

Python is a multi-utility high-level language (programming as well as a scripting language) first introduced in the year 1991 designed by ‘Guido Van Rossum’, and was named after ‘Monty Python’ which was a very famous British Comedy group of their time. Python emphasizes code readability as it supports simple English language and follows the offside rule which means each block’s function depends on the indentation of that functional block. It supports various programming paradigms like object-oriented programming, procedural programming, functional programming, etc. Python consists of a very comprehensively large library and has a very large range of interpreters which makes it functional in almost every operating system. Among the various implementations of this language, the most commonly used version is ‘CPython’ which is an open source software and has a community-based development model and is monitored by ‘Python Software Foundation’. It is used in GIS programming not only this but this language supports chips at ‘Intel’ but also powers a powerful social media ‘Instagram’ and even development of games using ‘PyGame’ library.

Python是一种多用途的高级语言(编程和脚本语言),由Guido Van Rossum于1991年首次提出,并以“ Monty Python”命名,Monty Python是一个非常著名的英国喜剧团体,他们的时间。 Python强调代码的可读性,因为它支持简单的英语语言,并遵循越位规则,这意味着每个块的功能取决于该功能块的缩进。 它支持各种编程范例,例如面向对象的编程,过程式编程,函数式编程等。Python包含一个非常全面的大型库,并且具有大量的解释器,这使得它几乎可以在每个操作系统中运行。 在该语言的各种实现中,最常用的版本是“ CPython”,它是一种开源软件,具有基于社区的开发模型,并由“ Python软件基金会”进行监视。 它不仅用于GIS编程,而且还支持“英特尔”的芯片,还支持强大的社交媒体“ Instagram”,甚至使用“ PyGame”库开发游戏。

1)教程点 (1) Tutorials Point)

Top 5 Websites for Learning Python | tutorialspoint

This site is one of the best sites for novice coders to start learning python as they consist of some of the most comprehensive courses for learning python from scratch up to intermediates level but it also covers some of the advanced parts like a database, CGI, GUI design, game design, GUI design etc. The stand out feature is the provision of test the code window in the site itself so that one can run the code in the browser itself.



链接: https //

2) (2)

Top 5 Websites for Learning Python | Codementor

This site is for intermediaries and expert programmers who already have some handful knowledge of the language. Though there could be small bits of details and materials for beginners to learn scattered along the website. The post on this site whenever posted always covers a new topic of specific focus and importance like the addition of git authors, implementation along with node.js, and many more.

该站点面向已经掌握一些语言的中间人和专家程序员。 虽然可能会有一些细节和材料供初学者学习,但这些信息和材料散布在网站上。 无论何时发布,此站点上的帖子始终涵盖特定焦点和重要性的新主题,例如git作者的添加,实现以及node.js等等。


链接: https //

3)代码学院 (3) Code Academy)

Top 5 Websites for Learning Python | Code Academy

Started in the year 2012 by Alex Vazquez, Tim Sabat, Chris Coyier is an online coding community for various front-end and web developers which provides a social development environment. Where a user can test and showcase their web projects and share their code snippets for others to use. This platform is very useful as one can learn many new things by solving problems others are facing.

克里斯·科耶尔(Chris Coyier)由亚历克斯·瓦兹克斯(Alex Vazquez),蒂姆·萨巴特(Tim Sabat)于2012年创立,是一个面向各种前端和Web开发人员的在线编码社区,它提供了社交开发环境。 用户可以在其中测试和展示其Web项目并共享其代码段以供其他人使用。 这个平台非常有用,因为它可以通过解决他人面临的问题来学习许多新事物。


链接: https //

4) (4)

Top 5 Websites for Learning Python | python

The official site designed by the Python Software Foundation for various python aspirants to learn and implement the language. The site offers downloads of all required applications for learning with introduction towards a very interactive and helpful community among various documentation and learn application development using python using its various and large set of libraries.

由Python Software Foundation设计的官方站点,供各种python有志者学习和实现该语言。 该站点提供了所有必需应用程序的下载,以供学习,并在各种文档之间建立了一个非常互动和有用的社区介绍,并使用各种不同的大型库使用python学习应用程序开发。


链接: https //

5)Python挑战 (5) The Python Challenge)

Top 5 Websites for Learning Python | The Python Challenge

If you are one who wants to test their python programming skills than this site is right up your alley as this site as suggested by its name provides us with various python riddles, questions, and challenges. The great feature of this site is that it provides such challenges in the form of creative games which are fun to solve. For solving these problems various modules can also be found on the site. Though the design of the site is a bit ugly but good for testing your programming skills as it provides 33 levels to master.

如果您想测试自己的python编程技能,那么此网站就近在咫尺,因为它的名称暗示该网站为我们提供了各种python谜语,问题和挑战。 该网站的主要功能是以有趣的创意游戏形式提供此类挑战。 为了解决这些问题,可以在现场找到各种模块。 尽管该站点的设计有点丑陋,但是它可以提供33个级别的掌握,因此非常适合测试您的编程技能。


链接: http //







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