(1)SELECT basics:(简单查询)
SELECT basics/zhsqlzoo.net①The example uses a WHERE clause to show the population of 'France'. Note that strings (pieces of text that are data) should be in 'single quotes';
Modify it to show the population of Germany
select population
from world
where name='Germany'
②Checking a list The word IN allows us to check if an item is in a list. The example shows the name and population for the countries 'Brazil', 'Russia', 'India' and 'China'.
Show the name and the population for 'Sweden', 'Norway' and 'Denmark'.
显示“瑞典”,“挪威”和“丹麦” 的名称和人口。
select name,population
from world
where name in ('Sweden','Norway','Denmark')
③Which countries are not too small and not too big? BETWEEN allows range checking (range specified is inclusive of boundary values). The example below shows countries with an area of 250,000-300,000 sq. km. Modify it to show the country and the area for countries with an area between 200,000 and 250,000.
哪个国家不太小也不太大? BETWEEN允许范围检查(指定的范围包括边界值)。以下示例显示了面积为250,000-300,000平方公里的国家。对其进行修改以显示该国家/地区以及200,000到250,000之间的国家/地区的面积。
select name,area
from world
where area between 200000 and 250000
(2)SELECT from WORLD Tutorial(运算符练习)
SQLZOO:SELECT from WORLD Tutorial/zhsqlzoo.net①Observe the result of running this SQL command to show the name, continent and population of all countries.
select name,continent,population
from world
②Show the name for the countries that have a population of at least 200 million. 200 million is 200000000, there are eight zeros.
select name
from world
where population>=200000000
③Give the name and the per capita GDP for those countries with a population of at least 200 million.
per capita GDP is the GDP divided by the population GDP/population
找出人口至少为2亿的国家名字和人均GDP。人均GDP是GDP除以人口GDP /人口
select name,GDP/population as per capita GDP
from world
where population>=200000000
④Show the name and population in millions for the countries of the continent 'South America'. Divide the population by 1000000 to get population in millions.
查找属于南美洲(South America)的国家名称,并将人口除以100万,以获得数百万人口数。
select name,population/1000000
from world
where continent='South America'
⑤Show the name and population for France, Germany, Italy
查找法国,德国,意大利(France, Germany, Italy)的国家名称和人口
select name,population
from world
where name in ('France','Germany','Italy')
⑥Show the countries which have a name that includes the word 'United'
select name
from world
where name like ‘%United%’
⑦Two ways to be big: A country is big if it has an area of more than 3 million sq km or it has a population of more than 250 million.
Show the countries that are big by area or big by population. Show name, population and area.
select name,population,area
from world
where area>3000000 or population>250000000
⑧Exclusive OR (XOR). Show the countries that are big by area (more than 3 million) or big by population (more than 250 million) but not both. Show name, population and area.
select name,population,area
from world
where (area>3000000 and population<=250000000) or (area<=3000000 and population>250000000)
(3)SELECT names/zh(字符串模糊查询)
SELECT names/zh - SQLZOOsqlzoo.net①你可以用WHERE name LIKE 'B%'来找出以 B 为开首的国家。
找出以 Y 字母开头的国家名称。
select name
from world
where name like ‘Y%’
②找出以 Y 字母结尾的国家名称。
select name
from world
where name like ‘%Y’
select name
from world
where name like ‘%x%’
④“Iceland 冰岛”和“Switzerland 瑞士”的名字都是以”land”作结束的。还有其他吗?
找出所有国家,其名字以 land 作结尾。
select name
from world
where name like ‘%land’
⑤“Columbia 哥伦比亚”是以 C 作开始,ia 作结尾的。还有两个国家相同。
找出所有国家,其名字以 C 开始,ia 结尾。
select name
from world
where name like ‘C%ia’
⑥“Greece 希腊”中有双 e 字。哪个国家有双 o 字呢?
select name
from world
where name like ‘%oo%’
⑦“Bahamas 巴哈马”中有三个 a,还有吗?
select name
from world
where name like ‘%a%a%a%’
⑧“India 印度”和”Angola 安哥拉”的第二个字母都是 n。
select name
from world
where name like ‘_t%’
order by name
⑨“Lesotho 赖索托”和”Moldova 摩尔多瓦”都有两个字母 o,被另外两个字母相隔着。
select name
from world
where name like ‘%o__o%’
⑩“Cuba古巴”和”Togo 多哥”都是 4 个字母。
找出所有国家,其名字都是 4 个字母的。
select name
from world
where name like '____'
⑩①“Luxembourg 卢森堡”的首都 capital 都同样叫“Luxembourg”。
select name
from world
where name=capital