

平板显示器 (Flat Panel Display)

It is generally known as FPD, the flat-panel display is such a display technology which overtakes Cathode Ray Tube as a new standard of computer desktop displays. Unlike monitors through CRT, flat-panel displays use LCD (liquid crystal display) or LED (light-emitting diode) screens, which makes them lighter and thinner as compared to the previous monitors.

平板显示器是通常所说的FPD ,它是一种取代了阴极射线管的显示器技术,成为计算机台式显示器的新标准。 与通过CRT的显示器不同,平板显示器使用LCD (液晶显示器)或LED (发光二极管)屏幕,与以前的显示器相比,它们更轻,更薄。

flat panel display (1)

Image source: https://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/stohr/liquidcrystal.htm


These refer to the class of video devices that have resulted in the reduction of weight, size, and consumption of energy as compared to the Cathode Ray Tube. They are mainly used in televisions, monitors and various other sources.

这些是指与阴极射线管相比导致重量减轻,尺寸减小和能量消耗减少的视频设备类别。 它们主要用于电视,监视器和各种其他来源。

These are basically and broadly divided into two categories which are,


  • Emissive Displays: These are devices that work based on the conversion of electrical energy into light energy. Some of its applications include an electroluminescent display, Light Emitting Diode (LED), panels made by plasma and many more. The image is directly produced on the screen.

    发光显示器 :这些是基于电能转换为光能的设备。 它的一些应用包括电致发光显示器,发光二极管(LED),等离子面板等。 图像直接在屏幕上产生。

  • Non-emissive Displays: These type of devices use optical effects which converts sunlight or lights from other sources into some graphical patterns that are displayed on the screen. These have applications in LCD etc. Light is produced behind the screen and the image is formed by the filtration of this light.

    非发射型显示器 :这些类型的设备使用光学效果,将太阳光或其他来源的光转换为一些显示在屏幕上的图形模式。 这些在液晶显示器等中都有应用。光在屏幕后方产生,并且图像是通过过滤此光而形成的。

平板显示器的类型 (Types of Flat Panel Display)

There are various types of flat panel displays and options of those available. The major three types of flat panel displays available which are included in the market also are,

有各种类型的平板显示器以及可用的选项。 市场上可用的三种主要平板显示器包括:

1) LCD


Liquid Crystal Display. These displays have proved to be the most widely used type of display for long until recent times. This is a method of lighting through the backside which uses a panel of CFL lamps that are placed behind the two panels of glass which is filled with a liquid crystal matter, which gets opaque when an electric current passes through it. This contrast produced between the opaque and the transparent areas available forms of visible characters. These LCDs are less expensive, wider and weigh comparatively more than the LED displays.

液晶显示器。 直到最近,这些显示器已被证明是使用最广泛的显示器类型。 这是一种通过背面照明的方法,该方法使用一组CFL灯,该CFL灯放置在两块玻璃面板的后面,两块玻璃面板填充有液晶物质,当电流通过时,该液晶物质变得不透明。 在不透明区域和透明区域之间可以使用可见字符的形式形成这种对比。 这些LCD比LED显示器更便宜,更宽,重量更重。


2) LED


Light Emitting Diode. The concept of LED is generally the same as CFL backlighting, the basic differences in their performances are still significant. LEDs can be more quickly switched on and switched off than the CFL displays, and they can offer a typical brighter screen. Their displays are sharper, clearer and produce brighter colors and better than LCD. LEDs give a slimmer profile, with some basic commercial displays being less than even a few millimeters in depth where LCDs are up to 5-inch display. Because of thee so many advantages and also leads to the saving of energy, manufacturers have ultimately and gradually decided to discontinue the CFL displays.

发光二极管。 LED的概念通常与CFL背光相同,其性能的基本差异仍然很大。 与CFL显示屏相比,LED可以更快地打开和关闭,它们可以提供典型的更亮的屏幕。 与LCD相比,它们的显示更清晰,更清晰,并产生更明亮的色彩和更好的显示效果。 LED具有更纤薄的外形,一些基本的商用显示器的深度甚至不到5毫米,而LCD显示器的深度却高达5英寸。 由于具有如此众多的优势,并且还可以节省能源,因此制造商最终逐渐决定停止使用CFL显示器。




The organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is referred to as the organic LED, which is similar to a regular LED, except the fact that it is made up of semiconductor material which is organic. This organic material is placed between the two electrodes, and it emits light when a flow of current is made to pass through the entire volume. This active material is comparatively thinner than a regular LED. The users can expect various new and unique display technologies that use OLED for these retail applications.

有机发光二极管(OLED)称为有机LED,除了由有机半导体材料制成外,与常规LED相似。 这种有机材料位于两个电极之间,当使电流流过整个体积时,它会发光。 这种活性材料比普通的LED薄。 用户可以期待将OLED用于这些零售应用的各种新颖独特的显示技术。


平板显示器的优势 (Advantages of Flat Panel Display)

  • Flat Panel Devices such as LCD produce high-quality digital images. The images produced with the help of these devices is of great quality with high resolution.

    LCD等平板设备可产生高质量的数字图像。 在这些设备的帮助下产生的图像具有高质量和高分辨率。

  • Flat Panel monitors are very stylish and they have a very space-saving design. The space consumed by the other type of devices is comparatively more than these.

    平板显示器非常时尚,并且具有非常节省空间的设计。 其他类型的设备消耗的空间相对要多于这些。

  • Flat Panel Devices also consume comparatively less power and give out the maximum size of the image takes in minimum space.


  • Flat Panel Device uses its capability of full-color display.


  • Full motion videos can also be viewed on Flat Panel Devices.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-graphics/flat-panel-display-in-computer-graphics.aspx






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