1.可视化编解码多头注意力权重(encoder-decoder multi-head attention weights)
# use lists to store the outputs via up-values
conv_features, enc_attn_weights, dec_attn_weights = [], [], []hooks = [model.backbone[-2].register_forward_hook(lambda self, input, output: conv_features.append(output)),model.transformer.encoder.layers[-1].self_attn.register_forward_hook(lambda self, input, output: enc_attn_weights.append(output[1])),model.transformer.decoder.layers[-1].multihead_attn.register_forward_hook(lambda self, input, output: dec_attn_weights.append(output[1])),
]# propagate through the model
outputs = model(img)for hook in hooks:hook.remove()# don't need the list anymore
conv_features = conv_features[0]
enc_attn_weights = enc_attn_weights[0]
dec_attn_weights = dec_attn_weights[0]
# get the feature map shape
h, w = conv_features['0'].tensors.shape[-2:]fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=len(bboxes_scaled), nrows=2, figsize=(22, 7))
colors = COLORS * 100
for idx, ax_i, (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) in zip(keep.nonzero(), axs.T, bboxes_scaled):ax = ax_i[0]ax.imshow(dec_attn_weights[0, idx].view(h, w))ax.axis('off')ax.set_title(f'query id: {idx.item()}')ax = ax_i[1]ax.imshow(im)ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((xmin, ymin), xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin,fill=False, color='blue', linewidth=3))ax.axis('off')ax.set_title(CLASSES[probas[idx].argmax()])
2.可视化编码自注意力权重(encoder self-attention weights)
# output of the CNN
f_map = conv_features['0']
print("Encoder attention: ", enc_attn_weights[0].shape)
print("Feature map: ", f_map.tensors.shape)# output results
# Encoder attention: torch.Size([850, 850])
# Feature map: torch.Size([1, 2048, 25, 34])
[H * W, H * W] -> [H,W,H,W]
# get the HxW shape of the feature maps of the CNN
shape = f_map.tensors.shape[-2:]
# and reshape the self-attention to a more interpretable shape
sattn = enc_attn_weights[0].reshape(shape + shape)
print("Reshaped self-attention:", sattn.shape)
# downsampling factor for the CNN, is 32 for DETR and 16 for DETR DC5
fact = 32# let's select 4 reference points for visualization
idxs = [(200, 200), (280, 400), (200, 600), (440, 800),]# here we create the canvas
fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(25 * 0.7, 8.5 * 0.7))
# and we add one plot per reference point
gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 4)
axs = [fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]),fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]),fig.add_subplot(gs[0, -1]),fig.add_subplot(gs[1, -1]),
]# for each one of the reference points, let's plot the self-attention
# for that point
for idx_o, ax in zip(idxs, axs):idx = (idx_o[0] // fact, idx_o[1] // fact)ax.imshow(sattn[..., idx[0], idx[1]], cmap='cividis', interpolation='nearest')ax.axis('off')ax.set_title(f'self-attention{idx_o}')# and now let's add the central image, with the reference points as red circles
fcenter_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1:-1])
for (y, x) in idxs:scale = im.height / img.shape[-2]x = ((x // fact) + 0.5) * facty = ((y // fact) + 0.5) * factfcenter_ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((x * scale, y * scale), fact // 2, color='r'))fcenter_ax.axis('off')