-- Copyright 2015-2019 The OpenZipkin Authors
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
-- in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
-- is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
-- or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
-- the License.
--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_spans (`trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit',`trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,`id` BIGINT NOT NULL,`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`remote_service_name` VARCHAR(255),`parent_id` BIGINT,`debug` BIT(1),`start_ts` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.timestamp(): epoch micros used for endTs query and to implement TTL',`duration` BIGINT COMMENT 'Span.duration(): micros used for minDuration and maxDuration query',PRIMARY KEY (`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTracesByIds';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getSpanNames';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`remote_service_name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getRemoteServiceNames';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_spans ADD INDEX(`start_ts`) COMMENT 'for getTraces ordering and range';CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_annotations (`trace_id_high` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'If non zero, this means the trace uses 128 bit traceIds instead of 64 bit',`trace_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with zipkin_spans.trace_id',`span_id` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'coincides with zipkin_spans.id',`a_key` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.key or Annotation.value if type == -1',`a_value` BLOB COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.value(), which must be smaller than 64KB',`a_type` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'BinaryAnnotation.type() or -1 if Annotation',`a_timestamp` BIGINT COMMENT 'Used to implement TTL; Annotation.timestamp or zipkin_spans.timestamp',`endpoint_ipv4` INT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null',`endpoint_ipv6` BINARY(16) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null, or no IPv6 address',`endpoint_port` SMALLINT COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null',`endpoint_service_name` VARCHAR(255) COMMENT 'Null when Binary/Annotation.endpoint is null'
) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD UNIQUE KEY(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`, `a_timestamp`) COMMENT 'Ignore insert on duplicate';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`, `span_id`) COMMENT 'for joining with zipkin_spans';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id_high`, `trace_id`) COMMENT 'for getTraces/ByIds';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`endpoint_service_name`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and getServiceNames';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_type`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and autocomplete values';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`a_key`) COMMENT 'for getTraces and autocomplete values';
ALTER TABLE zipkin_annotations ADD INDEX(`trace_id`, `span_id`, `a_key`) COMMENT 'for dependencies job';CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS zipkin_dependencies (`day` DATE NOT NULL,`parent` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`child` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,`call_count` BIGINT,`error_count` BIGINT,PRIMARY KEY (`day`, `parent`, `child`)
java -jar zipkin-server-2.23.4-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=mysql --MYSQL_HOST=localhost --MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 --MYSQL_USER=root --MYSQL_PASS=123456 --MYSQL_DB=zipkin
java -jar zipkin-server-2.23.4-exec.jar --STORAGE_TYPE=mysql --MYSQL_HOST=localhost --MYSQL_TCP_PORT=3306 --MYSQL_USER=root --MYSQL_PASS=123456 --MYSQL_DB=zipkin