格兰杰1934年9月出生于英国威尔士的斯旺西,早期就读于诺丁汉大学,接受当时英国第一个经济学数学双学位教育,1955年留校任教,1957年在天文学杂志上他发表了第一篇论文:“关于太阳黑子活动的一个统计模型”。1959年,他在诺丁汉大学获得统计学博士学位。在20世纪60年代早期,格兰杰获得了支持英国学者去美国深造的哈克尼斯(Harkness)奖学金,去普林斯顿做访问学者,在著名学者约翰·塔基(John Tukey)和奥斯卡·摩根斯坦(Oscar Morgenstein)门下深造。1974年移居美国,成为圣迭亚哥加州大学经济学院教授。随后,他开创了该学院的计量经济学研究工作,并使之成为全世界最出色的计量经济学研究基地之一。最后成为该校的荣誉退休教授。格兰杰于1991年成为国际预测师协会会员,曾获得斯德哥尔摩经济学院和卡洛斯三世大学的荣誉博士学位。他现为西部经济学会主席、每年仅两位的美国经济学会杰出会员。他的研究兴趣主要在统计学和计量经济学(主要是时间序列分析)、预测、金融、人口统计学和方法论等方面。
2003年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者,克莱夫·格兰杰,2003年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,来自美国加州大学圣迭戈分校。克莱夫·格兰杰(Clive W.J. Granger)教授因“协整理论”在时间序列数据分析上做出的杰出贡献而获2003年诺贝尔经济学奖。
经济学家开拓了一种试图分析变量之间的格兰杰因果关系的办法,即格兰杰因果关系检验。该检验方法为2003年诺贝尔经济学奖得主克莱夫·格兰杰(Clive W. J. Granger)所开创,用于分析经济变量之间的格兰杰因果关系。他给格兰杰因果关系的定义为“依赖于使用过去某些时点上所有信息的最佳最小二乘预测的方差。
1 桥接方程
2 混频数据取样(MIDAS)方法,包括MIDAS权重函数,AR-MIDAS模型,CoMIDAS模型,及其拓展等等。
3 混频-向量自回归(MF-VAR)模型
4 混频因子模型, 包括混频小规模因子模型、混频大规模因子模型,混频状态空间
5 因子-MIDAS模型,包括平滑因子—MIDAS模型,无限制因子—MIDAS模型
6 粗糙边缘数据预测的实时预测
7 NowCasting等等
8 还有我想起来的混频-GARCH模型
假设1: X(L) 是VAR(p)
Tau和Delta p,s(h)推导:
%%%%%%%% Ten requiredcodes in order to run this main code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% 1. VAR_est1.m: Fit(p,h)-autoregression (i.e. VAR(p) model iterated h-times)
% with Newey and West's (1987)HAC estimator. Newey and West's (1994)
% automatic bandwidth selectionis available.
% 2. irf3.m: Computeimpulse response function at horizon 0, 1, ..., hmax
% along with bootstrapped confidenceintervals.
% Cholesky decomposition is used.
% 3. var_decomp.m:Forecast error variance decomposition at horizon 0, ..., hmax-1.
% Cholesky decomposition isused.
% 4. MFCTGK_all1.m:Implement bilateral mixed frequency Granger causality tests
% for all possible pairs.
% 5. CTGK_all1.m:Implement bilateral Granger causality tests for all
% possible pairs.
% 6. sim_VAR.m: SimulateVAR(p) processes.
% 7. sim_phauto.m:Simulate (p,h)-autoregression (i.e. VAR(p) iterated h-times)
% 8.causality_test_GK4.m: Implement Granger causality tests.
% Goncalves andKillian's (2004) bootstrap is available.
% 9.mf_causal_test_GK4.m: Implement mixed frequency Granger causality tests.
% Goncalves andKillian's (2004) bootstrap is available.
% 10. Wald_test.m:Implement Wald tests.
%% Scenario
% We analyze threevariables x, y, z.
% x is a monthly variablewhile y and z are quarterly variables.
% The ratio of samplingfrequencies, m, is equal to 3.
% construct a 5 x 1 mixedfrequency vector X = [x1, x2, x3, y, z]'.
% Assume DGP is MF-VAR(1)with coefficient:
A = [ 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0, 0;
0.1, -0.1, 0.2, 0, 0;
0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0;
0.0, -0.9, 0.9, 0.2, 0;
0, 0, 0, 0.9, 0.6];
% Evidently, (1) x causesy and (2) y causes z.
% See A(4, 1:3) for (1)and A(5,4) for (2).
% Let's generate datafrom this DGP and fit MF-VAR(1) to see what happens.
