




#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
const int MaxSize=10000;
using namespace std;
typedef struct node
{char data;struct node * lchild;struct node * rchild;
typedef struct qnode
{BTNode *data;struct qnode *next;
typedef struct
{int Size;DataNode *front;DataNode *rear;
void InitQueue(SqQueue * &q)
{q=(SqQueue *)malloc(sizeof(SqQueue));q->front=q->rear=NULL;q->Size=0;
bool QueueEmpty(SqQueue *q)
{return (q->rear==NULL);
void enQueue(SqQueue * &q,BTNode *e)
{DataNode *p;p=(DataNode *)malloc(sizeof(DataNode));p->data=e;p->next=NULL;if(q->rear==NULL)q->front=q->rear=p;else{q->rear->next=p;q->rear=p;}q->Size++;
bool deQueue(SqQueue * &q,BTNode * &e)
{DataNode * t;if(q->rear==NULL)return false;t=q->front;if(q->front==q->rear)q->front=q->rear=NULL;elseq->front=q->front->next;e=t->data;free(t);q->Size--;return true;
int QueueSize(SqQueue * q)
{return q->Size;
void CreatBTree(BTNode * &b,char * str)         //建立二叉树
{BTNode *St[MaxSize],*p;int top=-1,k,j=0;char ch;b=NULL;ch=str[j];while(ch!='\0'){switch(ch){case '(':top++;St[top]=p;k=1;break;case ')':top--;break;case ',':k=2;break;default:p=(BTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BTNode));p->data=ch;p->lchild=p->rchild=NULL;if(b==NULL)b=p;else{switch(k){case 1:St[top]->lchild=p;break;case 2:St[top]->rchild=p;break;}}}j++;ch=str[j];}
int yznum;
char yz[MaxSize];
void YZjiedian(BTNode *b)    //找叶子节点的个数
{if(b!=NULL){if(b->lchild==NULL&&b->rchild==NULL) {yznum++;yz[yznum]=b->data;}YZjiedian(b->lchild);YZjiedian(b->rchild);}
int jdnum;
char jd[MaxSize];
void JieDian(BTNode *b)      //找节点的个数
void PreOrder(BTNode *b)       //先序遍历
{if(b!=NULL){printf("%c ",b->data);PreOrder(b->lchild);PreOrder(b->rchild);}
void InOrder(BTNode *b)      //中序遍历
{if(b!=NULL){InOrder(b->lchild);printf("%c ",b->data);InOrder(b->rchild);}
void PostOrder(BTNode *b)       //后序遍历
{if(b!=NULL){PostOrder(b->lchild);PostOrder(b->rchild);printf("%c ",b->data);}
int result;
void LevelOrder(BTNode *b)         //求二叉树的最大宽度
{BTNode *nape;nape=b;int cnt;BTNode *p;SqQueue *qu;InitQueue(qu);enQueue(qu,b);while(!QueueEmpty(qu)){cnt=QueueSize(qu);result=max(result,cnt);while(cnt--){deQueue(qu,p);if(p->lchild!=NULL)enQueue(qu,p->lchild);if(p->rchild!=NULL)enQueue(qu,p->rchild);}}
int FindJieDian(BTNode *b,char c)    //寻找节点层次
{BTNode *nape;nape=b;int cnt;int level=0;BTNode *p;SqQueue *qu;InitQueue(qu);enQueue(qu,b);while(!QueueEmpty(qu)){cnt=QueueSize(qu);level++;while(cnt--){deQueue(qu,p);if(p->data==c)return level;if(p->lchild!=NULL)enQueue(qu,p->lchild);if(p->rchild!=NULL)enQueue(qu,p->rchild);}}return -1;
int main()
{char str[MaxSize]={"A(B(D,E(H(J,K(L,M(,N))),)),C(F,G(,I)))"};printf("此棵二叉树为:%s\n",str);BTNode *b;CreatBTree(b,str);JieDian(b);printf("此二叉树的结点个数为:%d\n",jdnum);printf("此二叉树的节点为:");for(int i=1;i<=jdnum;i++)printf(" %c",jd[i]);printf("\n");printf("先序遍历输出节点为:");PreOrder(b);printf("\n");printf("中序遍历输出节点为:");InOrder(b);printf("\n");printf("后序遍历输出节点为:");PostOrder(b);printf("\n");YZjiedian(b);printf("此二叉树的叶子结点个数为:%d\n",yznum);printf("此二叉树的叶子节点为:");for(int i=1;i<=yznum;i++)printf(" %c",yz[i]);printf("\n");LevelOrder(b);printf("此二叉树的最大宽度为:%d\n",result);char ch;while(printf("请输入你要查询的节点:")!=EOF){scanf(" %c",&ch);int nape=FindJieDian(b,ch);if(nape==-1)printf("二叉树中无此节点\n");elseprintf("节点%c在二叉树中的层数为:%d\n",ch,nape);}return 0;






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