调整超参数通常是机器学习工作流程中最昂贵的部分。 Tune专为解决此问题而设计,展示了针对此痛点的有效且可扩展的解决方案。 请注意,此示例取决于Tensorflow 2.0。
Code: ray/python/ray/tune at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub
Examples: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/tune/examples)
Documentation: Tune: Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning — Ray v1.6.0
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ray-dev
## If you are running on Google Colab, uncomment below to install the necessary dependencies
## before beginning the exercise.# print("Setting up colab environment")
# !pip uninstall -y -q pyarrow
# !pip install -q https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/latest/ray-0.8.0.dev5-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
# !pip install -q ray[debug]# # A hack to force the runtime to restart, needed to include the above dependencies.
# print("Done installing! Restarting via forced crash (this is not an issue).")
# import os
# os._exit(0)
## If you are running on Google Colab, please install TensorFlow 2.0 by uncommenting below..# try:
# # %tensorflow_version only exists in Colab.
# %tensorflow_version 2.x
# except Exception:
# pass
- 可视化数据。
- 创建模型训练过程(使用Keras)。
- 通过调整上述模型训练过程以使用Tune来调整模型。
- 分析Tune创建的模型。
请注意,这使用了Tune的基于函数的API。 这主要是用于原型制作。 后面的教程将介绍Tune更加强大的基于类的可训练 API。
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(0)import tensorflow as tf
except Exception as exc:print(exc)
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore")from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Densefrom tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpointimport ray
from ray import tune
from ray.tune.examples.utils import get_iris_dataimport inspect
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Visualize your data
鸢尾花数据集由3种不同类型的鸢尾花(Setosa,Versicolour和Virginica)的花瓣和萼片长度组成,存储在150x4 numpy中。
from sklearn.datasets import load_irisiris = load_iris()
true_data = iris['data']
true_label = iris['target']
names = iris['target_names']
feature_names = iris['feature_names']def plot_data(X, y):# Visualize the data setsplt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)for target, target_name in enumerate(names):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 0], X_plot[:, 1], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[0])plt.ylabel(feature_names[1])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)for target, target_name in enumerate(names):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 2], X_plot[:, 3], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[2])plt.ylabel(feature_names[3])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plot_data(true_data, true_label)
def create_model(learning_rate, dense_1, dense_2):assert learning_rate > 0 and dense_1 > 0 and dense_2 > 0, "Did you set the right configuration?"model = Sequential()model.add(Dense(int(dense_1), input_shape=(4,), activation='relu', name='fc1'))model.add(Dense(int(dense_2), activation='relu', name='fc2'))model.add(Dense(3, activation='softmax', name='output'))optimizer = SGD(lr=learning_rate)model.compile(optimizer, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])return model
def train_on_iris():train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()model = create_model(learning_rate=0.1, dense_1=2, dense_2=2)# This saves the top model. `accuracy` is only available in TF2.0.checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint("model.h5", monitor='accuracy', save_best_only=True, save_freq=2)# Train the modelmodel.fit(train_x, train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y),verbose=0, batch_size=10, epochs=20, callbacks=[checkpoint_callback])return model
让我们在数据集中快速训练模型。 准确性应该很低。
original_model = train_on_iris() # This trains the model and returns it.
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()
original_loss, original_accuracy = original_model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, verbose=0)
print("Loss is {:0.4f}".format(original_loss))
print("Accuracy is {:0.4f}".format(original_accuracy))
现在,让我们使用Tune优化学习鸢尾花分类的模型。 这将分为两个部分-修改训练功能以支持Tune,然后配置Tune。
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from ray.tune import trackclass TuneReporterCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):"""Tune Callback for Keras.The callback is invoked every epoch."""def __init__(self, logs={}):self.iteration = 0super(TuneReporterCallback, self).__init__()def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}):self.iteration += 1track.log(keras_info=logs, mean_accuracy=logs.get("accuracy"), mean_loss=logs.get("loss"))
- 更改函数的签名以接收超参数字典。 该函数将在Ray上调用。
def tune_iris(config)
- 将配置值传递到create_model中:
model = create_model(learning_rate=config["lr"], dense_1=config["dense_1"], dense_2=config["dense_2"])
def tune_iris(): # TODO: Change me.train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()model = create_model(learning_rate=0, dense_1=0, dense_2=0) # TODO: Change me.checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint("model.h5", monitor='loss', save_best_only=True, save_freq=2)# Enable Tune to make intermediate decisions by using a Tune Callback hook. This is Keras specific.callbacks = [checkpoint_callback, TuneReporterCallback()]# Train the modelmodel.fit(train_x, train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y),verbose=0, batch_size=10, epochs=20, callbacks=callbacks)assert len(inspect.getargspec(tune_iris).args) == 1, "The `tune_iris` function needs to take in the arg `config`."print("Test-running to make sure this function will run correctly.")
