学习Excel技术,关注微信公众号:excelperfect这是在研读《Escape From Excel Hell》时学到的技术,从本工作簿中或者其他工作簿中获取所需要的数据,以便于作进一步的分析或者绘制Excel图表。下图1所示是用于获取数据的工作表。图1在…
What is supervisor Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. 引用自supervisor官网,中文意思就是是一个C/S架构的系统,用来监控管理类UNIX系统上进…
There is a way to start another script in python by doing this:
import os
os.system("python [name of script].py")
So how can i stop another already running script? I would like to stop the script by using the name.
It is more usual to i…