

  • 一、简介
  • 二、设计
    • 2.1 队列结构设计
    • 2.2 队列接口设计
  • 三、实现
    • 3.1 队列锁的实现
    • 3.2 创建队列
    • 3.3 写入队列
    • 3.4 读出数据
    • 3.5 判断队列是否为空
    • 3.6 判断队列是否为满
    • 3.7 清空队列
    • 3.8 删除队列
  • 四、测试
  • 参考


  • 收到消息时先把接收到的消息放到队列中。
  • 在任务中从队列获取数据。
  • 如果解析过程中再来一帧数据,这帧数据会先存放在消息队列中。
  • 当队列中的上一帧数据解析完成后,任务会从队列中的下一条数据开始解析处理,以此循环,直到队列中的消息解析处理完毕。


2.1 队列结构设计


LiteQueue : Structure describing queue parameters.
item_num_x: Number of items.
item_size : The size of each list item set when creating the queue,unit: bytes, used to store data received in the queue.
item_size : The counter of items
typedef struct {    volatile uint8_t  queue_write_lock;volatile uint8_t  queue_read_lock;uint8_t   *head;    uint8_t   *tail;size_t    item_num;    size_t    item_size;size_t    item_count; 
}LiteQueue,   *pLiteQueue;

2.2 队列接口设计


LiteQueue *LiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size);  
LiteQueue_Status Write_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff);  
LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff);
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue); 
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue); 




3.1 队列锁的实现


typedef enum{    LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK = 0, LITE_QUEUE_LOCK,
}LiteQueueLock;#define  LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{            \if((__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK){\return LITE_QUEUE_BUSY;                          \} else {                                             \(__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK; \}                                                    \
}while(0) #define  LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{          \(__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;   \
}while(0)                                                  #define  LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{             \if((__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK){ \return LITE_QUEUE_BUSY;                          \} else {                                             \(__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK;  \}                                                    \
}while(0)       #define  LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{           \(__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;    \

3.2 创建队列

* @ brief : Create message queue.
* @ param : {size_t     } item_num : The number of list items in the queue.{size_t     } item_size: The size of each list item, unit: bytes.
* @ return: {LiteQueue *} queue    : Message queue handle pointer.
* @ note  : Create a queue and initialize the queue items to 0, with the head and tail pointers pointing to the starting position of the list items.
LiteQueue *LiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size){if((item_num < 1) || (item_size < 1)){return NULL;}LiteQueue *queue = (LiteQueue *)malloc(sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size);if( queue == NULL ) {printf("LiteQueue malloc failed.\r\n");return NULL;}memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size);queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue));queue->tail = queue->head;queue->item_num = item_num;queue->item_size = item_size;queue->item_count = 0;queue->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;queue->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;return queue;

3.3 写入队列

* @ brief : Write data to the queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.{uint8_t        *} buff : Data to be written to the queue.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Writing data when the queue is full will automatically overwrite the first frame of data.
LiteQueue_Status Write_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff){if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL)){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue);if(isLiteQueue_Full(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_FULL){return LITE_QUEUE_FULL;}memcpy(queue->tail, buff, queue->item_size);if(queue->tail == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size){queue->tail = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue);}else{queue->tail += queue->item_size;}queue->item_count += 1;LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;

3.4 读出数据

* @ brief : Read data from queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.{uint8_t        *} buff : Data to be read from the queue.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Read data starting from the position of the head pointer and save it to the buff.
LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff){if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL) || (isLiteQueue_Empty(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY)){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(queue);if(isLiteQueue_Empty(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY){return LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY;}memcpy(buff, queue->head, queue->item_size);  if(queue->head == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size){queue->head = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue);}else{queue->head += queue->item_size;}queue->item_count -= 1;LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;  

3.5 判断队列是否为空

* @ brief : Determine whether the queue is empty.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,             it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}if( queue->item_count == 0 ) {return LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY;}else{return LITE_QUEUE_NONEMPTY;} 

3.6 判断队列是否为满

* @ brief : Determine whether the queue is full.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,             it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}if( queue->item_count == queue->item_num) {return LITE_QUEUE_FULL;}else{return LITE_QUEUE_NONFULL;} 

