DAY6--learning english




She took a small sip of the hot tea to savor its delicate flavor.




Expreience the amazing cleaning power of vaccum cleaner.



Stray kitten rescued from drain pipe.




 last ditch

After the heavy rain, the ditch by the side of the road was filled with water.



oh man my subscribe expired.




This is probably one of the best cod campaigns ever, really awesone story and amazing characters .



Go back to sleep huh, it was just a nightmare.


8.optical illusion

 Crazy floor optical illusion




 this is a perfect proof that When you get an intuition about something. it's the truth not just a suspicion.



The most secure methods stashing money.



 Bro has infinite bread.



Guy attaches packing tape to the back of his friend's electric bike!




I lowkey thought the grandpa was about to leap 50 feet in the air and just abolutely monster dunk that ball.



the waiter was so humble and her reaction was great!



"Can man get pregnant"


that woman is a fxxing joke





 "prosecute me, i will not shake"



oh my, look at their enthusiam.



 Do you consider yourself to be a religous?



Mastering coconut: survival on an island.



1.spelling these words

1.小口抿                                                                                sip

2.真空的                                                                                vaccum

3.走丢的                                                                                stray

4.抛弃|战壕                                                                             ditch

5.过期                                                                                        expire

6.噩梦                                                                                nightmare

7.战场                                                                                campaign

8.视觉欺骗                                                                        optical illusion

9.藏起来                                                                                stash

10.无止境的                                                                        infinite

11.胶卷                                                                                packing tape

12.(身体心理)脆弱的                                                                         vulnerable

13.直觉                                                                                     intuition                           

14.冲刺                                                                                        leap

15.怀孕的                                                                                      pregnant

16.起诉                                                                                           prosecute

17.热情                                                                                        enthusiam

18.谦逊的                                                                                        humble

19.宗教上的                                                                                religous

20.椰子                                                                                        coconut

2.translate these sentenses

part one (En to Cn)

  1. She took a small sip of the hot tea to savor its delicate flavor.
  2. The vacuum cleaner made quick work of picking up the dirt and dust from the carpet.
  3. The stray cat wandered through the neighborhood, searching for food and shelter.
  4. After the heavy rain, the ditch by the side of the road was filled with water.
  5. The milk had expired, so she had to throw it away and buy a fresh carton.
  6. She woke up in a cold sweat, relieved that the terrifying experience was just a nightmare.
  7. The politician launched a campaign to gain support for his bid for re-election.
  8. The magician's trick created an optical illusion, making it appear as if he had made a coin disappear.
  9. He carefully stashed away his savings in a secret compartment in his drawer.
  10. The universe is believed to be infinite, stretching out into endless space.
  11. She used packing tape to secure the box and ensure that it wouldn't open during transit.
  12. The young child felt vulnerable walking alone in the dark forest.
  13. His intuition told him that something wasn't right, so he decided to trust his gut feeling.
  14. With a leap of faith, she jumped off the diving board into the deep pool.
  15. The couple was thrilled to find out they were pregnant after months of trying.
  16. The thief was arrested and prosecuted for stealing valuable artwork from the museum.
  17. Her enthusiasm for the project was contagious and inspired others to get involved.
  18. Despite his success, he remained humble and never forgot where he came from.
  19. The ceremony was conducted according to religious traditions and customs.
  20. She enjoyed sipping on a refreshing coconut drink while lounging on the beach.
  1. 小口抿:她小口抿了一口热茶,细细品味其中的淡雅滋味。
  2. 真空的:真空吸尘器迅速清理地毯上的尘土和灰尘。
  3. 走丢的:那只流浪猫在街区里徘徊,寻找食物和庇护所。
  4. 抛弃|战壕:暴雨过后,路边的战沟被水淹满了。
  5. 过期:牛奶已经过期了,所以她不得不扔掉它,购买新鲜的一瓶。
  6. 噩梦:她惊醒过来,浑身冷汗,庆幸那可怕的经历只是个噩梦。
  7. 战场:政治家发起了一场竞选战役,争取支持连任。
  8. 视觉欺骗:魔术师的把戏制造出视觉上的欺骗,让硬币仿佛消失了一样。
  9. 藏起来:他小心翼翼地把积蓄藏到抽屉的一个秘密隔间里。
  10. 无止境的:宇宙被认为是无止境的,延伸至无尽的空间。
  11. 胶卷:她用胶带固定箱子,确保在运输过程中不会打开。
  12. (身体心理)脆弱的:小孩一个人在黑暗的森林里行走,感到身心脆弱。
  13. 直觉:他的直觉告诉他事情并不对劲,所以他决定相信自己的直觉。
  14. 冲刺:她怀着信心的冲刺,跳下跳板,投入深水池。
  15. 怀孕的:这对夫妇得知他们怀孕了,经过几个月的努力后感到非常高兴。
  16. 起诉:小偷因为从博物馆偷走了贵重艺术品而被逮捕和起诉。
  17. 热情:她对这个项目的热情是具有感染力的,激励着其他人参与其中。
  18. 谦逊的:尽管成功了,他仍然谦逊,从不忘记自己来自哪里。
  19. 宗教上的:仪式按照宗教的传统和习俗进行。
  20. 椰子:她一边躺在沙滩上,一边享受着椰子饮料的清凉。

 Part two (Cn to En)

