1.一个 Windows 10 PC 并安装有相应的软件tools installed..
2. 开发者模式的HoloLensconfigured for development. .
2.将其保存在桌面或者其他易于找到的位置, 保持文件名为 Origami.
章节 1.“Holo”world
- 打开 Unity.
- 选择 Open.
- 选择本地项目 Origami 文件夹
- 选择 Origami 点击 .
- 由于 Origami项目中不含有场景, 需要将默认的场景保存成项目场景: 打开File / Save Scene As.
- 将新场景命名为 Origami 然后点击保存按钮.
- 在Hierarchy 面板中, 选择Main Camera.
- 在Inspector 设置 transform position 为 0,0,0.
- 找到Clear Flags 属性, 打开下拉列表将 Skybox 改为Solid color.
- 点击 Background 的颜色选择器.
- 设置 R, G, B, A 都为 0.
- 在Hierarchy 面板中, 点击Create -》 Create Empty.
- 右击 新GameObject 为它重新命名为 OrigamiCollection.
- 在 Project 面板中选择Holograms 文件夹,并双击打开:
- 拖拽Stage 到 Hierarchy面板中 ,使其成为 OrigamiCollection的子对象.
- 同理拖拽Sphere1
- 同理拖拽 Sphere2
- 删除Hierarchy 面板中的Directional Light
- 从 Holograms 文件夹中, 拖拽 Lights 到Hierarchy面板中.
- 在Hierarchy中, 选中 OrigamiCollection.
- 在Inspector面板中, 设置其transform position 为0, -0.5, 2.0.
- 点击Play 按钮 来预览你的全息对象.
- 你会在你的预览窗口看到你的Origami 对象.
- 再次点击 Play 按钮停止预览模式.
将项目从 Unity 导出到Visual Studio
- 在Unity中选择File > Build Settings.
- 在Platform 列表下选择 Windows Store 然后点击Switch Platform.
- 设置 SDK 为 Universal 10 ,设置 Build Type 为D3D.
- 勾选 Unity C# Projects.
- 点击 Add Open Scenes 来添加场景.
- 点击 Build.
- 创建一个新的文件夹命名为 "App".
- 单击 App 文件夹.
- 选中此文件夹.
- Unity发布完成后, 一个新的 File Explorer 窗口将出现.
- 打开 App 文件夹.
- 双击打开Origami.sln.
- 在 Visual Studio上部工具栏中, 将 Debug 设置为 Release ,将 ARM 变为 X86.
- 点击 Device button旁边的箭头, 然后选择 Remote Device.
- 设置 Address 为你的hololens的 IP 地址 . 如果你不知道你的设备的IP 地址, 开启hololens,选择 Settings > Network & Internet > Advanced Options 查看或者询问 Cortana "Hey Cortana, What's my IP address?"
- 将 Authentication Mode 设置为 Universal.
- 点击 Select
- 点击 Debug > Start Without debugging 或者点击 Ctrl + F5. 如果这是你第一次发布应用到hololens, 你需要配对,具体需要输入设备的PIN码,在设置-》update-》for developers-》paired devices中查看。 pair it with Visual Studio.
- 然后Origami项目开始发布部署到你的设备上并运行 .
- 请戴上你的hololens来欣赏你发布的全息应用吧.
章节 2.Gaze 凝视
- 使用一个光标来可视化你的凝视点.
- 回到 Unity 项目, 如果 Build Settings 窗口还开着请把它关掉 .
- 在 Project 面板中选择Holograms文件夹.
- 拖拽 Cursor 对象 到 Hierarchy 面板 的根节点下.
- 双击Cursor 对象近距离查看、.
- 在 Project 面板下右击Scripts 文件夹.
- 点击Create sub-menu.
- 选择C# Script.
- 给脚本命名 WorldCursor
- 选择 Hierarchy 面板中的Cursor 对象.
- 拖拽 WorldCursor 脚本到 Inspector 面板中.
- 双击WorldCursor 脚本用 Visual Studio打开.