tune.track.init() # For testing purposes only.
tune_iris({"lr": 0.1, "dense_1": 4, "dense_2": 4})
- 指定超参数空间。
hyperparameter_space = { "lr": tune.loguniform(0.001, 0.1), "dense_1": tune.uniform(2, 128), "dense_2": tune.uniform(2, 128), }
- 增加样品数量。 我们评估的试验越多,选择好的模型的机会就越大。
num_samples = 20
将总共运行20个试验(超参数配置示例)。 但是,并非所有这些都可以一次运行。 最大训练并发性是您正在运行的计算机上的CPU内核数。 对于2核机器,将同时训练2个模型。 完成后,新的训练过程将从新的超参数配置示例开始。
每个试用版都将在新的Python进程上运行。 试用结束后,python进程将被杀死。
错误文件列将显示在输出中。 运行下面带有错误文件路径路径的单元格以诊断您的问题。! cat /home/ubuntu/tune_iris/tune_iris_c66e1100_2019-10-09_17-13-24x_swb9xs/error_2019-10-09_17-13-29.txt
# This seeds the hyperparameter sampling.
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(5)
hyperparameter_space = {} # TODO: Fill me out.
num_samples = 1 # TODO: Fill me out.####################################################################################################
################ This is just a validation function for tutorial purposes only. ####################
HP_KEYS = ["lr", "dense_1", "dense_2"]
assert all(key in hyperparameter_space for key in HP_KEYS), ("The hyperparameter space is not fully designated. It must include all of {}".format(HP_KEYS))
######################################################################################################ray.shutdown() # Restart Ray defensively in case the ray connection is lost.
# We clean out the logs before running for a clean visualization later.
! rm -rf ~/ray_results/tune_irisanalysis = tune.run(tune_iris, verbose=1, config=hyperparameter_space,num_samples=num_samples)assert len(analysis.trials) == 20, "Did you set the correct number of samples?"
_, _, test_data, test_labels = get_iris_data()
plot_data(test_data, test_labels.argmax(1))
# Obtain the directory where the best model is saved.
print("You can use any of the following columns to get the best model: \n{}.".format([k for k in analysis.dataframe() if k.startswith("keras_info")]))
print("=" * 10)
logdir = analysis.get_best_logdir("keras_info/val_loss", mode="min")
# We saved the model as `model.h5` in the logdir of the trial.
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
tuned_model = load_model(logdir + "/model.h5")tuned_loss, tuned_accuracy = tuned_model.evaluate(test_data, test_labels, verbose=0)
print("Loss is {:0.4f}".format(tuned_loss))
print("Tuned accuracy is {:0.4f}".format(tuned_accuracy))
print("The original un-tuned model had an accuracy of {:0.4f}".format(original_accuracy))
predicted_label = tuned_model.predict(test_data)
plot_data(test_data, predicted_label.argmax(1))
def plot_comparison(X, y):# Visualize the data setsplt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)for target, target_name in enumerate(["Incorrect", "Correct"]):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 0], X_plot[:, 1], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[0])plt.ylabel(feature_names[1])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)for target, target_name in enumerate(["Incorrect", "Correct"]):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 2], X_plot[:, 3], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[2])plt.ylabel(feature_names[3])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plot_comparison(test_data, test_labels.argmax(1) == predicted_label.argmax(1))
您可以使用TensorBoard查看试用表演。 如果未加载图形,请单击“切换所有运行”。
%load_ext tensorboard
%load_ext tensorboard
调整超参数通常是机器学习工作流程中最昂贵的部分。 Tune专为解决此问题而设计,展示了针对此痛点的有效且可扩展的解决方案。 请注意,此示例取决于Tensorflow 2.0。
Code: ray/python/ray/tune at master · ray-project/ray · GitHub
Examples: https://github.com/ray-project/ray/tree/master/python/ray/tune/examples)
Documentation: Tune: Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning — Ray v1.6.0
Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ray-dev
## If you are running on Google Colab, uncomment below to install the necessary dependencies
## before beginning the exercise.# print("Setting up colab environment")
# !pip uninstall -y -q pyarrow
# !pip install -q https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ray-wheels/latest/ray-0.8.0.dev5-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