%% Step 1: Initialsetting
% general setting
T = 80; % sample size is 80 quarters, a realistic size.
m = 3; % ratio of sampling frequencies (month vs. quarter)
K_H = 1; % one high frequency variable x
K_L = 2; % two low frequency variables y, z
K = K_L + m*K_H; %dimension of MF-VAR
p = 1; % VAR lag length included.
% true lag order is 1.
lambda = 'NW'; % useNewey and West's (1994) automatic bandwidth selection
% Impulse responsefunctions
irfhmax = 6; % maximum horizon
figureflag = 1; % drawfigure
irfalpha = 0.05; % draw95% bootstrapped confidence interval
bsnum = 500; % # of bootstrap replications
labels = char('x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'y', 'z'); %labels
% forecast error variancedecomposition
vdhmax = 6; % maximum horizon
% Granger causality tests
gcbs = 1999; % # of bootstrap replications
dispflag = 1; % display p-values
gclabels = char('x', 'y', 'z'); %labels
%% Step 2: Mixedfrequency analysis
% generate normal error
E = 0.1 * randn(T, K);
% generate VAR(1) process
Data = sim_VAR(E, A);
% fit MF-VAR(1)
result1 = VAR_est1(Data, p, 1,lambda);
% impulse
[IRF, lb, ub] = irf3(result1,irfhmax, figureflag, irfalpha, bsnum, labels);
% variance decomposition
vd_mf = var_decomp(result1,vdhmax);
% causality test
disp('%%%%% Mixed Frequency, horizon = 1 %%%%%')
pval_mat1 =MFCTGK_all1(result1, m, K_H, gcbs, dispflag, gclabels);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REMARK%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% ... What can you tellfrom these results?
% Causality test says (1)x causes y, (2) y causes z, and there is no other causality.
% IRF verifies (1) and(2). IRF gives you one more important implication, though.
% It seems that x doeshave a significant impact on z! How is this ever possible?
% ... This is a typicalexample of "causal chain". x does cause z via y.
% To see this point, notethat:
% A^2 = [ 0.01, -0.01, 0.06, 0, 0;
% -0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0, 0;
% 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0;
% -0.09, -0.09, 0.09, 0.04, 0;
% 0, -0.81, 0.81, 0.72, 0.36]
% The lower-left block isno longer zeros.
% In bivariate casecausal chains are never possible, but in more general
% cases causal chains areof great importance.
% To capture causalityfrom x to z, we need to run two-step-ahead causality test.
result2 = VAR_est1(Data, p, 2,lambda);
disp('%%%%% Mixed frequency, horizon = 2 %%%%%')
pval_mat2 =MFCTGK_all1(result2, m, K_H, gcbs, dispflag, gclabels);
% ... Now you can see xdoes cause z at horizon 2.
%% Step 3: Low frequencyanalysis
% for comparison,aggregate x into quarterly frequency (flow sampling)
Data_ = [mean(Data(:,1:3), 2),Data(:,4), Data(:,5)];
% fit VAR(1)
result_ = VAR_est1(Data_, p, 1,lambda);
[IRF_, lb_, ub_] =irf3(result_, irfhmax, figureflag, irfalpha, bsnum, gclabels);
% variance decomposition
vd_lf = var_decomp(result_,vdhmax);
% causality test
disp('%%%%% Low Frequency, horizon = 1 %%%%%')
pval_mat_lf =CTGK_all1(result_, gcbs, dispflag, gclabels);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%REMARK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Based on low frequencymodel, you cannot observe x causing y.
% This is because thepositive impact of x3 on y and the negative impact of
% x2 on y offset eachother after flow aggregation.
% This highlights anadvantage of mixed frequency approach.
%%%%%Mixed Frequency, horizon = 1 %%%%%
H_0:y does not cause x
p-value = 0.83
H_0:z does not cause x
p-value = 0.9015
H_0:x does not cause y
p-value = 0.0005
H_0:z does not cause y
p-value = 0.1565
H_0:x does not cause z
p-value = 0.9005
H_0:y does not cause z
p-value = 0.0005
%%%%%Mixed frequency, horizon = 2 %%%%%
H_0:y does not cause x
p-value = 0.0425
H_0:z does not cause x
p-value = 0.819
H_0:x does not cause y
p-value = 0.302
H_0:z does not cause y
p-value = 0.8695
H_0:x does not cause z
p-value = 0.0005
H_0:y does not cause z
p-value = 0.0005
%%%%%Low Frequency, horizon = 1 %%%%%
H_0:y does not cause x
p-value = 0.275
H_0:z does not cause x
p-value = 0.924
H_0:x does not cause y
p-value = 0.789
H_0:z does not cause y
p-value = 0.029
H_0:x does not cause z
p-value = 0.5655
H_0:y does not cause z
p-value = 0.0005