- 复制粘贴以下代码到WorldCursor.cs 然后保存.
using UnityEngine;public class WorldCursor : MonoBehaviour {private MeshRenderer meshRenderer;// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){// Grab the mesh renderer that's on the same object as this script.meshRenderer = this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<MeshRenderer>();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){// Do a raycast into the world based on the user's// head position and orientation.var headPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward;RaycastHit hitInfo;if (Physics.Raycast(headPosition, gazeDirection, out hitInfo)){// If the raycast hit a hologram...// Display the cursor mesh.meshRenderer.enabled = true;// Move the cursor to the point where the raycast hit.this.transform.position = hitInfo.point;// Rotate the cursor to hug the surface of the hologram.this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hitInfo.normal);}else{// If the raycast did not hit a hologram, hide the cursor mesh.meshRenderer.enabled = false;}} }
- 从新发布APP,通过File > Build Settings.从文件>构建设置重建应用程序。
- 返回到以前用于部署到HoloLens的Visual Studio解决方案
- 出现提示时,选择“重新加载所有”。
- 单击调试 - >开始无调试或按Ctrl + F5。
- 现在看看场景,注意光标如何与对象的形状进行交互。
章节 3.手势
- 通过手势控制场景中的全息对象.
- 在Scripts 文件夹, 创建一个新的脚本并命名为 GazeGestureManager.
- 拖拽GazeGestureManager 脚本到Hierarchy面板中的 OrigamiCollection 对象上 .
- 用VS打开GazeGestureManager 脚本,将以下代码粘贴其中:
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.VR.WSA.Input;public class GazeGestureManager : MonoBehaviour {public static GazeGestureManager Instance { get; private set; }// Represents the hologram that is currently being gazed at.public GameObject FocusedObject { get; private set; }GestureRecognizer recognizer;// Use this for initializationvoid Awake(){Instance = this;// Set up a GestureRecognizer to detect Select gestures.recognizer = new GestureRecognizer();recognizer.TappedEvent += (source, tapCount, ray) =>{// Send an OnSelect message to the focused object and its ancestors.if (FocusedObject != null){FocusedObject.SendMessageUpwards("OnSelect");}};recognizer.StartCapturingGestures();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){// Figure out which hologram is focused this frame.GameObject oldFocusObject = FocusedObject;// Do a raycast into the world based on the user's// head position and orientation.var headPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward;RaycastHit hitInfo;if (Physics.Raycast(headPosition, gazeDirection, out hitInfo)){// If the raycast hit a hologram, use that as the focused object.FocusedObject = hitInfo.collider.gameObject;}else{// If the raycast did not hit a hologram, clear the focused object.FocusedObject = null;}// If the focused object changed this frame,// start detecting fresh gestures again.if (FocusedObject != oldFocusObject){recognizer.CancelGestures();recognizer.StartCapturingGestures();}} }
- 在Scripts 文件夹下创建一个新的脚本命名为 SphereCommands.
- 展开Hierarchy面板中的OrigamiCollection 对象.
- 拖拽SphereCommands 脚本到 Sphere1 对象上.
- 拖拽SphereCommands 脚本到 Sphere2 对象上.
- 用VS打开这个脚本并编辑,将以下代码复制粘贴到其中:
using UnityEngine;public class SphereCommands : MonoBehaviour {// Called by GazeGestureManager when the user performs a Select gesturevoid OnSelect(){// If the sphere has no Rigidbody component, add one to enable physics.if (!this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>()){var rigidbody = this.gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous;}} }
- 再一次导出,发布部署 app 到你的 HoloLens.
- 看着一个球.
- 使用手势点击观看其下落效果.
章节 4.语音
这一章将添加两个语音指令,“Reset world”来返回初始场景状态,“Drop sphere”使得球体下落。
- 添加语音指令.
- 创建一个对语音指令做出反应的全息对象.
- 在Scripts 文件夹下, 创建一个新的脚本并命名为 SpeechManager.
- 拖拽SpeechManager 脚本到 OrigamiCollection 对象上
- 用VS打开SpeechManager 脚本.
- 复制粘贴以下代码到 SpeechManager.cs 中然后保存:
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Windows.Speech;public class SpeechManager : MonoBehaviour {KeywordRecognizer keywordRecognizer = null;Dictionary<string, System.Action> keywords = new Dictionary<string, System.Action>();// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){keywords.Add("Reset world", () =>{// Call the OnReset method on every descendant object.this.BroadcastMessage("OnReset");});keywords.Add("Drop Sphere", () =>{var focusObject = GazeGestureManager.Instance.FocusedObject;if (focusObject != null){// Call the OnDrop method on just the focused object.focusObject.SendMessage("OnDrop");}});// Tell the KeywordRecognizer about our keywords.keywordRecognizer = new KeywordRecognizer(keywords.Keys.ToArray());// Register a callback for the KeywordRecognizer and start recognizing!keywordRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized;keywordRecognizer.Start();}private void KeywordRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized(PhraseRecognizedEventArgs args){System.Action keywordAction;if (keywords.TryGetValue(args.text, out keywordAction)){keywordAction.Invoke();}} }
- 用VS打开SphereCommands 脚本.