# !pip install -q ray[debug]# # A hack to force the runtime to restart, needed to include the above dependencies.
# print("Done installing! Restarting via forced crash (this is not an issue).")
# import os
# os._exit(0)
## If you are running on Google Colab, please install TensorFlow 2.0 by uncommenting below..# try:
# # %tensorflow_version only exists in Colab.
# %tensorflow_version 2.x
# except Exception:
# pass
- 可视化数据。
- 创建模型训练过程(使用Keras)。
- 通过调整上述模型训练过程以使用Tune来调整模型。
- 分析Tune创建的模型。
请注意,这使用了Tune的基于函数的API。 这主要是用于原型制作。 后面的教程将介绍Tune更加强大的基于类的可训练 API。
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(0)import tensorflow as tf
except Exception as exc:print(exc)
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore")from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Densefrom tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpointimport ray
from ray import tune
from ray.tune.examples.utils import get_iris_dataimport inspect
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Visualize your data
鸢尾花数据集由3种不同类型的鸢尾花(Setosa,Versicolour和Virginica)的花瓣和萼片长度组成,存储在150x4 numpy中。
from sklearn.datasets import load_irisiris = load_iris()
true_data = iris['data']
true_label = iris['target']
names = iris['target_names']
feature_names = iris['feature_names']def plot_data(X, y):# Visualize the data setsplt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)for target, target_name in enumerate(names):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 0], X_plot[:, 1], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[0])plt.ylabel(feature_names[1])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)for target, target_name in enumerate(names):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 2], X_plot[:, 3], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[2])plt.ylabel(feature_names[3])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plot_data(true_data, true_label)
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def create_model(learning_rate, dense_1, dense_2):assert learning_rate > 0 and dense_1 > 0 and dense_2 > 0, "Did you set the right configuration?"model = Sequential()model.add(Dense(int(dense_1), input_shape=(4,), activation='relu', name='fc1'))model.add(Dense(int(dense_2), activation='relu', name='fc2'))model.add(Dense(3, activation='softmax', name='output'))optimizer = SGD(lr=learning_rate)model.compile(optimizer, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])return model
- 1
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- 9
def train_on_iris():train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()model = create_model(learning_rate=0.1, dense_1=2, dense_2=2)# This saves the top model. `accuracy` is only available in TF2.0.checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint("model.h5", monitor='accuracy', save_best_only=True, save_freq=2)# Train the modelmodel.fit(train_x, train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y),verbose=0, batch_size=10, epochs=20, callbacks=[checkpoint_callback])return model
让我们在数据集中快速训练模型。 准确性应该很低。
original_model = train_on_iris() # This trains the model and returns it.
train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()
original_loss, original_accuracy = original_model.evaluate(test_x, test_y, verbose=0)
print("Loss is {:0.4f}".format(original_loss))
print("Accuracy is {:0.4f}".format(original_accuracy))
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
现在,让我们使用Tune优化学习鸢尾花分类的模型。 这将分为两个部分-修改训练功能以支持Tune,然后配置Tune。
import tensorflow.keras as keras
from ray.tune import trackclass TuneReporterCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):"""Tune Callback for Keras.The callback is invoked every epoch."""def __init__(self, logs={}):self.iteration = 0super(TuneReporterCallback, self).__init__()def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}):self.iteration += 1track.log(keras_info=logs, mean_accuracy=logs.get("accuracy"), mean_loss=logs.get("loss"))
- 更改函数的签名以接收超参数字典。 该函数将在Ray上调用。
def tune_iris(config)
- 将配置值传递到create_model中:
model = create_model(learning_rate=config["lr"], dense_1=config["dense_1"], dense_2=config["dense_2"])
def tune_iris(): # TODO: Change me.train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = get_iris_data()model = create_model(learning_rate=0, dense_1=0, dense_2=0) # TODO: Change me.checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint("model.h5", monitor='loss', save_best_only=True, save_freq=2)# Enable Tune to make intermediate decisions by using a Tune Callback hook. This is Keras specific.callbacks = [checkpoint_callback, TuneReporterCallback()]# Train the modelmodel.fit(train_x, train_y, validation_data=(test_x, test_y),verbose=0, batch_size=10, epochs=20, callbacks=callbacks)assert len(inspect.getargspec(tune_iris).args) == 1, "The `tune_iris` function needs to take in the arg `config`."print("Test-running to make sure this function will run correctly.")
