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Ruby宝石 (Ruby Gems)

Every language has its package manager which helps it by providing libraries and a standard format to distribute Ruby program. It is a type of tool which is developed to easily facilitate the installation of Gems. The command-line tool is the interface used by Ruby gems which provide service in installing and managing libraries.

每种语言都有其包管理器,可通过提供库和标准格式来分发Ruby程序来帮助它。 它是一种开发用于轻松安装Gems的工具。 命令行工具是Ruby gem使用的界面,可在安装和管理库时提供服务。

宝石的结构 (Structure of Gems)

Every gem is identical by a version, platform and obviously, a name. The architecture of CPU, Type of Operating System and version are few of the factors which decide the working criteria of Gem.

每个宝石在版本,平台和名称上都是相同的。 CPU的体系结构,操作系统的类型和版本是决定Gem工作标准的因素很少。

Each gem comprises of:


  • Documentation


  • Code

  • Gemspec i.e. Gem specification


The organisation of code follows the structure which is mentioned below:


Ruby Gems | Ruby Tools

Now let us understand each term in a single line.


  • The bin directory contains the binary file.


  • The code for the gem is being stored by lib directory.


  • The testing is conducted by the test directory.


  • Generation of code and automation of test id done by Rake which used Rakefile.


  • README simply comprises documentation for most of the gems.


  • Information like the purpose of the gem, the time gem was created, author gem belongs to, is contained by Gem specification also known as gemspec.


使用宝石 (Using Gems)

Gem contains files to install along with package information. The practice of building gems directly is known as Rake. The gems are generally built from ".gemspec" files. Let us understand the following gem commands for various purposes listed below:

宝石包含要安装的文件以及软件包信息。 直接建造宝石的做法被称为 。 宝石通常是从“ .gemspec”文件构建的。 让我们了解以下出于各种目的列出的gem命令:

For installation, type the following in the terminal,


 gem install mygem

For uninstallation, use the following command,


 gem uninstall mygem

For listing installed gems, type the following,


 gem list

For listing available gem, write the following,


 gem list -r

In order to create RDoc documentation for all gems, type the following,


 gem rdoc -all

For adding a trusted certificate, type the following command,


 gem cert -a

If you want to download but you do not want to install the downloaded gem at that instant, for meeting that purpose type the following,


 gem fetch mygem

If you want to search the gems which are available for use, type the following command,


 gem search (STRING)  --remote

We have got a gem command which is available to provide help in building and maintaining ".gemspec" or ".gem" files. This process is known by the name of package building. If you want to build a .gem file from .gemspec file, use the following command on the gem terminal,

我们有一个gem命令,该命令可用来帮助构建和维护“ .gemspec”“ .gem”文件。 此过程称为打包构建的名称。 如果你想从.gemspec文件建立一个.gem文件,宝石终端上使用以下命令,

 gem build (gem_name).gemspec 






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