- 更新为如下代码:
using UnityEngine;public class SphereCommands : MonoBehaviour {Vector3 originalPosition;// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){// Grab the original local position of the sphere when the app starts.originalPosition = this.transform.localPosition;}// Called by GazeGestureManager when the user performs a Select gesturevoid OnSelect(){// If the sphere has no Rigidbody component, add one to enable physics.if (!this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>()){var rigidbody = this.gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous;}}// Called by SpeechManager when the user says the "Reset world" commandvoid OnReset(){// If the sphere has a Rigidbody component, remove it to disable physics.var rigidbody = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();if (rigidbody != null){DestroyImmediate(rigidbody);}// Put the sphere back into its original local position.this.transform.localPosition = originalPosition;}// Called by SpeechManager when the user says the "Drop sphere" commandvoid OnDrop(){// Just do the same logic as a Select gesture. OnSelect();} }
- 从新导出发布部署APP到 HoloLens.
- 看着其中一个球,说"Drop Sphere".
- 说"Reset World" 使他们回到初始的位置.
章节 5.空间声音
这一章,我们会为APP添加音乐,在特定操作上触发声音效果,我们将使用spatial sound特性给声音一个3D空间位置。
- 在你的世界中听见全息对象.
- 在Unity 选择 Edit > Project Settings > Audio
- 在右侧的 Inspector 面板中, 找到 Spatializer Plugin 设置然后选择 MS HRTF Spatializer.
- 在 Project 面板下从Holograms文件夹, 拖拽 Ambience 对象到 到 Hierarchy 面板下的OrigamiCollection 对象上.
- 选择OrigamiCollection 对象,在右侧的Inspector面板 中找到Audio Source 组件. 改变以下属性值:
- 选择 Spatialize property.
- 选择Play On Awake.
- 将Spatial Blend 改成 3D
- 选择Loop property.
- 展开 3D Sound Settings, 在Doppler Level 输入0.1.
- 设置Volume Rolloff 为 Custom Rolloff.
- 在Scripts 文件夹下, 创建一个新的脚本并命名为 SphereSounds.
- 拖拽SphereSounds 脚本到 Sphere1 和 Sphere2 对象上.
- 用VS打开SphereSounds 脚本, 更新为以下代码并保存.
using UnityEngine;public class SphereSounds : MonoBehaviour {AudioSource audioSource = null;AudioClip impactClip = null;AudioClip rollingClip = null;bool rolling = false;void Start(){// Add an AudioSource component and set up some defaultsaudioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();audioSource.playOnAwake = false;audioSource.spatialize = true;audioSource.spatialBlend = 1.0f;audioSource.dopplerLevel = 0.0f;audioSource.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Custom;// Load the Sphere sounds from the Resources folderimpactClip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>("Impact");rollingClip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>("Rolling");}// Occurs when this object starts colliding with another objectvoid OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){// Play an impact sound if the sphere impacts strongly enough.if (collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude >= 0.1f){audioSource.clip = impactClip;audioSource.Play();}}// Occurs each frame that this object continues to collide with another objectvoid OnCollisionStay(Collision collision){Rigidbody rigid = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();// Play a rolling sound if the sphere is rolling fast enough.if (!rolling && rigid.velocity.magnitude >= 0.01f){rolling = true;audioSource.clip = rollingClip;audioSource.Play();}// Stop the rolling sound if rolling slows down.else if (rolling && rigid.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f){rolling = false;audioSource.Stop();}}// Occurs when this object stops colliding with another objectvoid OnCollisionExit(Collision collision){// Stop the rolling sound if the object falls off and stops colliding.if (rolling){rolling = false;audioSource.Stop();}} }
- 保存脚本,返回到Unity中.
- 导出发布并部署 app 到你的 HoloLens.
