
苹果耳塞 (Apple Earbuds)

Apple Earbuds are another sound device made by Apple on 23rd October 2001. It is an in-ear sound device and it has been included in all the mobile and music devices of Apple. Apple Earbuds are quite comfortable and easy to handle with the ears. They help in decreasing the noise and producing the exact sound correctly. Different types of Apple Earbuds came in the market after the initial launch.

苹果耳机是由苹果公司23 2001年,是一个入耳声音设备制造十月另一个声音设备,它已被列入苹果的所有移动和音乐设备。 苹果耳塞非常舒适,易于用耳操作。 它们有助于降低噪音并正确产生准确的声音。 最初推出后,各种类型的Apple Earbuds进入了市场。

Apple Earbuds
  • Apple Earbuds – This is the very first version of the Earbuds, released with the first iPod. After its launch, there were few changes made in the earbuds in the three generations.

    Apple Earbuds –这是第一款iPod附带的耳塞的第一个版本。 推出后,三代人的耳塞几乎没有变化。

  • Apple EarPods – This is the second version of the Earbuds, released with the iPhone 5 in the year 2012 on 12th September.

    Apple EarPods –这是Earbuds的第二版,于9月12日随iPhone 5一起发布。

  • Apple AirPods – This is the latest version of the Earbuds launched on 13th December 2016. This is quite different than the previous versions of earbuds. The previous version of Earbuds came with the Apple device but the AirPods never come together with the same. In the AirPods, Bluetooth technology is used to make a wireless connection. It features includes:

    Apple AirPods –这是2016年12月13日发布的最新版耳塞。与以前的耳塞版本有很大不同。 早期版本的耳塞式耳机是与Apple设备一起提供的,但AirPods从来没有与之配套。 在AirPods中,蓝牙技术用于建立无线连接。 它的功能包括:

    1. To active Siri, a touch interface is included.
    2. It has a built-in microphone.
    3. It has accelerometers in each earbud.

Apple Earbuds are quite common among iPhone users and quite comfortable to use as well.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/apple-earbuds.aspx





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