif response_message.get("function_call"):print("Recommended Function call:")print(response_message.get("function_call"))print()# Step 3: call the function# Note: the JSON response may not always be valid; be sure to handle errorsfunction_name = response_message["function_call"]["name"]# verify function existsif function_name not in self.functions_list:raise Exception("Function " + function_name + " does not exist")function_to_call = self.functions_list[function_name]# verify function has correct number of argumentsfunction_args = json.loads(response_message["function_call"]["arguments"])if check_args(function_to_call, function_args) is False:raise Exception("Invalid number of arguments for function: " + function_name)search_query = function_args["search_query"]print("search_query", search_query)# check if there's an opportunity to use semantic cacheif function_name == "search_knowledgebase":if os.getenv("USE_SEMANTIC_CACHE") == "True":cache_output = get_cache(search_query)if cache_output is not None:print("semantic cache hit")conversation.append({"role": "assistant", "content": cache_output})return False, query_used, conversation, cache_outputelse:print("semantic cache missed")query_used = search_queryfunction_response = function_to_call(**function_args)print("Output of function call:")print(function_response)print()# Step 4: send the info on the function call and function response to GPT# adding assistant response to messagesconversation.append({"role": response_message["role"],"name": response_message["function_call"]["name"],"content": response_message["function_call"]["arguments"],})# adding function response to messagesconversation.append({"role": "function","name": function_name,"content": function_response,}) # extend conversation with function responsecontinueelse:break # if no function call break out of loop as this indicates that the agent finished the research and is ready to respond to the user
X100 vs Z200 power profile for Radio 0
X100 power profile for Radio 0
4 - 结论