3.7 清空队列

* @ brief : Clear the message queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL) {return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue);queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue));queue->tail = queue->head;queue->item_count = 0;memset(queue->head, 0, queue->item_num * queue->item_size);LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;

3.8 删除队列

* @ brief : Clear the message queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL) {return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}//memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + queue->item_num * queue->item_size);free(queue);queue = NULL;return LITE_QUEUE_OK;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int  uint32_t;/*
LiteQueue : Structure describing queue parameters.
item_num_x: Number of items.
item_size : The size of each list item set when creating the queue,unit: bytes, used to store data received in the queue.
typedef struct {    volatile uint8_t  queue_write_lock;volatile uint8_t  queue_read_lock;uint8_t   *head;    uint8_t   *tail;size_t    item_num;    size_t    item_size;size_t    item_count; 
}LiteQueue_Status;typedef enum{    LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK = 0, LITE_QUEUE_LOCK,
}LiteQueueLock;#define  LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{            \if((__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK){\return LITE_QUEUE_BUSY;                          \} else {                                             \(__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK; \}                                                    \
}while(0) #define  LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{          \(__QUEUE__)->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;   \
}while(0)                                                  #define  LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(__QUEUE__) do{             \if((__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock == LITE_QUEUE_LOCK){ \return LITE_QUEUE_BUSY;                          \} else {                                             \(__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_LOCK;  \}                                                    \
}while(0)       #define  LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(__QUEUE__) do{           \(__QUEUE__)->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;    \
}while(0)   LiteQueue *LiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size);  
LiteQueue_Status Write_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff);  
LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff);
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue);
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue); 
LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue); /**
* @ brief : Create message queue.
* @ param : {size_t     } item_num : The number of list items in the queue.{size_t     } item_size: The size of each list item, unit: bytes.
* @ return: {LiteQueue *} queue    : Message queue handle pointer.
* @ note  : Create a queue and initialize the queue items to 0, with the head and tail pointers pointing to the starting position of the list items.
LiteQueue *LiteQueue_Create(size_t item_num, size_t item_size){if((item_num < 1) || (item_size < 1)){return NULL;}LiteQueue *queue = (LiteQueue *)malloc(sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size);if( queue == NULL ) {printf("LiteQueue malloc failed.\r\n");return NULL;}memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + item_num * item_size);queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue));queue->tail = queue->head;queue->item_num = item_num;queue->item_size = item_size;queue->item_count = 0;queue->queue_read_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;queue->queue_write_lock = LITE_QUEUE_UNLOCK;return queue;
* @ brief : Write data to the queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.{uint8_t        *} buff : Data to be written to the queue.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Writing data when the queue is full will automatically overwrite the first frame of data.
LiteQueue_Status Write_To_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff){if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL)){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue);if(isLiteQueue_Full(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_FULL){return LITE_QUEUE_FULL;}memcpy(queue->tail, buff, queue->item_size);if(queue->tail == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size){queue->tail = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue);}else{queue->tail += queue->item_size;}queue->item_count += 1;LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;
* @ brief : Read data from queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.{uint8_t        *} buff : Data to be read from the queue.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Read data starting from the position of the head pointer and save it to the buff.
LiteQueue_Status Read_From_LiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue, uint8_t *buff){if((queue == NULL) || (buff == NULL) || (isLiteQueue_Empty(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY)){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_READ_LOCK(queue);if(isLiteQueue_Empty(queue) == LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY){return LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY;}memcpy(buff, queue->head, queue->item_size);  if(queue->head == (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + (queue->item_num - 1) * queue->item_size){queue->head = (uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue);}else{queue->head += queue->item_size;}queue->item_count -= 1;LITE_QUEUE_READ_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;  
* @ brief : Determine whether the queue is empty.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,             it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Empty(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}if( queue->item_count == 0 ) {return LITE_QUEUE_EMPTY;}else{return LITE_QUEUE_NONEMPTY;} 
* @ brief : Determine whether the queue is full.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,             it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
inline LiteQueue_Status isLiteQueue_Full(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL){return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}if( queue->item_count == queue->item_num) {return LITE_QUEUE_FULL;}else{return LITE_QUEUE_NONFULL;} 
* @ brief : Clear the message queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Clear(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL) {return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_LOCK(queue);queue->head = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue));queue->tail = queue->head;queue->item_count = 0;memset(queue->head, 0, queue->item_num * queue->item_size);LITE_QUEUE_WRITE_UNLOCK(queue);return LITE_QUEUE_OK;
* @ brief : Clear the message queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue      *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: {LiteQueue_Status} Returns the status of the queue.
* @ note  : Determine whether the head and tail pointers are the same. If they are the same,it means there is no data in the queue, otherwise it means there is still data that has not been read out.
LiteQueue_Status LiteQueue_Delete(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL) {return LITE_QUEUE_ERR;}//memset((uint8_t *)queue, 0, sizeof(LiteQueue) + queue->item_num * queue->item_size);free(queue);queue = NULL;return LITE_QUEUE_OK;
* @ brief : Print the contents of each list item in the queue.
* @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: None.
static void PrintLiteQueue(LiteQueue *queue){if(queue == NULL){return ;}for(int i = 0; i < queue->item_num; i++){printf("[item_num:%d] ", i);for(int n = 0; n < queue->item_size; n++){printf("%d ", *((uint8_t *)queue + sizeof(LiteQueue) + i * queue->item_size + n));}printf("\r\n");}
* @ brief : Print the data in buff.
* @ param : {LiteQueue *} queue: Message queue handle pointer.
* @ return: None.
* @ note  : Used to observe buff data changes and test to verify the correctness of written or read data.
static void PrintBuff(uint8_t *buff, size_t len){if((buff == NULL) || (len < 1)){return ;}printf("Read buff<<<:");for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++){printf("%d ", buff[i]);}printf("\r\n\r\n");
}int main(){uint8_t writebuff[10] = {0};uint8_t readbuff[10]  = {0};/* Create message queue, 4 list items, each list item has 10 bytes of memory space */pLiteQueue msgQueue = LiteQueue_Create(4, 10);PrintLiteQueue(msgQueue);printf("\r\n");/* Simulate writing and reading to the queue 6 times, and observe the data in the queue by printing */for(int i=0;i<6;i++ ) {/* Simulate data, change the writebuff data and write it to the queue */for(int n = 0; n < msgQueue->item_size; n++){writebuff[n] = (i * msgQueue->item_size + n) % 256;}/* Data is written to the queue */Write_To_LiteQueue(msgQueue, writebuff);PrintLiteQueue(msgQueue);/* Read data from queue */Read_From_LiteQueue(msgQueue, readbuff);PrintBuff(readbuff, sizeof(readbuff));}return 0;









