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ansys 内聚力

凝聚 (Cohesion)

In general terms, the word cohesion means 'the action or act of forming a united whole'. According to the definition of Cambridge University, cohesion is defined as "the state of sticking together, or being in close agreement and working well together".

一般来说, 凝聚力一词的意思是“形成一个统一整体的作用或行为” 。 根据剑桥大学的定义,凝聚力被定义为“团结在一起,或处于密切一致状态并共同努力的状态”。

Now, if we talk about software, the developers and researchers nowadays are trying to develop software in a component-based approach. In this, the entire software is divided into different modules. These modules are developed independently and are capable of performing some specific functionality. Now, for the software to be efficient, these modules must have high cohesion. What this means is that the same types of functionalities and behavior must be performed by a single module. Now, as the same type of functionalities is performed in a united way together in a single module, the quality of the software will automatically increase, and also the component-based structure of the software would make it easier for the developers to understand it better and handle it efficiently in case of error and bugs.

现在,如果我们谈论软件,那么当今的开发人员和研究人员正在尝试以基于组件的方法来开发软件。 在此,整个软件分为不同的模块。 这些模块是独立开发的,并且能够执行某些特定功能。 现在,为了使软件高效运行,这些模块必须具有很高的凝聚力。 这意味着必须由单个模块执行相同类型的功能和行为。 现在,由于在单个模块中以统一的方式一起执行相同类型的功能,因此软件的质量将自动提高,并且基于组件的软件结构将使开发人员更容易理解它。并有效地处理错误和错误。

Now, the cohesion of a module is further classified into different classes. This classification is done based on the level of cohesion that a particular module possesses. The different classes of cohesion are as follows:

现在,模块的内聚力进一步分为不同的类别。 该分类是基于特定模块所具有的凝聚力级别进行的。 内聚力的不同类别如下:

cohesion in software engineering

The sequence of the given classification is from high to low in a top-to-down manner. Now, let us define each of them to understand what they mean:

给定分类的顺序以从上到下的方式从高到低。 现在,让我们定义每个对象,以了解它们的含义:

Functional Cohesion: If a single module aims to perform all the similar types of functionalities through its different elements, then the module is said to exhibit functional cohesion.

功能凝聚力 :如果单个模块旨在通过其不同元素执行所有相似类型的功能,则该模块表现出功能凝聚力。

Sequential Cohesion: In the sequential cohesion, the different elements of a module form a series, in which the output of one element treats as an input to the other elements inside the same module. Hence, a sequence inside the module is formed.

顺序衔接 :在顺序衔接中,模块的不同元素形成一系列,其中一个元素的输出视为同一模块内其他元素的输入。 因此,在模块内部形成序列。

Communicational Cohesion: If all the elements of a module are working on the same data and are accessing that data through the same data structures, then this is called communicational cohesion.

通信内聚性 :如果模块的所有元素都在处理相同的数据,并且正在通过相同的数据结构访问该数据,则这称为通信内聚性。

Procedural Cohesion: If all the elements of a module are a part of the same procedure, i.e. algorithm, then that particular module is said to possess procedural cohesion.

程序内聚 :如果模块的所有元素都是同一过程(即算法)的一部分,则该特定模块被认为具有程序内聚。

Temporal Cohesion: In the temporal cohesion, the different elements of a module are united through the time stamp. All these elements of the module will work in the same timestamp, and here, the time is handled strictly. The login and shutdown processes are very good examples of temporal cohesion.

时间凝聚力 :在时间凝聚力中,模块的不同元素通过时间戳结合在一起。 模块的所有这些元素将在相同的时间戳中工作,并且在此严格地处理时间。 登录和关闭过程是时间凝聚力的很好的例子。

Logical Cohesion: A module is said to exhibit logical cohesion if all its elements perform the same type of logical operations. For example, if a module is performing the sorting operation, then all the processes that need to perform sorting in them will be handled by this module only.

逻辑内聚性 :如果模块的所有元素都执行相同类型的逻辑操作,则表示该模块具有逻辑内聚性。 例如,如果某个模块正在执行排序操作,则其中需要执行排序的所有进程将仅由该模块处理。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/basics/cohesion-software-engineering.aspx

ansys 内聚力




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