[译]5 Mac OS X RSS Readers Worth Giving a Shot

5 Mac OS X RSS Readers Worth Giving a Shot



Mac OS X 下5款值得关注的RSS 阅读工具


There was once a time when my favorite RSS reader cost a fair but not insignificant price and the open source alternative wasn’t up-to-snuff. I won’t name any names, though you can probably deduce their identities by ruffling through some articles I wrote before I switched to a decent web-based solution (not all of us are able to resist the tides of trends and time, y’know).



价格不厚道但又无法用开源软件来替代的RSS 阅读器已经成为我的最爱很久了。我不会把它们的名字说出来,但是你们完全可以通过我在换用基于web的解决方案之前写的文章联想到它们是谁(不是我们所有人都能拒绝潮流和时间 )。


There are probably a whole lot of RSS readers for the Mac; I haven’t tried them all and I won’t claim too. In fact, I’ve only tried a few of the most popular. I’m not the kind of person to spend countless days and weeks trying out new applications. I like to find something that works well, lets me get my job done the quickest, and get on with life. In my opinion if you want to be a productive person, that’s a habit you should also develop — too many so-called “personal productivity enthusiasts” spend half their time looking for new software. Unless reviewing the stuff is your job, there’s no sense in spending more than a small amount of your time doing this. That is what articles like this are for.


可能有很多的RSS 阅读器支持Mac;我不想也不主张把它们挨个试一试。事实上,我只尝试过其中少数比较流行的。我不是那种用几天甚至几周来体验新软件的人。我乐于找到一些实用的,使用快捷的,这是一种你也值得试试的好习惯-很多所谓的“效率狂人”浪费他们一半的时间来找新软件。除非归类检查是你的工作,否则用把富贵时间浪费在这事儿上没啥意义。这就是这篇文章的宗旨。



NewsFire has been around for quite some time. It’s a free download from the NewsFire website. NewsFire sports a very simple two-pane view, with feeds on the left and feed items on the right. That said, it’s attractive and easy to read from. It doesn’t make use of tiny fonts by default like one or two readers I’ve used in the past. Search is fast and will run your query through every feed you’re subscribed to pretty much instantly.




If you’re a chronic sorter, then you might find NewsFire falls a little short. You can create smart folders, but you can’t use labels or tags to organize certain items or feeds. Its organization features are good enough for most users. Where it falls down for me the most is the lack of synchronization.





Shrook is an interesting application. It’s free, but the look and feel of the application is — to my eyes — very dated. I found the website to be much the same. Evidently Shrook’s founders are function over form types (like all programmers, right?). Looks aside, it has some really interesting features. Instead of setting up smart folders based on keywords, Shrook will use Bayesian statistical filtering to pick out items of interest, and you teach it by picking out examples. It’s a learning RSS reader. It also uses a Distributed Checking mechanism to keep you as up-to-date as possible with new feed items; when one copy of Shrook checks a feed and find new items, it broadcasts the presence of a new unread item to other copies of the application around the world.



Shrook 是一个很有趣的程序。它是免费的,但是它给人看起来的感觉——在我看来——太过时了。我发现它的网站也是一样。显然Shrook的创始人认为功能比外表重要(就像所有的程序员一样,对吧?)另外,他也真有一些有趣的功能。代替了用键盘来设置智能文件夹,Shrook使用贝叶斯统计学方法来过滤并挑选出你感兴趣的东西,而且你可以通过拿出一些例子来教它。它是不断学习的RSS阅读器。它还使用分布式的检查机制,来让你的源可以随时得到更新 ; 当一份 Shrook检查一个源并找到了更新的时候,它会把这个未读项广播给世界上期货使用它的人。



Shrook features synchronization by way of Shrook.com, a web-based version of the reader that will sync with copies of the app on various computers.








Maybe you don’t need to go checking my ancient articles after all. Before I moved to Google Reader, I was a NetNewsWire user. I was happy to pay for the software because it’s great. I can still get through all my feeds in NetNewsWire faster than any other reader, including Google Reader. NetNewsWire is now completely free, so there’s no obstacle to trying it out — just go here. NetNewsWire features a variety of views, a bunch of keyboard controls that don’t require contortionist acts and let you fly right through your feeds, detects microformats allowing you to quickly add data to iCal or Address Book, and has a tabbed browser right inside. All very cool.



