一、 爬山法
1. 算法描述
2. 算法实现
3. 实验结果
二、 模拟退火法
1. 算法描述
2. 算法实现
3. 实验结果
三、 遗传算法
1. 算法描述
2. 算法实现
(2)get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num)
3. 实验结果
一、 爬山法
1. 算法描述
2. 算法实现
- def num_of_conflict(status): # 获取该状态下互相攻击的皇后对数
- num_of_conflict = 0;
- for col1 in range(0, 7):
- for col2 in range(col1+1, 8):
- if (status[col1] == status[col2]) \
- or ((col2 - col1) == abs(status[col1] - status[col2])) : #判断是否相互攻击
- num_of_conflict += 1;
- return num_of_conflict
- def get_min_num_of_conflict_status(status): #返回该状态status时的最优邻居状态,如不存在,则返回本身
- min_status = status
- for col in range(0,8): #此处两个循环为遍历56种邻居
- for row in range(0, 8):
- new_status = status[:]
- if status[col] != row: #相等时跳过,此时是皇后位置
- new_status[col] = row
- if num_of_conflict(new_status) < num_of_conflict(min_status):
- min_status = new_status #new_status的相互攻击皇后数小于min_status,所以更min_status
- elif num_of_conflict(new_status) == num_of_conflict(min_status) \
- and num_of_conflict(new_status) != num_of_conflict(status):
- choose = random.randint(0, 1)
- if choose == 1: #当新状态的h也是最小时,根据概率(0,1)随机决定刷新
- min_status = new_status
- return min_status
- #爬山法
- import random
- def num_of_conflict(status): # 获取该状态下互相攻击的皇后对数
- num_of_conflict = 0;
- for col1 in range(0, 7):
- for col2 in range(col1+1, 8):
- if (status[col1] == status[col2]) \
- or ((col2 - col1) == abs(status[col1] - status[col2])) : #判断是否相互攻击
- num_of_conflict += 1;
- return num_of_conflict
- def get_min_num_of_conflict_status(status): #返回该状态status时的最优邻居状态,如不存在,则返回本身
- min_status = status
- for col in range(0,8): #此处两个循环为遍历56种邻居
- for row in range(0, 8):
- new_status = status[:]
- if status[col] != row: #相等时跳过,此时是皇后位置
- new_status[col] = row
- if num_of_conflict(new_status) < num_of_conflict(min_status):
- min_status = new_status #new_status的相互攻击皇后数小于min_status,所以更min_status
- elif num_of_conflict(new_status) == num_of_conflict(min_status) \
- and num_of_conflict(new_status) != num_of_conflict(status):
- choose = random.randint(0, 1)
- if choose == 1: #当新状态的h也是最小时,根据概率(0,1)随机决定刷新
- min_status = new_status
- return min_status
- status = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- for col in range(0, 8): #生成随机八皇后棋盘
- row = random.randint(0, 7)
- status[col] = row
- print("the initial status: ")
- print(status)
- print("the num of conflict: ")
- print(num_of_conflict(status))
- while num_of_conflict(status) > 0 : #当不为解时
- new_status = get_min_num_of_conflict_status(status) #获得当前状态的最优邻居
- if new_status == status: #最优邻居就是自己,证明h已经是最小了
- print("the new status: ")
- print(status)
- print("the num of conflict: ")
- print(num_of_conflict(status))
- print("can't find a answer!")
- break
- status = new_status
- print("the new status: ")
- print(status)
- print("the num of conflict: ")
- print(num_of_conflict(status))
- if num_of_conflict(status) == 0:
- print("find a answer!")
3. 实验结果
二、 模拟退火法
1. 算法描述
2. 算法实现
- #模拟退火法
- import random
- import math
- def num_of_conflict(status): # 获取该状态下互相攻击的皇后对数
- num_of_conflict = 0;
- for col1 in range(0, 7):
- for col2 in range(col1+1, 8):
- if (status[col1] == status[col2]) \
- or ((col2 - col1) == abs(status[col1] - status[col2])) : #判断是否相互攻击
- num_of_conflict += 1;
- return num_of_conflict
- def get_next_num_of_conflict_status(status, T): #根据递减的T和当前状态返回一个新状态
- next_status = []
- for col in range(0,8):
- for row in range(0, 8):
- new_status = status[:]
- if status[col] != row:
- new_status[col] = row
- next_status.append(new_status)
- choose_status = random.randint(0, 55) #从56的邻居任选一个
- if num_of_conflict(next_status[choose_status]) <= num_of_conflict(status): #新的状态优于原先的
- return next_status[choose_status]
- else: #原先的状态优于新状态
- E = num_of_conflict(status) - num_of_conflict(next_status[choose_status])
- probability = math.e**(E/T) #概率计算公式
- choose = random.randint(0, 1000)/1000
- if choose <= probability: #以一定概率使新的状态取代原先的状态
- return next_status[choose_status]
- return status #返回原状态,不移动
- status = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- for col in range(0, 8):
- row = random.randint(0, 7)
- status[col] = row
- print("the initial status: ")
- print(status)
- print("the num of conflict: ")
- print(num_of_conflict(status))
- T = 5.0 #初始T,(温度)
- while num_of_conflict(status) > 0 : #找不到最优解
- new_status = get_next_num_of_conflict_status(status, T) #获取新状态
- if new_status == status: #不移动
- print("E < 0, but no move")
- else:
- status = new_status
- print("the new status: ")
- print(status)
- print("the num of conflict: ")
- print(num_of_conflict(status))
- if num_of_conflict(status) == 0:
- print("find a answer!")