- 移动远近来感受声音的变化.
章节 6.空间映射
- 把你的现实世界变成一个虚拟世界.
- 把你的全息图放在你想把它放置的位置.
- 在Unity 中, 点击Project 面板下的 Holograms 文件夹.
- 将 Spatial Mapping asset 拖拽到 Hierarchy面板的根节点.
- 点击Hierarchy 面板下的Spatial Mapping 对象 .
- 在右侧的 Inspector 面板, 改变如下设置:
- 选择 Draw Visual Meshes box.
- 定位到Draw Material 然后点击它右侧的圆. 在顶部的搜索字段中键入“wireframe”。单击结果,然后关闭窗口。执行此操作时,Draw Material的值应设置为线框.
- 导出,发布并将应用程序部署到您的HoloLens。
- 当应用程序运行时,线框网格将覆盖你的现实世界。
- 观看滚动球体将如何从平台掉落到地板上!
- 在Scripts 文件夹下, 创建一个新的脚本并命名为 TapToPlaceParent.
- 在Hierarchy 面板下,展开 OrigamiCollection 然后选择 Stage 对象.
- 拖拽TapToPlaceParent 脚本到 Stage 对象上.
- 用VS打开TapToPlaceParent 脚本, 更新为如下代码:
using UnityEngine;public class TapToPlaceParent : MonoBehaviour {bool placing = false;// Called by GazeGestureManager when the user performs a Select gesturevoid OnSelect(){// On each Select gesture, toggle whether the user is in placing mode.placing = !placing;// If the user is in placing mode, display the spatial mapping mesh.if (placing){SpatialMapping.Instance.DrawVisualMeshes = true;}// If the user is not in placing mode, hide the spatial mapping mesh.else{SpatialMapping.Instance.DrawVisualMeshes = false;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){// If the user is in placing mode,// update the placement to match the user's gaze.if (placing){// Do a raycast into the world that will only hit the Spatial Mapping mesh.var headPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;var gazeDirection = Camera.main.transform.forward;RaycastHit hitInfo;if (Physics.Raycast(headPosition, gazeDirection, out hitInfo,30.0f, SpatialMapping.PhysicsRaycastMask)){// Move this object's parent object to// where the raycast hit the Spatial Mapping mesh.this.transform.parent.position = hitInfo.point;// Rotate this object's parent object to face the user.Quaternion toQuat = Camera.main.transform.localRotation;toQuat.x = 0;toQuat.z = 0;this.transform.parent.rotation = toQuat;}}} }
- 导出,构建和部署应用程序.
- 现在,您现在应该能够通过注视它,使用选择手势,然后移动到一个新的位置,并再次使用选择手势,将对象放在特定的位置。
章节 7.全息的乐趣
- 显示全息对象背后的世界入口的效果.
- 在 Project 面板下打开Holograms 文件夹:
- 拖拽Underworld 到 Hierarchy 面板下成为 OrigamiCollection 的孩子.
- 在 Scripts 文件夹下, 创建一个新的脚本并命名为 HitTarget.
- 在Hierarchy 面板下, 展开 OrigamiCollection.
- 展开Stage 对象然后选择 Target 对象 (blue fan).
- 拖拽HitTarget 脚本到 Target 对象上.
- 用VS打开HitTarget 脚本, 更新为以下代码:
using UnityEngine;public class HitTarget : MonoBehaviour {// These public fields become settable properties in the Unity editor.public GameObject underworld;public GameObject objectToHide;// Occurs when this object starts colliding with another objectvoid OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision){// Hide the stage and show the underworld.objectToHide.SetActive(false);underworld.SetActive(true);// Disable Spatial Mapping to let the spheres enter the underworld.SpatialMapping.Instance.MappingEnabled = false;} }
- 在Unity, 选择 Target 对象.
- 在 Hit Target 组件中可见两个公共属性, 需要引用场景中的对象:
- 拖拽Hierarchy 面板下的 Underworld 对象到 Hit Target 组件下的 Underworld 属性中.
- 拖拽Hierarchy 面板下的 Stage对象到 Hit Target 组件下的 Object to Hide 属性中。
- 导出发布部署 app.
- 将折纸集合放在地板上,然后使用选择手势使球体下降。
- 当球碰到目标(blue fan)时,将发生爆炸。收集将被隐藏,一个洞会出现。