也许你不过去查我过去的文章了。在投奔Google Reader 之前,我是一个NetNewsWire用户。我乐于付钱,因为它很帅。超过包括Google Reader在内的所有其他阅读器,我可以用NetNewsWire飞速的浏览我所有的源。NetNewsWire 现在已经完全免费了,所以尝试它已经没有任何障碍啦——点这里尝试。NetNewsWire 具有多种视图,不用费劲研究,你就能用一堆快捷键来飞快的来回切换于众多的源中,你可以用缩略图快速的添加信息到日历或者通讯录上,还支持标签浏览。这一切都太帅啦。




Additionally, NetNewsWire’s owners Newsgator own a web-based reader, a Windows reader and there’s a version of NNW for the iPhone. The web-based reader acts as a synchronization server. If you want synchronization between just about every device you’ve got, try this app.







Vienna is the only open source reader on this list, and as far as I know the only open source RSS reader for the Mac that’s currently worth looking at.





These days, Vienna looks a fair bit nicer than when I used it for a good six months a few years back. I haven’t been able to stress-test it though, but in times past it really suffered under a heavy load and got quite slow. Vienna’s got a nice quick filtering bar on launch that enables speedy research and trend monitoring, blogging app integration, and a bunch of helpful but pretty standard features. It has certainly come a long way over time.





Google Reader


Google Reader is a good web-based feed reader, though not without its quirks (sometimes I’ve seen duplicate items I’ve already read in the All items view, and sometimes things just get stuck and items won’t get marked as read). You can separate your feeds into folders, though creating and maintaining them is tedious. When Google Reader isn’t being a pain, it’s great being able to fly through your feeds with just your scroll wheel — items are marked as read as you scroll past them — but more often than not this doesn’t work out. Sounds like an awfully negative review for the reader I’m actively using right now, eh? I suppose it’s all about convenience.



Google Reader 是一款优秀的基于web的源阅读器,但还有一些问题(有时我会看到我已经读过的重复的项还在全部视图中,还有时会卡住或不能设置已读)。你可以分开把你的源放到文件夹中,尽管如此建立并保持它们也是很无聊的。当Google Reader不是一种痛苦,你只用滚轮就能穿梭在你的源中——你浏览过它们时,项目会自动被标为已读——重要的是你不用做任何的动作。听起来这对我正用着的阅读器是个消极的评价,哦?我认为它这都是为了方便。




But it is good. It does work well and the bugs aren’t serious enough to be worried about. It’s the only reader I’ve used that has a social aspect — you can share items, and if you’ve conversed with someone via Gmail you’ll see their shared items too. It features a Trends screen that lets you peruse your readership statistics, but no smart foldering or statistical sorting as yet. The Trends screen lets me know that my most frequently checked feeds are those pertaining to the forums or blog at the sites I manage and edit, which I’m sure will be happy news for my employers if they’re reading this.






I’ve been a bit unfair by throwing Google Reader into the mix; it’s not fair on the desktop applications to be compared to a web service and it’s not fair on a web service to be compared to desktop apps. I use Google Reader myself these days, so it gets my vote, but it was a long and hard struggle to give up the comfort of a good desktop app. For that reason I’d have to call a tie between Google Reader and NetNewsWire, which is the best of the list in my opinion — especially now that it’s free.



我觉得把Google放到这篇文章有点不公平;与一种网络服务做比较,对桌面应用程序不公平;同时与桌面应用程序做比较,对网络服务来说也不公司。我自己用了Google Reader一些天,所以我投了它一票,但是它在舒适度方面长久以来都与桌面程序存在很严重的争议。基于这个原因,我只能将Google Reader与NetNewsWire并列,他们都是我认为最好的——特别是他们现在都免费。



玉米寄语:没想到翻译文章这么难,哇,不行了翻译完自己重读一遍的信心都没了,这篇短文我用了2.5小时才翻译完,还大量的使用了google translate ……排完版已经过去了3个小时。上帝啊,看来我差的太远了,不过不影响 ,我会坚持的!





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