[ERROR] (:0, ): QPixmap::fromWinHICON(), failed to GetIconInfo() (操作成功完成。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): QPixmap::fromWinHICON(), failed to GetIconInfo() (参数错误。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): QPixmap::fromWinHICON(), failed to GetIconInfo() (参数错误。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): qt_imageToWinHBITMAP, failed to create dibsection (参数错误。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): qt_imageToWinHBITMAP, failed to create dibsection (参数错误。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): qt_imageToWinHBITMAP, failed to create dibsection (参数错误。)
[ERROR] (:0, ): qt_imageToWinHBITMAP, failed to create dibsection (参数错误。)
[FATAL] (:0, ): createDIB: CreateDIBSection failed (300x128, format: 6)
- 内存不足:该错误可能由于内存不足引起。尝试释放内存或考虑优化代码以减少内存占用。[1][2][3]
- 窗口移动问题:在Qt应用程序中,移动窗口可能导致CreateDIBSection失败。尝试调整窗口处理方式或查看相关修复补丁。[3][4]
- 显示图像错误:创建DIB失败可能导致显示图像出现问题。确认代码中的图像显示逻辑或检查代码中的错误。[5][9]
- 平台相关问题:应用在特定平台上崩溃可能会出现此错误,可以尝试更新或修复操作系统相关问题。[6][10]
- API调用错误:使用错误的句柄可能导致CreateDIBSection失败。请确认相关句柄和函数调用是否正确。[7]
要解决这个问题,需要对代码进行仔细检查,并针对特定情况进行调试和修复。可能需要释放内存、优化代码或更新相关库以解决CreateDIBSection失败的问题。 参考:
- [1] stackoverflow.com - CreateDIBSection failed
- [2] bugreports.qt.io - Enlarge subwindow causing createDIBSection failed
- [3] qtcentre.org - QMainWindow dockwidget causing createDIBSection failed
- [4] bugreports.qt.io - Moving window between screens causing CreateDIBSection failed
- [5] microsoft.public.vc.mfc.narkive.com - createDIBsection failed
- [6] github.com - Crash when maximizing the window
- [7] learn.microsoft.com - CreateDIBSection function
- [9] blog.csdn.net - 记录一个没解决的createDIBSection失败的bug
- [10] community.logmein.com - Application crash when sharing screen