- T = T * 0.99 # T递减,概率也递减
- if T < 0.0001: #运行 1077 次,此时认为T接近0
- print("T = 0, can't find a answer")
- break
3. 实验结果
因为T的设置问题,总共运行次数达到1077次,若T == 0, 即T无限小,认为搜索失败,但失败几率比爬山法小很多
三、 遗传算法
1. 算法描述
遗传算法是模拟达尔文进化论的自然选择和遗传学机理的生物进化过程的计算模型,是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,是随机束搜索的一个变形,通过将两个父状态结合来生成后续。以八皇后问题来说明遗传算法,随机生成K个状态,以一定概率(不相互攻击的皇后对数越多,概率越大)选择两个状态,通过交换前N(0 < N < 8)个位置获得两个新的后代,同时将K个后代继续配对。配对过程可能产生变异,此时实验设置变异概率为10%。K在本次实验设为4.
2. 算法实现
(2)get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num)
- #遗传算法
- import random
- def get_num_of_no_conflict(status): # 获取该状态下不互相攻击的皇后对数
- num_of_conflict = 0;
- for col1 in range(0, 7):
- for col2 in range(col1+1, 8):
- if (status[col1] == status[col2]) \
- or ((col2 - col1) == abs(status[col1] - status[col2])) : #判断是否相互攻击
- num_of_conflict += 1;
- return 28 - num_of_conflict #此处是求不相互攻击的
- def get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num): #按照比例求状态群的某一个状态作为父亲之一
- choose_parent = random.randint(0, sum(no_conflict_num) - 1)
- if choose_parent < no_conflict_num[0]:
- return all_status[0]
- elif choose_parent >= no_conflict_num[0] and choose_parent < (no_conflict_num[0] + no_conflict_num[1]):
- return all_status[1]
- elif choose_parent >= (no_conflict_num[0] + no_conflict_num[1]) \
- and choose_parent < (no_conflict_num[0] + no_conflict_num[1] + no_conflict_num[2]):
- return all_status[2]
- return all_status[3]
- def variation(all_status): #变异
- for i in range(0, 4):
- col = random.randint(0, 7)
- row = random.randint(0, 7)
- all_status[i][col] = row
- return all_status
- def inheritance(all_status): #杂交
- no_conflict_num = []
- new_all_status = []
- for i in range(0, 4):
- no_conflict_num.append(get_num_of_no_conflict(all_status[i]))
- for t in range(0, 2): #一次生成两个子代,循环两次
- father = get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num);
- mother = get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num);
- while father == mother:
- mother = get_parent(all_status, no_conflict_num);
- first_child = father[:]
- second_child = mother[:]
- num = random.randint(0, 6) #各种交换下标0-num的数,形成子代
- for i in range(0, num+1):
- first_child[i] = second_child[i]
- second_child[i] = father[i]
- new_all_status.append(first_child)
- new_all_status.append(second_child)
- return new_all_status #返回新的状态种族
- def find_answer(all_status): #判断该状态种族是否有解
- for i in range(0, 4):
- if get_num_of_no_conflict(all_status[i]) == 28:
- print("find a answer:")
- print(all_status[i])
- return True
- return False
- all_status = []
- for i in range(0, 4): #随机生成4个状态,即种族
- status = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
- for col in range(0, 8):
- row = random.randint(0, 7)
- status[col] = row
- all_status.append(status)
- print("the initial all_status: ")
- print(all_status)
- all_status = inheritance(all_status) #杂交
- while find_answer(all_status) == False: #找不到最优后代(最优解)则一直繁衍
- whether_variation = random.randint(1, 10) #10%变异的几率
- if whether_variation == 1:
- print("have a variation,and the all_status:")
- all_status = variation(all_status)
- print(all_status)
- else:
- all_status = inheritance(all_status) #杂交
- print("the next all_status: ")
- print(all_status)
3. 实验结果