


Chapter1 AHB Block Diagram

Ginput signal

lnput signals

Output Signal

Chapter3 Transfers


 Chapter6 Data Buses



Chapter1 Introduction

AHB: Advanced High-performance Bus ( 高级高性能总线 )
应用场景:针对高效率,高频宽所设计的总线,可以连接微处理器,片内或片外的内存模块,以及 DMA 等高效模块,可以构成完整独立的 SOC 系统

AHB Block Diagram

 Figure 1-1 shows only the main address and data buses and typical data routing. Not all signals are shown.

Decoder 监控 Master 的地址选择到对应的 Slave
Multiplexor 将对应的 slave 的输出路由回 Master


 Figure 1-3 Subordinate interface

Global Singal

lnput signals



Output Signal



Chapter3 Transfers

  1. Address phase One address and control cycle.
  2. Data phase One or more cycles for the data.
  3. HWRITE is HIGH, it indicates a write transfer and the Manager broadcasts data on the write data bus, HWDATA.
  4. HWRITE is LOW, a read transfer is performed, and the Subordinate must generate the data on the read data bus, HRDATA.

Figure Transfer with no wait state

在采集到 hclk 的上升沿后, master 开始驱动地址和控制信号
Slave 在第二个上升沿后采集到地址和控制信息
Slave 会驱动 HREADYOUT response Master 会在第三个上升沿采集到这个 response ,传输结束

 Figure 3-1 Read transfer

Figure 3-2 Write transfer

Figure AHB transfer with wait






Figure 3-3 Read transfer with two wait states

Figure 3-4 Write transfer with one wait state

Figure 3-5 Multiple transfers

 Table 3-1 Transfer type encoding

Figure 3-6 shows the use of the NONSEQ, BUSY , and SEQ transfer types.


 Figure 3-6 Transfer type examples

Figure 3-7 Locked transfer

Table 3-2 Transfer size encoding

Table 3-4 Burst signal encoding

Figure 3-8 shows a write transfer using a four-beat wrapping burst, with a wait state added for the first transfer.

Figure 3-8 Four-beat wrapping burst





 Figure 5-1 ERROR response

 Chapter6 Data Buses


The Manager drives the write data bus during write transfers. If the transfer is extended, then the Manager must hold the data valid until the transfer completes, as indicated by HREADY HIGH. See Clock on page 7-72 for details on holding signals valid across multiple cycles.
For transfers that are narrower than the width of the bus, for example a 16-bit transfer on a 32-bit bus, the Manager only has to drive the appropriate byte lanes. The Subordinate selects the write data from the correct byte lanes. See Endianness on page 6-65 for details of the byte lanes that are active for a little-endian and big-endian system.


The appropriate Subordinate drives the read data bus during read transfers. If the Subordinate extends the read transfer by holding HREADY LOW, then the Subordinate only has to provide valid data in the final cycle of the transfer, as indicated by HREADY HIGH.
For transfers that are narrower than the width of the bus, the Subordinate is only required to provide valid data on the active byte lanes. The Manager selects the data from the correct byte lanes.
A Subordinate only has to provide valid data when a transfer completes with an OKAY response. ERROR responses do not require valid read data.




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