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&#xff08;单人版&#xff09; 摘 要 本篇报告主要解决了为一家名为西宫的公司网络搭建问题&#xff0c;该网络采用企业网三层架构对完了过进行设计。首先使用以太网中继&#xff0c;主要使用VLAN划分的技术来划定不同部门。使用MSTP对每个组配置生成树&#xff0c;防止交换机…

fastApi 项目部署

方式一&#xff0c;Uvicorn部署 Run a Server Manually - Uvicorn - FastAPI 1&#xff0c;linux服务器安装 python>3.8 2&#xff0c;安装 uvicorn : pip install "uvicorn[standard]" 3&#xff0c;上传项目到服务器 main.py from typing imp…

Leetcode每日一题周汇总 (12.24-12.30)

Leetcode每日一题周汇总 (12.24-12.30) 1.Sunday (12.24) 题目链接&#xff1a;1954. 收集足够苹果的最小花园周长 - 力扣&#xff08;LeetCode&#xff09; 题目描述&#xff1a; 给你一个用无限二维网格表示的花园&#xff0c;每一个 整数坐标处都有一棵苹果树。整数坐标…


DIP&#xff1a;Dependence Inversion Principle 原始定义&#xff1a;High level modules should not depend upon low level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions。 官…

Stable Diffusion API入门:简明教程

Stable Diffusion 是一个先进的深度学习模型&#xff0c;用于创造和修改图像。这个模型能够基于文本描述来生成图像&#xff0c;让机器理解和实现用户的创意。使用这项技术的关键在于掌握其 API&#xff0c;通过编程来操控图像生成的过程。 在探索 Stable Diffusion API 的世界…