  1. 小口抿(sip):她小口抿了一口热茶,感受到了温暖的味道。
  2. 真空的(vacuum):我用真空吸尘器清理了地毯上的灰尘和碎屑。
  3. 走丢的(stray):那只走丢的小狗在街上四处闲逛,寻找主人。
  4. 抛弃|战壕(ditch):士兵们被迫抛弃了战壕,向前线推进。
  5. 过期(expire):这包饼干已经过期了,不能再食用了。
  6. 噩梦(nightmare):我昨晚做了一个可怕的噩梦,醒来后还心有余悸。
  7. 战场(campaign):政治家们在选举期间在各个战场上展开激烈竞争。
  8. 视觉欺骗(optical illusion):这幅画用巧妙的视觉欺骗让人感到不可思议。
  9. 藏起来(stash):他把珠宝藏起来,以保证它的安全。
  10. 无止境的(infinite):宇宙中的星系似乎是无止境的,没有尽头。
  11. 胶卷(packing tape):她用胶卷把箱子封好,确保物品不会散落。
  12. (身体心理)脆弱的(vulnerable):身体健康状况不佳时,我们容易变得身心脆弱。
  13. 直觉(intuition):我凭直觉感觉到这个决定是正确的。
  14. 冲刺(leap):运动员从起跑线上冲刺出发,向终点奋力前进。
  15. 怀孕的(pregnant):她怀孕了,期待着即将成为一个母亲。
  16. 起诉(prosecute):检察官决定起诉那名涉嫌犯罪的嫌疑人。
  17. 热情(enthusiasm):他对工作充满热情,总是积极主动地投入其中。
  18. 谦逊的(humble):尽管他取得了巨大的成功,他仍然保持着谦逊的态度。
  19. 宗教上的(religious):这座建筑是一座具有宗教意义的寺庙。
  20. 椰子(coconut):她在海滩上喝着椰子水,享受阳光和海风的味道。

  1. 小口抿(sip):She took a sip of the hot tea and felt the warmth.
  2. 真空的(vacuum):I cleaned the dust and debris from the carpet with a vacuum.
  3. 走丢的(stray):The stray dog wandered the streets, searching for its owner.
  4. 抛弃|战壕(ditch):The soldiers were forced to ditch the trenches and advance to the front line.
  5. 过期(expire):This pack of cookies has expired and should not be consumed.
  6. 噩梦(nightmare):I had a terrible nightmare last night and woke up feeling scared.
  7. 战场(campaign):Politicians engage in fierce competition on various campaign battlegrounds during elections.
  8. 视觉欺骗(optical illusion):This painting creates an optical illusion that leaves people amazed.
  9. 藏起来(stash):He stashed away the jewelry to ensure its safety.
  10. 无止境的(infinite):The galaxies in the universe seem to be infinite, with no end in sight.
  11. 胶卷(packing tape):She sealed the box with packing tape to ensure that the items wouldn't scatter.
  12. (身体心理)脆弱的(vulnerable):We can become emotionally and physically vulnerable when our health is poor.
  13. 直觉(intuition):I have a strong intuition that this decision is the right one.
  14. 冲刺(leap):The athlete leaped off the starting line and sprinted towards the finish.
  15. 怀孕的(pregnant):She is pregnant and looking forward to becoming a mother.
  16. 起诉(prosecute):The prosecutor decided to prosecute the suspect who is accused of a crime.
  17. 热情(enthusiasm):He approaches his work with enthusiasm and always actively engages in it.
  18. 谦逊的(humble):Despite his great success, he remains humble in his attitude.
  19. 宗教上的(religious):The building is a religious temple with significant spiritual meaning.
  20. 椰子(coconut):She enjoyed drinking coconut water on the beach, savoring the taste of sunshine and sea breeze.

3.listen read write and recite arcticle

短文1: As she took a sip of her coffee, she realized that it tasted different than usual. She looked at the vacuum-sealed bag of beans and saw that it had expired two weeks ago. Despite feeling vulnerable, she decided to take a leap and try a new brand. She ordered a bag of coconut-flavored roast online and waited patiently for it to arrive. When it did, she eagerly opened the package with packing tape and brewed a cup. The aroma was divine, and she took another sip, savoring the rich taste. It was an optical illusion to think that she couldn't enjoy her coffee without the old brand. As she sat in her favorite chair, she felt a surge of enthusiasm. She realized that being humble and willing to try new things can lead to amazing discoveries.


短文2: The stray dog wandered aimlessly around the park, sniffing at every tree and bush. It was clear that the animal was lost, and it made her heart ache. She approached the dog slowly, offering it a bowl of water. The dog cautiously approached and drank greedily. She knew she had to help it, so she decided to campaign online to find its owner. She posted a picture of the dog on social media, asking people to share the post. Within hours, she received messages from several people who claimed to know the dog's owner. They were able to locate the owner, who had been frantically searching for the dog. When they reunited, it was an emotional moment that brought tears to her eyes. She realized that sometimes all it takes is a small act of kindness to make a big difference in someone's life.


短文3: The pregnant woman was feeling uneasy as she drove down the dark road. She knew she shouldn't be out so late, but she had to pick up some items from her stash at the store. Suddenly, she hit a pothole and her car swerved off the road, landing in a ditch. It was a nightmare scenario, and she felt vulnerable and scared. But her intuition told her that she had to act quickly. She managed to get out of the car and call for help. The emergency services arrived promptly, and they were able to prosecute the cause of the accident. It turned out that someone had deliberately dug the ditch to cause an accident. Despite the trauma, she felt grateful to be alive and was reminded of the importance of staying safe and being cautious.



《what a wanderful world》


I see trees of green red roses too


I see them bloom for me and you


And I think to myself what a wonderful world


I see skies of blue and clouds of white


The bright blessed day the dark sacred night


And I think to myself what a wonderful world


The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky


Are also on the faces of people going by


I see friends shaking hands saying How do you do


They're really saying I love you


I hear babies cry I watch them grow


They'll learn much more than I'll ever know


And I think to myself what a wonderful world


Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world





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