tune.track.init() # For testing purposes only.
tune_iris({"lr": 0.1, "dense_1": 4, "dense_2": 4})
- 指定超参数空间。
hyperparameter_space = { "lr": tune.loguniform(0.001, 0.1), "dense_1": tune.uniform(2, 128), "dense_2": tune.uniform(2, 128), }
- 增加样品数量。 我们评估的试验越多,选择好的模型的机会就越大。
num_samples = 20
将总共运行20个试验(超参数配置示例)。 但是,并非所有这些都可以一次运行。 最大训练并发性是您正在运行的计算机上的CPU内核数。 对于2核机器,将同时训练2个模型。 完成后,新的训练过程将从新的超参数配置示例开始。
每个试用版都将在新的Python进程上运行。 试用结束后,python进程将被杀死。
错误文件列将显示在输出中。 运行下面带有错误文件路径路径的单元格以诊断您的问题。! cat /home/ubuntu/tune_iris/tune_iris_c66e1100_2019-10-09_17-13-24x_swb9xs/error_2019-10-09_17-13-29.txt
# This seeds the hyperparameter sampling.
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(5)
hyperparameter_space = {} # TODO: Fill me out.
num_samples = 1 # TODO: Fill me out.####################################################################################################
################ This is just a validation function for tutorial purposes only. ####################
HP_KEYS = ["lr", "dense_1", "dense_2"]
assert all(key in hyperparameter_space for key in HP_KEYS), ("The hyperparameter space is not fully designated. It must include all of {}".format(HP_KEYS))
######################################################################################################ray.shutdown() # Restart Ray defensively in case the ray connection is lost.
# We clean out the logs before running for a clean visualization later.
! rm -rf ~/ray_results/tune_irisanalysis = tune.run(tune_iris, verbose=1, config=hyperparameter_space,num_samples=num_samples)assert len(analysis.trials) == 20, "Did you set the correct number of samples?"
_, _, test_data, test_labels = get_iris_data()
plot_data(test_data, test_labels.argmax(1))
# Obtain the directory where the best model is saved.
print("You can use any of the following columns to get the best model: \n{}.".format([k for k in analysis.dataframe() if k.startswith("keras_info")]))
print("=" * 10)
logdir = analysis.get_best_logdir("keras_info/val_loss", mode="min")
# We saved the model as `model.h5` in the logdir of the trial.
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
tuned_model = load_model(logdir + "/model.h5")tuned_loss, tuned_accuracy = tuned_model.evaluate(test_data, test_labels, verbose=0)
print("Loss is {:0.4f}".format(tuned_loss))
print("Tuned accuracy is {:0.4f}".format(tuned_accuracy))
print("The original un-tuned model had an accuracy of {:0.4f}".format(original_accuracy))
predicted_label = tuned_model.predict(test_data)
plot_data(test_data, predicted_label.argmax(1))
def plot_comparison(X, y):# Visualize the data setsplt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)for target, target_name in enumerate(["Incorrect", "Correct"]):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 0], X_plot[:, 1], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[0])plt.ylabel(feature_names[1])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)for target, target_name in enumerate(["Incorrect", "Correct"]):X_plot = X[y == target]plt.plot(X_plot[:, 2], X_plot[:, 3], linestyle='none', marker='o', label=target_name)plt.xlabel(feature_names[2])plt.ylabel(feature_names[3])plt.axis('equal')plt.legend();plot_comparison(test_data, test_labels.argmax(1) == predicted_label.argmax(1))